Anna, My Elder Sister

    Chapter #1

    My Sister Anna was the sexiest thing I ever saw in my life. Experiencing childhood in a little family unit in Singapore was hard with simply my Mum and my Sister. My Mum and father had separated abandoning me to experiencing childhood in a family unit of women and there starts my Taboo Incest Story.

    My Sister was 18 at the time and I simply was 14. I had dependably been a little child and everyone thought I was younger. My Sister Anna notwithstanding, was each fellow’s fantasy. She had long dark mid length hair enormous bruised eyes which you could simply gaze at throughout the day, and what a body! I figure her more likely than not to have been no less than a 34C-28-34. I can’t recall the quantity of times I had jacked off over her every night. It must have been running into the hundreds and hundreds. She was a BABE, she my sexual fantasy.

    I would now and again look through her room keyhole and see her getting prepared to go to the exercise center. I could never see any further down past her bosoms, which would dependably disturb the hellfire out of me, as the keyhole was an amusing shape. Albeit some of the time I would get a look of her ideal stomach, which was tanned a brilliant chestnut and had truly no fat by any stretch of the imagination. How I fantasied about what her pussy looked, and tasted like. I wager she had an excellent pussy just as the rest of her body was perfect too.  Anna likewise had the absolute best bosoms I had ever seen. They were both the extent of a couple of melons, every one superbly round and consummately framed with areolas that looked like little projectiles. They would dependably bob all over when she came running down the stairs, particularly when she was not wearing her games bra. How I fantasied about liberating those titties and sucking every one eagerly in my mouth. Much to my dismay that every one of my dreams were going to work out as expected!

    It was November the 12th and it was Anna’s eighteen birthday. She was going out that night with the girls she hung out with at school, around ten of them. I heard them looking at setting off to some new night club nearby, and how they were going to try and pick up guys. Trust me, my Sister didn’t require any assistance in getting men, men simply dribbled over her any place she went. I contemplated internally, it will be some fortunate timing for some lucky devil today, little did I understand that the fortunate one would be me!

    My Mum had likewise made arrangements to go out that night at 9.00 PM. My Sisters companions would be advancing round at 9.30 PM to pick my Sister up, so it would simply be me all alone today. I chose to jack off to some porn features when my Mum and Sister had left, so I wouldn’t have to worry about being caught. What was Anna doing? I thought. She had probably been in her bedroom for about 60 minutes. At last, after ten minutes I heard her room open and strides as she descended the stairs. I put on a show to be staring at the TV as she strolled into the room. The sight that welcomed me was sufficient to almost shoot my load there and then! My Sister was dressed like a whore!  She was wearing the sexiest outfit I had ever seen! She was wearing the skimpiest dark, figure-embracing skirt that I had ever seen, scarcely covering her ideal round bum. It began riding up her cheeks as she twists around. As she twists around, I got a look of the littlest and skimpiest white g-string I had ever seen, riding up her beautiful butt cheeks embracing her pussy as though it had been splashed on. Seeing my Sister issued me a moment faux pas, which I immediately secured by snatching a pad and pushing it over my dick. Fortunately my Sister didn’t see anything.

    “So what you doing this evening?” Anna asked energetically. “Simply lounging and watching the TV not a lot.” I answered. Much to her dismay that my night would be spent jacking off over her in her meager skirt and provocative white thong! “It’s a disgrace you’re not eighteen. Else you could have turned out with me and the young ladies.” Now there’s an idea. My brain began having pictures of her companions, some of who were total hot darlings, much the same as Anna. God, I would love to fuck all of them!

