The 4 colleagues that became mine

    Chapter #61

    closed the door ….and sank to my knees by the door. OMG. Fuck.

    How did I pull that off ……….

    Steadying myself, I tot of next steps…..I stood up and tidied Z’s bed a little. Then went to the toilet waste bin and took my wet tissue that I used to clean P’s leaking pussy and flushed it down the toilet bowl to erase evidence. Then I opened the partition door from Z’s side, and then took my bathrobe and left Z’s room via the room door. Entering my own room, I opened the partition from my side …..and then took off my shirt and pants so that I could lie beside Z who was still ko in bed.

    U got the room key from the front desk ?

    I msged P.

    Yes. In my room now. Did u find my boss ?

    Yes. Got her. She steady. Still sober !

    Just sent her back to her own room. And just back in my own.

    Ok….did she complain or ask anything ?

    I said I sent u to her room as she instructed and left u inside …..

    Did she suspect anything ?

    No….but I think to play safe …msg her ….tell her u woke up and went back to ur own room…..

    Ok ……

    Z’s phone beeped…..

    Must be P msg.

    I took Z’s phone and unlocked her hp using Z’s exposed face ……

    Yes indeed it was P.

    Boss…I left ur room. Thanks for letting me rest in your room.

    I left le to go back to my own room. Thanks. See you tml (later). Goodnight.

    I replied on Z hp.

    Ok I didn’t see u in my room when I just got back. Was drinking with a fren till JY came to get me. Was wondering where u were

    Pls help me thank JY too. So much trouble for him.

    P replied. I laffed to myself… trouble ….only pleasure ….it was nice fucking u P. Lol

    U thank him urself. Later ppl think I dunno how to teach my gals.

    Ok go rest. See u later.

    I replied on Z hp.

    Then I placed Z hp aside.

    My heart was still beating very fast…..and I relived every moment of how I raped P and then all my lies to her… bro was shag out liao. But I still felt turned on. Now….i have to make sure that she doesn’t wanna spend the night with me tml or set any expectations……raping her was a mind blowing experience. Her slim body and pretty face, slim long legs and slim body frame was like a ragdoll under my manipulation. And oh that super tight pussy. But I didn’t want to lose Z cuz the sex with her these few years has been great. Though she is 8-10kg heavier than P, most of that weight goes to her giant melons. They are not only huge but firm ….i tot to myself as I pulled part of the blanket aside to bio Z’s body….a body that I was so familiar with every single mm of her nice attractive body.

    My mind switched to P.


    Yes ?

    I dunno what to say …….All that just happened just kept replaying in my mind ….sprry I shouldn’t have drank so much and …….

    I shouldn’t have kissed u ….

    But I couldn’t control myself to kiss u back …..

    And once we kissed …..and once we touched ……I just lost all control ……


    But she read my msg. The double blue tick showed


    Yes …..

    I got feel for u…….

    I shamelessly borrowed M’s lines.

    Really ?

    Yes. Not because of what happened. But everything happened because I had feel for u.


    Rest well. We find chance to talk tml ……

    But will be careful of Z ….cuz she is very sharp.

    K. Yes pls b v v careful. Pls dun show anything different from before. My boss very smart one. I …dun wan her to know that we got close just now

    Ok. This beautiful memory stays between us. Dun worry.

    I just wanna say…..u mean to me.

    ��. Good night JY.

    No. Is goodnight dear. Cuz u called me dear just now.

    I dun care who u were referring to….but I m ur dear from now on.


    Yes dear. Goodnight dear.

    Goodnight dear. Muacks.

    With that, I closed my hp.

    Now I dun only own Z…..I also owned the body of her young staff P. Though she was slipping in and out of consciousness during our session, all signs point to a possible non-one off arrangement with P…..her mind is totally fucked now ….grappling with the fact that she slept with me and that she was a willing participant which in actual fact, she wasn’t. I was aroused recalling how I raped her and how easy it was to move her about….and her soft dear …no ….dear ….ennnn moans. Now it’s how to strategize and plan out my next move so that I can have both Z and P without them knowing about each other. I can’t wait to fuck P again…this time I want her to feel every single of my thrusts and see how she really is in bed ….is she the shy shy goody two shoes that she is in front of everyone or is there a wilder side that only her sex partner will know

    Z stirred and I quickly slid beside her, cupping her breast’s from behind. By reflex she reached behind and fondled my bro. Though he was pretty exhausted by now, her expert subconscious touches stirred some life……

    And I feel asleep ……

    Post #137
    Chapter #62

    And I fell asleep. Shagged out physically by my intense sex with Z and then my opportunistic rape of P. But what’s even more shag was mentally ….having to conjure up the web of lies put in place to plant memories into P’s mind. I slept like a pig as a result ……

    Woke up in the morning to Z stirring …..



