You caught it? Scare men away four princess sickness - Apple Daily 20,160,730:
什麼公主病的女人讓男人受不了?首推LINE女最令人傻眼,無時無刻攻佔手機,只要沒回馬上奪命連環Cal l,而醋味十足的Delete女也讓人搖頭,照片、FB、電話有異性就得刪除,若遇到喜歡監控另一半的定位 女,每天問你在做什麼?在哪裡?一開始覺得甜蜜,但時間一久真讓人吃不消,還有男人最怕遇到女生問,「工作 重要?還是我重要?」,任性的轉頭女也讓男人猛搖頭。(陳勇凱╱高雄報導)
What princess sickness woman men can not stand? Devaluation LINE female most dumbfounded, captured cell phone all the time, as long as the serial killer did not return immediately Call, and full of vinegar Delete women also make people shake their heads, photos, FB, you have to remove the phone there are heterosexual, if encountered like monitoring positioning the other half female, ask you what to do every day? where is it? Began to feel a sweet, but a long time really too much for people, as well as men are most afraid of experiencing the girls asked, “work important? Or am I important?” Wayward women also make men turned fierce shaking his head. (Chen Yongkai ╱ Kaohsiung reports)
Melania Trump’s naked photos make America horny again:
See the video in full here: http://$$$$$$$/2aLioeX
NEW YORK — The race for the White House got a whole lot sexier on the weekend when the New York Post published some old photos of Donald Trump’s smokin’ hot wife Melania.
The photos for a French men’s magazine were taken in 1995, when Melania was aged 25 and working as a model. And ooh-la-la, after seeing these sexy snaps, it’s not hard to see why real estate mogul Trump just had to get his hands on her ample assets.
According to the Donald, Slovenian-born Melania was one of the most successfulest models in the whole world. She was yuge!
Trump said this kind of photoshoot is very fashionable and common in Europe, according to the New York Post.
Come on, you know what those Europeans are like … always taking their clothes off in the name of fashion.
The sexy photos could give a lift to Trump’s presidential campaign by appealing to true red-blooded ‘Murican males. Hell, yeah! Never mind great, it’s time to Make America Horny Again!
We’re guessing, however, that all this nudity won’t go down too well with conservative Christians on the right. So maybe Trump will be happy when the whole thing blows over.
But to anyone who finds offense in these photos we ask: Does it really matter what the potential next first lady used to do for a living?
Oh well, at least we know now how the Donald learned to pout.
豔妻裸照曝光 川普:時尚–蘋果日報20160802:
【韓政燕╱綜合外電報導】美國總統大選剩下不到100天,除了兩位總統候選人動見觀瞻,可能的未來第一家庭 成員也成焦點,《紐約郵報》上周六獨家刊登共和黨候選人川普第三任妻子瑪蓮妮亞的舊裸照。針對妻子舊豔照曝 光,川普顯然不以為意,稱這「很時尚,很常見」。
【台灣壹週刊】暑假打工毒色多 無知少女易受騙
Taiwan Next Magazine] [summer job poison color more gullible young women:
血汗經紀公司到底多惡毒,本刊調查,經紀公司除了在網路上或是報紙的分類廣告,宣傳標榜日保5千到1萬的高 薪誘惑,再將黑手伸進高中職校園,利用公司裏頭的少女,誘騙同學或是朋友,不斷灌輸傳播坐檯好賺錢,是買手 機或是名牌的捷徑,讓無知少女踏入火坑,無良的經紀公司為了賺錢,根本不會幫少女篩選客人,毒趴或是變態的 客人照接不誤,她們一旦踏入陷阱,才知道被騙進血汗經紀公司,不但高薪都是假的,還被以各種名目扣錢,甚至 被毒品控制,必須不斷坐檯陪酒還債。
Sweat brokers in the end more vicious, the magazine survey, in addition to brokerage firms on the web or newspaper classified advertising, publicity advertised 5 1000-10000 day Paul paid the temptation, then black hand into his senior high school campus, using the company’s inside girl, lured classmates or friends, continue to spread Zuotai instill good money, buy a mobile phone or shortcut is a brand name, so that young women into the fire pit, unscrupulous brokers to make money, they will not help the girl screening guests, poison lying guests take photos or metamorphosis is not wrong, once they enter the trap, know deceived into sweat brokerage firm, not only well-paid are false, also deducting money under different names, and even drug control, must constantly accompany Zuotai wine debt.
