The 4 colleagues that became mine

    Chapter #21

    The trip finally came. M and I will fly into Vegas with the rest of the sales team. Z is also there and she had a few new colleagues that were with her. That was the first trip I took with P.

    Sam will fly in 3 days later. And he will stay in another hotel just to be sure that M will not see him until the time the surprise is sprung. So the first 3 days, I just had so much sex with M. Like easily 2-3 times more. I would cum till almost nth came out at the last time we had sex.

    Finally the day came. I left one heli/ride tix on M’s desk. Left her a note. Sunset heli. See u.

    The plan was to have M go to the heli ride. And Sam will be there instead of me. I was feeling happy for her and also sour inside when the time came. Found myself drinking spot at the bar and just started drinking.

    Went back to the hotel and saw my hp had many msgs. Some were from M asking me where am I and then the last one went ooohhh. The rest are from the frenzy of sales gals who were at the trip just so happy for her l. Apparently they went drinking to celebrate with M and Sam after the news broke.

    And also one message from Sam.

    Thanks bro. Join us at xyz. I owe u a big one

    Great to hear. Congrats. Sorry just saw ur msg. Hp went dead at the client dinner ytd.

    M and I didn’t get to speak the rest of the trip. Sam checked out of his hotel and went to stay with M. It kinda felt strange and empty suddenly cuz M has been a big part of my life for so many years. But I guess we move on. No complaints on how the last few years went.

    Post #50
    Chapter #22

    M and I finally had the chance to catch up when we came back to sg.

    Same place same time ?

    M msg came. It was our usual meet and have sex day. Wasn’t expecting to see the msg.


    I changed my appt with my fren and went to the same hotel that we have always gone to in the Marina Bay Area and waited in my car. Time seemed to pass slowly. Finally saw M car drive into the carpark and parked near to me. She opened the door and sat in the car. And without warning, she moved over and kissed me on the cheek …well just like before

    Then she looked at me and held out her hand.

    Where’s it

    Oh….i scrambled for the keycard and passed to M. Just like before.

    Room number pls…..

    Oops. 2013.

    M smiled and got out of the car and went to the lift.

    Everything felt like before. How we would meet in the carpark, how I pass her the key and how she would go up first….but I also know things are not like before. I have had flings with married women before. It’s normal. But never before was I part of the planning for a proposal. As much as I felt horny….it felt strange.

    Went into the room. And M was already in the bathrobe. Just like before….

    Post #51
    Chapter #23


    Originally Posted by


    All the girls still in the company?

    M and Z were there from the day I joined. M was 28 when I first met her. Z is 2 years her senior. M left in 2019.

    P is Z intern who later became her staff. About 12 years younger than Z. P was in her late 20s when I first f her. Both still in company.

    W is same age as Z. Still in company.

    Post #53
    Chapter #24


    Originally Posted by


    Dang it, all still early in the workforce for flings.

    Only M and one more lady married right?

    M was single when we started. Ended when she got married.

    Z is married. Mother of 3

    P is married. Young marriage. Mother of 2 when I first took her. Now mother of 3.

    W is married. Mother of 2.

    Post #59
    Chapter #25


    Originally Posted by


    Hahaha, you milf hunter?

    think got chance to do M again after she give birth?

    Hahahaha….nv planned it. Just happen to happen.

    Was lucky. All 4 are attractive. In fact in terms of beauty, W,P,Z in that order. All 3 are head turners.

    For M, no more. We kinda agreed to move on. Anyway, Z

    Z and W is keeping me totally occupied in sg. I dun think I can even stand after they are done with me every week. Lol.

    Post #62
    Chapter #26

    It was just like before….M meeting me in Conrad and we

    Making love. But it was different cuz her status is different now…..

    M and I made love. Just like before. Wild love making. Then she lay spent on my body after our love making did we have a nice conversation abt how to move forward

    So u helped Sam with his plans

    Yes. He reached out. How to say no.

    Silence .

    Told am what happened and we just kept quiet ….each dunno what to say

    What becomes of us…..M asked ……

    Dunno. It feels


    Silence ……..

    Finally I picked up my courage……..

    M…..I think we shouldn’t continue ……..I dun wanna spoil ur chance of happiness

    Silence ……..

    Make love to me one last time …..

    Post #63
    Chapter #27

    Make love to me one last time …..

    M looked at me as she came towards me.

    We embraced and kissed. M gently unbuttoned my shirt and as I removed my shirt and pants, I pulled off the belt of her bathrobe and pulled her into my arms….our naked skin on each other.

    It was a passionate night of love making. We met just like before and everything seemed like before but we both knew it’s not the same. Even the love making was much more intense than it usually is. Cuz we both knew as it stands, this will be the last time.

    Things will not be the same anymore….but I wan to let u know I really have the feel for u.

    M whispered as she lay spent in my arms.

    I know.

    I whispered as I kissed her forehead.

    Love u kissing my forehead. Makes me feel like I am yours.

    I smiled as I kissed her forehead again before tightly embracing M.

    Promise me u wun forget us.

    Silly.who can forget the last couple of years.

    It was true. As we lay there on the bed, scenes of the last few years came back to me. How we met, how we started hangout to drink, how she gave me that quick bj in my car, how we spent hours in that stairs and how we would f each other crazy.

