The 4 colleagues that became mine

    Chapter #1

    It was 2013 and I had just joined a new company. Used to be legal then this new role was kinda a sales role for me as I had to meet potential clients ard the world together with the real sales and marketing team whom I work with closely as we negotiate deals for the company.

    One of the first gals I met in this new company was a petite gal. She wasn’t exactly syt but more of an attractive GND. Let’s call her M. M is 28 and I and about 10+years her senior. She is 158 and was rather slim. Not the boney type but slim in her own right. M has a very outgoing character. She had long wavy hair and would always flip her long hair back as we spoke.

    Her boss introduced me to her and we hit it off immediately. Then she jio me out to drink after work with other folly and we got on very well for many mths. Sorry to disappoint, no action whatsoever as we just talked and drank a lot together. M loves to drink and is a real social animal. Problem is when she drinks, she doesn’t know what is her limit and she gets high and then she gets touchy….u know ….the proper touchy type….stand super close to me when we talk, place her hand ard me when we speak in the bar, rest her hand on my thighs …..

    I wasn’t instantly attracted to her ….she’s attractive and very “sao” like Shu qi. She has Shu qi lips and at times I do feel a little wavering esp when she comes so close and speak to me with her alcohol filled breathe on me. But I kept it more or less just as close frenship as she is this xmm that this big bad wolf might just gobble up if I ever took it a step further. So the many mths that we were drinking as frens, I ended up sending her home almost everytime and she would hold on to me in the car as I drive…laying her head on my shoulders ….i mean it’s hard to drive like that but well, when a young gal does that to this uncle, this uncle has no reason not to enjoy that little bit of skin to skin touch right ?

    Then it progressed in to her placing her hand on my thigh when we were close and when I drove, I would also place my hands on her thigh (on her dress) in times when she wasn’t holding on to me with her head on my shoulders. Body twisting to allow that pose to happen when driving but what the heck. Nothing like the touch of a young gal ….

    Post #1
    Chapter #2

    So this went on for months. Then one day as I turned ny car into her carpark, she said turn left here….inwas surprised as it was always straight to her block but I followed her instructions cuz it was her place anyway.

    Park there.

    Ok ….i nodded and parked in a quiet spot of the carpark. Then the next thing I know, M turned over and she moved her body close to me. I tot she was gonna tell me sth as she always comes super close to talk but the next thing I knew, those pair of Shu qi lips enveloped my lips.

    Post #2
    Chapter #3

    I stun for a while but her tongue came snaking in and I kissed back. Matching M with as much ferocity in kissing ….and I reached my hand to hold her close….caressing her back as we kissed and kissed. We went on kissing for more than 30min before I stopped. Just had to …if not will

    Lose all self control

    Huh. …..

    We gotta stop. If not can’t stop ……

    Then dun …..she whispered as she moved to kiss me again.

    Nono ….M……u drink liao. Next time……

    M looked at me and smiled. I have to admit, she looks cute.

    Stop ? Lol…..u scared ah ……

    Yes. I scared. This uncle very scary one.

    Then I laffed and started my car again…..drove her back to where I normally drop her ….

    Need me to walk u up ? I asked cuz I tot she shd be more drink then normal days for her to kiss me like this

    No…I can walk. ……unless u are not scared of me if we are at the staircase ……

    I laffed. Stairs ???? Hahahahaaa. No lah. So public.

    U r cute. M laffed. And kissed me quickly before getting out of the car ….and then just before closing the door ….she bent in and looked at me with a cheeky look…..

    Those stairs not scary. I lost my virginity there when I was 13.

    With that, she winked and left

    I took one lonnnnggggggg breathe and drove off. Damn. Damn difficult to have self control.

    Post #3
    Chapter #4

    The next few days I was pretty bz with work. Bumped into M along the office foyer but only had time to hi and bye. Things seemed normal and I guess she was kinda drunk that day. But tots of M in her sec sch uniform getting banged in the stairways of her block kept playing in my mind …. M is still pretty young at 28 and her build still resembles that of a poly gal. Her petite build gave me wild tots of her in her Sch uniform.