(台灣壹週刊 NexTW)
【台灣壹週刊】血汗傳播妹 高校生坐檯直擊
[Taiwan Next Magazine] sweatshops spread sister college students Zuotai Watch:
暑假期間是許多學生打工賺錢的黃金時段,但卻有不肖傳播經紀業者以高薪誘騙不懂社會險惡的學生妹,下海伴唱 、陪酒、陪搖,就連未成年少女也不放過,她們一旦踏入陷阱,才知道被騙進血汗經紀公司,不但高薪都是假的, 還被以各種名目扣錢,甚至被毒品控制,必須不斷坐檯陪酒還債。本刊直擊傳播學生妹的辛酸打工過程,由她們口 中說出自己的無奈。
Many students work during the summer is a prime time to make money, but there are unscrupulous brokerage industry spread to lure high-paying students do not understand the social evil sister, the sea accompaniment, hostessing, to accompany shake, even underage girls live, once they enter the trap, know deceived into sweat brokerage firm, not only well-paid are false, also deducting money under different names, and even drug control must continue Zuotai hostessing debt. Watch Articles spread bitterness school girl working process, from the mouth of their own helplessness.
(台灣壹週刊 NexTW)
Hot bikini-clad women get free tank of gas in free fuel deal at Russia gas station – TomoNews:
SAMARA, RUSSIA — A local Russian gas station called Olvi in the town of Samara started an unorthodox marketing strategy that has caught the public’s attention recently.
The rules were pretty simple – wear the appropriate outfit, fill up the tank yourself, and go to the front desk to tell the staff the pump number and fuel type. Anyone who followed the rules received a full tank of gas entirely free.
The outfit patrons were supposed to wear? A bikini and high heels.
Apparently, the marketing strategy worked as it attracted a swarm of customers donning various bikini outfits in order to get their free tanks of gas.
Olvi is not the first gas station that has promoted such a deal. Last year, a gas station in Ukraine conducted the exact marketing stunt in the country’s capital of Kiev.
(Tomo News)
白歆惠淨空母乳 產後首露臉 罩杯A→E沒空嫁兒子爹–蘋果日報20160805:
【徐卉╱台北報導】33歲名模白歆惠(白白)昨首度於產後亮相,罩杯從A進擊到E,大升4個cup!她6月 底在香港祕密為富商唐堂生下兒子,沒時間辦結婚手續的她僅1個多月就復工,昨返台為新片《銷售奇姬》造勢, 深V禮服傲秀豐滿雙峰。她羞說孕後從A升到E罩杯,自嘲以前「超級平胸」,現在很不習慣,希望 胸部快消風。
Undie Mondays | 7 Hosiery Hacks That Could Just Save Your Life (Figuratively):
《關公好忙》諗住搞超人樂園 娛樂公司老闆:宜家版權好混亂
“Good busy Guan Gong” recite live entertainment company engaged in superhuman paradise boss: IKEA good copyright chaos:
超人「無厘頭」賣避孕套廣告,有高登仔鬧爆:「俾番小小童真我得唔得。」有常用超人搞活動的娛樂公司老闆表 示,廣告一出,他們深感無奈:「我地的方向是做較多小朋友喜歡的東西,我地已經計劃係台灣搞一個超人樂園。 唔多唔少都有合作伙伴,像你一樣,走來問我地,超人搞乜﹗」
多利安娛樂公司老闆Barry很喜歡鹹蛋超人,過去曾獲日本圓谷公司授權,生產超人商品,早前試過與麥當勞 合作推出開心樂園餐的超人精品,亦試過與商場合作搞超人展,他表示很多商戶都貪超人形象親民。對於超人走去 賣避孕套廣告,他的合作伙伴也以為是日方授權,Barry 說:「市場消息好混亂囉宜家。」
而事出突然,對他的未來計畫也有影響,「其實避孕套都係大家需要,或者要用的東西,不過佢地令市場上的訊息 很混亂,大家都唔知邊個超人係屬於邊一方,我地也要同客戶解釋得清清楚楚。」他坦言,「對於我地黎緊合作既 野,都會有影響。」
Superman “nonsensical” selling condom advertising, Gordon burst downtown Aberdeen: “I have to serve Fan innocence little ritual” have engaged in activities common superhuman entertainment company owner said advertising one, they are deeply troubling: “I the direction is to make children more like something that I had planned to do a superhuman paradise of Taiwan. Wuduo Wushao have partners, like you, come and ask me to, do-what Superman! "
Dorian Entertainment owner Barry liked Ultraman, Japan won the last round Valley company authorized to produce merchandise Superman earlier tried to launch cooperation with McDonald’s happy meal Toys Superman, also tried to engage in cooperation with the mall Superman show, he said that many firms People are greedy Superman image. Superman sold for around condom advertising, his partner thought it was authorized by the Japanese side, Barry said: “The market is good news Hello IKEA confusion”
and suddenly, his future plans also have an impact, “Actually condoms they are all we need, or to use things, but to make the canal on the market very confusing message, we all belong to the Department of Do not know the side of a superhuman one side, I have to be very clear with customers to explain. “he admitted, “for me to close collaboration Li Jiye, will be affected.”