    “That is OK, Sis!” I answered. Perhaps in a couple of years’ time. “Alright, I’ll take you up on that.” she answered, grinning her delightful white grin back at me. As she strolled over to the window to check whether her companions had arrived, I couldn’t take my eyes off her flawless hour glass figure, her skirt appeared as though it would remove her butt on the off chance that she sat down! It cleared out nothing to the creative ability. As I attempted to tear my eyes far from her bum, I checked out her long brilliant tanned legs which simply appeared to go on for eternity. The way that she had high heels on made them look considerably more! God, how I would cherish for her to wrap her legs around my neck, it would be immaculate paradise. I would have offered anything to see her wonderful pussy, not to mention fuck her! I really felt the urge to go and jack off over Sis, and couldn’t hold up any more. “I’m going to clean up, Sis.” I said, as I got up off the lounge chair attempting not to drop the pad which would have generally uncovered my over erect cock!.

    I made it into the washroom and turned the shower on. I pulled off my shirt and shorts and my dick sprang out guiding towards the roof. I hopped into the shower and began to wank myself senseless over seeing my Sister in her provocative outfit thinking about an Incest with my sister. After around 10 seconds I began to moan and shot a thick rich burden onto the side of the shower drapery. God that felt great. Generally as I ventured out of the shower I heard my Sister yell, “I’m going now!” “Alright!” I yelled back. “Have a top time!” which I’m certain she knew she was going to have, as she was dressed like a prostitute!

    I tossed my wraparound on and went down the stairs into the parlor once more. It was all-calm. Only me all alone. I hauled out my pornography feature, which I had covered up underneath the couch and stuck it in the dvd player. I then jumped onto the laptop and searched Exalted for some live cams jacked off a couple of additional times and chose to retire until tomorrow. I hid my porno feature and after that trundled upstairs to my room. I smashed out on my quaint little bed for a couple of hours.

    I got up later to the sound of an auto pulling up outside. I took a look at the clock on my bedside table, it said 2.15 am. I pulled off my duvet and strolled over to my window, I looked outside and saw my Sister being held up by two of her companions, one under every arm. She looked really pissed, almost out of her head, and her companions were helping her as Anna was finding it hard to stand, not to mention walk.

    To Be Continued……. ……… img!



    Post #1
    Chapter #2

    A Video Record Of A Married Woman being dragged From The Neighborhood To My Room After She Got Smashed Drunk And Gave Her A Night Visit img!

    Post #4
    Chapter #3

    I crawled out of bed to the top of the stairs and listened discreetly as I heard the front entryway being opened. I heard one of my Sister’s companions say, “Put her on the lounge chair. I would prefer not to wake her Mum and brother up.” With that I heard some shuffling and then the entryway close discreetly and chuckling as her companions got into their autos and drove off. I about-faced to my room and set down once more, it probably been around 10 or 15 minutes later and I hadn’t heard Sis come up to her room yet. I crawled back out of my bed and went to my Sister’s room. She was not there and must be still downstairs. I discreetly crawled to my Mum’s room and opened the door a bit. Mum wasn’t there either. I crawled down the stairs discreetly and advanced toward the family room. The blinds were still open and it was a full moon. I glanced around until my gaze fell on the sofa. What welcomed me was the sexiest sight I had ever seen. My prick inside of seconds, sprang to life and popped out of my bed-shorts.

    Sprawled out on the sofa was my attractive Sister. She was sleeping with one hand over her face, the other lying on the floor. Her legs were separated marginally with one lying half on the floor close to her hand, and the other over the arm rest. I checked out my throbbing dick. I had never seen it so enormous and red, it was by all accounts climbing and popping out of the top of my pajamas more and more. I got grabbed it with my left hand and delicately moved my hand forward and backward taking in the lovely sight before me. My dick had pre-cum glistening on its head which I immediately rubbed all over it.

    I crawled over unobtrusively with my dick still in my grasp over to Sis. I stooped around her face and pushed aside her dark hair. “Sis.” I said discreetly. There was no reaction. I drew nearer to her face and was overcome by the solid odor of pure spirits. She was genuinely pissed and passed out. I shook her delicately by the arm, which then tumbled to her side. “Sis!” I said a bit louder this time. Still no reaction. I took off my pajama shorts a stood in front of her completely naked, my thick dick inches from my Sister’s face. I touched her tenderly on the face with it and still there was no reaction. Just to be erring on the side of caution I slapped her face tenderly with my cock and I heard her mutter in a slurred voice but not wake up.

