Bernice - Housing Agent

    Chapter #121


    Originally Posted by


    Looking forward to Phase 2, hopefully with some sex?

    Hahah already say this is just a story about my housing agent, I got promise anything? You all don’t think I will just end the story with nothing and blue you gao gao? Hahaha


    Originally Posted by


    Eagerly awaiting phase 2!



    Originally Posted by


    You should be thankful of her hubby to be MCP, if not, you would not likely to have a chance on her.

    Such dumb ass deserve to be punished. Likewise for those women who treat their partners like dirt. The FCP.

    It’s sad that once a man conquers the woman, the woman is no longer prized. Or neglected in many ways.

    Sometimes it’s just us. The moment we get something, we grow bored of it and it just becomes a daily affair for us. Sad but true.

    Post #187
    Chapter #122

    Good morning all. This part is a bit heavy for those who experienced it before and for those who never, I sincerely hope you’ll never as well.

    I’ll term this part as the roller coaster. A roller coaster of feelings, events and hopelessness.


    Renovation, fixing up the house, furniture, converting one of the rooms into a gaming room for PS3, Wii and a computer with massive large LCD screens (I’ve since stopped gaming).

    Moving in, and finally it was done, almost a year passed since, I’ve had my own bachelor pad, brought friends home, had house warming and all.

    Around the corner was my anniversary of key collection. Like is funny, it’s only when on certain dates, you tend to remember people who helped or matter to you.

    gog: Hey. How you’ve been? Been more than a year since I collected keys. Just wanted to say hi. How’s work?

    Quite lame la, I admit, but what you expect me to do? I’m just a guy - a typical one.

    Took a while but for sure… *DING*

    B: gog? Good to hear from you? How are you? I haven’t been working for almost the past year taking a rest.

    My heart sank a bit. Now, we all know, nobody takes a year off work unless it’s due to… …

    gog: Are you alright? Sick?

    Bernice avoided the topic, or tried to, I can tell it was kind of personal to her.

    B: Yeah, recovering now. Wasn’t feeling very well after your key collection already, so undergoing treatment now and recovery.

    Yep… I don’t need to spell it out. You folks should know what she was stricken with. I lost a loved one to the same illness before. I know how painful it is to face it and scary.

    Before it kills you, the treatment usually already does.

    gog: Sorry to hear that. I know you are strong and you will make it. I’m rooting for you. Keep exercising, drinking more water and finish it.

    Didn’t need to spell it out, but treatments are in phases, in time and in sequence. Each one kill you faster than the last one. I know what she is going through and the pain.

    B: Thanks.

    gog: Can I claim my free lunch?

    You folks know I’m more of a joker, a fun person and maybe I had taken things too lightly now to joke about food but I was trying to lighten the mood.

    B: I’m free next week.

    Positivity, she sounds great, should be working out for her, a good meal and catch up would be good for us - and I can take the chance to encourage her to fight on!

    gog: Sounds great, I’m out for meeting on XXX, can have lunch with you before heading back.

    B: Sure, let me know where you want to meet.

    gog: I can fetch you.

    B: It’s okay, I’ll drive too.

    Made arrangements to meet and we closed the chat. She needs her rest and I was praying hard for her as well. I’m unsure what to expect when meeting her.

    Post #188
    Chapter #123


    Originally Posted by


    Why sad? It’s not just about men and women. If you eat an exotic dish daily you will also get bored. Before you first ate, you were craving for it.

    The concept of monogamy is only a concept. If the man or woman is exposed to temptation, not many can control it, especially if the temptation is many notches above our discipline.

    Thats why it’s sad. We don’t keep up, we don’t treasure and everything becomes taken for granted lor.

    Best is people expect such behavior not to cause extramarital issues…

    Post #190
    Chapter #124

    Surprise update.

    Soon but not soon. Hehe..


    Days passed and I was waiting at ECP (a cafe). From where I was seated, I could see the nearby carpark. A familiar car turned in and admittedly, I was excited.

    Bernice got out of her car in a white tee and denim shorts, sandals. For your peace of mind, yes - her hair was still flowing and her cheeks looks rosy. The treatment did not cause her any loss of hair.

    Honestly, I would be slightly turned off but at that time, I was more concerned for her well being. Nobody…. NOBODY deserves the illness. Not even my worst enemies.

    Bernice had a small bag pack carried and walked towards me. She waved and as she approached she asked me:

    B(ernice): HEY! Long time no see, how are you?

    gog: You look so pretty!

    Okay, that was a flirt move, so shoot me.

    B: Haha.. I’ve gained weight already.

    gog: Gaining weight is better than losing weight. Means your body still going hard putting on fats!

    As she sat down she continued the dialog:

    B: After treatment, I usually feel like shit and don’t eat much.

    gog: You need to eat more because after treatment you lose appetite, your body mass still needs food. You cannot fight your illness if you don’t eat.

    B: Thank you, I will. I just scared to put on weight.

    gog: Well, if you put on weight, you’ll lose it at the next treatment then you can put on again, it evens out.

    Bernice gave a smile and small laugh at my silly but true remarks.

    Post #191
    Chapter #125


    Originally Posted by


    Did you inspect if her boobs lose weight too?

    Haha those are fats and whilst they really do ratio in terms of weight I didn’t notice as I don’t have access to them

    Post #193
    Chapter #126

    Gooood morning all!

