The 4 colleagues that became mine

    Chapter #101


    Originally Posted by


    Congrats for a good catch.

    Camping here for more juicy updates please.

    Thanks bro. Yup. Lucky.

    Post #232
    Chapter #102


    Originally Posted by


    You are amazing bro Cman. Your love making with P was like poetry in motion, ending with her worshipping your semen.

    I want to be like you when I grow up 🤣🤣🤣 my idol 🫵🏼

    Just plain lucky and horny.

    Post #233
    Chapter #103


    Originally Posted by


    Wow! I don’t think u had P for just 1 round after waiting for so long right?

    Lol. Of cuz not. I used her young body fully for the full 5 nights. Or shd I say, for the full 5 (remaining days) and 5 nights.

    Post #234
    Chapter #104

    ..I wanna cum together with dear……..

    I made sure I announced that I am cumming …..but P couldn’t react even if she wanted to as I felt another wave of orgasmic fulfilment hit her as I came fully into P…….marking her fully mine …..

    I came fully inside young P…continuing to thrust her as I wanted to complete her very own orgasm….cumming together is not as easy as it sounds….in all my years, it almost never happens….either the gal comes first then I come or i cum first then deflat and unable to complete the full orgasm for the gal. This time, it felt nice to feel P enter her very own orgasm like 5 secs just before I came ….enabling me to finish completely inside her and also give her further thrusting to prolong her moment of enjoyment ……I emptied myself completely inside her ….i hope she just made out with PS this mth ….i tot to myself ….just in case she gets pregs by me, the hub will be able to serve as perfect cover for me…..enabling me the perfect alibi to push responsibility over to him with lies etc …..just as how I covered up how I raped P…well…..u less kenna dna…..all these went thru my mind as I continued to thrust P, feeling her hold me tight as she completes her prolonged orgasm….must be the 14-15 one for the night ….i tot to myself ……

    …..I love u …..

    I whispered as I came to a complete stop …..just our mutual heavy breathing on each other’s chest …..we were literally panting …..but there’s no time to stop sweet talking P….cuz the realisation that I had just cummed inside her will come to her and I dun wan her to panic ….i mean…what’s done is done right ? More cb tots to myself.

    …..I… ….u………

    I whispered again. Give P a gentle kiss on her forehead, then lips.

    …..was……….nice for u …………

    I asked softly ……

    Before P could respond, I added …

    …..was ….it nice for …..u ………it’s …….important…..because …….i……..u ……..

    P looked at me with her big eyes, now dreamy from the long session we just had and she nodded shyly ……..

    …..was….it …….like the …..first night …………

    She asked tentatively ….

    It’s……nicer…….because …….

    Because……I stopped myself the first night ……

    I repeated my lie that I said in the first night when P asked panicked if I had come inside her…..this time feels so different ……declaring just as I was abt to come and then …..emptying myself inside her with P fully aware and fully conscious …..unlike that first night.

    It’s nice …..because …….i hear……u say …..I l love u too ……..

    I sweettalked. It’s nice cuz P is pretty. Has a good 168/9 height. Slim. And totally demure. I love taking these type of gals. Feels fresh. Feels new. Feels ….extra nice……

    But most importantly, I am already setting the stage for the rest of the nights to be able to try P’s body in different ways…….

    I pulled out of P……

    Had stayed inside her for as long as I can…using my dick as a stopper …not letting my cum flow out….變態 ….but ya. That’s what went thru my mind at that particular moment.

    I slide my hand under P’s neck and laid beside her …pulling P into my arms and laying her head on my chest so that half her naked body is on mine…..I wanna enjoy the feel of her naked skin on mine …..imagining her in her normal office clothes …the same type that now lay in a pile on the floor ……

    Caressing her back…..I whispered again ……

    I love u …..

    …..I love u too JY……

    P whispered……

    I smiled….cuz this means I have the passport to P’s body as I wish for this entire trip …..

    Post #235
    Chapter #105


    Originally Posted by


    TS, when you had your CIP and hoping her hubby also had a round recently could be rather risk taking and naive.

    If she were to be pregnant and baby came looking like none of them both, it will take a retarded not to suspect something is wrong. Worst, for some married couples who have kids but not wanting more, might be using contraceptives, how to have a 3rd baby even if he CIP?

    Anyway, when you can still write this story I guessed you are still lucky this far.

    Good story nevertheless.

    Bro, all I can say that u r correct. I was really lucky. Soon to come

    Post #237
    Chapter #106

    I smiled….cuz this means I have the passport to P’s body as I wish for this entire trip …..

    …..I have ….never ….been so….close….with anyone before ……

    P whispered shyly. I didn’t really know what she meant, but I took a mental note. And I took it as a compliment…..

    …..dear……neither have I ……

    I sweet talked.

    …..just ….know that…..I wan u …..kept wanting u……


    ….i…….nv…….felt……like this …..before…….

