The 4 colleagues that became mine

    Chapter #141

    Mar 2023

    During P’s physical absence, I continued my weekly sex with Z. She was on the pill so it was a relief….it was also during this period that I got to know W very well. W is the EA of my ceo. She’s tall. 173+ ….and slim. Based on my bio char boh experience, she’s maybe 50-52kg….the day W joined the company, she caused a ruckus. The guys were so smitten by her. She’s just as pretty as P, but doesn’t have P’s innocent feel. If P was the goody 2 shoes in class that’s super demure and quiet, W would be her best fren. Elegant, friendly, smiley, and though not as demure as P, W would be a close second. W knows she’s pretty and knows she’s attractive. I mean if a gal has her height, her slim frame, her pretty face , slim longgggggh legs and super super super fair ….skin tone 1 type…..u would have had so much attention in sch, poly and uni. W is late 30s…..married with kids…..she knows how to smile her way to things. And if cuz, such a pretty attractive creature would have caught my attention.

    Post #316
    Chapter #142


    Originally Posted by


    The feeling you have for P must be super mixed, or mixed up. BTW, before you or others thinking I try to be a saint or preacher, that’s the intention. Just merely want to advocate about playing safe. I am definitely reading your story with a hard on, blue balls and precum like others here. Why would a preacher be in this forum? If there’s hell, most samsters including me, would have a guarantee entry there. Also, being a forum, comment and remark are avail to all. Ain’t it?

    Each time you CIP any woman, you were only interested in your joy and think that you have just concur another woman, took the trophy and moved on. Not until such thing like pregnancy or even a STD set in did you realise all these are possible.

    Possession or obsession or a frame of mind. The reality is, we never own anyone, not even our gf or spouse. They are an individual, not an item or asset that you pay to own it.

    It’s the insecurity of self fulfilled prophecy, thinking by popping the cherry, doing something the lady never did with her own legit partner means we are one step ahead.

    Anyway, let’s hope P is the only you impregnant but couldn’t admit. Think about it, if she were to reveal your affair, you would likely lose your job or could quit your industry for good. Or if P found it too shameful and committed suicide. Was it worth it?

    We all want to have fun, but must abide by some basic ground rules.

    Of all the gals I slept with, P was the one that I went thru most in terms of emotional links. Maybe it was her gentle demure character that made me wanna protect her more …an irony cuz I was only interested in her body. There are more ways I wanna use her body…but everytime I start, I end up making love instead cuz no heart to treat her like a sex doll. Her pregnancy was also an irony. It didn’t tear us apart but it kinda brought our relationship to the next level.

    Problem is as a cb kia, my small head rules and overrules the better judgement of my big head. But for P, it grew a small heart (like how a bro puts it) and it grew a slight conscience. Both of which i tot I was incapable of.

    Post #324
    Chapter #143

    W is late 30s…..married with kids…..she knows how to smile her way to things. And if cuz, such a pretty attractive creature would have caught my attention.

    I started going for lunches with W. It all started cuz wanted to coord sth for my boss (the ceo) birthday. Then we chatted, and got to know each other better over time. Started in mid 2022 when I was still sleeping with P and Z….and just as P went into her preg status…..W entered my life.

    It wasn’t till mar 2023 that we took a new dimension to our relationship. W is different from the rest of the gals. M is just playful and horny. Z Is this power suit high powered career woman that I discovered to be a sex kitten once unlocked. P is demure, gentle, soft spoken and her sex is the same.

    W is the typical EA. Lovable, friendly, smart, and pretty. She was very friendly and has this ability to connect with people effortlessly.

    So weekly lunch became interlaced with regular coffees. We chatted abt everything. With Z, it was always work matters. With W, it was life in general.

    After what happen to P, bedding W was the least on my mind. I just wanted to be friendly esp with the boss EA. And I was careful to keep a respectful distance cuz u nv know how she will read my actions if I was too friendly.

    After all, I get my weekly sex fix with Z. In P’s absence, it was increased to 2-3 x a week.

    Post #325
    Chapter #144

    After what happen to P, bedding W was the least on my mind. I just wanted to be friendly esp with the boss EA. And I was careful to keep a respectful distance cuz u nv know how she will read my actions if I was too friendly.