    She was from IJ so I was wondering if it was the ah Beng in her neighbourhood….she looked those kind who will get attracted to baddies….or is it a boys sch guy ….. was it missionary in the area in between the stairs when they turn direction or was it doggie with her on the stairs and the guy behind her ….or did she ride the guy on the stairs. Lots of questions or rather fantasizing tots …..what a work distraction. LOL.

    Hey unfriendly ah …my hp beeped on the wed after the last incident.

    Nono. Just busy with work. Got big bid coming and helping sales VP in structuring the deal for the client.

    Ah. When free for drinks ? Ladies night today leh …

    Can’t leh. Gotta fly out fri. Back the week after. Maybe then.

    Wah so good. Fly here fly there.

    No lah. Boring one. Just work.

    Hey u fly with these beautiful sales ppl. Got do notti things when away or not ?

    Wle…no lah. Where got time and energy. Travel is always brutal for work.

    Hahaa. Dun disturb u liao. Next time travel with u then I can see if u are bs me or not.

    Then the next msg made me grow hard immediately……

    Catch u when u r back. Maybe we take the stairs together.

    My dick immediately went super hard. And I had to go to the toilet and wank off to the image of young M in her sch uniform getting doggie hard by me as her long wavy hair moved to the rythem.

    Shit. I tot to myself. Almost 40yo uncle getting aroused by a single msg from a young gal. Tmd.

    Post #8
    Chapter #5


    Originally Posted by


    You must be a handsome uncle that M can’t resist. hahaha

    No lah. Gals prefer older men. That’s my impression with the 4 of them.

    Post #16
    Chapter #6

    Work buried the 2 weeks and finally we were at the tail end of the bid negotiations. During these 2 weeks, M msged me on and off with normal young gal messages like hihi, morning etc…..nv had the time to reply. Just as I was leaving the hotel in Chicago to board the flights back to Singapore, my Ho beeped.

    It was a msg from M. I opened it. And immediately my bro hardened. It was a pic of the stairways in her block….the typical HDB stairways.


    Hahhaaaa…..can’t help but disturb u. Heard from ur PA that you are coming back liao. Dun forget u said we will go drink and hang out.

    Lol. I was stun for a while cuz the pic of the stairs had me searching the pic for some msg. Hahaaa. I tried to play it cool and ti siao.

    Wle. U forget liao…….

    Ya. What abt the stairs.

    Show u when back.

    Hahahaa. Msg u when I land.

    Onz. Night at the stairs ? Night on the stairs ? Hahahaa.

    Huh ? I ti siao again.

    No lah. Drink at the bar lah. Stairs ??? Lol.

    Tsk tsk. Maybe now is her turn to play it cool.


    With that, I got on the cab and headed to the airport. My mind messed up by this young gal again. I mean, she’s young. Not really my type cuz she’s a little on the wild side after these mths of interaction. I mean frens ok lah. Definitely not gf cuz if not will probably end up being messed up by her young mind. Too old for these young romances.

    Post #17
    Chapter #7

    Was quite an uneventful flight back. But the moment I landed, my hp beeped.

    Ooiii. U land this am right ? Tonight drinks ????

    Was a msg from M. I smiled to myself. Y not.

    Ok. Same place ?

    Yes. Same place. See u

    With that, my date ….oso dunno if u will call it a date….was fixed. Went to the ofc and finished a couple of mtgs. Then was clearing emails when my hp beeped again.

    Ooooiii. Wru

    Ooops. Still in ofc. U there liao ?

    Ya ! There since 8. It’s 10 alr !!!!!

    Be right there. Sorry. Clearing work till forget time.

    Quickly shut down my lap top and then rushed to the car and then drove to Dempsey to meet M and her frens in our usual joint. frankly felt a little tired but dun like to fly ppl aeroplane so decided to turn up.

    Wahhhh so late. Drink drink !!!!

    M was clearly a little high liao. These young gals. Dunno how to regulate.