    This was a blessing from heaven I thought to myself! I looked towards the roof and said out loud, “Thank you GOD!” My provocative Sister was sprawled out before me totally pissed out of her head and I could do whatever I wanted to her. My Dick was beginning to hurt with joy now, as I considered THE Sex I could have with my sister Anna.  I tenderly pulled the lounge forward and then went round the back, it was one of those sofas which could be pulled out to make an extra bed. I unfastened the braces at the back and let if fall down. Moving round the front, I pulled the lounge out somewhat more until the back hit the ground with a crash. I glanced back at Sis to verify she wasn’t stirred by the noise but no she was still out it – plastered. I snatched one of her legs and moved Sis around so she was resting with her legs towards me and her arms sprawled out behind her head. I still couldn’t accept my good fortune, there she was in her attractive skin tight skirt I had seen her wearing before at night, and still wearing her high heels.

    I climbed towards Anna and touched her on the face once more, still there was no movement whatsoever. I then began to unfasten her shirt. My fingers trembling as I unfastened every catch gradually, and carefully in case I was to wake her up. There before me, in her bra, were the loveliest tits I had ever seen. I moved my hand underneath her back and fixed the strap holding her bra together. I heard it pop open effectively. Pulling the bra down, I tenderly moved every arm out from the strap and hurled the bra on the floor. My Sister’s tits were totally lovely and today they were all mine. I squeezed every bosom gently in each hand and gave them a feel, they felt decent and firm and were flawlessly round simply like a couple of huge melons. Her workouts down at the exercise center were unquestionably paying off, I thought. I twisted down and set my mouth over her cleared out bosom, running my tongue around her areola whilst sucking it eagerly. I kneaded the right tit with my other hand. I watched her face all the time just to verify she didn’t wake up. I carried on sucking every bosom voraciously thus for many minutes and the only reaction from her was a growing smile.

    I then climbed closer and set a leg over every side of her waist, in a crouching position. My dick appeared as though it was the colour purple and was so erect it hurts. With my dick in my hand I began rubbing my Sister’s tits with my swollen purple head, each one in turn to begin with and afterward slid my dick between every tit, as though I was fucking her tits. I carried on for whatever length of time that I could before I shot the thickest load of cum I had ever seen all over my Sisters tits, I moaned out loud in immaculate happiness. I moved down again and covetously rubbed the greater part of my spunk into both of my Sister’s tits. It was extremely sticky and velvety however following a couple of minutes it was all rubbed in with no evidence of the dirty deed I had just done.

    I slithered off Sis and stood on the floor once more, the best was yet to come, I thought avariciously. My companions would give their left nut to be in my position now. I set a hand on each of her brilliant chestnut thighs and moved my hands upward towards Sis’ pussy, hitching up her skirt all the while. I realised this was incest but I still separated her legs tenderly and solidified as I heard Sis murmur once more. “It’s OK, Sis.” I said discreetly. “Your little brother is simply going to fuck you like the whore you are.” With that I moved my hands towards her scanty waist band holding up her white thong underwear, and slipped a finger under every side. Tenderly I pulled down the skimpiest thong I had ever seen, scarcely enough to cover her pussy. I pulled off her thong and put it to my nose, I sniffed it avariciously. It had a fishy, tart and sweat-soaked sort of aroma all in one. It possessed an aroma good enough to eat. I understood why my companions constantly clowned about a lady’s pussy resembling a fish. Yet, I couldn’t have cared less. The scent was heavenly to me. My Sister more likely than not been dancing throughout the night to get this hot and sweat-soaked. I licked at within her underwear tasting the sticky substance. It tasted great, a sweet and tart taste, I licked at it avariciously until her underwear was squeaky clean.

