Bernice - Housing Agent

    Chapter #141

    I’ve did a fair bit of writing over the week, so I can afford to post again. Hehe…

    No complains I hope, I’ve been doing a lot of surprise posting lately.


    It went on for a while, before she let go.

    B(ernice): Thanks… I needed that.

    Hugging usually is more for ang mohs I guess. Singaporeans usually don’t show comfort or support via such bodily contact.

    I guessed she needed that assurance and encouragement. If it’s another girl, I might have been slapped?

    Unsure where the clinic is, I followed Bernice. She was turning here and there, walking quietly. I didn’t say a word. She must be very anxious. Even before going through the physical treatment, her actions were already showing she’s tired and exhausted mentally.

    Fucking painful and tiring, it must be. No wonder they say, before the illness kills you, the treatment already does.

    S(taff): Ms Bernice go to station 4.

    The staff nonchalantly shouted out without batting an eyelid or looking up from her screen.

    The patients are already very scared and upset being there, such attitude doesn’t make it any better for them.

    But what can they do, the staff are just there to work. It’s just a job, they are not paid for their empathy.

    Bernice sat there. Her breathing was rapid and heavy. Her legs didn’t move.

    gog: Come, I’ll go with you.

    I reached out my hand, held hers and supported her up. Her hand was grabbing mine very tightly. She was very scared. I can’t put it down in words here what I saw for myself that day. Just believe me, it’s beyond words.

    Sorry if there are no erections or reactions from the usual body contact, because that day I really had no mood to even think of fucking or molesting her.

    Reaching counter 4, I could feel her body resisting but I held her hand tight and continued walking over.

    S: Ms Bernice? Sit down please and roll up your sleeve. Repeat your IC for me.

    No PDPA back then, IC number was like free for all.

    B: SxxxxxxxZ

    I caught the first two, which told me her age.

    S: Today doing treatment ya.

    Bernice merely nodded. Fuck… that needle.

    S: Sir, you want to come back in 3 hours? You can go cafe or eat lunch.

    gog: Nope, I’ll accompany her.

    She went to shift a chair over for me.

    S: You sit here accompany her. If anything, you just hollar for me ya?

    Bernice felt relieved I did not abandon her. My fingers interlocked with hers and I sat close so she can lean a bit on me.

    Post #230
    Chapter #142


    Originally Posted by


    Great, we’ve got time to read more over the weekend too!

    Wow, this is really like a Korean drama. So romantic… The fingers interlocking with her… Did you ever think of marrying her?

    It’s not really KR drama lol. I did the things I did to support, it wasn’t to get sexual gratification. Admittedly at other times it would mean that. Just that with Bernice at the hospital, my mind was on other things, like hoping she won’t cry, or sulk or throw a tantrum.

    Alone she might not, but when she has somebody accompanying and supporting, she might, so the actions were more of assurance, nothing sexual in relations here LOL!!!


    Originally Posted by


    Hugging is more common in Singapore now. Even blowing kisses by the sides of the face too. About hugging, between friends, usually will still have a gap for the chests and the groins. Unless super close ones, then full contact.

    The complication is usually about the blowing kisses next to the face. The Italians is 3 kisses while the Americans is 2. Even the sequence of the left or right matters. Kissing wrongly can be awkward.

    Not back then, ladies generally do not feel hugging to be socially acceptable with others even if it’s for emotional support or happiness. Somehow, they still feel the front of their boobs is not for touching others.

    Friendly kisses too, we don’t do that but given the Gen Z and Millenials now, sex is like a hobby, so kisses might be free to them too.

    Just not so much back in my days where it’s considered too intimate or personal to do that. Still very much a taboo.


    Originally Posted by


    wow…this will be the first story WITHOUT sex from you…

    Did I promise any sex? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    Post #234
    Chapter #143

    Happy Sunday all, quick update for today

    lots of activities.

    And oh ya.. am heading overseas soon also, bear with the disruptions in updates



    gog: Be strong, okay? I pray for you. We will get throught his together.

    Said a little prayer for her that day. Felt her breathing go back to normal, our hands still interlocked at finger level.

    Tick-tock… tick-tock… the analog clock hung on the wall seemed extremely loud in the midst of the patients there doing treatments. Hustling about the nurses were quick in their job, but none of them were joking, or making small talk.