interview: Liang Pei are
recording: Liaojian Chang
(Nextplus 壹週Plus)
《[動畫] 三分鐘威力》超人賣Condom廣告 停播背後有段古
“[Animation] three minutes power” Superman Sell Condom ads off the air behind the ancient section:
早前,莊思敏代言避孕套品牌岡本,似乎並不太受網民歡迎,近日岡本找了新代言人—–鹹蛋超人,還拍了一個個打怪獸廣告,連大台合家歡時段都有播放,而在港鐵內及其他網上平台亦見到不少超人賣 的避孕套廣告。不過,記者在岡本facebook睇到網民的留言,大家似乎唔太like喎。而呢個岡本廣告 ,最近還因版權問題需要暫停播放。
其實,有五十年歷史既鹹蛋超人一向係正義化身,大人細佬都鐘意,日本創辦人圓谷英二過去一直維持他神武形象 ,為何最近會拍了個避孕套廣告呢?看真一點,今次用呢幾個超人,係最原始既鹹蛋超人,這幾個超人的版權是獲 泰國授權,而非日本。
講番歷史,早在六十年代,一名泰國華人辛波特先生與日本人圓谷英二,兩個本來是好朋友,在日本合作創作了鹹 蛋超人。靈感是辛波特從泰國猴神中獲得。圓谷英二去世後,他的兒子接任社長,公司有一次面臨破產,他為救亡 ,找來辛波特注資拍了兩部超人電影,圓谷的兒子還讓辛波特享有超人海外版權。不過圓谷子後來改變主意,欲取 回版權,雙方過去二十年,已經打過很多場官司,互有勝負。現時超人七兄弟的版權屬泰方所有,而圓谷後來又在 原有的超人肖像上作出演變,令鹹蛋超人有好多兄弟,這些所謂「新派」的超人,就是屬於日本公司。糾紛未完架 ,據聞日方一直希望再打官司,重新取回超人七兄弟的版權。
“Hey, Person Superman incarnations are known only three minutes to maintain it.”, “Ha ha, Guan disaster.” “Well good press with finger press with finger press with finger Superman!”
Earlier, Jacqueline Chong endorsement Okamoto condom brand, it seems unlikely that netizens, Okamoto has found a new spokesperson —– Ultraman, also took a hit a monster advertising, even the big station Carnival period has to play, and has not seen within the MTR and other internet Superman sell less condom advertising. However, reporters in Okamoto facebook Didao netizens message, everyone seems to like Wai Well too. And what an advertising Okamoto, recently due to copyright issues need to pause playback.
In fact, there are 50 years of history has always been both Ultraman Department defender, adults are favored lad, Japan founder Eiji Tsuburaya past has already been taken to maintain his image, why would recently took a condom advertising? Look a little true, this time to use it several Superman, both the Department of the original Ultraman, these Superman is eligible for copyright authorization Thailand rather than Japan.
