My sassy sultry new dentist

    Chapter #1

    My sultry sassy new dentist

    Having delayed my annual check up for as long as possible I reluctantly dragged myself to my allotted time. To me it felt like being led to the gallows, although I have to admit my executioner was quite an attractive young dental assistant! She motioned me towards the chair where I reclined and tried to de-stress. I was hungry and was also having vivid flashbacks of my last dental clean which had drawn blood. Before long the dentist arrived who immediately sensed my unease. She gently touched my shoulder whilst introducing herself.

    ‘Hi, I’m Teresa. I just started here last month. Your previous dentist Brad has retired.’

    ‘Oh’ I thought. ‘Perhaps she’ll do a better job than the last guy’. ‘Maybe that’s why he cut me, too old’. ‘Maybe I’ll be alright this time’. Combined with her sultry voice and her empathic touch I started to relax.

    Teresa began by explaining what she would be doing. ‘First a check with the probe, then the clean followed by fluoride treatment…’ Her voice was hypnotic and soon I was drifting off into a semi-conscious dreamlike state. ‘Perhaps there’ll be no blood this time’ I reassured myself. ‘Her hands know what they’re doing, they feel dexterous’. ‘I wish I could see her face’. ‘She sounds pretty.’ ‘Her voice is very soothing. She could convince anyone to do anything…’

    Suddenly my stomach growled. I was famished. Early morning starts meant that this appointment was even earlier. I had skipped breakfast partly out of respect for the dentist and partly because I was running late. At least I could go straight to my office upstairs afterwards and start my day. But let’s not focus on that. What was I thinking about? That’s right. ‘Wish she wasn’t wearing a mask’. ‘Her hair is very stylish: black, medium length, slightly wavy, covering the edge of her left eye, just like my previous girlfriend. In my experience this usually demonstrated an inner confidence and generally framed an attractive visage. No need for longer hair to cover the face. She must be pretty!’

    My stomach rumbled again. I really was ravenous. I wish this was over. I wish I could eat, maybe I’ll grab a croissant… And then it happened. Could it be? No, surely not! Not being able to see much, my other senses were heightened. There - I felt it again. Something soft pressing on my right deltoid, nearly like a hug. What’s going on? Oh, she must be leaning over me and her upper chest must have pressed inadvertently on my upper arm. Nice and soft. Probably at least C cups. Definitely natural. Wow! I hadn’t realised that she was well endowed. She was wearing blue scrubs so it was hard to tell. This time she left them there and even started gliding them ever so slightly on my arm. Wow, again wow! Do I have to pay extra for this lol?! I’m sure it’s just so that she can reach to the inner corners of my mouth. Anyway, I wish I could stay here forever! But uh-oh! What was happening, my little APH was twitching. Oh no! This could get a tad embarrassing…

    Then she changed instruments and my ‘hug’ disappeared. She was doing something for a while, fiddling with something on her lap? surely not staring at the tent forming in my pants? and my shoulder all of a sudden felt cold. What happened to my ‘hug?’ ‘My arm is getting cold lol’. Oh well, maybe I better get out of here before little APH made himself too obvious.

    Maybe she sensed my inner desires because the next thing I felt was my arm being imprisoned again (happy to be tortured like this lol!). I felt a subtle sliding motion, then more sliding, then… No, it’s not possible. It must be a fold on her uniform, something hard. Surely it couldn’t be her … ? Just then she finished the treatment. She got up and took her mask off. I rinsed my mouth out and realised that I should exit ASAP before semi-erect APH made a full appearance.

    I got up and was just about to leave when she pointed to a stool in front of a computer.

    ‘Take a seat. I want to show you some photos.’

    Well, this is new. I’ve never had anyone take such an interest before.

    I sat down and she sat next to me.

    ‘These are your premolars before the clean. Can you see the tartar build up here and here?’ she asked whilst leaning over me to point it out on the screen. ‘There!’ I thought to myself. That something poking my arm is hard and it’s not a fold in her uniform. I’m convinced. No way! Is she as turned on as me? Couldn’t be? Maybe it’s cold in here. Yes, that’s it! I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.

    At that instant she did something that had me re-evaluating the situation. She pulled out a toothbrush and said ‘watch how I brush my teeth’. I was staring, mesmerised as she slowly demonstrated the correct technique. All I could contemplate was, ‘yes, you have good hand technique, yes you have beautiful lips, yes you have a gorgeous face’. Maybe she could read my innermost thoughts because she flashed me an alluring smile, reached over to the screen one last time pressing her hardness onto my upper arm, which left me to question my earlier conclusion.

    ‘We’re done!’ she announced and got up. I was still somewhat dazed when I noticed her shoes. They had red soles. Oh wow! Christian Louboutin’s. Stylish! I got up and was following her out when she paused to open the door. I was still looking down at her shoes and stopped myself a little too late. It was very embarrassing to say the least. I bumped into her from behind, just the softest of touches but enough so that semi-erect APH collided with her fully relaxed left hand which was next to her round left buttock. So gradual was the contact that it felt like a slow motion car wreck. I could actually feel her soft hand reflexly and dextrously close over it as I pushed lightly onto her, and was totally helpless, impotent in fact, from preventing the connection.

