Bernice - Housing Agent

    Chapter #111

    Before people say i blue them…


    For real? You folks believe? NAH…. I won’t blue you folks like this… I will make sure you folks take a knife and cut off your own balls because I will fucking blue you until you hate me.


    Bernice wore a blazer, short skirt.

    Tik-tok, tik-tok, her heels dug into the ground as she approached me at HDB hub. I also noticed the seller agent and sellers nearby.

    I stared at her.

    She was busy telling me the process, explaining but I wasn’t responding.

    B(ernice): So.. erm… you okay?

    gog: You look different.

    B: I put on make up?

    AHHHHHHH yes, no wonder her lips looks so red and her face was peachier in color than usual, must be foundation. Every time I meet her, she seems to change, smiley, happy and more pleasant..

    She looks very radiant, was it the closure of her first sales?

    Post #160
    Chapter #112


    Originally Posted by


    Fatal in the sense that it’s a dead giveaway you are lying, unlike other more subtle lies which one can argue could still go under the radar (like you being a gentleman, etc). This lie is factually irreconcilable.

    Alright - don’t let me hold you up. Get back to your award-winning masterpiece.

    Actually, it’s working just the way I wanted it. Hahahaha.

    Don’t worry about it, feel free to ask and chat here. It’s open here. Not here to lie or anything except about the story’s facts and details. HAHAHA.


    Originally Posted by


    CB Gog, side track, have you ever had two or more FB before? Or for whatever reason, you are always a One FB man at one time?

    If this is too sensitive to answer, just skip, need not ask me to guess.

    If you followed Janice, Penny, Lindi, Milly? If you meant in the bed at the same time, no, I find it hard to manage and fulfill the desires of 2 women at the same time. I mean who should I shoot into? It’s not like I can shoot 10s and give 5s to each.

    If you meant during a period of time, yes… Janice, Penny, Lindi, or Janice, Milly, Penny, and some others, but that didn’t happen.

    Post #163
    Chapter #113

    GOOOOOOOOOD Morning all!! How’s the blue coming along?



    gog: Your first close so you wore make up? Want to make me buy another ah?

    Bernice covered her mouth with hand and giggled gently.

    B(ernice): You are my first (fuck) customer ma, must wear nice nice.

    Since Bernice closed my deal, she had gotten confident a lot and went on to close many more others. In the mere 4 months, she became quite successful in her role after breaking her 0. She rose fast and furious, even above her mentor - Koon.

    I guess when you are pretty, and diligent, you get more successful?

    This was the last day I’ll likely get to see Bernice after the keys have exchanged hands and sales concluded.

    It was similar to many bros here I believe. Meet, greet, sign, pay whatever is outstanding or missing, get the keys only to hand it back to the sellers as they will be staying there longer till their new flat is renovated.

    gog: So this is it, you’ll be ignoring me and not seeing me anymore.

    I gave a bit of a sad face to Bernice. Would be nice to have her more than an agent, not say fuck buddy but a friend? I always try to befriend people so that doesn’t seem so transactional.

    B: Well, anything you need, can still give me a call. I’ll help you with whatever I can?

    The usual crap joke came out.

    gog: Introduce me your daughter?

    Unexpectedly, Bernice cracked a joke which I didn’t expect. But… led me to believe it would be possible.

    Post #164
    Chapter #114


    Originally Posted by


    My bad. Forgot about your previous stories.

    Having more than one partner boils down to time and sperm management. Also, how not to be caught red handed.

    If it was an open one, it’s not too bad to manage the ladies. However, that time you knew I was involved with Janice, and Lindi came along. I suspect Lindi knew something was up, but she probably assumed I was with her alone.

    Penny, was nearer the end with Janice, so I only needed to juggle 3. Luckily for me, they were all very trusting. Despite it was adulterous, they believed they were my only ones. Thankfully, they didn’t blab it to friends either as it’s not something proud to do so.

    The pain was Penny, Janice and Lindi on the same trip. Sperm management needed to be very careful. The wrong quantity can set off an alarm.

    Time is not too much an issue since they were sort of attached and I’m also working, they don’t really nag about it. Like meeting Janice 7x a week, once a week or so, I take off to meet friends, she can’t really complain nor will she complain.

    She still has a daughter-in-law duties to her family-in-law as well. So we don’t really meet full 7x a week. Sometimes weekends she is really tied up, and I can meet Milly or Lindi.

    Lindi is aware I have a fetish with Janice since I made her roleplay as Janice but I don’t think she knows I had something going on with Janice.

    Post #167
    Chapter #115


    Originally Posted by


    Bernice wants you to be her son-in-law?

    Hehe.. keep you in suspense. I’ve written a fair bit ahead, will try to post more updates where I can

    Post #168
    Chapter #116


    Originally Posted by


    WOO UPZ👍👍👍

    Thank you bro.


    Originally Posted by


    You are lucky indeed.

    There’s this other TS and he’s having 4 colleagues who became his FB concurrently. That one is amazing. Unlike yours, his, at least 2 of them who are MILF and are sex hungry ones that will squeeze him dry. He will probably die young like most emperor.

    Like both your stories. Thanks, CB Gog.

    MILFs are usually sex starved due to commitments to family and work. They have urges, but unless they are Gen Z or Millennials, their perception of sex outside marriage is pretty still conservative.

    4 colleagues at once takes a lot of juggling. MILFs make good secrets because they will never go around telling people what they’re up to in bed.

    For me, so far never had a few MILFs in my department or SYTs to feel seduced. Good one, one is enough. I’m not greedy. Here and there one, I’m happy already. Might not be the most orthodox sex to get but it’s definitely very fulfilling when cumming.