Fan talk history, back in the sixties, a Thai Chinese and the Japanese, Mr. Xin Bote Eiji Tsuburaya, two have been good friends, co-authored Ultraman in Japan. Xin Bote get inspiration from the monkey god in Thailand. After Eiji Tsuburaya’s death, his son took over as president, the company has once faced bankruptcy, his salvation, and got Xin Bote injection shot two Superman movies, the son of Round Valley also let Xin Bote enjoy Superman overseas copyright. But round millet later changed his mind, want to retrieve the copyright, the two sides over the past two decades, has played a lot of lawsuits, the outcome of each. At present, Thailand is copyrighted by Superman all seven brothers, and later to Round Valley in the original Superman Portrait of evolution, so there are a lot Ultraman brothers, these so-called “new breed” of Superman, is belonging to the Japanese company. Disputes unfinished frame, it was reported that Japan has been hoping to court again, regain Seven Brothers Superman copyright.
The author: Liang Pei are
recording: Liaojian Chang
(Nextplus 壹週Plus)
夫擁小三 法師開示「出租老公」–蘋果日報20160810
Fu Yong Xiao San Master Disclosure “Rental husband” - Apple Daily 20,160,810:
【俞泊霖、周昭平、吳世龍╱連線報導】日前海濤法師教導女信徒,若發現老公有小三,要關門默念「假的」「我 的眼睛業障重啊!」在網路暴紅;無獨有偶,日來慧律法師一段長約四分半的弘法影片也引發網友熱議,影片中慧 律法師開導女信徒,要把有小三的老公當作「暫時出租」。網友直呼:「海濤法師終於有對手了!」
[Park Yu-lin, Zhou Zhaoping, Wu Shilong ╱ connection] recently reported Haitao Master teaches female followers, if her husband found a small three to close meditation “fake” in the network violent red “My eyes karma re-ah!”; Coincidentally Japan Hui lawyer to a period of about four and a half of preaching videos also led to hot friends, the film Hui lawyer enlighten female followers, we should have a husband as a small three “temporary rent.” Friends address him: “Master Haitao finally have a rival!”
(Taiwan Apple Daily)
Furious girlfriend tosses out boyfriend’s naked hooker, films the whole thing too:
BANGKOK — An angry girlfriend threw a naked prostitute out of her apartment after she caught the woman having sex with her boyfriend in a video that has gone viral in Thailand.
Girlfriend Viraluk “Manao” Sutthiprapar, a promotional model, came home early and found a pair of hooker heels in the foyer around 3 a.m. on July 31.
She then walks in on her boyfriend boning the 24-year-old lady of the night on the couch, which causes the prostitute to lock herself in the bedroom.
The boyfriend is then seen asking the prostitute to open the door and get out. What a nice john.
The streetwalker eventually leaves the bedroom wrapped only in a blanket, while the angry girlfriend follows her to the front door.
The pissed-off girlfriend demands to be given the blanket back, and berates the woman as she cowers in a corner.
The woman then grabs her heels and is thrown out naked into the hallway.
As the girlfriend continues to yell at the woman, the boyfriend puts her purse in the hallway as if he’s got nothing to do with the incident.
He then shows off his manliness by throwing the woman her shirt, while his girlfriend films and continues with the verbal assault.
The dude may not have any balls, but at least he’s nice enough to finally slide the woman’s phone across the floor to her before she hops on the elevator.
The prostitute, identified as Saranya Saeharn, has now filed a complaint against the girlfriend for ruining her reputation with the viral video.
恐怖到了極點 AV廠商推熟女古裝殭屍片:
東洋古裝殭屍片復活了!日本AV廠商《Center Village》沿用中國清朝官服殭屍、道袍道士、桃木劍等香港殭屍片設定,推出AV新作,不過《Cent er Village》是專精於熟女人妻領域的片商,所以片中出現的女優都已經50歲左右。
日本廠商推出奇葩的清朝官服殭屍AV《護符天誅!幽幻導師列傳》,片中出現的道士們皆為男優飾演、殭屍們則 是女優扮演,由於這是一家專精熟女人妻的廠商,所以片中出現的女優,年齡都約在50歲左右。另外《Cent er Village》也將以此片角逐 AV OPEN 2016大獎。
《護符天誅!幽幻導師列傳》故事是從妻子在旅行中死亡,對世界留有遺憾化為殭屍開始,丈夫本來想說只要獻身 讓妻子滿足的話,妻子就可以順利成佛,但是事情並不如丈夫想的那麼簡單,只好求助於道士,使用充滿咒術的「 寶貝」,與殭屍展開激烈啪啪啪對戰的一片恐怖片。(劉人豪/綜合報導)
Rio 2016: A guide to the hottest athletes at the summer Olympics – TomoNews:
RIO DE JANEIRO — The Rio 2016 Olympics have begun, and the weather’s not the only thing that’s smoking hot.
The Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil have been plagued with loads of problems, from pollution to street muggings to the athletes’ accommodations. But what the games lack in cleanliness and safety, they sure make up for in drool-worthy competitors. Countries around the world have sent in their delegations, and many of those athletes are not only extremely talented, they’re also jaw-dropping hot.
That’s at least one reason to head to Rio.
Rio 2016: Part 2 of your guide to the hottest athletes at the summer Olympics – TomoNews:
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL — If last week’s edition (http://$$$$$$$/2aKnNDJ ) of the hottest athletes at the Olympic Games wasn’t hot enough, this week’s should turn up the heat.
From Brazilian gymnasts and American surfers to Italian swimmers and even a famous Russian tennis star, this week’s list has it all.
Bra wash a few best? Well the first point to wash the deformation more lapel?:
內衣是女人第二層皮膚,bra女人每日都要穿,但通常穿幾多次才會洗呢?問身邊女性朋友,大多數都表示穿一 次洗一次,聽上去很乾淨,但美國紡織專家Lexie Sachs指,bra一般有半年壽命,如果洗得太多太頻密,會很易變形,影響承托,而且橡筋會鬆,壽命也會 更短。如果每次不是穿太長時間,沒有出太多汗,穿三至四次才洗都沒有問題,但每次脫下來後要等8至12小時 才再穿,令bra有充足時間回復彈力和形狀,當然,做完運動或出了很多汗,就要穿一次洗一次了 。
Underwear is a woman a second skin, bra women have to wear a day, but usually only wear a few times to wash it? Asked around a female friend, most expressed through a wash, it sounds very clean, but the United States refers to textile experts Lexie Sachs, bra life is generally six months, if washed too many and too frequent, will be very easy to deform, supporting influence, Elastic and will loose, life will be shorter. If every time not wearing too long, not too many sweat, wear three to four times before washing, no problems, but every time after take off to wait 8-12 hours to wear, so there is ample time to respond to stretch bra and shape, of course, done exercise or sweat a lot, it is necessary to wear a wash once.
A Life Abused: An Interview with Doris:
The following interview contains content involving child abuse and some violent content. Discretion is advised.
Too often, the social system tramples on the very people it is meant to protect. The crushing reality of this is all the more apparent for transgender sex workers, who are caught right in the intersection of two marginalised social groups. Today we speak with vivacious Doris on some of the lesser known problems transgender sex workers face at work and at home.
Doris’ story may portray her to be a violent person, but we need to look at her actions and outlook in the context of structural and institutional discrimination against Trans people and the lack of protection for young people in abusive relationships. While Doris does lash out with seemingly strong language, her outrage does not extend to the realm of physical violence – something, unfortunately, untrue about her some of her clients, the police she deals with, and society at large.
How are you treated by the anti-vice police officers (The anti-vice branch of the police force regulates and licenses “vice” activities in Singapore.)?
I don’t know what to say. When you want to apply for yellow card (All licensed sex workers have a yellow-coloured health card and work in licensed brothers), they treat you like one bloody shit. I think even uneducated barbarians wouldn’t talk to us like that.
The anti-vice always blames us first even though it’s not our fault. Let’s say someone hits me, and I hit him back but he is injured worse than me. He started it first but the anti-vice will always blame us. But the thing is we don’t take yellow card to give problem. Everyone wants to work peacefully unless someone hurts you – physically, like pulling hair, biting my back…
I’m very soft-spoken to customers and talk to them nicely. When they treat me badly I will warn them, like when they bite my nipple or private parts bleed, but they don’t listen.
I’m a Christian so I follow Jesus, but I am not Jesus. Slap me here and expect me to give the other side for you to slap? No!
You are just borrowing me for awhile to pleasure yourself. You don’t own me for the whole day! Even my parents don’t own me. So just for this while I let you torture me? That’s not right. So when I feel pain, I let you taste your own medicine.
Did the anti-vice ever physically abuse you?
Yes. It was during a raid and when I was unlicensed. The moment he saw me he said “Nahbei cheebye this one” and kicked my backside so hard until I limped but he said “Don’t action”. He thought I was a Thailand girl, but Thai also cannot kick what!