    ‘Come again soon?’ she turned to me with a knowing smirk.

    Was that a double entendre? Was it a question? It was more like a command, a statement of fact. I was spellbound and unable to verbalise. All I could do was nod slowly whilst staring at her mischievous smile…

    Post #1
    Chapter #2


    Originally Posted by


    Very good start TS, support!!

    pisode 2

    I had been replaying the events of my dental encounter over and over in my head. It was a mixed but certainly a different experience. Quite fun, no blood and I could clearly remember her warm breasts enveloping my arm. That can’t be standard operating procedure can it? But then there’s no way she would be interested in me. In addition, we parted ways on a very awkward footing.

    Work was building up as usual which kept me preoccupied and didn’t really leave me with any free time. Nevertheless I was well overdue again and my right upper premolar was sometimes hurting. But how would our next appointment play out? Would she even let me see her again? Did she think I was some sort of psycho? Some sort of pervert? Well I guess there’s only one way to find out. Wednesdays are the best day.

    ‘Hello? Can I book my annual check up please? I think I saw Teresa last time. Oh. She’s leaving soon? She’s got no Wednesday bookings? Any other days? No? When is she leaving? Brad is coming back? Um, I’ll think about it and get back to you.’

    She was leaving in a fortnight and had no available bookings until then. Oh well I did try. But did I try hard enough? My mum would always ask me that. What else can I do? Stalk her? Maybe she’s working somewhere else? Let’s google her. Yes that’s her. UBC. So she studied in Canada…


    What the hell?! Just what I need. I bet you it’s not real. I’ll keep doing my work.


    My staff came in. ‘We’re all leaving. Not sure if it’s real but we’re not taking the chance. Lock the door on your way out!’

    Ok. So now I’m all alone in my office, googling a dentist that doesn’t want to see me and when the fire brigade find my ashes, that’s what they’ll find. Pervert indeed.

    Oh well. Let’s take the alarm seriously.

    I switched off my computer, went outside, was about to catch the lift when I read the sign ‘In case of fire, do not use the lifts’, sighed and opened the door to the fire escape.

    Upon reaching the bottom I wondered whether the door would open or whether there would be an actual fire on the other side. I cautiously turned the knob and it opened. I peered out briefly before walking through the narrow atrium. Just before I got to the main glass doors, I saw someone exiting their office on the left. Due to the tight confines, I slowed down to let that person come out first who then smiled at me, paused and said ‘Hello Adrian!’

    ‘Um, hello?’ I mumbled somewhat perplexed.

    And then she walked out through the main glass doors into the main assembly area. My line of sight followed her athletic figure, set in a tight fitting skirt which enhanced her movements down to her slender calves and then to her red soled shoes.

    Wait a minute! I know those shoes! I looked up at the door from which she had just exited and the name plaque read ‘Dr Teresa So DDS (UBC)’.

    I followed her outside and spotted her under the jacaranda tree.

    ‘I’m sorry that I didn’t recognise you just now. I’m not very good with faces.’

    ‘That’s alright. I must have a forgettable face.’

    ‘Oh no not at all, it’s just that you had a mask on last time.’

    She looked at me inquisitively, like she was cross-examining me. Did I say something wrong? Was she still upset from our last encounter?

    An awkward silence followed. How could I ever forget that face, those lips, her soft breasts, her stylish hair, her stylish shoes… Maybe I should just cut my losses and go get some lunch. My eyes wandered across the street to the shops. I was about to set off when…

    ‘What do you think set off the fire alarm?’ she asked.

    I turned around and saw her standing right beside me. Wow, she smelt nice. Maybe I could lean in a little closer. Hey, I thought to myself, better focus, don’t want to have any unnecessary physical contact again.

    ‘Um… probably just burnt toast in a toaster. The fire brigade’s not even here yet. It’ll take some time before we’re allowed back in. I’m going to get lunch while I can.’ I said whilst setting off.

    ‘Oh, yes, probably toast or something.’ ‘Good idea, I’ll get some lunch too.’

    Was that Teresa who spoke? Did I hear her correctly? Is she now following me? Maybe I won’t get lunch. I’ll turn around and head back to my office. But I still can’t get into the building. Should I pretend I have to go somewhere else? Would that look suspicious?

    With all these confused thoughts swirling around in my head, I spun around to see Teresa rushing to catch up to me. There was a sea of people with the same idea heading towards the shops opposite but I could definitely make out her stylish wavy hair swaying from side to side. I wasn’t watching what was in front of me and slipped on the kerb nearly falling onto the person in front of me but managed to right myself just in time. But not before Teresa saw my not-so-stylish balancing /wobbling act and grinned.

