The 4 colleagues that became mine

    Chapter #71


    Originally Posted by


    Nice! How will you rank M, Z, P, W, G? In terms of looks and also their performance on bed?

    Got quite a few bros ask me for this via PM. Will consolidate their rankings and scores FR style at the end of the terms of looks:

    Raw Beauty : P, W&Z, G, M

    Overall look & feel : W, P+Z, G, M

    Not that G or M is not pretty. They are …esp G. See on street will bio second eye type. Just W,Z,P too good

    Post #165
    Chapter #72

    So this was how the trip went ….mad and wild love making with Z with my mind wondering off to P and as I screwed Z, I managed how it would be like to gradually groom P to be as hungry as Z……

    P and I started to msg a lot. She would tell me abt her day and how she is always stressed by her boss Z who has a short temper. Frankly, I couldn’t care less. I was always recalling how I took her that night and though her boobs are like small small, the tot of being able to take her again is in my mind ….especially if she is conscious this time …..have to be patient, I tell myself …..have to make her give herself to me willingly this time.

    Z and I continued our usual routine. Sex with Z is always intense and passionate. But over time, it has become routine…how we meet and make love in sg….how we bonk each other silly on trips. Love making with Z now always has my mind wandering at times to P and how she would give herself to me…I wonder if she does a bj cuz that’s what Z isn’t good at….and I love the bus that M used to give me……I avoided trips that P is on with Z cuz I reckon I cannot split myself into 2…. Waiting patiently for my chance to enjoy P’s body once more…..

    The chance finally came ……

    Hey….i need ur help.

    Z’s voice made me look up at my office as she came into my room and closed my door….walking to my desk and sitting down…crossing her legs ….damn ….no one can give that power suit OL vibe better than Z…..

    Yes dear ….u on top or I on top ?

    I teased.

    Z made an irritated face at me

    Ofc lah. Dun play.

    What do u think of P

    Z asked.

    I nearly choked as Z asked the question

    Did she suspect anything….i wondered

    So wat do u think


    I didn’t know how to answer…half afraid that the question was loaded

    As a legal professional, I will need to request my client to be more definitive in ur question

    I tried to joke a bit to hide my nervousness

    Z rolled her eyes.

    I am thinking of promoting P. So ask u wat u think of her

    Then Z uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, her melons almost bursting out of her white blouse.

    Wat was on ur mind…..u having dirty tots on P ?

    Z said as she narrowed her eyes

    Siao lah …..

    I responded…. Bending forward to match Z’s pose.

    She isn’t my type……

    So what’s ur type …….

    I smiles as I made sure Z could see my eyes focusing on her melons……

    I …….like ……mountains………not …..airports…….

    Z smiled……

    Dun be so bad. P is pretty and she is but as flat as u say lah

    Wah this one statement more loaded than the one before, I tot to myself

    Need to be careful answering.


    (I only like melons, I dun like raisins)

    Z laffed …..tmd u……….so bad.

    Ok. Frankly, P is pretty capable. But not quite as dynamic as u, but can work, just a bit green in client negotiations….

    I said….breaking off the jokes and then focusing on Z’s question abt P…sensing the chance to create single trips with me and P alone……

    The thing is she idolises u.

    I said, trying to sound matter of fact.

    The moment u are there, she keeps quiet and just idolises the way u talk to the client and strikes the deals … to really see if she is able to rise to the task….u gotta create single trips for her to go to, let her fight her own fight and then evaluate. But gut feel, yes, she is good ….

    I said and as I said my last sentence….it was my turn to have a loaded statement that only I will understand…

    Post #168
    Chapter #73


    Z pondered what I said

    So, as ur lawyer, I would like to ask a few questions

    Z laffed ….and leaned back ….

    What do u think of P ?

    Ok she is capable. Hardworking.

    Alright, so is my grandmother. She damn hardworking but doesn’t mean promote my grandmother

    Well, she is capable. Good at what she does. Have potential to take on more

    Yes, I agree…she does seem to have the capacity to take in a lot more

    I said …chuckling inside at my “take in” statement. Wondering if P would like my dick more or her hubs. Lol.

