WTF Times

    Chapter #31

    Shady spa: Man sexually assaulted, videotaped, and blackmailed during massage – TomoNews:

    Published on Jun 22, 2016

    WINNIPEG, CANADA — A spa owner and her employee are facing extortion and other charges after allegedly sexually assaulting and blackmailing a man.

    CBC reports that 29-year-old man was at Simi Magic Spa in Winnipeg for a business meeting with its owner, Simple Mehta.

    Mehta had yet to arrive, so her employee, 22-year-old Pam Sandu, offered him a massage while he waited. Instead of giving him a relaxing treatment, however, the man says Sandu sexually assaulted him and videotaped the entire thing.

    Sandu then threatened him with the footage, saying the video would go online unless he paid her money. The man was forced to pay thousands of dollars before he decided to report the incident to the authorities.

    Mehta and Sandu are in police custody. Mehta was charged with extortion, procuring, and conspiracy to committing an indictable offense. Sandu is facing charges for extortion, voyeurism, sexual assault, and conspiracy to commit an indictable offense.

    The man’s ordeal was not an isolated incident, and authorities speculate that other criminal activity may have been occurring at the establishment.

    Police reportedly previously received information about the spa and already had the facility on their radar. According to Global News, the spa is not a member of the Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba, and none of the employees are licensed massage therapists.

    (Tomo News)

    Hot Taiwanese model steals the show with her skimpy outfits at EDC festival in Vegas – TomoNews:

    Published on Jun 23, 2016

    LAS VEGAS — They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas — that is, unless you’re smokin’ hot Taiwanese model Lin Eng-ling and you share your holiday snaps with the world on Facebook.

    Lin, aka Rebaccarry, was representin’ at EDC in Las Vegas last week, giving festival-goers an eyeful in some skimpy outfits.

    Thousands of people have liked 26-year-old Rebaccary’s photos online.

    Some commenters asked if she took Molly to the festival, so we’re guessing Molly must be another Taiwanese model. No reply to that one though, hmmmm.

    EDC stands for Electric Daisy Carnival. The festival is one of the standout events on the calendar for commercial mainstream dance music, which you probably know better as EDM.

    Highlights this year included sets by DJs like Armin van Buuren and Eric Prydz. But perhaps the biggest attraction was Rebaccarry’s marijuana-inspired bikini, which left little to the imagination.

    (Tomo News)

    Post #47
    Chapter #32

    Switzerland’s sex cafe: Geneva coffee shop will offer oral with your cuppa joe – TomoNews:

    Published on Jun 24, 2016

    GENEVA — Swiss firm Facegirl plans to open a coffee shop in Geneva where men can order caffeine and oral sex, the Local CH reports.

    Based on similar coffee joints in Thailand, the idea would see men getting something extra with their coffee for around 60 bucks. The customer would order his fappa-cino, then select a sex worker on an iPad before taking a seat at the bar.

    “In five or ten minutes, it’s all over,” Facegirl’s Bradley Charvet told Swiss newspaper Le Matin, reported the Local CH.

    The service would be theoretically legal in Switzerland, as long as the coffee place’s sex worker have the right paperwork.


    Birth control from medical apps Lemonaid and Nurx in California means no doctor visits – TomoNews:

    Published on Jun 26, 2016

    LOS ANGELES — Californians can now get birth control pills from at least two apps.

    The state is one of a few that allow people access to healthcare via video conferencing or online due to the Telemedicine Development Act of 1996 and the Telehealth Advancement Act of 2011.

    Now, patients can also access birth control via apps like Lemonaid and Nurx.

    Lemonaid is an app that offers birth control prescriptions as well as options for finding treatment for conditions like urinary tract infections, the flu, acne and hair loss. It promises a two-hour turnaround during normal business hours and gives users a list of nearby pharmacies.

    Nurx is an app for obtaining birth control and the HIV prevention medication pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP. Nurx lets users order birth control pills, patches, the NuvaRing and Plan B online for to be delivered to their homes.

    Users of both apps just answer some questions and submit them along with a photo for a doctor to review.

    According to the Los Angeles Times, the apps are alternatives for who can’t afford to see a doctor or live too far from clinics and hospitals. The apps do not, however, answer more complex questions that a doctor can provide in person.


    Post #48
    Chapter #33

    太恐怖!有毛的水果 吃了恐滑胎 –蘋果日報20160702:

    Life as a Living Latex Female Doll:

    Female masking is an underground scene where heterosexual men dress up as latex dolls. The scene has become increasingly popular in recent years so VICE Germany decided to find out more about this curious subculture.


