扯!18歲AV女優挺大肚 生產前還拍6P片:
日本A片題材無限,但這種女優會不會讓你看了心生不忍?AV達人「一劍浣春秋」在部落格發文,指出最近一位 年僅18歲的AV女優令他「頭皮發麻」,這位女優名叫上原未來(上原みく),她竟懷著7個月身孕出道,挺著 大肚子拍片!
這部出道作品主打「6P」「未成年」「7個月身孕」,稱上原未來是「不良少女」、「沒工作只好援交」,是出 來賺奶粉錢的,更誇張的是她拍完第一部後還不停歇,一路從4月拍到7月,直到把女兒生下來,休息兩個月後9 月又要復出,從最新的推特照片中可以看到她的身材已經恢復,只能說個行都有各行的辛酸。(張鈜閔/綜合報導 )
18歲的蘿莉…乳牛?! - 上原みく:
2016-10-6 08:36|作者: 一劍浣春秋
說真的,她臉蛋真的不錯,除了一看就知道很幼齒外還帶著點辣妹的味道,這樣的女優最適合帶到小房間交給 怪叔叔調教,一定會讓她在羞恥中達到連自己都害怕的高潮!
但上原みく(上原未來)其實是這幾個月來最讓我頭皮發麻的新人,大家只要看她的出道作「立川市出会い系アプ リ未・成年ガチナンパ個人撮影パコッター援交★5P輪姦わず10」就知道問題在哪兒了:
穿著學生服的她挺著個大肚子,整個畫面充滿著詭異的不協調感:對,我知道AV界有穿的道具可以把女優偽 裝成懷孕了,但這是上原みく(上原未來)的出道作耶,一口氣拍到6P輪姦口味已經夠重了,再加上個「懷孕」 不是畫蛇添足嗎?
所以我才說看得頭皮發麻,我並不是孕婦片的愛好者,所以看上原みく(上原未來)的演出時小頭沒太多反應 大頭卻已一堆感觸:很明顯地,上原みく(上原未來)是來賺奶粉錢的,出道作說她是「不良少女」、「沒工作只 好援交」恐怕與事實不會差太遠;另一方面我也想到某經紀公司老闆和我說這一行永遠不會缺人,因為有些女生就 是急著用錢卻又不知道到哪裡賺,所以才有了AV界的存在…
不過有炒作的梗AV片商才不管那麼多,尤其上原みく(上原未來)還真的長得不錯,所以從4月開始拍片、 6月第一支出道上市後她作品是一支接一支地拍,直到7月她把女兒生下來:
所以我們不用再看她挺著大肚子演出了,而是再等一陣子要看她噴奶了:因為在上個月(201 6/9)的時候上原みく(已經復出展開拍攝工作,因為年紀輕身體器官新所以她的身材已經恢復了,搭配上她的臉蛋 那誘惑力可是不輸線上那些年輕肉體的,而且她可能還配備了「母乳」這個秘密武器,各位看倌您評評理,這是不 是一個會讓影迷好奇心爆表的強者?
如果沒有意外在年底我們會看到她不斷噴奶、甚至有可能出現在業界的一線片商。而更重要的是她經紀公司是Su npro,也就是把麻倉憂推下無碼界的事務所,這也就說只要經紀公司沒有關閉大門,上原みく(上原未來)完 全有可能在無碼界噴灑她的奶水…
作品名:Debu!十代妊婦マタニティ・ミク ~ちょう気持ちいい華麗なるデビュー~妊娠した相手はオ●ンピックを目指すあの有名競泳選手だっ た! !
品 番:JMX-008
女優名:上原 みく(上原 未來,Uehara-Miku)
Porn star Tasha Reign campaigns against mandatory condoms on film sets:
LOS ANGELES — Several adult film stars in California are campaigning against Proposition 60, a bill that would require all male adult performers to wear condoms on film sets.
Proposition 60 will be voted on during the November 8 election. In addition to condoms, signs indicating the mandatory use of condoms would also have to be placed on set. erotica producers will also have to pay for the actors’ STI tests and vaccinations, and they will also have to obtain a license to make their films.
Tasha Reign has been making the rounds at university campuses to tell voters how the bill will impact the actors and the industry as a whole. She’s against it because she feels actors shouldn’t be forced to put things in their bodies. Tasha says condoms can cause painful and uncomfortable rashes which can lead to health risks like yeast and bacterial infections.
Tasha Reign worries if the bill is passed, all these changes may push adult film production out of California, which would cost the state millions in losses.
German porn star fights local zoning laws for right to work as webcam girl at home:
AMPFING, GERMANY — A German porn star will argue in court this week that stripping in front of a webcam counts as working from home.