    Originally Posted by


    Gog has attain the highest level of enlightenment already, its like PHD in Human Behavior. This who does not understand its fine, it only means u have not reach there yet.

    Well u might never reach it anyway, thank GOG for the sharing and contribution.

    HUH no lah.. no simi enlightenment, I’m just fortunate to be there at the right time, right person. Bernice one was a lucky turn, the roller coaster will come soon, bear with it. Lengthy sharing but you’ll see how it builds up.

    Human behaviors can be explained or cannot, simple ones I can still manage, too hardcore ones, I walk away. Those you will be mindfucked before you can body fuck them. I’m not looking for romance, I’m looking for physical gratification from other people’s ‘belongings’.

    Everybody has their skills and purpose in life…


    Originally Posted by


    I am waiting for the turn of event story from you and see if you UP Bernice daughter…

    Haha… no.. she’s too young, I don’t think I can do that even if Bernice offered… I just still feel it’s warped in the mindset to fuck both mother and daughter. Imagine I fuck my wife and I fuck her mother… I don’t know, seems cruel and weird.


    Originally Posted by


    I bet her reply is “my daughter too young lah. How about myself?”

    HAHAHAHHAAH you can write my story for me liao…

    Post #174
    Chapter #117

    Short update to blue you folks. HEehehehe.. before I leave you all high and dry…


    B(ernice): Cannot.. she’s too young, the mother can?

    And we laughed.

    Parted ways as she still has other appointments and I don’t want to stop her from making more money.

    >>>> Fast Forward >>>>

    3 months later I got a ping.


    B: Hey, the sellers have moved out and removed the furniture, can I drop by to pass you your house keys?

    Hmmm I haven’t even started looking for renovation works. Arranged with Bernice to meet at my block since I was already home.

    Was downstairs waiting when I saw a small mercedes roll into the carpark. Yep. She earned it.

    Bernice got out of the car, heels, short skirt and the usual delicious white button blouse like you see on the agent websites.

    Post #175
    Chapter #118


    Originally Posted by


    Quick one, did Bernice served other cocks during her agent time?

    Think my thread shouldn’t mention her profession. She is not selling her body for closure. The title just mentions her profession so that this story makes sense as I share the start to end.

    But even if she did, I won’t know, my story wasn’t because she did that to close my sale. It was an after sales service. Hehe.


    Originally Posted by


    Your mastery of the art of lying clearly has much room for improvement…consummate liars clearly wouldn’t expose something so inherently obvious…

    Hahaha. If you say so

    it’s working as intended which is good. Obvious like you said


    Originally Posted by


    Maybe you’d feel better and less warped if you fuck your wife AND your daughter then

    I’m not married so … heng ah!!!

    Or maybe I am?


    Originally Posted by


    Her hubby never wonder why she wear such short skirt to see client?

    Come to think of it, I never thought so far. My aim was just admire what is see , it’s her prerogative to dress as she wants. If she can flaunt it, I’m not complaining!

    Think the shirt is not mini skirt, just about knee length. If it’s mini skirt I’d have mentioned it.

    Post #180
    Chapter #119

    Good morning all!!!!!

    Are you readyyyyyyyyyyy?


    gog: I’m beginning to think I over paid your commissions. You drive a more expensive car than me.

    Bernice jovially laughed and hit my arm gently.

    B(ernice): You are such a kidder. I already gave you a discount on the commission hor. And I’m personally delivering your keys.

    Bernice dangled the keys infront of me. I could see and hear the keys clanging together. This is it.

    I put out my hand, palm facing up. Bernice dropped the keys into my hand and extended her hand out.

    Keeping the keys into my pocket, I extended mine and shook her hand firmly.

    B: Thanks. Thanks for the trust.

    Bernice’s eyes looked teary and her voice sounded very heavy, full of gratitude for being her first close.

    gog: At least you didn’t let me down.

    B: If you ever need help with your house, just give me a call.

    At her stage in real estate, I doubt she can help with renovations and recommendations of an ID.

    gog: Well, next time I need food, I’ll call you.

    B: Sure sure!

    That was that. The sales was over. This time the story really ends.

    I mean this phase ends. On to Phase 2. Hehe.

    Post #181
    Chapter #120


    Originally Posted by


    If her hubby was capable of making good money to feed the family, she wouldn’t have to become a newbie housing agent. If he still dare to demand his preference of dressing when she apparently became more successful in her work, then he’s asking for trouble.

    Anyway, after marrying someone for a long time, most of us will care less of our spouses’ behaviour, dressing or who they go out with. Thus providing opportunities for Gog and alike to hit on them.

    He did. And does. He makes way more than her.

    Bernice just didn’t want to depend on him monetarily so she choose to work to feed herself. He’s rather MCP, so if she takes money from him, she will hear about it non stop every chance he gets to.

    I did not share a lot of dialog about this because it can get draggy and I expected somebody to ask or probe about this so I can reply via a post rather than a few pages of dialog exchanges.

    These are not in really good light of her husband so I also don’t want to share too much.

    But MCPs usually don’t give much face to their spouses. Everything they do is sub-par, or they feel too good to even show any concerns.

    You’ll see more during Phase2 - roller coaster. Slightly heart wrenching even for myself.

    How he puts her down, ignores her and takes her for granted.

    And some will say it’s fiction again. So… I’ll just ignore when that happens. My experience in life is whatever you see on TV usually relates to the producer who has it happened to them or experienced it.

    And I’m on the first hand of things when this happened.

    Post #183