    Our Living Slanguage: Orgasmic Meditators:

    VICELAND’s Thomas Morton teaches us the slanguage of orgasmic meditation.


    Post #49
    Chapter #34

    Japan adult video and toy virtual reality conference shut down due to overcrowding – TomoNews:

    Published on Jul 6, 2016

    TOKYO — Japan’s first VR conference featuring adult videos and sexy time toys was shut down prematurely last month because of overcrowding.

    The event held in Tokyo featured the latest virtual reality technology in relation to the adult video and toy industry, and included demonstrations complete with actual pornographic content.

    Before doors opened, crowds gathered outside the venue. One local journalist reported that the crowd outside probably rivaled the number inside. Ultimately, police had to shut down the entire event just to control the crowd.

    Organizers apologized and promised next time they would book a larger venue.


    暑假再失暈 黃榕sm半裸mv去到盡:

    Published on Jul 7, 2016

    天氣咁熱,仲要睇埋黃榕啲咁火辣辣嘅熱舞場面,仲要……仲要失暈,我頂唔住要噴… 鼻血啦!

    yellow! yellow! yellow low low low

    年年暑假都出寫真嘅黃榕,今年唔去同班妹妹仔鬥剝衫,走咗去出碟做歌手,大拿拿使咗成10萬蚊出咗隻快歌《 Melty Yellow》。「因為平時登台都係唱人哋啲歌,好想有自己一首歌,同埋好鍾意跳舞、好鐘意韓風,所以搵咗 我個朋友阿詩排咗啲舞。」黃榕說。

    向來open嘅黃榕話自己好like扭pat pat同埋一字馬,所以個mv入面全部有齊晒!

    唔夠喉?don’t worry,陸逐有嚟,黃榕話佢只係貼咗乳貼就咁喺mv演出,wild到呢!真係少啲定力都出事!

    (Nextplus 壹週Plus)

    黃榕 Gloriana Wong - 【 Melty Yellow 】Official Music Video:

    Melty Yellow

    曲: 天仔/Label Li

    詞:Label Li

    編:天仔/Label Li

    監:天仔/Label Li

    Y!E!L!L!O! Yello! Hey boy u gotta follow

    Y!E!L!L!O! Yello! Hey girl u gotta follow

    Hey! okay okay

    凝望我身體髮膚香氣 耳邊爽快的吹氣

    yeah ye yeah!

    okay okay

    逃避我即管喊聲 No way 指尖總抓得到你

    Hey my boy! here we go!

    I’m your pillow! Marshmallow!

    Don’t you wanna shallow me?

    Oh baby boy why don’t you hug me?

    Y.E.L.O ! Yelo !

    Hey boy u gotta follow

    I’m your pillow! Marshmallow!

    Just listen…

    黃 如像赤裸身體氣味 夢內有你

    溶 解了蜜糖 黃色美

    愛 上香蕉的芭菲

    你 想不想 Taste?



    Yellow! Yellow! Yell low!low!low!



    Yellow! Yellow! Yell low!low!low!


    Be my yellow! Be my yellow!


    Be my yellow! Be my yellow!

    (That was delicious, can we do that again?)



    Post #50
    Chapter #35

    TOKYOセクシーナイト(Chinese version):

    恵比寿★マスカッツのデビューシングル「TOKYOセクシーナイト」の中国語verのMUsi c Video。




    Published on Jul 8, 2016


    葉玉卿12年帶埋芷欣返港拍戲,當時佢已經係靚女一名。之後佢女大十八變,14年已經開始晒水著,盡得媽咪 優良遺傳。今年17歲,更加不得了,索爆身材,腿長腰幼,天生一副明星相。但卿卿就唔想佢入行,最近幫佢推 片約,希望佢專心讀書。咁靚女梗係大把人追,不過芷欣好專一,同日韓籍男友拍拖兩年幾,依然好 sweet!

    卿卿話個女好怕醜,喺學校最怕上台唱歌演話劇,但selfie咁自信,真係好啱呢行,卿卿諗諗 佢啦!