    Was made to drink a few glasses of whisky then just sat there chatting with M and her frens …..turn out it was her younger sis and frens. Look abt the same but M is more saooo ……

    Then sat till the last set and then her sis said ok….she leaving liao. I tot ok, all go together so I offered to fetch her together with M home. She looked at me and said no lah. My sis say wanna show u the stairs today. Hahahaaaaa

    Huh ? What stairs. I play my ti siao game.

    Hhahaaaa. U will know.

    Just as she was turning ard to leave, she turned back. And then spoke to me softly…..

    My sis look wild. But actually heart very easily hurt. Her first bf hurt her a lot and she took some time to get over it. Dun play my sis if not interested ok ?

    I nodded.

    Then wondered what on earth did M tell her sis about me and the stairs …..

    Then M came back. We drank some more and then as the place closed, walked to my car at the back Dempsey carpark.

    Started the car and M placed her hand on my thigh…..then bent over to kiss me. Her lips tasted sweet and we kissed for dunno how long. As I was kissing M, I was thinking ….wle…..really wanna go to thei stairs with her ? Her sis knows. What if her sis sees ?

    Post #19
    Chapter #8

    M didn’t let up her kissing. I must say I was impressed with her kissing skills. Some gals dunno how to kiss. Just press lips on lips. Some gals….like M…totally mastered the art of kissing. Lips on lips with the Shu qi lips then slowly moving to both of her lips enveloping my lower lip and then slowly her tongue brushed my lips and suddenly snake her way in. No way this uncle will lose this fight and I responded with my years of experience.

    Her her hand started to stroke my thigh and then moved to unzip my pants and belt. All in synchronicity that seemed to be a seamless music. Out popped my hard bro as it sprung out of the constraints. M wrapped her slim fingers ard my bro, immediately adding fire to my alr raging fire.

    Then without warning, she pulled herself from my lips and took me in with one forceful suck.

    Arghhhhhhhhhh……I couldn’t control my moan. I have a soft soft for bj but my gf didn’t really like that so it was super rare and often a bad experience….u know ….when not enuff suction, too much teeth etc ….

    But M is good. And I mean really good as she proceeded to blow me with such feel that I can’t help myself but moan arghhhhhh arghhhhhhhh…….

    Then she stopped and came up for more kisses… me time to breathe……then I took the Chance ……

    M….. I have a gf. I need to let u know.

    M stopped. And looked at me …..our eyes on to each other and with our faces almost touching ……

    I know.

    Then she smiles, kissed me again and sat back down.

    Ok let’s go home.

    I nodded and then tried to put my bro back in.

    M fingers came back over and guided my bro safely back into my pants. And gently pulled the zip.

    I was like ok. I must have offended her but before I even had a chance to reply she said …

    Just wanna let u know dun be obligated. We are both adults. U have a gf. I have a bf. So eyes wide open.

    Tell me abt ur bf. I couldn’t help but ask …..

    M smiled. And placed her hand onto my thigh again. Omg after just now, this small move drove me nuts lah.

    We were sec sch frens. He was sec 5 I was sec 1.

    As M said these, I was like oohhh. So they are still together. And she lost her virginity to him. Wth….all seem so messy.

    So we are together till now. On and off. More on then off. But I told him we each have our lives. So need space and frens etc…..last thing I want is the typical bto get married have kids in 2 years type of relationship. Must have feel….and I have some feel for u.

    Silence between us. Seldom a lawyer is lost for words. But I am. Dunno how to respond.

    Aiyah. Just say thank you. Hahaaaa. M broke the silence.

    Come. Drive me home. I show u the stairs !

    I was like huh …..still wanna show me the stairs ????????

    Post #22
    Chapter #9


    Originally Posted by


    hmm in what ways?

    M says more mature and she likes that fact that the older guy knows what he wants. Lol. Whatever that means.

    Post #23
    Chapter #10


    Originally Posted by


    Excellent self-control. Most guys will mouthfuck her like animal already.

    Tbh, I wouldn’t have had the ability to stop had she not stopped and moved to kiss me. If she continue blowing, I would succumb also in a matter of mins. That’s how good she was.

    Post #26