    Z smiled.

    Then suddenly her eyes opened wide open ….

    OMG P !!! Is she still next door ?

    Nono ….

    I explained the same story as I told P so that Z could know the story about how she met a fren and was drinking and asked me to send P to Z room to rest as we couldn’t find P key and P waking up shortly and went back to her room after getting new keys.

    Z nodded as she got up from bed.

    Ok….make sure we both say the same thing ….i dun wan my staff to suspect anything ……

    No worries ……I will know what to say

    I reassured Z.

    X washed up and went for her mtgs.

    I lay in bed and tot of P. Wondering how she was after last night , i msg her ….need to make sure I play the cards right so that Z and P will not know of each other existence. I wan them both. But it was very evident that this trip….it will be only Z cuz of our adjoining rooms. There’s no way I can do P this trip. So need to play it to my advantage…..I tot to myself z……

    Morn dear

    I msged P.

    Morn dear.

    Her reply came …..

    Slept well ?

    Ya ok. …..

    P… to have a chat later ?

    Ooo…..ok ……..

    Ok. U let me know once u r done with ur boss and the mtgs.

    Then we find a private place for a chat.


    Now the next steps …..

    1. Convincing P that we will not be able to sleep together on this trip. So need to play it right.

    2. Satisfying Z

    3. Position #1 so well that I can turn P into my regular fucktoy … if in sg and I rotate between her and Z …..or I keep P purely as a travel F toy but this will have to copped very well such that I dun get both Z and P on the same trip …..

    Post #138
    Chapter #63

    I was pretty distracted the entire day. Savouring P’s young body made me want more ….youthful sex is like a drug. It engulfs u, makes u crave and for me ….i can’t wait to have sex with P again….this time with her fully conscious and feeling every single stroke that I give her. Instead of her closed eyes with open mouth on a soft and silent moan, I wonder how P would be in bed.

    Thinking of her gave me a hard on thru out the day. I met the gals and we all went for the meeting. P was extra shy and I caught her stealing glances at me a few times and when I looked up, she pretended to look away.

    All signs are pointing good …..

    U meeting my boss later after this mtg ?

    My hp beeped. It was P.

    Not immediately. Have time. Coffee ?

    In my mind I meant coffee tea or me. But couldn’t type it out. So had no choice but to chuckle at myself. But then also difficult…she can’t come to my room ….and her room is orettt near to where all the gals are. So it was dangerous.

    Just as i was thinking hard on where to meet P….heaven dealt me a kind hand …..

    Z msg me ….

    Need ur help.

    Yes dear ….

    I replied. Calling her dear and calling P dear is the safest thing. At the height of passion, wun call wrongly.


    Why so sweet call me dear.

    Cuz …..cuz …..need to make up to u for raping u. Hahahaaaa

    Or u rather I call u victim

    Victim ur head.

    Ok. Serious stuff. I need u to help me with P. She is struggling today and I dunno why. I dun trust the rest of the gals but I am stuck her with the client ….can u take like an hour with her to guide her through what I asked her for ? Sorry ah…I only trust u. But pai seh ti bother u on this ….

    Lol. No need to pai seh. Tonight u can reward me

    Tsk. That’s the only thing u can think of

    Wanting you is good. And I want u now leh

    I sweet talked Z.

    Now can’t lah. Tonight.

    Ok. I meet her at the hotel cafe below. Only for u dear. And …..

    And ?

    And tonight…u r only for me.


    With that, I stood up and walked out of the room. At the corner of my eye I saw P look up at me and then at her hp….must be looking at Z msg I guess.

    I resisted the temptation of bring her to my room. Cuz she might recognise that Z room is just beside.

    I waited for P at the lift lobby…..and as she came out, I signaled to her.

    We have an hour or so. Ur boss told me to help u.

    Sorry ..sorry ….i dunno what came over me. Today very blur

    P apologised and her head was down.

    I looked ard me to make sure no one ard us. Then I bent over and whispered ….because u are thinking abt me. So I forgive u

    Huh…no….yes ……I mean no …..

    P stammered. So cute, this xmm.

    Ok. Come. Go to ur room.

    HUH …..

    P eyes open wide and she shook her head.

    Go to ur room. Now. Dun waste time

    I commanded

    P nodded and went into the lift and tapped the lift button with her room key

    As the door closed….i held her in my arms. P couldn’t react as she was hugging her papers and her laptop. She struggled a bit

    Shhhh. I just wanna hold u.

    P calmed down and we hugged in the lift till the floor is reached

    Are …r u sure it’s safe ?

    P asked as we walked to her room.

    Yes yes. Dun waste time. Just walk.