    Alicia leaned closer and rested her head into my chest area. She needed the emotional and physical assurance I guess.

    2.5 hours later the staff moved towards us.

    S(taff): Okay Ms Bernice, done already.

    She began to remove, apply cream, apply plaster.

    S: This is the payment form, pay at counter 1 ya, you know which one right. That’s all today.

    I helped Bernice stand up. Her was face deathly white. Taking small strides, we reached the payment area. I sat her down and went to make payment.

    How did she survive the first 7 alone and doing all these herself? I guess that’s why they say mothers are the best. They are stronger than men in everything.

    If me… I think I would have jumped off the building myself already. I saw the bill and I almost cried. Being brave I just signed for it first.

    gog: Let’s go, I’ll send you home.

    Unlike Milly, no, we did not adjorn to a hotel to rest. I - being the perfect gentleman. Brought Bernice to my car.

    B(ernice): Thanks…

    gog: Welcome, you go back have a good rest. Then remember to exercise after you rested, must strengthen your body.

    Bernice smiled slightly. I guess having an encouraging friend helps. Quiet trip as I let Bernice rest in the car. Even if I did fuck Bernice, she definitely won’t be in the mood for it after treatment.

    Bear with me, still a lengthy bit to go… thus I didn’t originally want to share this story.

    Didn’t hear from her until Sat evening.


    Post #235
    Chapter #144


    Originally Posted by


    Not with my busty colleague.

    She is more culturally to ang moh type.

    We will usually hug and I have a good feel of her bust. When we hug, we will usually pat each others back. Same time make face contact but no kissing.

    I have such friends also but rare and little. I’m the one probably uncomfy with such body contact. Hahaha ya. I’m wired weirdly.


    Originally Posted by


    appreciate bro gog for this SG drama story… our mediacorp writers should use some of your stories as inspiration..

    I guess it stems from real life situations. You either need to be a damn good story teller or you are 200 years old with a lot of sexperience.


    Originally Posted by


    Wa lao, this CB Gog tried to speak like a lao uncle. I am likely older than you. My era ain’t that far from yours already randomly have met ladies who are opened to friendly hugs and pecks. Anyway, it’s the circle and types of contacts.

    You are not wrong about the gen Z, more open. Even the commercial ones that were seen in leaks were opened to kiss and frenching. The older ones wouldn’t mind BJ and BBBJ, but wouldn’t kiss or French.

    Hahaha I got say I’m young meh? Maybe this was 20 years go? lol.

    I mean if you know them long enough, hug and kisses are probably general greetings. If at first introduction, I’m pretty sure none would give a general embrace and peck. Hehe…

    Leaks are different, those are engages in intimacy and recorded for private view but got leaked out. They’re open in bedroom, not in front of others going around telling people ‘come let’s fuck’ or ‘come I want to suck your cock’. You get my drift.


    Originally Posted by


    Are you sure you pay attention to little details?

    Not for the first time, you are making the most basic of fatal errors - unless, of course, your bestie’s ex-wife mysteriously was also undergoing chemo next to Bernice and “leaned” closer to you in a bid to rekindle the lost romance…

    Not bad, only one person picked it up. The rest really skim through.

    Yes, I’m that meticulous, I typed Bernice then changed it to Alice. This was a on purpose error.


    Originally Posted by


    send u a pm

    I’ll see if got time, I’m usually hit and run here … this is just a sharing platform.

    Post #241
    Chapter #145

    Good Monday all, how’s everybody?


    B(ernice): Free tomorrow evening? Go for a walk with me?

    gog: Sure, I’m free.

    B: See you at Pasir Ris Park at 4pm?

    Reached and parked near the bicycle shop. Did some simple warm up and my phone rang with WA.

    B: I’m here, where are you?

    I looked aorund and easily spotted Bernice in her auntie outfit. A simple white tee with shorts and sports shoes with a towel around her neck.

    gog: Look to your left.

    I waved and Bernice waved back. Could see something shaking on her body. Well, I’m still a guy what. Doh.

    gog: Looking good, rosy cheeks, alert and all good.

    B: I’m still exhausted but I want to work out a bit. Left 2 more treatments.

    Support is really necessary when you are sick. My little bit of support gave her the encouragement to look foward in life and to fight back. She was still pale though but a nice work out should bring back some colours to her face.

    gog: Don’t worry, many guys here are looking at you. You are definitely recovering well.

