Adventures with my bf

    Chapter #11


    Originally Posted by


    oh, first post delete le. i go home upload again tonight

    waiting for ya pic tonight so can pcc again at night

    Post #35
    Chapter #12


    Originally Posted by


    waiting for ya pic tonight so can pcc again at night

    Sweety, what makes u wet easily?

    Post #36
    Chapter #13

    Sister heypi you are stunning.

    You and your boyfriend should maybe organise a club night where invited bros here can catch some of your zaogeng when you wear something revealing.

    Post #39
    Chapter #14


    Originally Posted by


    TS lah. Why? Haha…

    hahaha…thought you asking me…coz you quoted my post….

    Post #40
    Chapter #15

    You are such a teaser sis. Maybe you can add more pic on what you wore in your other thread. This will surely help bro like me who have poor imagination.

    Post #41
    Chapter #16


    Originally Posted by

    ah rat

    Sis, I clean cock

    oh, no no no.

    u got it wrong.

    I dirtied his cock.

    Post #45
    Chapter #17


    Originally Posted by


    Interesting lifestyle you two have. Are you still together? And one small question (with BIG consequences), did you do Pat RAW? I don’t think i read anything about a condom.

    yea? we’re still tgt. we’re sharing this sbf acct too.

    hahaha good question.

    raw is roaR.

    Post #47
    Chapter #18

    Thanks bros for your support and encouragement.

    I love to know tt u guys fantasize n empty ur loads to me.

    As all of you bros would have known by now, I’m an obedient gf and my bf likes to make me humiliated and embarrassed in public. but I kinda enjoy it.

    Previously, he ordered me to take off my bra after work when I’m wearing my translucent top and made me meet my fren n bf w my nipples hard catching all that attention beneath my translucent top.

    one time, he’d disallow me to wear bra or panties when I’m out with him.

    We went to the mall for dinner and movie.

    I was in this short white dress that is translucent and frilly at the bottom.

    The dress is so short that the frilly part (see thru) hardly covers my ass and you can totally see my full ass if u look close enough.

    Other than parading me around the mall, refusing to take the lift so that we can go up the escalator to the top floor, he will brush his hands across my boobs or along my inner thighs on the escalator while people watch on. Im too embarrassed to even look around to see if anyone is staring and there’s really no point in pulling my dress down, because even doing that will not cover my full ass and so, I just focus on looking at him, and holding him tight.

    In the cinema, he pulled my dress right up so that my pussy is totally exposed and played with my nipples. Thank god there wasn’t anyone right beside me.

    It was difficult to concentrate on the movie at all. I walk out of the theatre, with my juice flowing down my thighs. I feel so humiliated but I like it.

    Just when I tot the worst is over once we got out of the shopping mall around 9pm ish and he sent me home, he sat down at a bench next to the playground downstairs my house where there are still a lot of passerby at that hour. AND THERE WAS A SOCCER MATCH GOING ON. Most ppl are still awake and the playground is surrounded with HDBs and voices of men watching soccer n having a party. He lifted my legs upn place them on top of his and spread my legs wide so people walking past can see and he played with my nipples making me super wet. The thrill of being seen by others is so humiliating, yet so fun. (#’.’#)

    Post #48
    Chapter #19

    Thanks bros for liking my short stories and adventures.

    of cos, as well as those who think it’s good and are uping my points.

    My bf has been really cheeky since I started posting in SBF cos I think it turns him on to let the whole world share his girl.

    One evening, our landlord is not in, and he decides to give me a good time and I can moan as loudly as I want.

    After cumming and making a mess; totally wasted, he got up n started to dress up.

    bf: i need to go back to my mum’s place to do some work. open the door for me.

    me: (tired n wasted, reached out for my shirt)

    bf: no! who said u can wear anything?! Come! Open the door for me!

    me: Ok… (thinking that it’s the room door)

    Hoping the landlord’s son is not home, I opened the door.

    Bf: where’s your key? (he asked quietly) how do u open the door without keys my dear?

    Me: huhh..hhh? you mean… the front door? But…!!

    Bf: Oh, u mean no? u want me to punish u somemore issit? (he flashed an evil smile)

    Me: no master… I mean, yes sir, i will open the door right now.

    I went out of our room stark naked and look at the wall clock. Damn! It’s only 10pm! The unit I stay in, is right outside the lift, at the corner of a long corridor, so if someone happens to step out of the lift, or is walking along the corridor, he/she will totally see me and I will have nowhere to hide.

    I quickly opened the door for my bf and wait for him to go. But instead, he took his time to wear his shoes and when he’s done, he looked around, then at me and said, “Come, press the lift button for me.” Intimidated, scared but yet, thrilled by the idea, I ran out to the lift n quickly pressed the button before giving him a brief hug, naked at the lift lobby while he waits for the lift. that few seconds felt weird because i’m the only one naked and we’re out in the open. This send chills down my spine and before i realised i was moist below.

    This was my first experience walking out of the house with nothing on.

    It was damn thrilling but scary at the same time because it’s still early and I might be spotted by aunties or children which I didn’t want. I was dripping wet when I returned to my room, but I was too tired from the punishment earlier I just lie down in bed.

    While catching my breath thinking of what just happened, my phone beeped.


    Let you know when I’m done n coming home.

    Come down the lift to pick me up later.

    Naked as well of cos.

    Post #55
    Chapter #20


    Originally Posted by


    Brand new experience for you.. sweet!

    Can’t wait to read what’s next… Did you go greet him naked… Or not… I think you did coz you like it.

    Hopefully, you’ll have the energy to cum after getting all dripping wet!

    Your bf is a lucky man.

    hehe new experiences is good ma, tt’s y is adventures ma..


    Originally Posted by



    Daring girl…

    You BF is such a lucky man to have a girl like you.

    actually, just the opposite.

    im lucky to have a bf who likes me for who i am, and accepts that i’m an exhibitionist.

    I like to go around naked doesnt mean i want other men, or i love him less.

    n it’s not smth any guy can b comfy with and most of the time, they’ll b quite insecure abt it.

    Post #57