    I checked out Sis and was astonished, she had a shaved pussy! I would never have thought it. She shaved her pussy! Obviously I totally adored a shaved pussy! Be that as it may hers was the most delightful shaved pussy I had ever seen. I had a feeling that I had all my aces had come in on one hand!

    To Be Continued…….. …….. …… img!


    Post #5
    Chapter #4

    A Video Sex Record Of This Little Brother Who Put His Big Sister To Sleep With Some Date Rape Drugs And Had Creampie Incest For Several Days

    Category: creampie,aphrodisiac, big tits, rape, incest


    媚薬近親相姦 03 姉さんと娘を極秘ルートで入手したバイアグラを飲ませてイヤらしい身体を身動き出来なくして犯してしまった …

    監督: ディラン富増

    メーカー: ケイ・エム・プロデュース

    レーベル: UMANAMI

    ジャンル: 中出し巨乳近親相姦ドラッグ妹

    出演者: 北条麻妃篠田あゆみ宮沢すず神納花

    {cast}: Houjou Maki, Shinoda Ayumi, Miyazawa Suzu, Kanou Hana

    Tag: incest, Creampie, Big tits, cum inside, incest





    KATFILE.COM img!



    Post #9
    Chapter #5

    I got Sis’ left leg and put it to my left side shoulder, I got her right leg and spread it out some more. Her pussy appeared to open up like a blossom, with delightful pink lips and a darker shade of pink inside. Without waiting I moved my mouth towards my Sister’s hot succulent pussy, flickering with her clitoris, and stuck my tongue inside. It tasted tart and salty, and somewhat fishy. To me it tasted completely scrumptious! I ceased from time to time when Sis began to squirm about and murmur. When she quit squirming I insatiably carried on lapping her sticky pussy relishing the tart sweet taste until my mouth and tongue were wet and sticky. Sis tasted scrumptious!

    While eating my Sister’s pussy, my dick had sprang back to life again and was by and by waiting for some relief as well. I stood up and said, “I’m going to fuck you now Sis, fast and hard you hot skank!” I rapidly ran upstairs into my room and hauled out a pack of condoms I had covered up in my closet. I snatched a pack of six and ran down once more. Great. Sis had not moved. She was still similarly situated, legs spread open, tits hanging out. I stooped down between her brilliant thighs and grabbed a condom out of the pack and after that pulled it over my now insanely erect prick. The condom was tight over my dick. I had never seen it so enormous! Of course, what number of men get the opportunity to fuck their attractive slut of a Sister! Following a couple of minutes of fiddling around, I at last figured out how to slide it over the whole length of my throbbing penis.

    I drew nearer towards Sis’ dangerously wet and dripping pussy and guided the head in tenderly. Shockingly, my Sister’s pussy was amazingly tight. Tenderly I edged my throbbing dick inside, an inch at a time and after that pulling back, and pushing back in once more. My Sisters pussy felt delightfully smooth and warm, and exceptionally smooth with her pussy juices flooding from her cunt.  In the end I had the majority of my 8-inch prick covered inside my Sister’s sticky, succulent pussy. I was in immaculate paradise as I gradually pumped forward and backward progressively building up the pace. I watched her face tensely just to make sure she did not wake up. Shockingly, Sis stayed in her alcohol induced sleep. “Much thanks to you young ladies for getting my Sister sooo pissed!” I said out so anyone might hear. I pumped forward and backward increasingly hard, it felt so great being inside my Sisters pussy, it felt like a tight warm dangerous glove wrapped around my dick. I was in paradise! I never needed to haul my dick out. I couldn’t have cared less if she she did wake up anymore! I checked out Sis covetously and had a fiendish thought, one which verging on made me shoot my load there instantaneously.