    After all, I get my weekly sex fix with Z. In P’s absence, it was increased to 2-3 x a week.

    W and I met almost every day for coffee. First was to discuss how to do a surprise bdae celly for my ceo and then was more to catch up. W is very easy to talk to. Very sociable and definitely a looker. Our coffee runs evolved into 2x weekly dinners where we will just go to any random steamboats and just talk cock. Of cuz…these dates are fixed cuz the other nights were reserved for my regular sessions with Z.

    I still remember it was 01 Apr 2023. It was the surprise dinner for my boss. Normally we never celly anything on weekends…but well, since he was the boss, LL. Have to sacrifice the weekend. The surprise went on v well and boss was surprised and happy.

    W was wearing a nice blue dress that accentuated her tall slender frame. She’s not quite as thin as P, but she’s slender for sure. I remember I paid her a good compliment …..

    Wahhh….W ….u best all those SQ gals hands down leh !

    Where got. Old liao. I am nearly 40.

    I was surprised cuz she definitely looks like early 30s max….i later found out that night that she is the same age as Z. And I have to admit…I did wonder if she is as wild as Z in bed. But just kept it as fleeting tot…..boss EA. Better dun mess ard.

    At the end of the night, after all was settled ….I offered to send W home.

    No lah….i stay like super west…..I will grab.

    Grab ? No lah. I can fetch u if ur hubs is not fetching u home.

    Oh he isn’t. I normally go home myself.

    Come…Mai pai seh……

    Really ah…..? U so nice and gentlemenly.

    Hahahaaa. I am 色狼. U not scared I eat u up can Liao. Lol.

    No lah…..old liao. No one wan liao.

    W laffed.

    I was like thinking to myself ….where for no one wan.

    U wan a short drink ?

    W suddenly asked.

    Ok…..where ……

    Jiu Zhuang. It’s just behind us….

    W suggested.

    .we were in Dempsey for the cellly ….i knew where that place is cuz I used to go there a lot.

    Ok ….lets go !

    So we went into the familiar place. I smiled to myself ….the scene of many of my ONS started in Jiu Zhuang.

    But still not having notti tots…I walked with W to Jiu Zhuang. Got ourselves a nice private table and we chatted over a glass of wine. I purposely kept it very civil ….only one glass cuz the last thing I wan is a bad impression of me by W….

    Post #330
    Chapter #145

    But still not having notti tots…I walked with W to Jiu Zhuang. Got ourselves a nice private table and we chatted over a glass of wine. I purposely kept it very civil ….only one glass cuz the last thing I wan is a bad impression of me by W….

    For those of us who have been to Jiu Zhuang…I was allocated the “scandal table” ….aka table 1. The table right after the entrance that could be “private” with a sash curtain. And the table is very small. So …this has to be the closest I was with W since we started going for coffee and lunch and dinners together. The rest of the places were just normal size tables….normal lights etc….this place is a tad romantic in the lighting sense.

    So we did our usual chat abt life. W told me abt hers….and also how she is handling her daughter’s PSLE this year. Her elder son just sec 2. Showed me her kids photos….i was like wahhhh….ur daughter gonna be as pretty as u leh ….she does have W’s fair look ….they say 一白遮三丑. But W is really pretty type. So her fairness just adds to her beauty score. And her daughter definitely will drive lots of guys gaga in the coming years as she inherits W’s good looks and fair complexion.

    She looks tall…..

    Ya ….she is. One of the tallest in class.

    W replied proudly.

    The night was nice. Been a nice while since I had the chance of a good chat with a pretty gal without crooked tots. Not that W is not attractive. She is 100% attractive but well….call it career protection move from me that I nv ever had any designs off her. So it was refreshing to me for a change ….but I never realised that it will all change that very night …..

    Post #331
    Chapter #146

    But still not having notti tots…I walked with W to Jiu Zhuang. Got ourselves a nice private table and we chatted over a glass of wine. I purposely kept it very civil ….only one glass cuz the last thing I wan is a bad impression of me by W….