    ‘Careful, you wouldn’t want to bump into anyone!’

    When we reached the food court I let her lead the way. I instead let my eyes wander onto her swinging hips which were even more exaggerated because of her fitted A-line skirt which ended above her knees. I wasn’t sure if we were eating together or if we would go our separate ways. I was about to ‘exit stage left’ when all of a sudden she stopped and turned around. This time, I managed to stop myself an inch before we made contact. However, at that instant, not knowing that I was one inch behind her, she started walking back in my direction whilst pointing out an empty table behind us.

    I couldn’t get out of the way in time. All I could do was brace myself for the inevitable hard knock. But… it never came. Instead I felt the lovely embrace of two soft cushions like airbags pushing rather forcefully onto my chest. ‘Probably size D,’ I estimated.

    ‘There’s a free table over there. Quick, grab it before someone else does.’ She exclaimed.

    When we sat down she asserted curtly ‘You really like to walk into people don’t you?’

    ‘I’m sorry but technically you walked into me this time’ I thought to myself. But I knew what she was referring to. There was no way out but to put it all out there in the open.

    ‘Yeah, sorry about the other day. I was admiring your Christian Loubouton’s and wasn’t watching where I was going. It was an accident! Really!’

    She looked directly into my eyes, tilted her head slightly, and paused. I generally love it when girls do this, so aegyo which would have ordinarily melted my heart had I not been so nervous about her next response. Would she be angry? Yell at me? ban me from the practice? worse still, would she press charges? Surely not, it wasn’t on purpose after all. I couldn’t have aimed my 第第 so softly, gradually and directly into her hand if I had a hundred attempts. It really was an accident. Can’t she see that?

    Time slowed. It felt like an eternity, like a defendant awaiting the judge’s verdict.

    She narrowed her eyes, as if concentrating on or contemplating something, perhaps trying to peer into my inner soul, understand my motives, whether I was trying to hide something, whether I was on the level with her or not. I felt quite uncomfortable, so uneasy that I stopped breathing and began to palpitate.

    I started to squirm in my seat until she uttered a banal, ‘I guess accidents happen. That’s life I suppose.’

    ‘Phew’ I thought. It was at that instant that I realised we had been staring into each other’s eyes continuously. What beautiful brown-green eyes with a calmness and determination which could only be admired.

    ‘Thank you’ I replied. ‘And thank you for not hurting me or making me bleed’ ‘During my annual check up I mean’ ‘you’re certainly much better, your hands are much more dexterous than the last guy.’ ‘I was so nervous’ ‘until you calmed me down with you know…’

    Why was I saying all this. This isn’t like me. I usually don’t talk much, now all of a sudden I’ve got verbal diarrhoea, maybe because I felt a huge relief that she wasn’t angry at me for pressing my little 第第 onto her.

    ‘What I mean is that I could sense you were gentle, paid attention to important details, like your hair and your shoes. That’s why I bumped into your… on that day, because I was focusing on your…um… Louboutins…’

    I was just digging myself deeper and deeper into a hole. Sure, I was staring at her shapely rear snugly fitting into her tight A-line skirt just now at the food court, but during my dental visit I really was looking at her shoes. I’ve really got to clear things up. I can’t have another awkwardness hanging over us like last time.

    ‘Do you understand what I’m saying?’

    ‘Yes’ she smiled mischievously. I felt a sense of relief before she continued ‘You are saying that you like girls with dexterous hands and who don’t hurt you.’

    ‘And that you don’t bump into them, accidentally that is, as a general rule.’

    ‘Oh boy’ I murmured. This isn’t going well. I better change tact.

    ‘Is that why you’re overdue with your next visit?’ Teresa enquired insightfully.

    I’ve got to change the subject. ‘Well, um, thank you anyway for last time and.. ah… for your understanding. I did try to book you but I hear you’re leaving. Let me make it up to you by getting you lunch. I was thinking of sushi but I hear the new seafood shop is really good.’

    ‘Well, I guess that would be a nice start. If you’re offering, I’ll have one grilled fish and one fried fish thanks.’

    ‘Any chips…?’

    ‘No thanks. I’m watching my figure. But I might try some of your sushi.’

    Was I just commanded to get sushi, fish and no chips? Was I being bossed around without knowing it? A nice start? Am I still indebted to her? her lackey now? Was I upset? Should I be? Well, let’s think about this rationally. So what if she’s telling you what to do. She’s attractive, possesses an awesome figure, has dexterous hands lol, happy to have lunch with you… What’s to be upset about? Sure she might be high maintenance like your last gf but the initial stages are always fun. And secondly she’s unlikely to be interested in someone like you. Just enjoy staring into her beautiful brown-green eyes while you can.