Anti-vice nowadays don’t bother lah, but last time it’s terrible, run until we fall, aiyoh…
So do you prefer working under the yellow card or without it?
When we work yellow card, we get very tired. We only have one off day a week – if we want to take more we have to pay fine. Each day will be 20 to 30 – rounds – the fine. Every month I think I have to pay thousands of dollars in fine.
Yellow card you can make money. You can have savings; the earning there is fast – but tiring, painful, stressful. Each customer we take is very different. Some people are very soft, hopefully I whole day get customers like that. Some, no. They can pull my hair until one bunch can come out.
Taking yellow card also got age limit – they say after 35 cannot. What about those aunties 80 years old still selling? When we go and apply they ask us “Eh you so old already your cheebye still can sell ah?”
How does the fine work?
That time $5.50 per round. Every Sunday I have to pay $500 in fines! If you call to tell that you are not working, the fine is lesser. But if you continuously take off days, they will say “Just come no matter how painful.” If you don’t come he will increase the number of rounds every day.
I am not doing a normal job, you know. I am a sex worker. You don’t understand because you are not in my shoes, you are not sitting down with me and working. He thinks it’s because I’m lazy, but it’s because I took 70 customers! Imagine 70 men pressing you so hard all over your body, and I have implants, sometimes they press wrong…
Then the brothel boss very racist – he will say “Only Indians like that. Indian bastard. Indian pariah.” You cannot keep on condemning us, it’s not nice, I feel hurt.
I have to beg them to let me sleep half an hour, to let me rest because I’m very tired. Half an hour zhun-zhun (exact) one hor, they will knock on the door. So it’s better that I work outside, without yellow card, then I have no one to control me
When we tell this to the anti-vice, they will tell the bosses it is we the sex workers who complained. Then we kena. So if I really cannot take it, I will just stop like that, without informing. It’s bad lah, but I cannot take it. If I inform you, you threaten me and ask me to pay thousands of dollars in fines. So I just stop. After one or two years, they see me again, they ask us to take yellow card and we trust them again.
When we reapply for the yellow card from the anti-vice – Aiyo, it’s like fighting for an MP’s chair! Actually it’s their duty to license us no matter how many times we go and apply for it! Since the police don’t want us to be in the streets, and want us to be sitting down in the room, they have to give it to us. But the way they make us stand in the room, facing the wall like kindergarten kids…what am I? Giving up the yellow card and then reapplying for it…you are treated worse than a beggar.
Yellow card can earn money, but it’s very torturous. I was terribly abused by my father and I still got all the pain from that time.
(Part 1 of 2)
You were abused by your father?
Yes. Just now I mentioned my headache, it’s because my father hit me a lot in the head. Bang me here, throw me there. Even my mother ran away because she couldn’t stand the beatings.
Because you’re a transgender?
Aha, it seemed at that point of time it was because I was becoming girly, becoming ahgua, but then he wouldn’t have sexually abused me when I was 11! It makes you a bigger ahgua right?
I was very badly beaten on my 9th birthday. The whole thing started a few nights before when my father beat me and kept asking me “where is your mother?” while I kept saying “I don’t know”, because I was only 9 years old! The security guard caught us, at the shopping centre. The moment he saw me he called for the police, because I already jialat – my whole body did not have an inch of normal skin. Head to toe all bungkuk-bungkuk (bruised).
But after we saw the doctor, my father brought me home and beat me again. Till the next day, around 2.30pm the ambulance came again. Nothing broke but I was very seriously injured. Paramedics came and asked my aunty “How many people beat him?” That’s how badly I was beaten. One and a half months in the hospital. At that age I shouldn’t have taken more than 7 X-rays – I took 38 X-rays. That’s why I’m having so much of problem with my body now. My mother came to visit me – secretly, lah. My hand was double the size, my eyes did not have whites, they were all red, my mouth was clotted with blood…
When my father came to see me, the nurse from behind and asked me (using sign) is this your father? I just did this (nodded). My father knew I was the one who told so before he left he punched me again on the hospital bed.
Where do you live now?
