Story of my Life..

    Chapter #11

    yup… i agree with bros here…

    he’s just using u to fulfill his sexual desire and if that’s just what u’re also looking for then it’s fine but if u’re looking for more that just to satisfy ur sexual desire… that James is exactly the kind of guy u dun wanna get stuck with…

    take it as a lesson and move on…

    Post #13
    Chapter #12

    ha ha ha……nice story to read thou with some contradiction.

    Anyway the picture i see is that baobei512 knows he is someone’s FB coz he not willing to settle down or chose not to. Secondly no one would be so naive unless she/him/shim r still a young school gal in lower secondary.

    Then baobei512 say one month later he told her he got gf…….I’M CUNTFUSED… moment fren’s FB, next chit chat ends up enjoying a good fxxking…..then 1 month later loss when this James told her got gf…..takes two hands to clap…..THOU U CAN USE YOUR THIGH

    Anyway nice story…..continue your writing please.

    Post #14
    Chapter #13


    Originally Posted by


    ha ha ha……nice story to read thou with some contradiction.

    Anyway the picture i see is that baobei512 knows he is someone’s FB coz he not willing to settle down or chose not to. Secondly no one would be so naive unless she/him/shim r still a young school gal in lower secondary.

    Then baobei512 say one month later he told her he got gf…….I’M CUNTFUSED… moment fren’s FB, next chit chat ends up enjoying a good fxxking…..then 1 month later loss when this James told her got gf…..

    takes two hands to clap…..THOU U CAN USE YOUR THIGH

    Anyway nice story…..continue your writing please.

    How could I disagree with what you have quoted? This is purely truth!

    Post #15
    Chapter #14

    3rd installment le.. short story ba..

    Remember there’s one day i read his room penthouse stories and saw one article that one ger used mint when giving her nubby a BJ.. Naturally i wanted to try.. So i got some really mint sweets like clorets, Fresh and one that we found by accident. A liquid mint orb than only can get in Candy Empire. By the name of XXX..

    I used it on him and in an instant he was so stiff that just touching it.. make me feel like wantin it.. i bj him with that and after that i had the most intense fuck ever. He seem to be so energentic and fuck me really hard.. Thinking back got me wet.. and he in turn used the mint and got into a 69 position with me.. I am in escasty when the mint is used on him.. i arch towards him more and more and wanted to get his tongue in me more and more.. until the point i cant stand it.. i cum on him.. he’s like oh my god… you come before him… am going to fuck you jia lat jia lat until you cant tahan.. I’m like.. go ahead if you can.. am up tp dares.. lol

    Ciao .. that’s all for this installment. Let me know how all of you think?

    Post #19
    Chapter #15


    Originally Posted by


    When a lady’s into something, no other man can chg her mind except that man himself. She will have know the truth when the time comes that she marry that man. Rem to post when you get married ah. Wonder if you can keep this thread alive and update till you marry???

    Haha.. Let me see if am that hardworking. I mean you guys don’t really want to listen to my sex life all the time and for the moment.. Both of us are happy and looking forward to get married.

    Post #22
    Chapter #16

    Thanks to all brothers or sisters that read my thread. What i had post here is things that had happen to me last year. I’m also happy to say that the guy as mention in the post and i are happy together and no more of his antics.

    If a guy can change a girl, i believe the same for guys too. if anyone wants to know more of the things that i tried on him. reply to my thread and i will follow-up. I dun want to share things that no one is interested. *grins

    Cheers that all for now.

    Post #23
    Chapter #17


    Originally Posted by


    Hi Little girl,

    Your posts amused me. I think one would not need a old dick like me to comment on your issues.

    First & foremost, I"m not trying to be negative towards your relationship. Like what you said about yourself, you’re not naive person..but honestly I think you’re too young or inexperience to visualise what’s right & what’s wrong. Dont get me wrong. I"m not a noble person to pass any judgemental opinions about what you’re currently undertaking..but any relationships you yearn requires any stupid competition like what you’hv done in prior do not results in fairytale ending. Relationship is unlike battles. YOU LOSE THE FIGHT..YOU LOSE, On the contrary, if you WIN YOU STILL LOSES. If someone who really loves you, he will not put you into such dire situation expecting a meaningless competition who outbeat one another.

    What frightens me indeed is that you are still so young ( Only 20) & getting into marriage commitments with him when you reaches legal age. Do not quote me as I maybe wrong but deep down..I think you should meet up with more credible people before a serious commitment like marriage is being discuss in your life. Dont be blind by just pooh bear, good sex, cheap thrill fun as life is more than that. You will bound to meet up with alot more better man than boys when you progresses in your life as time goes by.

    My 2ct worth.

    Haha thanks for your 2cents worth.. but he’s not puttin me thru that anymore.. and i believe he really really lub me now,,

    Thanks lots though

    Post #27
    Chapter #18


    Originally Posted by


    sis baobei512, interesting dare set by fiance… anyway, best of luck to ur marriage and wish u happiness…

    tyty for all the well wishes.. I’m confident that things will work out..

    Post #28
    Chapter #19

    *grins.. now than i noe.. actually on the bright side is we will be happily married and stay together.. but if.. like what i told him. There’s one day he have to leave.. than just leave.. just don’t drag things thru the mud.. i believe life with him is better but even without.. life still get on..

    The world doesn’t stop just one person is stopping or slowing down their process..

    And reality is always hard..

    Post #32
    Chapter #20


    Originally Posted by

    Gerald Tan

    And reality is always hard..

    Hi Baobei

    Looks like u love sex so much, and need it dearly, dats why u need him. Well, i wish u two best of luck. But let us advice u..your hubby James will still fuck another gal, someday, somehow, when there is opportunity…so pls be prepared mentally for it. Well, if u also need a guy oneday, hehe..u can contact me too. Enjoy life yeah.[/QUOTE]

    i wun deny that i love sex but i don’t need dearly. Like what i say if one say he’s not around. Life will still go on. But i am enjoyin my life though.

    Post #34