    I commanded.

    She went to her room door and looked ard and then she opened her room door.

    I pushed her into the room. And closed the door.

    P looked at me and was breathing sooo hard. She didn’t dare to move.

    I held her hand and walked to the room table.

    Then I took her laptop and papers and placed them on the table before sitting her down on her bed.

    She was literally hyper ventilating.

    I took out my hp and I msged Z.

    She’s ok. Just feeling a little unwell maybe last night we whack her with too much alcohol. She knows her stuff. I told her to go back to her room to rest. I go grab a smoke first then I meet u for lunch.

    Then I put my hp asides

    I just msg Z….

    Huh …what u tell my boss.

    I told her I brought u back to ur room and ….

    Aiyah u dun play pls. She very sharp one. She can’t know abt us…..

    P panicked.

    Shhhh….just joking.

    I said as I knelt down in front of P and held her hands in mine.


    Yes ….?

    P looked at me ……

    I just wanna apologise for last night ….we both drank a lot and ….i couldn’t control myself ……

    Silence ……

    P was looking at me …..

    I…couldn’t control myself cuz I got feel for u ……

    P was looking at me and searchingly in my eyes …..

    I had to resist the temptation of kissing her and ripping off her suit.

    And …and ……I ….wanna ask u ….if …..if u allow me to call u dear …..from now on ……..

    Silence …..

    Holding on to P’s slender hands and I squeezed them slightly …..

    I….i understand if u dun wan ………

    No ….

    P said …..

    Not that I dun wan …….

    I ……I ……

    P….i ….just dun wan u to feel obligated to call me dear cuz of last night …..

    I …..just wanna tell u how I feel. That’s all ……

    I pretended to let go of her hands and bingo ….P held on….

    No …..I ……I dun wan u to feel that u owe me or sth …..we ……we …..are adults and last night ……as long as no one knows …..

    I squeezed P’s hands …..

    Of cuz no one knows …’s only us. Let ur boss find out we are dead. Let ur hubs find out worse.

    No … one must know….

    P said …….

    I nodded. And looked at P….

    And I tot to myself ….thats why married women are best…..they have too much to lose to be clingy ….now to establish our terms of engagement and control her mind how she thinks ….

    I….i wun endanger u or ur family. I respect that. Cuz ……cuz loving u is loving everything abt u and ard u…..just as long as we have each other ….in our little ways …..I am contented.

    And of cuz as long as ur body is mine, that’s all I want…I tot to myself ….

    P nodded.

    I will play very very safe with ur boss ard.

    Dun worry. I know how smart she is.

    P nodded.

    I smiled.

    And …..

    And ?

    And….can I have ur permission to call u dear between us from now on ?

    I whispered …..looking at P with all the fake emotion I have in her eyes

    P nodded.

    And ……

    And ?

    Can I kiss u ?

    P blushed and she nodded very slightly.

    I moved forward and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

    Then I kissed her more …..

    P closed her eyes and gently shyly kissed me back.

    Post #140
    Chapter #64

    P closed her eyes and gently shyly kissed me back

    I kissed P gently…matching her in the gentleness that she kissed me with. This xmm is so soft and demure. She’s also so gullible….believing in the lies that I fed her in order for me to hide the fact that I had raped her while she was drunk.

    I had to resist all temptation to climb on top of her and try to undress her and have sex with her again. It called on all my willpower. Today is not the day for that ….i told myself ….today is the day to consolidate my new found position in her life and to show that sex is not all that I want ….true …I tot to myself ….sex is the only thing I want.

    I kissed P and gently laid her down in her bed. Without breaking out of the kiss, I laid down beside her and caressed her gently….making sure she felt my gentle touch. I made sure that I didn’t caress her breast as I didn’t want to seem to be rushing….slow and steady wins the smm I thought to myself …..gently touching her and then sliding up my hands in her thighs ….P seemed tense……

    Trust me.

    I whispered as I looked P in the eye …

    Then I continued to kiss her as I use all my control not to slide my hands further up her thigh to the ultimate prize. And there we lay….on her bed …..kissing and caressing her gently for the best part of an hour…….

    Slowly I broke the kiss apart ….and held P close.

    I gotta go meet ur boss liao. I told her u r unwell….so I told u to be in ur room to rest.

    P nodded.

    I will be safe. But I will steal glances at my dear ….

    I sweet talked.

    Dun let my boss see….she is v v sharp.

    I know ….

    I pulled the blanket over P as I stood up. And I bent down to kiss her on her forehead…..

    Rest. I will place the do not disturb sign and close the door.

    As I turned to leave, P called out to me ….

    Dear ……

    I smiled

    And turned around ….and knelt down beside her ….