    She really started looking around, expecting to find people looking at her.

    B: Don’t have leh.. where?

    gog: Here, me lor.

    Bernice laughed and smacked my arm.

    B: I lao auntie liao la!

    Lao = old in mandarin langauge. She doesn’t understand sometimes old ginger is spicier and there are still market demands for it.`

    gog: Also need to maintain ma. You maintain quite well.

    That was the first time I think I gave compliments to her directly.

    We strolled along the park, a few rounds, chit chatting. Her usual complains about the husband came out. I listened and told her to don’t over think things.

    B: And then… *SHRIEKS* snake!

    Post #242
    Chapter #146


    Originally Posted by


    u wrote down another girl name instead of Bernice and that is why I pm you to clarify it quickly

    Haha yes bro that was on purpose… see who got read carefully.

    Post #244
    Chapter #147


    Originally Posted by


    Saw that too … Was surprised at first, then dismissed it as a mistake…

    Hahaha I’m too free to do such things…


    Originally Posted by


    I am sure it was just like 25YO being eligible for HDB

    You never know


    Originally Posted by


    giving us hint of who is next. hahaha

    Or was.., Alicia over liao leh

    Post #248
    Chapter #148

    Good morning all!!! How’s the blueeeeeeeeee


    Bernice grabbed my arm with both hands and tried to hide behind me. Gosh.. the scent of her perspiration, mixed with her breasts rubbing my arm…

    I reached out and picked up the snake gently, it was a small green tree snake, green and slippery but not venemous or dangerous.

    B(ernice): Ahhhhhh!!!!

    Bernice jumped away from me in shock.

    gog: Eh chill this snake is harmless, really, see.

    I held out the snake to her but Bernice was frightened and shook her head.

    gog: Wah lao, you can go through treatment but scared of a harmless snake?

    B: I scared la!

    gog: Come… be brave.

    I gently stroked the head of the snake with my thumb as its body twirled around my arm. Like a kid, Bernice slowly reached out with anxiety as she approached.

    It was fun teasing her and getting her to try something different. After all, not all snakes are dangerous.

    Bernice slowly and gently touched the snake and before long she was comfortable with it being around her. I released it back into the vegetation.

    B: You very daring hor?

    gog: Well, if it’s a cobra, it will be a different story.

    Well, I do have a cobra on me.. if you’d like.

    Post #249
    Chapter #149


    Originally Posted by


    Nice… I guess she liked how brave you were in addition to having a gentle side… This was a side of you she hadn’t seen before…

    Yeah, and not all snakes are dangerous 😉

    I guess this incident drove away Bernice’s fear of snakes… And maybe she found out later that it’s even fun to touch one… 😉

    Did you actually say that last line? 🤔

    Huh not brave la. If I never encounter the snake before who’s in the right mind will go pick up, I won’t

    you know what I mean? Hahah if I didn’t know it’s harmless why would I act smart go touch. Later I become dead ah.

    Just sharing this bit for the laughter, I remember how she jump away and how scared she was. I enjoy teasing ladies.

    And no of course I didn’t say it out. I believe I did have that thought in my head back then. I’m a male and she’s not going through treatment that day so my mind always runs.

    Maybe I’d even think my cobra can cure her illness if she wants. That’s how sick I am probably.

    Post #251
    Chapter #150

    Going to food coma soon so…



    No, it was a tiger or lion which escaped from zoo. Her stomach growled. Nothing eventful, brought her to Simpang Bedok for food, chatted laughed and finally it was back to reality for her.

    B(ernice): Thanks for accompanying me today.

    gog: I need the exercise too, I’m getting fat.

    B: Yeah lor yeah lor.

    gog: HEY…

    No touching ensued, merely words and laughter. Laughter is a good medicine to the illness. 90% of recovery depends on your optimism, not treatment.

    Keeping her in light heartedness for another 2 months is all I need to do.

    I continued to meet Bernice regularly in the evenings after work. Brisk walking, slow jogging, once we even rented bicycles and cycled along ECP.

    The only pain upcoming was the 9th visit. Watching her writhe in pain, her unwillingness to go into the clinic. It hurt me even though I’m nobody to her.

    gog: Let’s do this.

    Post #252