Natalie Hot, 24, is defending her right to work as a webcam girl from her house in a the small Bavarian town of Ampfing after neighbors complained that her chosen profession contravenes zoning laws that ban commercial use of a residential property.
Some neighbors complained Hot was too noisy and that their children were teased at school for living near a porn star, the Local reported.
So local authorities slapped Hot with a ban. If she fails to win in court, she’ll face a 2,000-euro fine the next time she strips.
Hot claims that her front door was broken by angry neighbors, who have also signed a petition against her.
Local authorities previously ruled that being a webcam girl doesn’t qualify as remote work because the spare bedroom used by Hot is an independent commercial unit.
So now it’s up to a judge to decide if the bedroom counts as a home office, which would allow Hot to carry on gettin’ her freak on in front of the camera.
Teen sexting: Girl, 14, facing sexual exploitation charges for sending sexy pic to boy – TomoNews:
KNOXVILLE, IOWA — A 14-year-old girl in Marion County is facing the wrath of a flawed judicial system for sending a couple of seductive selfies to a boy at her school.
Earlier this year the student, referred to as Nancy Doe in court documents, took two photos of herself – one of her in a sports bra and shorts, and the other also in shorts, with her hair covering her breasts. She sent the pictures to a boy at school using SnapChat, and before long, other students at the school got to see this other side of the young Nancy Doe.
The situation escalated in March, when two male students were caught using the school printers for non-scholastic material. A school official found them with printed copies of photos of male and female students, some of which were nude, with emojis covering their private parts. Nancy Doe’s pics were part of that collection, and school officials then contacted Nancy’s parents to let them know what her daughter had done. Her parents were told the photos were “inappropriate.” They confronted her that day, and restricted her phone access, deleting her messaging apps.
The county attorney tried to have Nancy Doe charged with sexual exploitation of a minor and child pornography, unless she agreed to be part of a diversion program where she admits fault, and is told how she could be forced to register as a sex offender. 30 of Nancy’s classmates were threatened with charges of possessing child pornography unless they submitted to participate in the diversion program.
Her classmates all agreed to the diversion program. Nancy’s parents did not, as they don’t feel the photos constituted as child pornography. Instead, they are now suing the county prosecutor.
Toy problems: British woman finds ‘misplaced’ adult gadget lodged up inside her – TomoNews:
WALLASEY, UNITED KINGDOM — A British woman thought she’d lost her vibrating pleasure wand, only to find that it was still inside her.
The Sun reports that Emma Phillips and her boyfriend, Lee Miller, were getting busy one morning, when her 7-inch long adult gadget was suddenly nowhere to be found.
She initially thought Miller had hidden the toy somewhere and was pranking her. It wasn’t until she felt buzzing inside her stomach that she realized the plastic toy had disappeared up her backside and was now stuck inside her.
The two got creative trying to get the vibrator out, using BBQ tongs and a kitchen fork handle, to no avail. Philips eventually swallowed her shame and called an ambulance.
Doctors had to take an X-ray to figure out where the thing was, and told Phillips they may have to cut her open since it had lodged too far up to be taken out painlessly.
Luckily, there was an alternative. A camera was pushed down her throat, and doctors maneuvered the vibrator towards her rectal cavity, where it was extracted, while still vibrating.
Doctors cheekily offered Phillips the toy as a souvenir, but she smartly declined. The 24-year-old applauded the doctors for their quick response, and says she’ll be more careful with using such devices in the future.
Man’s balls trapped in magnets: Painful accident during ‘magnet therapy’ in China – TomoNews:
ZHONGSHAN, CHINA — Emergency services in the Chinese city of Zhongshan, have been forced to rescue a 45-year-old man when they found him with his testes agonizingly pincered in a pair powerful pair of magnets.
The unidentified 45-year-old man got his balls stuck between a powerful pair of magnets. The man told firefighters responding to his emergency call that he was practicing magnet therapy.
Rescuers rushed the man to the hospital where firefighters and doctors debated what course of treatment to take. At first, the emergency responders tried using a hydraulic tool to separate the magnets, but the machine was too large.
Doctors resorted to calling the magnet manufacturers. The company suggested sliding the magnets off, but doctors said that was too risky.
Firefighters then realized the magnets were not completely solid inside. They employed a hydraulic cutter and carefully snipped off the magnets.
After having his balls crushed for over four hours, the man was finally free.