    (Nextplus 壹週Plus)

    露點有理 葉玉卿最憎被叫三級脫星:

    Published on Jul 8, 2016

    葉玉卿雖然拍咗一系列三級片,喺片中都不少情慾戲,有啲仲要露兩點,但佢強調自己係演員,係為劇情需要而脫 ,所以最憎人叫佢三級脫星喎。係咪劇情需要?就見仁見智!好似湯鎮業同葉玉卿拍《情不自禁》時,講佢兩個遇 上大賊,要除晒衫俾人五花大綁,呢啲劇情似乎有啲牽強喎。

    唔只電影㗎!性感根本係卿卿嘅標誌,佢拍雜誌封面都好鬼搏㗎!不過早幾年卿卿返港復出拍電影, 雖然身形都 keep得好弗,但就收起晒性感啦,人哋都上晒岸啦!不過,嗰陣騷味仲好鬼濃郁。

    (Nextplus 壹週Plus)

    Post #51
    Chapter #36

    子宮頸癌年輕化 不到30恐罹癌–蘋果日報20160713:

    Published on Jul 12, 2016

    據國民健康署統計,子宮頸癌前病變年輕個案增加,現今每5位新發個案中,就有1例為20~34歲,林口長庚 紀念醫院婦產科主治醫師周宏學表示,隨著初次發生性行為年齡下降、缺乏疫苗防護觀念、未主動抹片篩檢等都可 能是原因,而現在有新式的九價疫苗可防護更多型別的人類乳突病毒,預防子宮頸癌,然而相較以往的疫苗,每劑 要高出1000元,半年打3劑需自費約1萬4000元~1萬5000元。

    報導╱黃子倫 攝影╱楊明龍


    想要腰束奶膨屁股硬 躺著搖就對了–蘋果日報20160713:

    Published on Jul 12, 2016


    被封為台版娜美,擁有178公分的身高、E奶和24吋小蠻腰的力英桂,剛拿下2016台灣異國舞蹈大賽職業 組亞軍,目前是一位肚皮舞老師,問起學肚皮舞的動機,她笑著說:「5年前我學的是國標舞,但因為身高太高, 找不到舞伴,原本覺得很灰心,但在2年前發現肚皮舞可以獨秀,才又重拾對舞蹈的信心。」


    Post #52
    Chapter #37

    ‘S’pore’ superstar celebrity’ Kurt Tay removes his breast implants – and now wants to be WWE wrestler:

    He was so desperate to remove his C-cup breast implants that he worked two jobs and slept just three hours a night to raise the $7,000 needed for the procedure.

    In April 2013, Mr Kurt Tay, then a 27-year-old security guard, made headlines when he got breast implants because he needed to “boost his confidence”.

    At the time, he said that after a string of failed attempts to date women, he wanted the breasts “to feel better”. Mr Tay also claimed then that he was not a transsexual.

    Eight months after getting his implants, he married Madam Kim Ngan, a 29-year-old Vietnamese national.

    For a few years after that, Mr Tay, now 30, worked as a cleaner in the day and a security guard at night, earning $3,700 a month - just so that he could go under the knife again.


    Mr Tay, who supports his wife, said it took two years to save up for the trip to Thailand to remove the silicone implants because he could only afford to save about $300 every month.

    When the surgery finally took place in early June, he told The New Paper, which has chronicled his journey so far, that he felt “relieved”.

    Back in 2013, he had said: “Whenever I saw women on the train, I’d feel very miserable that I didn’t have breasts like them.

    “It was like suddenly all I wanted was to have breasts. Until today, I can’t explain what came over me.

    “I was depressed after losing money at the casino and my online escort business failed.”

    Mr Tay, who also described himself as a “Singapore superstar celebrity” on his Facebook profile page, denies it was a stunt or a cry for attention, but admitted he found life with the implants difficult.

    “My wife kept telling me she felt embarrassed whenever we went out because people would stare at us like we were weird,” said Mr Tay.

    He would then bind his chest before they went out.

    “I wrapped them, but you could still see them sticking out because they were quite big,” he said.

    “So we still got stares. I didn’t want her to feel ashamed.”

    His mother was also upset.

    “When I saw my mother just burst into tears, that’s when I knew I did her wrong.

    “It’s like then, I ‘woke up’,” he said.

    Mr Tay declined to reveal more about his family, except that he and his wife are still married and they have been trying to have children.

    He now aspires to be a World Wrestling Entertainment star.

    “I want to (eventually) build my body (similar) to that of wrestlers like John Cena or The Rock.”

    Dr Brian Yeo, a consultant psychiatrist at Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, said Mr Tay’s explanation that he had implants after becoming stressed and depressed was very unusual.