    I quit fucking Sis, and reluctantly hauled my dick out of her gradually. My cock which looked tremendous as the condom I was wearing was flooded with her flavorful sticky pussy juices. I ran upstairs and went into Sis’ room. I turned on the light and checked out her room. I opened every last bit of her drawers in her dressing table and her closet. I thought let Sis be on the pill. Bouncing over the bed, I finally opened the draw from her bedside table and peered inside. As yet nothing. Where might she put it, I thought? As I was going to go into the washroom something got my attention adhered to the back of the bedside table. There it was! A bundle of conception prevention pills cello taped to where nobody could see. I was in paradise. My brain began to race, as I understood that I could fuck my Sister RAW without a condom on and not need to stress over getting her pregnant! My psyche went wild at that. My prick in a flash began jerking like frantic and began to throb agonizingly as it stood to attention once more.

    To Be Continued…… …….. ……. img!




    Post #10
    Chapter #6


    メーカー: プレステージ

    ジャンル: 女子大生泥酔水着乱交

    出演者: 森苺莉萩原理央

    {cast}: Mori Mairi, Hagiwara Rio

    Tag: college girl, swimsuit







    カテゴリ SM モザイク有り

    Tag: UNCENSORED, Amateur, 69







    Post #11
    Chapter #7


    Download links:




    Lingerie Man

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    Trap (2017)

    Released: 13 Jul 2017

    Runtime: 80 Mins

    Genre: Drama Thriller Romance Adult

    Countries: South Korea

    Languages: Korean

    Rated: R

    Alternate Titles: 덫

    Her seductive fatal … His dangerous love caught in a trap!

    She is always sensual of short tennis suits, Zinc. The good looking minseok tries to meet the zinc in the tennis court parking lot and unintentionally helps. Since then, frequent contact with zinc has begun and marriage minseok has tried to reject her excesses, but it is not easy. One day, Minseok receives a piece of bribery charges, and the crisis comes to the examiner. Zinc also stays in front of his eyes at a dangerous situation with his wife. Eventually, I start a relationship I can not take with her that I meet again by chance.

    Download links:



    Mother’s Job (2017)

    AKA : 엄마의 직업

    Director : Do Bong-san (도봉산)

    Cast : Naoho Ichihashi, Yumi Ishikawa, Keito Aoki

    Country: Korea

    Language: Korean


    A young man falls in love with his friend’s mother.

    Download links:



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    Post #12
    Chapter #8

    I ran back to the ground floor two steps at once, verging on stumbling in the course of the last step. Sis was still there. She had moved around however so she was currently on her side. I thought I’m going to have to move her again without waking her! Gradually I stooped down before Sis. Warily I pulled her right shoulder round and she floundered down on her back once more. With my other hand I separated her legs again to clear a path for my engorged and throbbing dick.

    This is it, I thought! I at last get the opportunity to fuck my Sister without a condom! My dick began to throb like frantic. I could feel the spunk in my balls building up and needing to be discharged once again. Bowing between her thighs, I attempted to force the condom off. It was tight and tricky. I used both hands to force it off, it was on so tight. As I pulled it off it made a boisterous “SNAP” commotion! I tossed it to the floor and insatiably guided my unprotected dick towards my Sister’s hot delicious pussy.

    I pushed in the head of my cock tenderly, GOD! It felt so great. My Sister’s cunt was so dangerous and warm. I couldn’t hold up any more and thrust the majority of my 8 inches inside her. I couldn’t have cared less if she woke up! I fucked Sis like a crazy person. I held both her arms down compellingly as I fucked her hard. God knows how she didn’t wake up! I fucked and fucked like a boy possessed. I could notice a somewhat fishy smell all around the room from her pussy juices joined with my dick juices which made me even more insane and I fucked her significantly harder. This was it, I was beginning to come! I could hear my thighs slapping against her pussy, piak….piak….piak…..piak….ppiak…pppiak… I snatched each of her ass cheeks and with one tremendous dive I stuck the all of my 8 inches inside her pussy as far as it would go. In the meantime I pulled her ass cheeks towards me putting the whole of my cock into her pussy up to my balls. With one boisterous moan I emptied myself inside my Sister’s hot sticky pussy.