    And …..witness …….pls lean forward and not backwards…..

    Huh why ?

    Cuz u are denying me my fav view


    Z rolled her eyes but obviously enjoyed my sweet talking

    Then how to evaluate her ?

    If I leave her alone

    Well, u can ask ur clients.

    Or u can ask someone u trust

    I answered….laying my bait for Z to bite

    Aiyah, clients can’t. They will eat her up.

    Someone I trust ….no one leh …except P ….

    She wondered aloud and then her eyes looked at me …….

    I pretended to be blur.

    Why look at me like that ? I got say wrong thing meh ?

    Z bent forward again…….

    Dear …..can do me a favor ?

    Z turn on her “teh voice”

    I pretended to be blur more

    Sure sure …..we go now ?

    Huh. What go now ?

    Ooooo…chey………I tot ……

    I pretended to be disappointed

    Wle … lah ….its 10am !!!

    U ah …..

    People 10am alr turn on by u. So when u said do u a favor I tot u also wan….

    I kinda got hard saying this. As much as I was fantasizibg about P, Z was still smoking hot and still the major part of my sex life

    Dear ….next few trip that I send P alone, can u oso go ?

    Z asked ….faking my bait.

    Huh…..u not going ???? No lah. U dun go I go alone, means no have make love chance to u leh !

    I pretended to protest.

    Not allowing Z to answer….

    Ya ….u go on trip, we can make love and sleep in each other arms. U in sg and send me alone elsewhere… can !

    Cuz I trust ur judgement. Remember how my boss also asked u to quietly evaluate me to see if I can take this role many many years back ? So I trust ur judgement

    Ooo….i totally forgot abt that ….so long ago …….

    I pretended to stone for a while …..

    Can ?


    I didnt reply ……..

    Dear….help me can ??

    I….reward u later ……

    Z purred

    Reward I eat first then say

    I felt so proud of this statement. The reward is P. But before that trip, I will take Z as a reward first ….lol

    I nodded my head reluctantly, pretending to be very Wei qu

    Thanks dear.

    Z bent over and kissed me. I kissed Z back ….turned on by her and more so by the chance to have solo trips to evaluate P………evaluate how good she really is in bed, conscious.

    Post #169
    Chapter #74


    Originally Posted by


    TMD, all the legal and compliance folks probably fxxx better than their work.

    Lucky TS story quite well written, all the babes kenna baited without knowing.

    Lol. Thanks bro. Was damn lucky.

    M is from our marketing team.

    Z is our head of sales. P is under her in sales.

    W is my ceo EA

    G is my intern which will join us just as I made W mine. Mind blowing sex with G in that one off session. Fulfilled one of my fantasies….lol.

    Post #171
    Chapter #75

    Z bent over and kissed me. I kissed Z back ….turned on by her and more so by the chance to have solo trips to evaluate P………evaluate how good she really is in bed, conscious

    Not in the ofc lah…..

    Z protested as I slid my hand under her blouse to caress her beautiful boobs.

    Hearing this a little sian cuz making out in the office was one of my to do list….to date, still can’t….and Z looked likely to be the one who will dare to compared…..even after I successfully own P, I doubt the goody two shoes will dare to even wink at me in the office.

    Z broke off the kiss and then whispered…..what r u doing for lunch.

    Hearing this made me harder than I alr was …..cuz it meant Z and I will gonna have an intense lunch appt.

    And as Z opened the door and walked out of my office,,,, she turned ard and said …

    Thanks for the help with P….sending her on the first solo trip 2 weeks later.

    She winked as she walked out

    I leaned back and smiled to myself….the tot of having P alone in a trip…..the icing on the cake…..already I started to imagine the number of times I am gonna screw P on that trip and totally turn her into my personal sex toy by the time we return.

    2weeks …..

    2 weeks to shape her mind and groom her in preparation of 2 weeks later …..