    So I got up and went to get the fish as instructed. It’s a famous company that now has a new branch in the suburbs. There was a bit of a line but it was moving fast. On my way there I noticed a really elegant young female with an equally elegant posture and demeanour. She had long flowing black hair covering her face, white crop top amplifying her breasts, simple classic jeans all under a burnt red chic jacket. The only thing missing was a pair of Christian Louboutins lol! She was texting on her phone before she looked up and saw me staring. I quickly looked away, moved towards the queue at the fish shop and pretended to text someone on my phone.

    While waiting in line minding my own business I heard a sultry voice behind me. Maybe Teresa thought I was taking too long or didn’t trust me to get her order correct so I swivelled to the sound of the voice only to be met with a pair of beautiful brown-green eyes, some might call them hazel-amber, the second rarest colour on the planet. She stared at me while continuing to talk to her girlfriend who was next to her. I quickly faced the front again and racked my brain to remember where I’d seen those eyes before.


    ‘I’ll have one grilled fish and one fried fish. And a salad please.’

    ‘We’re out of fried fish for the time being. It’ll be 5 minutes. Or you could have the last two grilled fish.’

    ‘Ok, 2 grilled fish and a salad thanks.’

    ‘Coming right up!’

    It’s a bit like Burger King. Cooking the food as you order. More fresh that way. I guess everyone wanted to try the novelty of this new shop & they couldn’t keep up with the demand. I suppose I could wait 5 minutes but my mum always said ‘never keep a lady waiting!’

    I got my order and went to the sushi bar.

    ‘One grilled salmon sushi and one chicken avocado sushi thanks,’

    I collected the sushi and made my way back to Teresa. Somehow she had managed to get two milk teas, mango and classic pearl. I sat down and explained that there was a five minute wait to get the fried fish so I got two grilled ones.

    ‘Better for your figure’ I said trying to break the ice. She grimaced at me. ‘Whoa, uh-oh’ I wondered to myself. ‘Have I said something wrong?’

    The grimace was brief then turned into a smile.

    ‘Well I’ll just have to have half of your sushi. I’ll take the grilled salmon sushi thanks.’ ‘I got you a drink by the way. You can choose which one you want.’

    Pressure time. When a girl asks you to choose something it doesn’t mean you can choose what you want. It means you need to choose what she wants. Like when a girl asks what do you want for dinner. It actually means ‘what do I want for dinner.’ Using reverse psychology, there’s no way she would know that mango is my favourite so she probably chose that for herself. She bought the classic pearl tea because it’s a safe bet that most people wouldn’t mind. In other words she wants the mango and bought the classic pearl tea as a generic and safe option for me.

    ‘I’ll have the pearl milk tea.’

    She looked at me sideways.

    ‘What’s going on?’ I thought to myself. Maybe I wasn’t polite enough?

    ‘Thank you for getting the drinks’ I added.

    ‘You’re welcome,’ she smirked.

    Post #13
    Chapter #3

    Just then a heard a familiar voice. It was audible from where I was sitting so must be coming from nearby. A sultry voice was complaining that the guy in the fish line just before her took the last two pieces of fish and she had to wait 5 minutes which turned into ten minutes for her order. I looked behind Teresa to see a pair of brown-green eyes burning a hole into my head.

    ‘Oh, she’s a feisty one indeed.’ I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that, eat quickly and excuse myself from the food court before it all goes downhill. But her dress sense is immaculate. My first crush had the same mannerisms, confidence and ‘take no prisoners’ approach which bordered on ‘ice queen’ coldness.

    Her figure was also similar, probably more developed though, around 17-18 years old. If only I could go back in time, I would make sure it worked out with my first crush this time round.

    While I was lost in my reminiscences, I realised I’d been staring in her direction for probably just a bit too long. At that moment, she unexpectedly rose from her chair and approached my table.

    Her stare pierced my skull nailing me to my seat. I wanted to run but was frozen. ‘What have I done now?’ I thought. ‘It’s only grilled fish!’ ‘I promise I wasn’t staring.’

    ‘WHAT do you think you’re doing? WHY aren’t you at work?’

    I can’t believe this is actually happening. I thought to myself, ‘Of all the nerve! She’s exactly like my first crush. Very cute sultry voice when she’s angry, very ice-queen-like all other times. But who does she think she is? It’s a free country after all. I’m not breaking any rules.’

    ‘Not that it’s any of her business but I’m having lunch and the fire alarm went off so I can’t work.’ I imagined myself saying.

    Just then I heard my inner thoughts being verbalised by another sultry voice.

    ‘I’m having lunch and the fire alarm went off so I can’t work.’

    ‘What? What just happened?!’ I thought to myself. Did I just say that out loud? Or do I have ESP (extrasensory perception)? Is Teresa sticking up for me? Wait. That voice. They’re the same voice. Those eyes, they’re the same eyes. Standing in front of me was a childhood version of Teresa. Am I in some kind of time warp like ‘Back to the Future’?

    I looked from the ice-queen then to Teresa and back again. Wow, maybe they were twins or something but twenty years apart. Is that possible? I’ve heard of twins being 1 week apart. I’ll have to check Guinness Book of World Records…

    ‘You said that you were too busy at work to go shopping to buy me shoes. And now I see you here with your new boyfriend staring into his eyes.’