    Yes dear ……

    Thank you for the nice kiss. I love it ……

    I love kissing u too.

    Thanks you ……

    For ?

    For kissing me and making me feel loved. …I … I……

    Sorry ……

    Huh ? Sorry for ?

    ….sorry ….i….i………

    I kissed her again on her lips

    Dun say sorry.

    I…..I….tot u ….just now ….i….

    I smiled. Anticipating what P had on her mind ….perfect for me to consolidate further ….

    U tot I will take off ur clothes ….even if u dun like and do things to ur body ?

    P nodded …..

    But u didn’t. U said trust u ……I….i….doubted …..sorry…..

    I kissed her again gently. Resisting my hard on to just plunge into her …..

    Silly gal. I love u too much, respect u too much to do that …..


    Then I tot to remind her that we had sex before alr so there’s nth to hide or fear …..

    And …..we made sweet love last night. I love the way u call me dear as we become one…..

    …..and I will not do that again until dear ask me to or say u wish for me to ….i want our next time to be as sweet as it was last night…..cuz it’s not lust…..u mean too much to me now ……

    I almost rolled my eyes at my own sweet talk….

    Ok….rest. I need to go before Z ask questions

    With that, I kissed her again and left the room.

    And as I left the room ….i tot to myself if I was stupid not to try all the way just now …..

    Then I tot to myself …..


    No…… shd be 放长线,钓美人鱼

    Post #142
    Chapter #65


    Originally Posted by


    P is indeed blur like a sotong. With TS CIP, she didn’t even noticed. Even thought he wiped the sperm the flew out of the pussy, some left over inside it would still flew out, and the distinctive smell. Being a young mother, she didn’t notice that?

    Anyway, being a sotong plus MILF, best combo to hook. Young and demure, plus super tight body, all these are the best.

    Yes. Young and demure best describes P. A SYT MILF ….if there’s such a classification…lol.

    Post #147
    Chapter #66

    I left the room and went back to my room, waiting for Z to come back to the room after her mtg ended. Couldn’t help but look at the bed in which I took P last night. I still can’t believe how I bent her mind to my lies and how I seem to have succeeded in winning her trust …..gals ….once they trust a guy …..everything belongs to him…..their body, and everything on their mind

    Z came back to the room and asked abt her staff P. Told her she went back to the room….and that my guess is the hangover from last night. And as I said that….a notti tot came to my mind …..too much cum from me ??? Lol.

    Made wild love to Z over lunch….it was …”a working lunch” for the both of us as we made love like rabbits. As I was pleasured by Z riding me, I tot of how P would look like when she rides me… mind was moving between Z’s attractive face and wonderful body and P’s super slim frame and pretty young face.

    So this was how the trip went ….mad and wild love making with Z with my mind wondering off to P and as I screwed Z, I managed how it would be like to gradually groom P to be as hungry as Z……

    Post #150
    Chapter #67


    Originally Posted by


    A fantastic working life bro TS, well done

    , cheers ………….

    Lol….the best has yet to happen. Z + P + W and a one off encounter with an intern from SMU which just happened last Fri.

    Pretty HARD working lol

    Post #153
    Chapter #68


    Originally Posted by


    Waiting for the episode on the intern

    Ok….will add her to the story then.

    Will be at the end cuz I am running by timeline of who I slept with first till now.

    M first, then Z, now P (once for now before I groom her into a more regular adhoc partner) and then W. G, the intern was one off as it happened last weekend…I dun think I can handle more then Z,P and W. Will die of exhaustion.

    So now just past the half way mark of the story timeline.

    Post #156
    Chapter #69


    Originally Posted by


    Able to give us a sneak preview of G vital statistics? Clean shaven like the rest of your colleague? I assumed she’s not married yet since still intern

    G is petite. Abt 160. So abt same height as M.

    She is super fair. Skin tone 1 type. So same skin tone as W.

    She is slim. 40. So same frame as P.

    Long wavy hair. Long till when we fuck, and she was on top, it covers her boobs.

    She is full B. Bigger than M and P, but cannot fight with Z melons. same boobs as W.

    She is 22. Super young. Law SMU.

    Not married. So like M status when we were fb before she got married.

    Clean shaven.

    Pink nips. Pink pussy lips. Pinkest of all

    Post #159
    Chapter #70


    Originally Posted by


    Got photos? How chio?

    Chio. Those walk along the street will turn and take second look type.

    Definitely prettier than M.

    Compared to Z….almost the same. Just lack Z’s overall OL feel.

    P is prettier. And looks as young..

    W is prettier. Taller. Overall better package.

    But for an old man to lay a 22yo gal ….makes this old uncle feel young again. I am twice her age….lol. Is old cow eat young young grass.

    Post #161