    What a morning ….i tot to myself as I picked up my hp and msged P …..

    I miss u.

    Post #172
    Chapter #76


    Originally Posted by


    Think only a LCD pro can pull such a stunt off. 5 chicks from the same company.

    You win.

    Thanks for the very nice story. Make me high and wet with precum.

    Lol. I CB kia. One old horny CB Kia.

    Can’t help it lah …my job is use mouth one. Lol.

    Oso lucky. Right place right time.

    Post #174
    Chapter #77

    What a morning ….i tot to myself as I picked up my hp and msged P …..

    I miss u.

    Blue ticked…..

    U know what I miss ?

    I msged ….

    Smiles. Dunno.

    P replied

    Miss seeing ur smile

    Miss kissing ur lips

    Miss holding u in my arms

    Miss that trip in Toronto…..

    Wish for time to have stood still

    I sent off 5 msgs in quick succession. Making sure P read the first before sending the next to maximise the impact of these messages on P’s naive mind. Tmd P making me feel young again, i tot to myself…..the last time I sweet talk a gal into bed like this was in law sch….an arts gal in the same hall as i stayed in during my time in nus eons ago ….

    Silence from P.

    She doesn’t know how to respond …I tot to myself as I msged her …..

    Dear miss me too ?


    But in sg so difficult…


    Seeing u everyday is enough for me. Just being near u…as I walk past ur dept when I go look for ur boss….a quick glance at u makes me happy ……

    Dear ……..

    P typed….

    Yes ?

    Me oso……

    Just wanna tell u ….

    Miss u. A lot.

    Go bz. Muacks

    Me oso …..

    Sorry….i dun really know how to put what’s on my mind into words ..

    LOL. Sales leh ….how can be speechless

    I teased ….

    But dear …..shhhh. I know.

    Cuz …..心在听… need words.


    I rolled my eyes at myself …proud at my own sweet talking

    Post #175
    Chapter #78

    But dear …..shhhh. I know.

    Cuz …..心在听… need words.


    I rolled my eyes at myself …proud at my own sweet talking

    Lunch time came and I met Z in our usual hotel. As I pounded her, my mind was wandering off to the next trip with P….will she be wearing her trademark one piece shirt flair dress ? Or will she be wearing a two piece pencil skirt….

    dear ……ennnn

    Z called out in the middle of our love making , breaking me away from my tots on P….

    Today u so big …and ….u r driving me crazy ……Z whispered in the middle of her trademark multiple cums.

    Claiming my reward ……

    I teased as I pounded Z relentlessly….claiming her body as my immediate reward and 2 weeks later, claim P every night as mine. The tot of a 4-5 day work trip with P just fueled my horniness and I took it all out on Z. I just went on for an hour …and finally unloaded into Z ……

    We dressed up. And went back to the office. And as I passed Z dept, I glanced at P who was at her desk….her hair on one tail and showing all of her super slim frame. Can’t wait to own it fully. So the next few days came and went…continued to msg sweet nths to P and reminding her subtly that we have been close before alr and referring it as the magical moment etc etc ….slowly but surely shaping her mind that it’s ok for her to sleep with me in the trip as it’s been done before and that it’s not lust, but love…..every single msg reinforcing how gullible she is….after all, PS was her first bf in JC and they got married right after P’s graduation…so never really dated ….or nv really met a cb kia like me who will stop at nth to make her give herself to me willingly

    Z announced that P will be representing her for a series of meetings in SFO. In the meeting, she asked if I have time to join P in the mtg or would I send someone from my team.

    Siao….of cuz me …lol.

    P was excited that she has been tasked with the first standalone meeting with the clients….

    So nervous ….

    Dun worry. If ur boss dun have faith in u, she will not send u….

    Still nervous ….. dunno if I will screw it up….

    Dun be. U can do it one…..wun screw it up. I have faith dear…..

    Lol…but I will definitely screw u every night. I tot to myself …..

    Z came to my room a day before the trip ….

    Take care of P ok ?

    Dun worry. She can one.