Now I’m staying my sister house. Right now I’m paying $600 for a room. I’m hoping to move out so I don’t disturb her. However, rental flat is so difficult. How come one person can buy BTO, but rental flat cannot? They are scared that when we die alone in the house no one will know. But it is the same for BTO houses what. And the government should understand – for the LGBTQ, it is very difficult for us to stay with someone we don’t know. If he’s a man, he might molest me. Then he can turn around to say “Oh it’s the ah gua who wanted to suck my cock.” They will believe the man – because “transgender like to suck cock”. When we fight, they will attack me and say “Chao ah gua lah, stay with you so difficult.”. That’s the only thing they can use to bring us down. What if we cannot get along and we kill each other? Then Straits Times will come out another murder. No lah, I’m just saying!
I’m a Singaporean I have rights. I’m not asking you to give me a double storey house. It’s how small only! Half your grave. Just give us a chance to live until we die lah! We cannot possibly all stay in shelters and trouble people, and they are not cheap. If the government gives me a house, I will be working a normal job. I can still work and pay. Six years at my sister’s house at $600 a month, almost seven years, is $42000. I already paid for half a house if I bought it, you know? Why are they making me pay outside which I don’t get anything?
The only people who can help us is government. Every transgender needs a home. Without it we are going miserably haywire. Sometimes it makes us steal – the desperate ones – make us suicidal. If I stay in the park, come out New Paper.
Try to be in our shoes and understand. Just because you have everything, you don’t know the feeling. Just because you’re good, you’re an MP or government servant. You’re just gifted, you don’t know about anything. Be one day in our shoes and see – you will cry the whole day.
Do you earn more doing sex work or as a cleaner?
People ask us to work as cleaner instead of sex work. But they don’t understand. Some people want to work as a sex worker for luxury life. Some want to take care of their parents, want to pay the house bill, want to pay rent, want to makan, you know all these have!
Normal jobs have security. Every day I go, I know I will get paid. Doing sex work now is coming to work in fear – will I make enough to pay my sister? Do I have to stay till midnight today?
What would you like to say to the detractors of sex workers?
I have ever posted about sex workers on Facebook. I said you all normal people out there should be very thankful for sex workers or else there’ll be so many rape cases in Singapore. Because of us your ass is safe. There are so many different kinds of men and they come to us to serve a need. If there’s no sex workers, I think your family members won’t be going out at night.
This interview was transcribed by Andrea, a volunteer with Project X, and approved by Doris herself.
(Part 2 of 2)
普渡變調 鋼管妹奶擠男客頭 –蘋果日報20160814:
【王乙徹、林靜盛╱雲林報導】褻瀆神明,教壞囝仔大小!雲林縣虎尾鎮中元節活動與基隆齊名,當地陸續舉辦晚 會,《蘋果》直擊,晚會不但有丁字褲歌舞女郎勁歌熱舞,竟還到台下跨坐民眾搖臀,雙手環抱民眾頭部擠壓自己 胸部,任憑民眾摸乳掐臀,有不少小孩看得臉紅心跳。專家昨痛批:「廟會活動庸俗化,到底是神明愛看還是信徒 自己愛看?」家長則憂教壞小孩。
本月3日(農曆7月初一)晚間,虎尾鎮5處普渡區同時舉辦晚會,各區鋼管女郎接連脫得剩下內衣,下台與民眾 互動,直接在舞台車階梯跨坐民眾熱舞,主持人還直嚷:「來讓水姑娘來服務一下啦!」
Rare birth: Brazilian baby born while still inside its amniotic sac – TomoNews:
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL — While childbirth in itself is miraculous and unforgettable, one little baby decided to make its grand entrance into the world more memorable.
The Sun reports that a snug infant was delivered last Saturday in Sao Paulo, Brazil while still fully in its amniotic sac. The rare birth was captured on video by nurse Giselinha Correa, who posted it online
Usually, the mother’s water breaks early on, or is punctured during a C-section. That was the case for this little one’s twin, who was delivered normally seconds before.
In the video, the sac is set on a hospital table and surrounded by doctors and nurses. Inside, the baby can be seen moving its hands and feet, the blue umbilical cord draped over its neck and head.
Earlier this year, a baby born in Spain was also delivered while still encased in its amniotic sac, according to the Huffington Post. Spanish doctors eventually used a scalpel to free him from his snug little bag. It’s likely the same was done for this new bundle of joy.