    Wait! What just happened?! What is happening right now? Do they know each other? It must be true then. Back to the Future it is. I’ll just sit back and wait for Michael J Fox to appear. I must be the nutty professor. Maybe Lea Thompson will arrive…

    ‘I’ll talk to you at home tonight sweetie. You know you can wear these shoes when you’re 18 but not before. In the meantime…’ I heard Teresa say.

    ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah! I know. When I’m eighteen I can do this and can do that but not before. I’ve heard it all before. By the way, I’m not going to your escape room thingy this weekend. I’m too busy. I’m leaving now. I’ll be home late. Come on Jen. Let’s go.’ the mini-Teresa was dragging her friend off somewhere.

    Jen looked at Teresa then at me then Teresa again. She beamed widely and just murmured, ‘Enjoy your favourite mango tea, your favourite grilled salmon and your lucky shoes Auntie!’

    At this point in time I did not know what universe I was in. Was this a dream? Was I in heaven or hell? Although the scene just now caused a minor stir (which I loathe) in the food court, I couldn’t but help think that this cat fight was a bit of a turn on. Right here in front of me were two stunners high on emotion looking as beautiful as ever, one who reminded me of my first crush and the other a more mature refined professional who did not take a back step ever, snarling at each other. And Jen was well above average too.

    I was trying to process these recent events and must have looked completely dumbfounded when Teresa spoke.

    ‘That’s my daughter Selina. She’s upset about many things but most recently because I wouldn’t share my Louboutins with her.’

    Righto. That still doesn’t explain a lot of things. Like how come you look so young and yet have a teenage daughter. What would your husband think of you having lunch with a total stranger. How did I become your bf, am I going to be in trouble again, why is grilled salmon and mango tea your favourite and why are your shoes lucky?

    I started with, ‘Will she tell your husband about today?’

    Teresa raised her right eyebrow at me.

    ‘Didn’t your Dad ever tell you that you don’t have to be married to have children? I don’t have a husband and Selina hasn’t spoken to her Dad for years.’

    ‘Ok’ I thought to myself. Let me do some mathematics in my head. If you had Selina when you were twenty then…

    Teresa must have read my mind. ‘In case you’re wondering, I had Selina when I was 19 at uni. She’s 17 now. That makes me 36 and you are 39.’

    Yes, that makes sense. She looks mid-20s but being Asian I would have guessed around mid-30s. Selina looks well developed for 17 but if her mum says so then 17 it is. She should know. And yes I am 39.


    Wait a minute!?!

    How would Teresa know that? Has she been stalking me?

    ‘I’m friends with Anna from school. You went to our formal.’

    I looked upwards and to the left. Apparently that helps you remember incidents from the distant past. I remember Anna of course. I still have our formal photo. She was cute. Why didn’t we date. I can’t remember now. She asked me out. Her friends were cute. Was Teresa one of her friends? Must be. Which one was she. There was a shy girl with really long hair who hardly talked. Was that her? She brought a date that she really didn’t like. Her parents arranged it I think. Was that her?

    I squinted hard looking up and to the left trying to remember everything about that night. I turned to her face, her eyes, she’s a real beauty now. Maybe she hadn’t blossomed at school.

    I was a late blossomer too. It happens.

    ‘So I know you like Mango milk tea, grilled salmon sushi and are 3 years older than us. Anna told us all the time. I cut my hair after having Selina.’

    Really? Anna talked about me all the time? I wonder what she looks like now. A really soft hearted, gentle, giving, attractive girl, perfect wife material - so why didn’t we get together?

    ‘Anna will be at the escape room this weekend. Looks like we need one more player. She would love to see you again.’

    Is she trying to set me up with Anna? Am I being asked out on a date? I thought Teresa was a bit attracted to me. Wow, I really can’t read women and the way they think. Do any of them actually like me or is it more of a nostalgic thing? Novelty item maybe.

    My mind was being blown apart right now. So many unanswered questions.

    ‘Lunch was nice before we were interrupted but you still owe me. If you come to this, I might forgive you.’

    But I hadn’t seen Anna for years, I barely know Teresa, I’ll be a fish out of water. Although it would be nice to have 2 girls fighting over me haha.

    What I couldn’t fathom was whether Teresa liked Mango milk tea or not. Did she get it for me? If she really liked it too, why didn’t she just get 2 of them. Was it reverse psychology or the dreaded double reverse psychology. I think she really does like grilled salmon sushi, so we have some things in common. Who would I choose if I had to, Anna or Teresa haha.

    ‘So I’ll tell Anna you are coming then. She’ll be thrilled.’

    What is going on? Am I in a parallel universe? I really think Teresa likes me a bit even though we got off to a rocky start. And Anna sounds like she’s been holding the candle for a long time. How to find out? Only one way I guess. I was unable to verbalise again and just slowly nodded my head.