Singapore comes under pressure over female genital cutting of babies:
by Emma Batha
Thursday, 13 October 2016 00:01 GMT
“My grandmother said it’s our culture. Community pressure is really quite strong”
LONDON, Oct 13 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Medical clinics in Singapore are carrying out female genital cutting on babies, according to people with first-hand experience of the procedure, despite growing global condemnation of the practice which world leaders have pledged to eradicate.
The ancient ritual - more commonly associated with rural communities in a swathe of African countries - is observed by most Muslim Malays in Singapore where it is legal but largely hidden, said Filzah Sumartono of women’s rights group AWARE.
Worldwide, more than 200 million girls and women are believed to have undergone female genital cutting or mutilation (FGM), according to United Nations figures.
But its existence in Singapore, a wealthy island state which prides itself on being a modern, cosmopolitan city with high levels of education, shows the challenge of tackling a practice rooted in culture, tradition and a desire to belong.
Sumartono said it was too early to press for a ban in Singapore although many countries have outlawed FGM. She said they first needed to create more awareness and debate around the practice and galvanise public support for ending it.
“In my own circle of friends who are Malay and Muslim, 100 percent have been cut,” said Sumartono, who was cut herself at one month old.
“But it is very hidden. Whenever I bring up the subject with non-Malay they’re shocked and can’t believe it happens in Singapore.”
The health ministry did not comment despite several requests.
Sumartono said the practice - known locally as sunat perempuan - was usually done before the age of two and may involve cutting the tip of the clitoris or making a small nick.
“Even within the community we don’t discuss this much,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation by phone from Singapore.
“If a male baby gets circumcised there is this big celebration and prayer ritual, but if it is a female baby it’s quite quiet. It’s usually only the mother or grandmother making the decision. Sometimes the father doesn’t even know.”
She said cutting was usually done by medical professionals.
“We know five or six clinics offer the procedure - at around 20-35 Singapore dollars ($15-$26),” she added. “There’s no legislation. It’s done openly. You can just call up to make an appointment.”
FGM takes many forms and in some communities in Africa all the external genitalia are removed and the opening sewn closed.
Sumartono said although the type practised in Singapore was milder it was still a violation of a woman’s rights and underpinned the view that female sexuality must be controlled.
“What I get from talking to my community is, ‘Oh, it’s just a small cut so why are you complaining?’
“But at its foundation, it is really an act of violence against women. At infancy already, the child is taught that your body is not your own.”
Singapore, home to more than 525,000 Malays making up over 13 percent of the population, is not included in the latest U.N. global report on FGM and there are no studies on its prevalence.
Although FGM is not mentioned in the Koran and predates Islam, some Muslims believe the ritual was endorsed by the prophet.
“Female circumcision, if done in the proper manner as prescribed by our Prophet Mohammad, ought to be continued,” one Malay woman from Singapore, who has recently had her granddaughter cut, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
The retired civil servant, who asked not to be named, said this improved hygiene and had no adverse affect on a woman’s sex life.
She said the amount removed was “very tiny” and should not be classed as FGM because it was different to the more extreme types of cutting which can cause serious health problems.
The World Health Organization, however, says FGM includes any injury to the female genitals.
Sumartono said even if women did not want to cut their daughters they often came under family pressure to do so.
“My mum didn’t want to do it - it was my grandmother who really pressured her. My grandmother said it’s our culture. Community pressure is really quite strong,” added Sumartono, who only started speaking out this year.
She said the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore had advocated the practice on its website but this had been removed.
The council did not respond to a request for clarification.
In 2012 the United Nations called for a global ban on FGM, increasing pressure on countries to take action. Last year world leaders agreed a target of eliminating FGM by 2030.
A U.N. report this year lists 30 countries where cutting is practised, almost all in Africa. Indonesia is the only Asian country cited.
However, the Orchid Project, a charity which campaigns against FGM, says it believes cutting occurs in at least 45 countries and is more widespread in Asia and the Middle East than commonly perceived.
Research suggests sunat perempuan is common among Muslim Malays in Malaysia, which neighbours Singapore, and is also practised in Brunei and part of southern Thailand.
“Often we think about it being a very rural practice linked to lack of education so it’s surprising when we find it in countries like Singapore and it shows there is still a lot more we have to understand about why this is being held in place,” said Orchid CEO Julia Lalla-Maharajh.
(Editing by Katie Nguyen and Belinda Goldsmith; Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, which covers humanitarian news, women’s rights, trafficking, corruption and climate change. Visit news.trust.org to see more stories.)
(Thomson Reuters Foundation)
Nude Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt conjoined twin wax statue on eBay going for £10,000 – TomoNews:
PECKHAM, UNITED KINGDOM — Just because Brangelina’s calling it quits doesn’t mean their iconic union needs to be a thing of the past. A man in South London is selling off a bizarre wax figure of the two to the highest bidder.