    As I was cumming I bit down hard on her shoulder continuing to cum inside her. I was in immaculate euphoria and was beyond belief that I didn’t wake her! My sperm shot out so hard the end of my dick it felt like a projectile out of a weapon. Every time I pushed my dick inside to unit every single drop of my jizm went inside her and began trickling out the sides of her now juicy and creamy pussy! God it felt great!! I wanted to keep my cock in her forever! I truly couldn’t have cared less that she wasn’t on the pill! Actually I would have loved to get her pregnant.

    I lay on top of Sis breathing vigorously for what probably would have been around ten minutes, my throbbing rooster still inside her. I took a quick look at her wonderful face and said thanks to god that her companions had gotten her so completely pissed. I gradually pulled my semi-erect dick out from her hot sticky pussy. I looked down and saw my prick sparkling with my Sister’s delightful pussy juices and my white cum. It was an excellent sight to see. When I hauled my dick out of Sis, what appeared like gallons of my spunk poured out openly from my Sister’s cunt. Jeez it was an excellent sight!

    I simply lay there checking out my Sister and couldn’t accept that I had at last got the opportunity to taste her tasty pussy and fuck her around the same time! I immediately got the white thong that I had tossed on the floor and wiped Sis’ pussy with it, attempting to clean up as a great part of the soaking mess as I could. With trouble I then figured out how to put her bra back on, which appeared to be a size too little, however in the end I recovered those wonderful tits in and fastened her shirt back. I sniffed her undies by and by and ate up the fishy tart odour that was originating from them. I chose to keep them for myself as they were absolutely covered in her pussy juices and tasted heavenly – it was to be my trophy.

    I pulled Sis’ skirt down which scarcely secured her succulent pussy and ass and snatched a blanket from the pantry which I tossed over her. Great I thought, she didn’t wake up once, and I had at last got the chance to showcase the greater part of my dreams in one night! What increasingly could a fellow request? I knew my Sister would never give me a chance to see her bare, not to mention eat her out and fuck her in one night! I realized that this was certainly an one off and would probably never happen again, yet at the same time I had her grimy underwear to help me to remember the experience.

    I got the condom off the floor, put it deliberately in my robe alongside her underwear, so I could sniff and jack over it in the morning. I glanced back at Sis for one final time and after that discreetly advanced toward my room before Mum returned. I fell into bed depleted and didn’t get up till the morning. I didn’t hear Mum come in that night, however she came into my room in the morning with my mug of hot chocolate and inquired as to whether I had a decent time the previous evening. I simply answered yes, imagine if she knew I got the opportunity to fuck the sexiest virgin in the entire world, my Sister. It would be the end of me if Mum ever discovered what I did and she would have kicked me out of the house with no doubt. But it was all worth it I had finally fucked my Sister Anna.

    Anna woke up later on toward the evening. “Did you have a decent night Sis?” I inquired. She answered. “I’ve got a fucking migraine and I’m sore down there.” she said indicating her pussy. “Indeed, it is more than likely that you had a decent night then.” I answered. With that Sis got up and went upstairs to have a bath. She didn’t say anything in regards to the way that she had no undies on. Perhaps she thought she offered them to some fortunate fellow in the dance club. Much to her dismay that I had them under my pad, still crisp with her delectable pussy juices. I never did get my Sister pregnant that night, a month passed by and she clearly had her period, but I still imagine the shit that would have hit the fan. My Mum not the sort of individual to take things like this easily.

    I still jack off over my Sister each chance I get. She is still the horniest bitch I know. I sniff her undies consistently and jack off over them. I can hardly wait till her twentieth birthday. I simply wish that her companions will take her out and get her tanked again, so I can fuck her brains out and eat her delectable shaved pussy once more. Who will ever find out? 😉😋🙄😇 img!