    ‘It’s 11am on Saturday. It’s called ‘Intruders’. Supposed to be scary…’

    Post #14
    Chapter #4

    Episode 3

    I couldn’t concentrate the rest of the week. The night before was even worse. I tossed and turned the whole night wondering how the Escape Room was going to play out and how I even got myself involved.

    Was it a set up? Teresa probably worked out that we’d met previously at her formal after my first visit which was why she was sort of treating me like an old friend when we met again. She was really shy back at the formal but she’s certainly come out of her shell since then. Who was her formal date? Iain I think. Rich kid with funny spelt name. Seemed ok to me, maybe a bit drab, but nevertheless presentable. I was similarly dorky back then too. I wonder if he’s the Dad?

    But then the incident at the food court couldn’t have been staged. Selina was really annoyed, partly at us but I sensed something deeper. I’d hate to be on the receiving end of her temper. Cute though lol.

    If I remember correctly, Anna had two really close friends and about a dozen regular friends. Her clique was about 15 at school. I met a few at her formal which was a cruise on the harbour. I still have a photo of them kicking their legs up in the air while dancing ‘Rockettes’ fashion exposing a little skin. Nothing too revealing, just girls having fun. Let me see where that photo is. Should be next to my couples’ photo with Anna.

    I stumbled out of bed and went straight to my study. Rummaging through a few old boxes I eventually…

    ‘Found it!!’

    Let’s see now. Yes, Anna and me together. Me giving her flowers. Again us two on the boat. Her friends in the Rockettes pose. Anna is in the middle, yes that’s Teresa with long hair on the left. And who’s that on the right? Attractive, tallish, athletic with the ‘I’m too cool for school look’.

    ‘Of course!!’ That’s Grace! We dated for a while kind of. We hit it off really well during a weekend party and went out a bit. Got pretty physical, in fact completely physical, no emotional connection. Then it petered out to nothing and Anna had to do some mediation. She took Justin, my friend’s younger brother to the formal. I wonder if they ended up together?


    Using Google maps, I arrived at the Escape Room site on time but couldn’t find the actual entrance. I wandered around a bit but only saw restaurants and banks. I was getting desperate so popped into the local Thai place to ask. They were just setting up so I had to walk all the way in down a shadowy corridor to find anyone. Turning the corner I spotted two young girls hunched over a table deep in thought.

    The one facing me but on the far side was an attractive Thai, slim build with hugging white apron who was studying something intensely in the middle of the table. The one closest to me had her back to me. Bending over, her miniskirt was riding up her exquisite thighs leaving little to the imagination. Reminded me a lot of Grace, back in the day who was insatiable. She would jump me all the time and would act provocatively so that I would jump her. I remember she once planned a special surprise for my birthday at a high end restaurant. She kept rubbing her leg on my privates under the table and guided my hand to her Crown Jewels to prove she was going Commando. Then before dessert she dragged me into the handicap toilet, bent over and said, ‘here’s your dessert!’ She had a jewelled anal plug in, pushed me into her pussy till she orgasmed then took out the plug and made me sodomise her! Oh the memories! But her mood could change on a dime which was pretty scary.

    Approaching the table slowly I emblazoned the long shapely legs in my memory. ‘Is she going commando?´ I was just about to ask for directions when I heard a ´thank you’ followed by the miniskirt swivelling around and advancing in my direction at lightning speed. When she finally looked up it was too late. She only had a split second with which to throw her arms out while she stumbled and cried out. I quickly caught her to break her fall and our eyes met. Radiant brown-green eyes. She must have Caucasian blood in her.

    She looked momentarily shocked then relieved before flashing me a dazzling smile which would melt any heart.

    ‘Oh, hello Adrian! Thank you for catching me! We need to stop meeting like this!’

    ‘Oh! Hello Teresa! I didn’t recognise you!

    ‘You never do! Come, we’re running late and I just got the directions.’

    Well I don’t think I’ll be forgetting those bare legs of hers in a hurry. However, I couldn’t help but think her clothes were pretty risqué and not at all suited to an Escape Room which required running.

    We ran next door to the HSBC bank, pressed the buzzer, door opened and we walked to the lift. Once in the lift she pressed floor 9 and we tried to catch our breath.

    Noticing her high heeled Louboutins I exclaimed, ‘You wore your lucky shoes! You know we’ll be running around today.’

    ‘Thanks for your concern but it’s all acting. It’s not real but if you’re scared I can save you!’

    We got out of the lift and entered the Escape Room premises. Anna was already there. She looked clean and fresh in a floral summer dress with a longish split up one side. She hadn’t changed at all. My heart ached. Why hadn’t we hooked up?

    Teresa walked inside panting followed by me also puffing. Anna raised a questioning eyebrow in our direction before blurting out,

    ‘You came together?’

    Teresa sneered naughtily, trying to make out we were an item.

    ‘We bumped into each other just outside.’ I clarified.