    And ….u owe me…..5 days of continuous sex that I have to miss cuz I have to help u watch over ur P…..

    I acted very wei qu but deep inside, I can’t wait for the trip to come …..5 days. Nice ……..can’t wait.

    Post #176
    Chapter #79

    I can’t wait for the trip to come …..5 days. Nice ……..can’t wait.

    The next 2 weeks flew by with Z and I having our regular sessions. The sessions are always fulfilling as Z enjoys sex as much as I do. The days also saw me up the ante in my softening of P…preparing her mentally to be ready to offer herself to me during the trip ….

    Finally the day came. I was like a young boy on his first trip….was at the airport really early. I had arranged to meet P after she got past immigration….the last thing I want is to see her before cuz her family will be sending her off ….but well as fate would have it…..the more I wanna avoid, the more I can’t ….even though I was there 2.5hrs before ….so was P and her family… had no choice but to be nice and wave to her….

    Hey ….ready for ur pitch ?

    I asked P ….careful to keep the conversation on work only in front of her husband …..

    Hey PS. Nice to see u again….

    I greeted him and I shook his hand….

    JY, take care of P ok ? Her first solo trip for the company and she is so nervous ….

    Her husband said ….

    No problem JY. Will take really good care of P.

    I replied …and in my mind …..really good care included laying your pretty young wife every night.

    Waved goodbye and I went in…and arranged to meet P inside after she said bye to her kids….

    I smiled the moment I saw her approach the RV point …


    Hi….i smiled…..

    Come. Let’s go to the lounge.

    Ehhh…I econ class leh …how to go ?

    Lol. Come….pass me ur passport and boarding pass ….

    P nodded and did as she was told

    She’s with me ….

    I told the lounge receptionists as they checked our passports and boarding pass before guiding us to the first class lounge.

    I walked P in and settled her down on one of the tables.

    Go take some food and drinks. I go settle sth …..

    I told P as I walked off with both of our passports and boarding passes….

    Went to the service counter at the lounge and upgraded P to biz class so that she can sit beside me for both flights …..

    After that, went straight back to P.

    Where did u go ? All settled ? Wow …lots of nice food here ….

    P said excitedly …

    Her jaw dropped as I passed her passport back to her with her new boarding pass …..

    Ohhhh…… ?

    I arranged for u to be upgraded…..

    Oh….u shdnt have …. Very ex ……

    No lah….its ok …..besides ………

    …’s our first trip and I want u to be beside me …..

    Huh…..what if no seats in biz class ?

    Lol….if no biz class seats left, I will exchange my ticket with the person sitting beside u in econ class.

    Huh ….u take econ class ???

    No I dun …..but if that’s the only way to hold u in my arms for the whole 16hrs flight …..then I will gladly change ….

    Sweet talk mode on again….lol.

    P blushed…..

    Love seeing her blush. Feels so young …..

    The flights was pretty uneventful….looked at P as she slept ….

    Rest well …..because the next few nights u will not have any chance to rest at all …….insmiled as I tot to myself on how many positions i wanna try on P in the coming 5 nights…….

    Post #179
    Chapter #80


    Originally Posted by


    TS is indeed the CB Kia as he called himself. Will do anything to invade P’s heart. The only fear is if P were to fall so deep and hard to divorce the hubby and dump her kids to be with TS.

    BTW, TS, what’s your status when you were working in the company when you met these ladies? If you were attached or married, then I laggi salute you for being able to pull off all the tricks.

    Also, among the ladies, have they ever suspected something fishy?

    Also, it’s rather strange to have the legal guy to travel with the sales folks on business trips to meet clients.

    Eye opener indeed.

    That’s the diff with married women and kids. They understand the parameters as they do not want to lose their kids and family. Fingers crossed this stays true.

    I was single and am still single. Dating a stewardess who flys as well so there’s space that we give each other.

    General counsels do negotiations as well for deal sizes big enough to involve senior mgt. No complaints. Open the doors to M, Z and P literally.

    Post #182