    Post #15
    Chapter #9

    Deep Sleep Rape

    Release Date: Feb. 24, 2017

    Category: rape,amateur

    Download Link


    どっちが美味しい!?さくらの男根味くらべ 蒼井さくら

    出演: 蒼井さくら

    カテゴリー: AV女優 美乳 ハメ撮り 中出し フェラチオ 手コキ 69 クンニ 生ハメ・生姦 美尻 美脚 淫語

    Tag: UNCENSORED, Creampie, cum inside, nice ass, cunnilingus, blowjob, 69, handjob, bareback




    UPLOADROCKET.NET .html .html .html .html



    商品番号: JAV-98559

    主演女優: Megu,Asami,Yuma,Asari Konno,Tomomi

    スタジオ: JAV 1 モデル

    カテゴリ一覧:完全無修正,美女・美人,ギャル系,背面騎乗位,生中出し,生姦・ゴム無し,バキュームフェ ラ,巨大電マ責め,微乳・ちっちゃいオッパイ,細身・スレンダー,最新入荷済み商品,サンプル 動画上映中

    Tag: UNCENSORED, Creampie, Vibrator, cowgirl, bareback, slender, cum inside, blowjob, gal, Small tits






    はるか20歳♪超S級JD2♪【2時間28分】《素人ハメ撮り》《個人撮影》《159》《ちゅ ぱ王》

    評価 5

    レビュー 116件

    販売日 2017/08/25

    販売者 《ちゅぱ王》素人ハメ撮り

    再生時間 148:29











    Post #16
    Chapter #10

    Herewith another exciting short story as follows:

    Sexual Awareness

    I was just 13 when I gave my first head job. It was to be on my future brother in law although at the time he was still only my step-sister’s boyfriend. I was the child of my father’s second wife. He was just in his mid-thirties and the eldest child in his family. He was a corporate agent and the family was well off. So actually his mom influenced him to re-marry. I was the eldest of 2 daughters and about the time my mother gave birth to my brother and my dad passed away. We were staying with my grandma, my dad’s mom. She was the sovereign matron of the family unit and she didn’t really care for my mother, brother or I. She often accused my mother and I of being the cause of her son’s death.

    My mom originated from Indonesia where my father had met and then moved her to Singapore and without work or any family in the Country was absolutely reliant on her mother by marriage to look after us. My grandma’s most loved was my stepsister. Despite the fact that she didn’t generally abuse us I couldn’t help harbouring a feeling of desire over step-sis who really did not seem to like us or want us around either. We stayed in a solitary story cabin in Katong, Katong Convent was where I went to grade school. My school uniformwaswaswas kind of cute. In the fifties and sixties KC was popular for famous school young ladies, you know the Eurasians and babas… Indeed, even in essential 5 and 6, I recollected having school mates that used to discuss sex most of the information gleamed from glossy porn magazines that were somewhat ‘illegal’ to possess.

    I had effectively begun investigating my body at the young age of 10 when my pussy was still bare and my breasts level. It felt incredible when I rubbed my vagina and connected weight on my clit. One day after a session in the restroom I felt my body shivered and I had my first orgasm. I did not realize this at first but having discovered this masturbated daily. I loved looking at older girls including my step-sister and could not wait until I too had breasts and a woman’s curved body! After school she would frequently strip off her uniform and strolled around the house in her bra and undies. We were all female aside from my little brother and as an infant it was impossible for him to know anything.

    I recollected begrudging her in light of the fact that she had bosoms and she had pubic hair between her legs. She had begun shaving her armpits. I used to check my pubic zone for the first development and would regularly when she was not around try on her bra that she had left in the wicker bin in the washroom. I recollected sniffing at them excessively to take in her fragrance.

    Before long she started dating and bragging to me about the young men who were after her. She used to come home with them home under the premise to do homework. However, I knew they sneaked into her room when grandma and mother were resting. Obviously she influenced me not to tell by giving me her fragrances and lipstick to try! Our rooms were side by side with a shared washroom between them and I used to peep at them through the keyhole. Well I would see them kissing and petting one another and hands would be everywhere on her and his body. Doubtlessly it got me horny and I would go back to my bedroom and masturbate.