    I oso ….

    I sweet talked. And as I did, I tot to myself…..Z’s sex sessions always made me want more. But with P, it was different. Maybe it’s her demure character….making me just be much more gentler as I made love just now ….i mean …I enjoyed it. Was like watching a love movie with a slow sex scene…soft music kind …..whereas with Z…it was just plain passion.


    P whispered ….and as I replied….i tot to myself ….gals like to talk so much after the sex….i was half listening ….but my mind drifted to my first sec sch gf whom I sweet talked to bed for her virginity ….and the many partners i have had …..M….Z…..all, except those ONS type, liked to talk….it’s like their way of finding connection beyond the sex ……

    Yes dear …..

    P looked up at me from her resting position on my chest ……

    ….silence …….


    ……silence ………..

    There was clearly sth that P wanted to say but held back…..and I decided to gently coax it out of her …..I was half guessing if she started to regret what she had just done ….abd if she is….i wanted to be in a position to guide her away from that regret….if not, I will not be able to enjoy her body as I wish ……

    So instead of avoiding…..I decided to confront the elephant in the room …….

    Banking on the assumption that P is demure and shy and if I “guided” her tots and shaped her mind , then I can control all situations

    ….yes dear……..


    ….dear…..confession …….

    I decided to go for it …..

    ….i……dunno how ….to put this correctly …

    I…..u know ……

    I pretended to be at a loss of words ….

    …I…….want u… much …….but ……

    I……dun wan to disrupt ….ur life….ur family …PS……

    …..but…..but……..I can’t control myself …..

    I…….just….know ….i wan u……but…..will not be selfish….will not….sabotage ur family …….ur everything……….cuz…….cuz……..I love u…..

    I was proud of my play acting. I mean I like P as a person. But love? No. I just wanted to make her give herself to me. Her everything…and I gambled ….gambled that a shy proper gal like her will definitely feel guilt…..and i wanna remove that guilt….or rather spin that guilt around to my advantage……

    …I……will……never…..risk u…..

    ….will….protect u….ur family, ur kids ……

    Wanted to remind her that she had so much to lose but also that I cared for all these and not just sex…..(of cuz it is)

    The….love…..that we made….is special……..

    Reminding her abt how nice she felt…..

    ….and i want….dear to know that……u must always….tell me what’s on ur mind…..

    Then we can face everything together … protect u…and all that hold dear…….

    P had tears in her eyes.

    I couldn’t be sure if those were tears of being touched or tears of regret…and guilt….

    I kissed P gently on her forehead….then her sharp nose…..and her lips as gently as I could….

    P was kissing me back as well….

    Great. I tot……

    No more words were exchanged between us. p closed her eyes and laid on my chest …holding me tightly.

    I held her closer….tightly….showing her my “love”….and there we lay on the bed…naked on each other’s arms. I could feel P’s breathing slow down and v quickly, P dozed off…probably exhausted by our gentle yet intense session but also from the fact that I totally screwed with her mind …..

    And as P dozed off….laying content in my arms….i tot to myself ….

    Ok well done. Just addressed her guilt, her inhibitions, her considerations, reminded her she has a lot to lose and also positioned myself as this selfless lover who just wanna protect and love her secretly ….well done JY, well done u cb kia.

    I held P closer. Smelling her hair….and softly caressing her back and arms as I pulled the sheets over us….

    Post #238
    Chapter #107


    Originally Posted by


    She found comfort in you that’s why she could sleep. If she knew the real you, she would probably have either try to kill you or herself.

    The type like P is very charming and most men would love to have one. However, unlike the other women you have, this type if ever back fire, can be serious and with collateral damage.

    You are right, the post sex control is key if you want v more sessions with her. As she would be v trading between wanting more and feeling guilty. Once the sex key is turned, she will become a sex kitten.

    Yup. That’s why wanted to remind her about her kids, family etc from the onset. Was a gamble then cuz she was still very much in a spell but mentioning all these could help position everything properly on one hand… the other, the risk is that it adds to her inhibitions and that’s the end just when I had the chance to savour the fruits of my grooming. And yes….P…..though not my type….is the type all guys would like to own physically.

    Post #240
    Chapter #108

    I held P closer. Smelling her hair….and softly caressing her back and arms as I pulled the sheets over us….

    P was sound asleep in my arms. I stayed awake for awhile, reflecting on the lies that I had fed her again….to keep her mind “drugged” so that I could strike a balance between making her my sex toy vs ensuring that she doesn’t want more by reminding her about her family, hubs and her 2 young daughters…..

    I felt like a cb kia. But that slight feeling of guilt and shame was just a small fleeting moment and it was quickly replaced by a feeling of immense satisfaction. Satisfaction on how much bs I could spin into sweet talk. Tonight is the first night. 5 more mornings and 4 more nights to fully exploit.