    Quick one before I leave house.



    BE WARNED… this part of the dialog is rather long and tedious to read through, but not really skippable as it flows up to the story further.


    gog: I really am glad you are looking good and well.

    B(ernice): Thanks, if you meet me after treatment, I will be looking horrible for sure.

    gog: Well, at least your hubby will see it, not me.

    Bernice looked down, bit her lips a little and eyes darted to the menu. My spider sense feels that I had accidentally hit a sore spot for Bernice.

    B: He.. doesn’t go with me.

    WTF. What kind of man is this? The amount of support needed for treatment is tremendous! The torture, the pain, the feeling, gosh, what kind of guy is he?

    B: Been managing alone for the past 7 treatments, 3 more to go. Honestly, I feel like stopping and giving it all up.

    Her eyes got teary and I can feel her unhappiness is going to let go her floodgates. She must have been holding back all this time and I hit the right nerve to set her off. Shit man.

    B: I’m a bit tired actually, but glad. Glad you remembered me. So happy to see you.

    I slid my packet of tissue over to her side of the table. She took one and dabbed at the bottom of her eyes to drain some of the liquid called “tears”.

    gog: Well, you always got a friend in me, feel free to talk to me.

    Okay, I really said that, and she did.

    B: I want to eat this…and this…

    gog: I’ll have this and this.

    I placed the order with the waitress and got back to talking with Bernice.

    gog: You really look great actually.

    B: Thanks..

    By now, the same comment was worn Bernice out probably, she’s just being friendly to reply ’thanks'.

    gog: So what are you up to?

    B: I took a year off for now, finish my treatment. For the sakes of my children, but.. I’m exhausted already. I considering to stop.

    Bernice was sick. She has no emotional support, 10 treatments, 3 hours each, and he didn’t even go with her for a single one. Honestly what kind of husband is that??

    Post #194
    Chapter #127


    Originally Posted by


    Really sad that her husband didn’t accompany her for the treatments. But maybe you offered to go with her? Is that how you won her?

    I mean don’t talk about friends. If somebody came up to you, asked you to buy them a piece of bread, or a coffee with sandwich, out of compassion, you would do it right?

    What more would you do if a friend is in a hard time and is fighting hard alone and you just ‘orh’? You won’t…. It’s just heart wrenching seeing somebody with a spouse for life fighting their own battles with no support.

    Humans in all form will have some empathy and guilt in knowing all that has happened. Even as a reader you felt compassion, what’s more the one person that swore to take care of her.

    Post #196
    Chapter #128


    Originally Posted by


    Hey, nice story. I can understand how you feel. I broke up with my ex 3 years ago. Recently, she contacted me again. Saying she broke up with bf and get into trouble. Although we broke up many years, I am still soft hearted and tried my best to help her without anything in return. Call me stupid or naive or soft-hearted, I cannot stand the woman I loved to suffer in darkness. But she blocked me again after 1-2 weeks later. I wished her well despite what she done to me.

    I feel you. But this is men, if we want to help then we have to accept the fact we will be forgotten or disposed off when they find a better lifeboat or lifebuoy.

    It’s not stupid or naive but we had a good heart, we just want well for the person, returns or not I guess it’s secondary. I just had a roller coaster of feeling - anguish, upset, empathy for Bernice.

    If you seen how the illness eats away the person, being cheerful, positive and having emotional support is very important. It’s not easy going through half the treatment alone.

    The amount of will power is not imaginable, you folks probably think - ‘chey, how hard?’

    It is very hard. VERY hard. As a friend I guess I also want to be there, I don’t really know her that well but like I said, I always try to befriend the people who provide service so it doesn’t seem transactional only.

    Gaining a friend is better than an acquaintance or enemy. Out of your compassion based on previous relationship, you decided to help. It’s called kindhearted, not naive or stupid.

    You did what is right, what others did is their own, don’t be too bothered by it.

    Thanks for your sharing.

    Post #199
    Chapter #129


    Originally Posted by


    It means more



    However I am not complaining. It is a good read.

    Hint: good stuff is next week estimated.


    Post #200
    Chapter #130


    Originally Posted by


    I gotnotime to read the story progression until recently.. gog 乘虚而入 lol. Strike while she is vulnerable sia.

    I’m a gentleman, I won’t do such things one. This kind of moment do such things will regret unless no conscience.


    Originally Posted by


    Yes definitely I would … But going by posts on sbf I am now being trained to believe that men always do stuff to get into women’s pants… But that’s not true. Sometimes you just genuinely care for a person, expecting nothing in return.

    Men all do. Me included but not everytime we aim for that goal in mind. Sometimes we also have compassion and priorities. You want to fuck one that’s not emotional or psychologically scarred. Illness is another. You won’t go hospital and aim those seeking treatment for fucking.


    Originally Posted by


    乘虚而入洞 ?

    hey hey hey. I’m gentleman la!


    Originally Posted by


    Bro, I can understand what Bernice went through. I went through the entire process with my mum. I seen so many patients when I accompany my mum for treatment. It’s a lifelong process. I heard some are ditched my husband once they get the disease. Poor things…

    Sorry to hear that bro, nobody deserves it. Glad your mom is doing well. Do send her my prayers too.

    Post #205