    “It is unusual that stress could cause someone to suddenly want a change.

    “Usually, a person would need to have had sexual identity issues first, before stress can trigger them to get drastic changes made.”

    Stress, he added, commonly causes people to indulge in vice or take a long break. It doesn’t usually push someone to do something as drastic as breast implants.

    “Every person is different and there are many ways of coping (with stress) - some people turn to religion, some take the time to reflect.”

    See photos of his transformation in the gallery below.

    (Catherine Robert

    The New Paper

    13 July 2016)

    Model-host Joey Mead’s husband shocks everyone by coming out as transgender:

    Joey Mead King is a Filipino-Iranian television personality, fashion lifestyle host, runway coach and is the model mentor/co-judge on popular reality show, Asia’s Next Top Model cycles two and three.

    According to ABS-CBN, her husband and businessman and car enthusiast Ian King, surprised netizens with a special announcement on social media on Saturday.

    He is now known as Angelina.

    In her latest post on Sunday, she said: “So much love and support I can’t even believe how amazing everyone has been. It’s hard to keep denying yourself your own truth so now this is me. Thank you so much everyone!”

    Angelina also shared a picture of her and Joey where she called the model wife her “rock and number one supporter.”


    [奇趣TV] 古代女性的內衣你見識過嗎? (現代的胸圍和隱形胸罩,應該很多人也認識。但秦漢時期的奶罩,你又知不知道叫什麼?讓我們坐時光機回到過 去,看看以前的女人時裝,用什麼包著乳房):


    此時較常用的女性內衣有帕腹、抱腹和心衣。一般在腹部簡單地橫裹一塊布帕的,稱作「帕腹」;在帕腹上綴以帶 子,用時緊抱其腹的,稱作「抱腹」;而在抱腹上加以「鉤肩」及「襠」的,稱作「心衣」。


    「兩當」最早由三國兩晉南北時朝北方遊牧民族的女性內衣「裲襠」傳入中原的,後被漢族女性接受,發展為當時 的「兩當」。「兩當」通常為兩層,夾層可襯棉,既可擋胸又可擋背,貼身保暖。


    唐代女性以胖為美,發明出無帶的內衣,稱為「?子」。「?子」是一種無肩帶、側開合內衣形式。唐代女子喜歡 穿半露胸裙裝,她們將裙子高束在胸際,在胸下系一闊帶,外披透明薄紗,內衣若隱若現。內衣外穿其實可以追溯 到唐代。


    自宋代始,女子有束胸的習慣。宋代「抹胸」穿著後「上可覆乳下可遮肚」,整個胸腹全被掩住,因而又稱「抹肚 」。




    「主腰」外形與背心相似。開襟,兩襟各綴有三條襟帶,肩部有襠,襠上有帶,腰側還各有系帶將所有襟帶系緊後 形成明顯的收腰,盡顯身材。


    清代一般是菱形狀,只有前片,後背袒露,上有帶,穿時套在頸間,其腰部另有兩條帶子束在背後,下面呈倒三角 形,遮過肚臍,達到小腹。肚兜上有各類精美刺繡,材質以棉、絲綢居多,系束的帶子既有繩、絲絹,也用金、銀 、銅鏈等。


    近代,即民國初年,女性開始注重身體曲線,於是便產生了形制較窄的「小馬甲」。小馬甲」一般以對襟上的扣子 開合,其吸收了西方內衣束胸的特點。而「小馬甲」後來也逐步演變為今天我們所熟知的「胸罩」。



    Male sexual stamina to be improved with smart shorts that help them do Kegel exercises – TomoNews:

    Published on Jul 14, 2016

    PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA — New technologically enhanced shorts have been developed by a start-up company that aims to help men improve their sexual stamina, and ultimately gain the ability to have multiple orgasms.

    VylyV, a start-up from Palo Alto, California, has designed smart shorts that help men perform Kegel exercises. The shorts are equipped with a vibration device that syncs to an app, which tracks pelvic floor movements. The app also allows users to play games by performing Kegel exercises detected through sensors in the shorts.

    The floor of the pelvis is supported by a layer of muscle tissue, which stretches from the tailbone to the pubic bone like a hammock. This pelvic floor muscle supports the bladder and bowel. In men, exercising this muscle through Kegel exercises also strengthens the bulbocavernosus muscle, which controls urination, allows for erections and ejaculation.

    VylyV claims the shorts aid in such exercises to build a stronger pelvic floor muscle and thereby support the functions of the bulbocavernosus muscle.