    The next aim will be to get P to open the partition willingly between our rooms. This way, it would be easier for me to walk between our rooms…naked the best….as there will not be any need to dress up to go thru my room door.

    P stirred after abt 2hours. She turned over to the other side and freed my hand. I took the chance to go to the washroom to pee ….as I walked out of the toilets, the pile of clothes on the floor got my attention. I picked up her white old sch panty and smelled. It was sensual, immediately walking up my rested bro….and I walked to the bed where P was sleeping …..and pulled the sheets off her once more….exposing her naked body in its full glory. If only her boobs are like a full B….i tot to myself …no need to be the DD melons of Z….just a bit more substance for me to hold and caress them….i was getting frisky seeing P’s smooth long naked legs. I positioned her legs flat ….so that I could have a better view of P’s naked body.

    I could t wait anymore ….went to the washroom and wet the small hotel hand towel with hot water and squeezed it a little….then I went to the bed and wiped P’s love cave….wiping away the cum leak from our earlier session. Then I placed the hand tower back into the washroom ……

    I stood at the foot of the bed, admiring P’s pretty face….slanted to one side now as her long hair fell across her face….i bent over and planted a kiss on her lips….then I licked my way down to her neck, warming her up ……then inside myself down south as I licked the smooth skin ard P’s pinkish love hole.

    It really hasn’t been used much . The skin ard it was still smooth and pinkish …unlike some gals who have tons of experience ….the skin ard it was crumbled and dark.

    I ran my tongue around her love cave ….it was really small….and I started licking P gently……using my hands to spread her legs more …….P started to stir as nice tingling feelings started to invade her sleep….its a bodily reaction….waking the host body up so that the body could mate…..

    Slowly I felt P awake ….her breathing becoming heavy and laboured as her now awakening mind came face to face with the nice sexual feeling that only an invading tongue could give….

    Ennnn…..JY …..ennnnn……dear…..what are u …..doing …….

    Slurps slurps

    …….worshipping dear…… no one ever had before………

    Slurps slurps …..


    I increased my licking attack on her ….

    P was trying to squirm free ….but she was helpless as I held her legs apart….while my head buried into the love cave ……licking her for all I was worth, driving her mad with sensual sensations ….she started to taste sweeter and sweeter …..

    Must be the juice coming out now …….

    I tot to myself…..P’s objections were becoming weaker and weaker and she legs squirming became feeble as I didn’t heed her request to stop, I just licked and licked and licked ……and P’s soft shy moans started to fill the room…..

    I couldn’t wait anymore. I pulled myself up from her love cave and put my bro tip just under her small pink thin flaps …..

    Then as I slid in….i started to hold P tightly and I made love to her once more ….feeling her nearly tear into two as I inserted in ……..fully …….

    P’s legs curled onto mine as we made sweet love once more…..

    …I love u …love u …love u ….

    I repeated as I gave P an orgasm once again……

    Tell………how……..make…….dear…..feel ……if……dear…..wanna change anything … make …..dear feel…..nicer ……..

    I whispered softly …..drawing a shy shake of P head ……..

    Not nice ? …..?


    Have u ever felt so nice before …….?


    I wanted to experience P on top … I quickly ramped up my pace to have her finish her next big O……and as P completed her big O…..I pulled out slowly of her tight hole …super tight hole …. And whispered to P….i wan u ….on top……

    …..I …..I …..dunno how ……..

    That was the ultimate turn on reply that even this cb kia had not been ready for ….

    Post #243
    Chapter #109


    Originally Posted by


    Her boss introduced me to her and we hit it off immediately.

    Nope. Thats not the case. I alr know P for more than 3years before I finally owned her in Jan 2022……abt 3 years after I owned Z….

    If only have that skill to say hi, then can lay the gal immediately skill. Lol. No need to groom, cultivate and create chances lol

    Post #245
    Chapter #110


    Originally Posted by


    P is not your type then why spent so much effort? All just a tick off a bucket list that indicate that you have been there done that?

    If you can craft one perfect partner, what will be the attributes, both physical and mental?

    About the gf that you honey coated to rob her virginity, was she super heart broken when you broke up with her?

    Ya. P isn’t really my type. She’s too timid, too demure and too shy. I have always found her pretty. And didn’t really have sexual designs on her until that night in Toronto when she got drunk and I took full advantage to rape her. Then the lies that I told tended to take on a life of its own…..and made me wanna try P when she is fully conscious and responsive. I wondered what would it be like. So is it to get a tick ? No. Cuz she wasn’t a tick box to begin with. It’s more like u have just eaten the forbidden fruit and want to try eating it again but in another manner.

    I like my woman confident. Maybe a cross between Z and W.

    For the gal whom I took the virginity from in sec sch….she was heartbroken when we broke up. Told me she tot that we will end up marrying each other. Ouch but ya. I am cb kia

    Post #248