This week, eBay seller Barney Marco began auctioning off a one-of-a-kind wax statue of the couple that takes the form of a conjoined twin. The statue is a nude depiction of the two.
The odd masterpiece is crafted from mannequin-grade specialty wax, with glass eyeballs and real human hair. It also stands at only 103 cm tall, about half of life-size. The wax figure is being auctioned off for a minimum of £10,000 – the seller notes that he will accept no less. The auction ends October 15.
Angelina Jolie filed to separate from Brad Pitt on September 15, 2016, claiming irreconcilable differences. The two actors got together in 2004, married in 2014, and share six kids together.
Dashcam video shows Layton cop groping woman after accusing her of DUI – TomoNews:
LAYTON, UTAH — A woman is suing the city of Layton after a city cop not only falsely accused her of driving under the influence, but also groped her during the arrest.
The Standard-Examiner reports that on July 25, Amanda Houghton was on her way to get her son’s medication when she was rear-ended at a stop light. After checking that the other driver was okay, she called 911 for police assistance.
Instead of getting medical help, the cops suspected Houghton of driving under the influence due to her “odd” behavior. Doctors later discovered she had a concussion from the car crash.
Houghton was made to undergo a field sobriety test, which she failed, and was promptly arrested. After the officer handcuffed her, he then proceeded to pat her down for a body search — all of which is seen on dashcam video released by the Layton Police Department.
Houghton reacted angrily, claiming the cop was groping her breasts. She asked him to stop, but was told he was allowed to search her.
She was charged with a DUI, despite blood and urine tests later revealing she didn’t have any drugs or alcohol in her system.
Layton police also defended the handsy officer, saying the video doesn’t seem to show him doing anything unlawful.
Chiropractic adjustment gone wrong: Model Katie May’s death linked to neck manipulation – TomoNews:
LOS ANGELES — An injury incurred during a common chiropractic procedure has been linked to the death of stunning Playboy model and businesswoman Katie May.
Dubbed the “Queen of Snapchat,” she died after suffering two strokes in February.
Gossip site TMZ claims to have obtained a copy of her death certificate. Their report states that the Los Angeles County Coroner wrote that May died from an injury sustained during a “neck manipulation” by a chiropractor. That neck manipulation reportedly tore her left vertebral artery, cutting off blood flow to the brain.
The American Heart Association warns that neck manipulation has been associated with cervical dissection — an arterial tear that can result in a stroke.
In the days prior to her death, May had reportedly taken a fall during a Los Angeles photoshoot. The Ohio University graduate complained about neck pain from a pinched nerve she sustained during a photoshoot.
Tweeting about it May wrote: “Pinched a nerve in my neck on a Photoshoot and got adjusted this morning.”
She’d reportedly went to visit a chiropractor twice to try and help with the pain.
According to May’s obituary in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, she later began to feel dizzy and experienced numbness in her hands. She called her parents to tell them she was going to pass out.
After going to the hospital May initially seemed alright, but the situation soon turned tragic. The New York Daily News reports that she’d suffered two strokes and recovered from the first. The second, however, left her brain dead.
May, a single mother, was 34. Most strokes occur in those 65 and over. She is survived by her 7-year-old daughter Mia.
Man loses willy after getting it stuck in bottle for 4 days when he used it as a toy – TomoNews:
TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS — A 50-year-old man was forced to say goodbye to his manhood after a sexual encounter with a bottle horribly wrong.
The man was reportedly attempting to relieve sexual frustration, as he was absent of the love from a woman, Honduran news site La Prensa reported. He chose to mate with a plastic bottle, but unfortunately, he got stuck.
It took him four days to finally build up the courage to seek medical help. When he finally did, the doctor told him that as his penis had turned black in color, he would have to have it amputated. He had suffered a condition called necrosis, where the cells in his penis had literally died.
Surgeon Dennis Chirinos managed to perform a delicate operation that would still allow the man to urinate, but said in an interview with HTH Television Digital that it was unlikely the man would ever be able to have sex again.
Buttloads of Pain: Ass Injections Gone Wrong:
The horror that befell Oscarina Busse’s backside began in July 2009. The 35-year-old Floridian felt a dull but persistent itch deep in the meat of her buttocks, one that was impossible to scratch.