    ‘Oh! You look the same Adrian! You remember Justin? Brian’s younger brother.’ Anna was pointing to a stocky, well built guy in jeans and sneakers.

    ‘Yes. I remember Justin. How are you ?’ shaking his hand.

    Then I realised that if Justin was here, does that mean…


    I turned towards the familiar yet annoyed sounding voice behind me to survey a striking athletic sculptured Amazonian wearing high heeled boots, a miniskirt and dark top. Her arms were toned as were her legs and no doubt ab’s. I heard she was into triathlons.

    I could feel her eyes probing every inch of me making me uncomfortable. I was caught off guard and couldn’t think of anything response.

    ´So you came together? I didn’t think you’d turn up at all!´

    I haven’t seen her for decades and now I’m getting the 3rd degree.

    Before I could open my mouth Anna came to the rescue. ‘They just bumped into each other outside. Adrian came last minute to fill in for Selina who’s gone shoe shopping today.’

    ´By the way, the toilets are just behind Grace if you want to go. We’re about to start.’


    Post #25
    Chapter #5

    Episode 4

    We entered a dark room and the door closed behind us. A large screen appeared in front of us and started playing in order to set the scene. We were about to investigate a haunted hospital and needed to find out what had happened.

    The screen then stopped which left the room pitch black. Water started dripping down around us eerily making goose bumps appear on our exposed skin. When the lights turned back on, freakily there was another person in the room. He introduced himself as Eric, who will be directing the investigation with us. But first he had to leave and get some new batteries for his torch. We noticed a clock on the wall showing one minute to midnight. It clicked over to midnight with a loud cuckoo as we walked forwards through a dark wet corridor that had just magically appeared.

    There was a locked door with signs saying ‘Don’t trespass’ and ‘Leave while you can’. So of course, we entered through it, after solving a quick puzzle. We walked cautiously down to a room which was open. Inside we found a skeleton, a clue, a safe and some bloodied bandages. We were struggling to open the safe when we heard slow heavy footsteps approaching. We all huddled in a corner with the dim lights fading on and off. Next we heard a creaky door open, then total darkness followed by a scream from somewhere. When the lights returned, we saw Eric in front of us. He feigned no knowledge of the menacing footsteps, the creaky door and the scream.

    He instead guided us to open the safe and retrieve a gold key which opened another door. His ‘friend’ had been investigating the derelict hospital when he went missing. The skeleton was supposed to be that friend. Nevertheless he left clues for us to solve the mystery. I was tasked with peering through the door first. Naturally I pretended to be brave but inside my heart was palpitating.

    All I could see was a long dark sterile corridor that all hospitals have. Teresa startled me by shaking me from behind,

    ‘Don’t be a sook. Hurry up and go through!’

    So through I went followed by Teresa, Anna, Grace, Justin and Eric who told us to feel the walls for something. Well, the light was minimal and spooky noises were coming from somewhere distant but we all complied. I felt the wall near me and touched a switch. A small light went on.

    ‘There! Another switch and another one!’

    ‘Quick, everyone grab a switch and turn them on simultaneously!’ Eric commanded.

    There just so happened to be 6 switches, with one way down the dark corridor just before it turned ominously to the left. Eric turned to me and said, ‘You, go and turn that switch on. I will look after this one.’

    ‘Oh boy!’ I murmured. I know it’s supposed to be acting but the jump scares are still going to give me a heart attack. I bet someone is lurking around the corridor.

    ‘Come on Adrian!’ they all chorused simultaneously.

    So I looked at them all, Grace being particularly sniggering while I traipsed down the hall.

    ‘Ok, I found the switch. I’ve turned it on.’

    ‘Hold on!’ yelled Eric. We have to all do it at the same time.

    Just great! More time wasting. When is the ghost going to jump out at me.

    ‘Hurry up!’ I screamed back.

    ‘Hang on!’ sniggered Grace. ‘I have to turn my switch off first before I can turn it on again.’

    I know she’s enjoying this. I couldn’t see her face in the dim light but could feel her mocking grin. I guess she just wanted to get back at me for the messy break up all those years ago.

    ‘Ok! On three! One…two…three…turn on!’

    All the lights came on. It was bright. Then, more footsteps, creaking and screaming occurred to my left.

    ‘Quick! Everyone down to the right corridor’ exclaimed Eric.

    No need to tell me twice! I motored down the hall only to find that there was a roadblock. Everyone was filing into another room one by one creating a choke point. And of course, I was the one most exposed bringing up the rear. I sensed something creeping up behind me when I eventually got through the door.

    ‘Behind the bed!’ ordered Eric. However, being the last one, there wasn’t enough room and I was jutting out a bit. Suddenly the lights went off and creepy sounds started. There were red lamps near the ceiling that switched on with faces that screamed and contorted within.

    Then pitch black.

    Then a spotlight focusing on a tall locker that had miraculously appeared in the middle of the room.

    Then pitch black.