    For those of us who have been to Jiu Zhuang…I was allocated the “scandal table” ….aka table 1. The table right after the entrance that could be “private” with a sash curtain. And the table is very small. So …this has to be the closest I was with W since we started going for coffee and lunch and dinners together. The rest of the places were just normal size tables….normal lights etc….this place is a tad romantic in the lighting sense.

    So we did our usual chat abt life. W told me abt hers….and also how she is handling her daughter’s PSLE this year. Her elder son just sec 2. Showed me her kids photos….i was like wahhhh….ur daughter gonna be as pretty as u leh ….she does have W’s fair look ….they say 一白遮三丑. But W is really pretty type. So her fairness just adds to her beauty score. And her daughter definitely will drive lots of guys gaga in the coming years as she inherits W’s good looks and fair complexion.

    She looks tall…..

    Ya ….she is. One of the tallest in class.

    W replied proudly.

    The night was nice. Been a nice while since I had the chance of a good chat with a pretty gal without crooked tots. Not that W is not attractive. She is 100% attractive but well….call it career protection move from me that I nv ever had any designs off her. But I nv ever imagined in my wildest imagination that it will all change that very night

    Post #332
    Chapter #147

    But I nv ever imagined in my wildest imagination that it will all change that very night

    We shared abt our frustrations at work and also the problems that we face. W’s hub is a fellow lawyer. And she was interested in the difference in the work I do vs her hub. It was a nice night and I really got to know W a lot better.

    Hey…..u n Z very close hor……

    W asked out of the blue.

    Huh …..

    I was kinda caught out by the sudden question.

    Ya….we know each other for more than 10years in this company alr. When we both join, she was still single annd anbt to get married lo….now wow time flies mum of 3. And not also Z….P also. I know her as an intern to Z wah…when she was in poly and then she continued to uni and still came in the ofc to help us part time as admin before she joined full time many many years ago. She join when she single and now mum of 3. So we are pretty close as a group

    I tried to lighten the sudden question on Z from W by pulling in P. And I tot to myself…..ya….i am pretty pretty close to both Z and P in more than simple ways.

    Oooo… That’s very long.

    W smiled

    Hey u nursing ur drink damn well… glass almost finish and yours never move at all…

    I joked.

    W laff …..

    Dun dare to drink cuz in case I get drunk how ……

    I laff at her statement. And for a moment, my mind wondered back in time to how I first owned M after we went drinking overseas, how I owned Z after we both got drunk and how I raped P when she was drunk in bed…..I smiled to myself ….nice memories…..and also made a mental note that W statement might be loaded ….

    Hey what ……

    I protested as W poured 3/4 of her glass of wine into mine.

    Like that ur glass is almost full again ….hahahaaa

    W turn out to be more fun loving than I tot.

    I laughed and sipped my wine.

    We stayed there till the place is almost closing …..

    Come let’s go. I drive u home….if ur hub not picking u up

    Really ? I was abt to call grab. He sleeping Liao. I msg him just now alr.

    Hahaha. West mah. 西游记…

    Ok thanks !!!

    We clinked glasses and I finished my glass but W just took a sip and left the balance there untouched.

    It was really dark as we walked by the wooden panel walkway to the big carpark by the forested area in Dempsey. Those of us who know where the place is will understand what I mean. It’s this deserted carpark at the corner end of Dempsey beside Min Jiang that’s by the forest. We were the only car by then.

    I did the gentleman thing and open the car door for W.

    Ehhh I dun do this all the time ahhh…cuz this lot got many holes and difficult to walk

    Hahaha. Ya u dun look the sort.

    We got into the car…and I started the engine.

    Ok….u have to tell me the address …..

    I said …..

    Let’s chill here and listen to music for a while ……

    W said instead.

    I was parked head in at the lot at the end so I was kinda looking into the trees….and frankly, it was a little spooky.

    Ok ….i turn the lights off first. In case see things. Hahahaaa

    I joked. But I was serious. U never know…..

    And we just sat there in the car …listening to music …silence between us ….

    Been a long while since I did that …..

    W said ……

    And as we turned to look at each other…..I realised it was a big mistake …..