It wasn’t long before Oscarina noticed that her butt was changing colors—first turning purple, like a throbbing finger that had been wrapped too tightly with string, and then a cadaverous gray. From there, things got much worse. Her flesh started to crust and painfully peel off until, a few months later, the whole mess collapsed like a badly baked cake. The cheeks of her ass drooped down, loaded with a stew of poisonous goop that collected around her lower buttocks. What had once stood high and felt supple to the touch had become hot and hard and stinging. Oscarina’s derrière had transformed so much that it no longer looked like it was part of a human’s body; her five-year-old daughter mistook her fluid-filled cheeks for a poopy diaper, calling it a “full Pamper.”
Like thousands of women across the globe and increasingly in the US, Oscarina was suffering from the side effects of a black-market butt injection. Because of its clandestine nature, it’s impossible to quantify exactly how many people in the US are illegally getting their butts pumped up like a pair of Reeboks. But the number is definitely growing; due to the proliferation of reported disfiguring cases like Oscarina’s and even deaths, law-enforcement officials and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons view black-market butt injections as a burgeoning epidemic in the US.
Making The World’s First Male Sex Doll:
In Slutever, VICE’s resident sexpert Karley Sciortino explores the mysterious labyrinth of human sexuality and checks out the various ways that people around the world like to get off. In the premiere episode of Slutever’s brand new season, Karley finds herself in the world of life-like custom male sex dolls and meets the team pioneering the perfect plastic fuck buddy for women.
10 Most Bizarre PUBLIC BATHROOMS in the World!:
top 10 funniest toilets and washroom you need to see to believe
Uber driver in Toronto demands passenger give oral sex or flash breasts to pay for ride – TomoNews:
TORONTO — A woman is putting Uber on blast after she was aggressively sexually harassed by a driver who tried to strike an indecent proposal.
On October 16, 28-year-old Erika Szabo called for an Uber cab as she was leaving an event downtown. When she got into the car, she realized her phone had just died. Worried her payment wouldn’t go through, she informed the driver. He told Szabo that the ride would not get processed, but offered an alternative means of payment – perform oral sex, or flash her breasts for him.
Disgusted, she refused, but the driver seemed to think it was no big deal, and kept on pressing for his twisted fantasy to come true. Szabo repeatedly asked for him to let her out of the car, but the man instead offered her a third option: he’d pay her for a blowjob.
Eventually, he took her back to her neighborhood, and she got out of the car. Soon after, she plugged in her phone to find out the ride had indeed gone through. She contacted Uber customer service, who called to apologize and refunded her $12.
The man has since been dropped by the ride service as a driver, but Szabo only found out through media reports. She later took to Facebook to warn others of her frighteningly common story, and has filed a sexual assault report with Toronto police.
《究竟點分?》人格障礙無樣睇 仲恐怖過性變態:
精神科專科醫生麥棨諾表示,「性變態有很多不同種類,其中有性虐待(SM)或被虐心態的人事實上不是要置別 人於死地,只係希望在虐待人的過程中得到性快感,以另類模式達到性高潮,並非要攞人條命。以更極端的方法令 自己有一個滿足感實在少數。如果要以更極端的方式而得到自豪感或滿足感,歸根究柢可能是人格障 礙的問題。」
人格障礙的形成主要由於父母遺傳,有反社會人格,或在成長過程被別人虐待過或侵犯過的歷史,加上自己本身處 理壓力、情緒方面出現很大的缺陷,形成對人方面充滿敵意、對人失去信任,要用報復的心態去建立自信、自我形 象,因而自我感覺良好。
醫生表示要防範有人格障礙的人的確有難度,因為患者並無表徵,跟普通人一樣,開初交往時亦不會有問題出現, 通常會在相處一段時間後才會慢慢顯露出一些端倪。他提醒,特別在一些娛樂場所,應當提高警覺, 保護自己。
(Nextplus 壹週Plus)
Robot sex conference relocates to London after being banned by Malaysian police – TomoNews:
LONDON — The second annual Love and Sex with Robots conference was supposed to be held in Iskandar, Malaysia, until the Chief of Police deemed it “ridiculous,” stating there was “nothing scientific about having sex with machines.”
Organizers for the conference have rescheduled the event, which will now take place at the University of London. Among the many fascinating topics being discussed at this year’s conference are Robot Emotions, Roboethics, Robot Personalities, and Intelligent Electronic Sex Hardware, Clone Robots, and many more.
The future is full of possibilities when it comes to love, sex, and robots. Some scientists argue that they won’t just cater to everyday kink, they’ll also be able to reduce the incidence of sex crimes by allowing would-be offenders to take out their fantasies on robots.
There is a field of belief that by 2050, sex with robots may have overtaken sex with humans.
The Love and Sex with Robots conference is now scheduled to take place December 19-20 at The University of London.