    M will be a special memory in my life. First real office fling I ever had.

    I will remember that moment when we left the hotel. I will leave first in the past then M will leave so that we are not in the lobby and lift together.

    This time, I held her hand as we walked to the lift. Alone in the lift as it’s pretty late…kissing our last kiss ….and as the door opened, we let go out our hands and walked to the car park lift.

    Bye M. Thanks for all the love making over the last few years. I dun think anyone ever made me lust for her so much.

    I tot to myself as I got in the car and I saw her walk to hers. Little do I know that I was wrong. Time will bring in another person that brought my lust to a new level

    Post #66
    Chapter #28


    It was Nov 2019 and I had to go in one of our usual biz trips together with Z and her team. It was to NY and I got to sit with Z again in biz class. Those melons….dunno if they are firm or if they are lao lao….i thought notti to myself as I admired her curves.

    X is a mother of 3. Married pretty young and had kids. She’s one of those have kids liao will not over balloon type. I can still remember her in her pregnant state. Looks like a football. But shortly after, she reverted to her attractive body. She has legs that were so smooth and long. Nice eye candy in the ofc after M and I ended.

    Her strong office presence and fierce team Management somehow made her attractive. I mean she’s already pretty enough to turn heads but her character made it even more attractive. It’s like that pretty head prefect in sch who keeps scolding ppl. Lol.

    The trip went on ok on day 1. On day 2, we all went for a drink. Z, together with her team all joined. Frankly there are a few lookers. But P stands out. Different vibes.

    Her team found excuses to leave one by one. After all, who wanna be in the bar with a bitch of a boss. Wanna drink also drink elsewhere.

    Post #67
    Chapter #29

    Soon it was just the 2 of us. The music was loud and the bar was getting crowded. Taking the chance, I moved closer to Z. Chee hong me cuz it was to try to see her boobs better. Hahahaha. We drank a lot and also talked a lot.

    Z and I were in the company very long together. So we kinda know each other very well. I know her hubs well as well as her kids. Beneath that power suit character in the office, Z was quite a nice person. It’s just that people are naturally guarded ard her cuz of her strong work ethic. I haven’t really have had the chance to see Z up close till now. She’s not too fair but also not tanned. Her body seems very toned. Maybe the result of many hours in the gym.

    Hmmm….how would she look in her gym wear ….will those melons be like wrapped giant rice dumplings ? Lol. Will she wear a bra ? If not, her nips will be totally visible in those body hugging gym wear.

    Oooiii. What u smiling to urself abt ?

    Z suddenly jolted me out of my Chee hong tots.

    Haha was imagining u in gym tights. And how that will drive everyone in the gym gaga

    I decided to say it not cuz I was brave but cuz it will sound so ridiculous that Z will brush it aside.

    Z laffed as she slapped my shoulder playfully.

    Sure sure.

    Hahahahaaa…..quite a tot.

    I laffed as i raised my whisky glass and cheers her.

    Must be the first time that we drank together like this ?

    Hmmmm. Yes. Aiyah cuz u always so bz and serious with ur team gals mah. They all deathly scared of u.

    Hahahaha. I like that they are scared.

    Z laffed as she poured her glass with more whisky from the bottle and downed it.

    So the night went on…we drank and chatted. The first time.

    We laffed and as the night went on, we got closer physically. I have never put my arm ard her before. But I did for the first time as we laffed at our silly jokes. She had never placed her hand on my thigh before. But she did for the first time as we chatted and drank.

    We finished one bottle of whisky and then ordered another bottle of bourbon cuz it’s USA. They dun really have a lot of nice single malts.

    Oooiii. U quite haps ah ……last time must be party animal.

    Z was getting a little tipsy. She was a little louder than usual….makes me wonder how vocal is she in bed.

    No lah. I just like to drink. I dun really dance.

    Really ?

    Ya …..

    Come. Let’s dance !!!

    Nono. Still have drink left.

    Aiyah. Finish it.

    Huh ….half bottle leh …….

    Can la. U drink I drink. Very fast finish.

    No lah …..I laffed.

    Wle. Chicken ah ? Z egged me …taking the half bottle of American bourbon and started to drink from the bottle.

    Nah. Ur turn. Z passed the bottle to me.

    Eh u cheat me ah. Such small mouth.

    Z looked at me…dun challenge me wor. She laffed as she took the bottle again and drank from the bottle. Is that how she takes a dick in ? My notti tots came again.

    Some more some more ….i said as I tilted the bottle more….making some of the bourbon flow down her boobs. Not a lot but a few drips….wah her nips will taste American (bourbon) tonight.

    Nah. Ur turn.

    So we were at it. She one gulp. I one gulp. In a while, the bottle is empty.

    Let’s dance !!!! Z pulled me to the dance floor

    Post #69
    Chapter #30


    Originally Posted by


    You think will have another chance with M after she give birth?

    So Z & W still on-going now? All other 3 their husbands can’t satisfy ah?


    was hands on your thighs always the signal?

    Z, P and W are ongoing now. P only during our business trips if Z wasn’t on the same trip. Z during biz trips and normal days. W on normal days and demanding more

    Lol. My thighs are very sensitive. Love touches there

    Post #72