    A big mistake cuz alone in the car, in the dark deserted carpark, head in facing the trees…and looking close quarters at a very pretty fair face ……

    We looked at each other for a while and then the unplanned unintended happened……

    Post #336
    Chapter #148

    We looked at each other for a while and then the unplanned unintended happened……

    Time seemed to freeze….as we looked at each other. W didn’t make the first move. My small bro did. I bent towards W and kissed her gently on her lips. I did t mean for it to happen. In fact, I guarded against it. But being in the same small space as a pretty face like W….i kinda went auto mode. I just did wat any cb kia like me would do. It was just a fleeting kiss before I stopped ….face still kissing distance ….i just stopped and considered a bit …..hesitant for a while, one moment …..then I asked …..

    May I ?

    W didn’t answer. She didn’t say yes. Neither did she say no. So I seized the moment and kissed her one more time….and slowly she kissed me back. And within a moment, we were in a kissing match. I adjusted myself so that I could lean over towards W…pinning her in her seat as I kissed her ….my left hand going round her neck and hiding her in place and my right hand started to rest gently in her left thigh ……by now, all precautionary tots, all safety catches were off…..Iived from caressing her thighs to placing my right hand on her boobs ….i was pleasantly surprised that they are a nice full B. And as I licked my way to W’s neck, she moaned …..nice that’s her weak spot …..I just held her in place with my left hand and continued to lick her neck furiously…..and she moaned and squirmed ……taking the chance, I slid my hand under her dress flaps and caressed her boobs under her bra …drawing another moan ……

    I didn’t give W any chance to react, I just went for it ….locking her neck continuously and drawing more moans and squirms from her …and I moved my right hand off her boobs and slid them under the dress on her thighs…..and as I touched her skin tight panties, they were wet……I also dunno what courage pill I ate ….i slid my finger under her panties and used my finger to to pleasure her …..W lost control just as I did ….i pushed my finger into her and drew a loud moan ….then I proceeded to finger fuck W furiously …….car sex…..there’s no room for finesse and fore play…..and as I fingered her furiously….i felt a pleasant surprise……..a fine squirt of juice !!!! Followed by another …..and another …….W is a squirter !

    Post #339
    Chapter #149


    Originally Posted by


    Unplanned and unintended for you.

    W probably had the plan in mind. Or at least was prepared to give in to you if you initiated.

    Otherwise, why would she go out till late with you alone?

    Anyway, complexion wise, best to have variety, if all very fair and smooth, then it becomes boring. That’s why the minah SPG are well liked by the AMTK. The latter usually won’t pick a fair skin Asian gal

    Well….lets put it this way ….我吃得开心,被吃也开心. Small head again overruled

    Post #340
    Chapter #150

    Followed by another …..and another …….W is a squirter !

    I have only met a squirter in my life and it was a FL many many years back in local dome. So W was a real surprise to me and I could feel my fingers soaked with her continuous squirt.

    Oh my god …..ennn………Oh my god……ennnnnnnnnnn…..

    Oh my god…..ennnnnnn

    W could only mouth these in between her squirts. It was arousing ….then suddenly at the corner of my eye, I saw the flash of a police light and I quickly stopped and turned off the engine and the internal car lights that came on automatically once I killed the engine.

    W was still in a daze …..unsure what happen….

    Mata….stay still …….

    I said as I eyed the police car turn into the deserted carpark slowly….and slowly to drive towards us….and stopped for a while ….my heart froze….and then it continued to drive slowly thru the carpark and the out of the carpark past minjiang…..

    We didn’t move …..W had caught her breath by now ….and was frozen in her seat ….

    R they still there …..? She whispered …….

    Gone….phew ………

    And the both of us just burst out laffing ……..

    I think even when I was young, I wasn’t so adventurous lo…..

    I said …

    U nv make out in the car before ?

    W asked playfully …..

    Have lah ….but just kiss kiss touch touch …..nth else ……..

    I replied. Momentarily thinking back to the times I made out with one of the gals in my life …..I grope her boobs and licked her nips but that’s abt it ……..

    Suddenly, W moved over and positioned herself over me …….

    Really …….?

    Post #343