    She started dating my future brother in law who was much older than her, he a was Senior Car Salesman and was driving a 7 series BMW even despite the fact that it was a second hand one yet at the same time a major deal to grandma and me. In all honesty I thought he was preferably charming and was more than simply glad that he was pleasant to me. He went to the house regularly staying for supper and TV whilst my step-sister did her study. Obviously he vanished to her room sometimes when grandmother and mother had gone to bed. Grandmother was more than pleased that her darling granddaughter was going out with such a decent catch.

    I would frequently stay up late with a book close by yet eyes more on the TV than on my book. I would frequently take looks at him, my step-sisters sweetheart and he talk to me. I was getting beguiled by him and would regularly draw him into a discussion. I excessively saw that he would look toward me. For a 13 year old I am pleased to say my bosoms were growing pleasantly and were now recognizable buds under my T-shirt. I had not yet started to wear a bra.

    I had also seen by brother in laws eyes wandering over my legs. My miniskirt had gotten much smaller as I became taller and it was not as though grandmother would spoil me with new garments at regular intervals. I admit that I had purposefully given Steve more than liberal chances to peep up my skirt. To come clean I had regularly fantasized Steve doing to me what he was doing to my step sister.

    We were staying in a ‘ang moh choo’ which is a single story with one room being the living cum lounge area and kitchen areas. On either side are 2 connecting rooms connected by the restroom with entryways opening out. So when you enter the restroom you must lock from inside or when you require security in your room you must lock from your side. The old style locks are those with huge keyholes sufficiently enormous to peep through allowing a decent perspective of my step sister’s bed.

    One night I saw them kissing and soon they were everywhere on one another. He removed her pullover and bra and he was sucking at her tits like a child. She had her eyes shut and mouth opened wide as though to shout and she was embracing his head firmly to her tits. I saw him licking at her vagina as she laid on the edge of the bed. Soon she was sucking on his dick like one would suck a candy. I wouldn’t watch for long as I was scared that one of them would notice but long enough to get horny and I would go back to my bed and masturbate.

    On the night I saw my first head job I had really gone into the lavatory to pee and I thought I heard my sister-in-law groaning. I looked through the keyhole and what I saw got me so horny… Steve was on the highest point, his head between her thighs, giving her oral sex, and his butt was on top of her face. I could see his ass humping climbing up and down. It got me so horny I couldn’t wait to go back to my room so sat on the wc and began to finger myself my eyes shut tight as I felt the rising surge of my climax coursing through my body when all of a sudden the washroom door opened! I had forgotten to lock the door.

    I was stunned astounded and I could feel my face flushed red! There was my B.I.L. absolutely stripped naked, with his prick limp and covered in my sisters pussy juices – obviously spent from his love making to her. I probably looked silly bare from waist down with my underwear around my lower legs and my hands intuitively attempting to cover my pussy. Steve although stunned put his finger to his lips in a shushing gesture and pointed for me to leave the restroom through the other entryway which I did closing it rapidly. I jumped into my bed pulling my cover over my head covering up in disgrace. I felt regretful for being discovered masturbating on the toilet. It never struck my young 13 year old brain that he ought to be also be to blame for entering my sisters and I shared bathroom naked!

    I couldn’t rest that night racked with disgrace and apprehension whether he would tell sis or my mama or grand mama what I was doing! It never occurred to me that I could tell them what they were doing stripped in my step sisters room late during the evening! For the following couple of days I evaded Steve and resigning to my space to study, helping mama clear and wash the dishes after supper. He kept staying for supper as though nothing on the planet had happened. He didn’t converse with me and went about as though nothing had happened. I didn’t set out to peep at them through the key-hole and neither did I set out to masturbate in front of him! img!




    Post #18