    Woman high on drugs, possibly flakka, rolls around naked on streets of New York – TomoNews:

    Published on Jul 14, 2016

    Go here for a less censored version: http://$$$$$$$/29QGXW2

    NEW YORK — A naked woman high on drugs was caught on camera rolling around on the streets of New York.

    Not much is known about the incident except that it occurred on Prospect Avenue in Longwood neighborhood of the Bronx.

    Video footage showed the naked woman rolling around the floor in the middle of the street just before two policemen escort her to the sidewalk.

    The woman may have been high on flakka, a synthetic drug known as the “zombie drug” that has been linked to many cases in which the user has stripped naked. Last November, the DEA said the drug has reemerged in New York City.


    Post #53
    Chapter #38

    Dating A Predator: “The Teacher”:

    Our undercover journalist, disguised as a 15-year-old, meets a child sex predator who got in touch with her on WeChat. Doesn’t take long for him to ask her to go with him to a hotel room.


    Wife crushes man’s testicles: Man dies after 5 minutes of ball-crushing agony – TomoNews:

    Published on Jul 16, 2016

    TIEN GIANG, VIETNAM — A Vietnamese man died of suffocation after an altercation with his wife during which she reportedly crushed his testicles.

    On July 10, Le Kim Khai came to the home of his separated wife, 55-year-old Phan Thi Kim Chuong, to find her and one of their two daughters refusing to let him in.

    Khai found a hand saw and used it to cut open the door lock and break in. Once inside the husband and wife began violently fighting. Khai began punching his wife repeatedly despite his daughter’s pleas for him to stop.

    Chuong eventually grabbed Khai’s testicles and wrestled him to the floor, climbing and sitting on his stomach.

    Never loosening her vice grip, Chuong called the police. For five minutes, Chuong crushed the man’s balls until neighbors arrived and convinced her to stop.

    It was too late; Khai had lost consciousness and when en route to the hospital his face had turned purple. An autopsy revealed food stuck in the man’s windpipe. His official cause of death was suffocation.


    Post #54
    Chapter #39

    Woman who was desperate to give birth in the wild delivers her baby in a STREAM:

    Birth in Nature: Natural Birth (Full Video):

    This video is of my fourth birth. It was the singular most transforming event of my life and my most conscious act as a woman to date.

    WARNING: This video is explicit, especially as it is shot outdoors in broad daylight. If you choose to watch it, please watch it with respect and understand that it is very exposing for me to share myself in this way.

    How and why I chose to give birth in nature was much about the inner journey as the outward process … and equally as powerful. Afterwards I felt like my whole life had been in preparation for that one moment. My sense of wholeness and peace was bigger and deeper than anything I had ever felt before. This feeling only continues to expand and ripple out into my family, my relationships, my life. It has had a profound effect on my mothering and for my children especially.

    I give permission to share on blogs or with others, if it feels right for you to do so and is done with love and respect for myself and my family. I do NOT grant permission to re-upload this video on other YouTube pages.

    With gratitude and an open heart.


    Music at end of video is the Gayatri Mantra performed by Deva Premal.

    Special mention to just some of my sources of inspiration and education:

    Elena Tonetti and

    Orgasmic Birth

    Brandon Bays

    Shivam Rachana

    Sarah Buckley

    Rhea Dempsey


    Post #55
    Chapter #40

    Hooters Girl條件大公開 記者見工請唔請?:

    【本報訊】向來以「波霸女侍應」作招徠的美國連鎖餐廳Hooters終落戶中環,稱日內開幕。其生招牌是一 眾以白色小背心配上橙色熱褲、兼會送上勁歌熱舞的Hooters Girls女侍應,惟餐廳於招聘時寫明要求申請人為女性,惹性別歧視之嫌。

    (蘋果動新聞 HK Apple Daily)

    【好平呀!】88蚊5隻雞翼 Hooters Girl熱舞陪你食:

    一向以波霸侍應聞名嘅美國連鎖餐廳Hooters落戶中環,噚日舉行傳媒預展,晒冷安排11位身材火辣、着 住招牌白色小背心、橙色超短熱褲嘅Hooters Girls展示勁歌熱舞。之前有傳香港分店本月開張,但香港總經理Mike Warde話因為牌照問題,暫時未做得生意,相信等到一班男士頸都長。

    (蘋果動新聞 HK Apple Daily)

    Post #58