    Then light on the locker which opened and a ghost in old hospital gowns came out.

    Then pitch black again.

    Then a light on the ghost with a hideous face only this time closer. And the locker had disappeared.

    Next pitch black.

    Then light on and real screaming! Loud yells coming from everyone behind the bed. Except me as I was too far. His ghastly face was above the bed directly in front of their faces on the left. The person next to me grabbed me reflexively and buried her head in my chest. She was shaking whilst hugging onto me. We were both squatting with my left arm gently touching her legs. But with her sudden involuntary movements, and her twisting into me, and my left arm staying where it was, it caused her legs to splay open. My left elbow was right at her crotch which could feel her soft cotton panties.

    Pitch black again.

    I knew what would happen next so I decided to take advantage of the situation.

    Lights on again with the ghost’s face right in front of mine.

    I feigned shock and twisted my left arm enough so that my hand was actually touching her inner thighs and groin. She screamed loudly but not because of me. In fact she remained motionless whilst the lights turned off again. Under the guise of being scared, I moved my arm slightly so that I could feel her panties from the front. They were nice and warm and perhaps… moist? But I couldn’t be sure. And I didn’t want to press my luck by rubbing it too obviously. After all I was not sure how long I could pass off my current actions as being involuntary, reactionary and unconscious. I was waiting for her to react by slapping my hand away but instead she opened her legs up more.

    Then lights on again and I was the one who reluctantly removed my hand first. Looking to my left I realised that it was Anna and to the left of her I saw Teresa noticing everything that was happening at Anna’s crotch level. Anna straightened up her sundress and we all stood up.

    Eric fortuitously reappeared and asked us what all the screaming was about. We explained that there was a dead patient or zombie or something that was just about to get us when he appeared.

    ‘Oh! This is worse than I imagined. That’s the zombie that killed my friend whose skeleton we found before. If you don’t want to turn out the same way, you had better hide in this room!’ Eric explained.

    We all rushed into the adjacent room which had large lockers lining the walls. I was wondering which locker contained the zombie which we had just seen when I heard,

    ‘Hurry up! Inside!’

    Followed by a shove and I found myself staring at the back of a 6 foot locker. From the sounds of it everyone else was being bundled into a locker too when I felt another shove on my back then a loud slam of all the locker doors.

    Someone else was in the locker with me. It was squishy to say the least. I wasn’t sure if it was one of us or the zombie until I felt nice C or D cups pushing onto my back which relaxed me. Unless there was another zombie who was female, which I didn’t think there was, I might as well hang loose and enjoy the cramped experience.

    Loud noises and screams were heard from outside followed by grating on the lockers, like someone or something had a knife and was trying to open the locker. I tried to turn around to secure the door from the inside when I was pushed harshly against the back of the locker.

    This couldn’t be the ghost could it? Surely not. Then something happened which made me freeze. I felt something warm move around to my front, then down then up again. It was someone’s hand surely. Then the same feeling only this time they left their hand on my front or rather my crotch. Then the hand slipped into my pants and tried to wank me.

    Hang on there. Is this included in the package? Do I have to pay extra? Having a soft hand trying to rub you out whilst outside there is a creepy ghost trying to ‘kill’ you added a heightened sensuousness to it. Like doing the deed when your adrenaline is on high alert. Maybe that’s why people have sex in public places, because they don’t know what’ll happen next, if they’ll get caught - which amplifies the sensations, the experience.

    Alright, if that’s the case, then I’m going to join in the action. I felt backwards with my hands. I could feel a skirt. I moved my hands underneath and was met with firm, smooth sexy thighs - different to Anna’s whose I had just felt. Wait a second. This person’s wearing a miniskirt. I doubt ghosts wear miniskirts.

    I spun myself around so that I could properly focus on her Crown Jewels, whilst she deftly rose my general to full attention. Wait. It’s too dark in here. I can’t see who it is but I’m sure it’s no ghost. I pressed my luck and started to finger her. No panties! She’s going commando! My mind flashed back to the Thai restaurant where I was admiring someone else’s Crown Jewels. Hang on, was this succubus in here with me right now the same girl? She was quite moist and soon I could get two fingers all the way in and back out making me leak precum.

    Then she spun around whilst whispering,

    ‘Come together?’

    What?! Everybody seems to be asking me the same question today! Third time!

    And she inserted me straight into her moist love hole from behind. Wow! Nice and tight. But wait a minute! Wait one damn second here. That voice is no sultry voice, no sassy voice. I know that voice! She’s not Teresa! And I pulled out.

    However, she would have none of it and rammed her butt back onto me. It was cramped in here and she was strong, Amazon strong. She pushed forcefully onto my shaft and I felt a twinge of pain before… warmth again.

    The lights outside came on and the eerie noises stopped. I tried to push her off my general but she clamped down tightly nearly breaking mini-APH in two. I pushed her with all my might but the locker was too small. She just braced herself against the inside walls and I was helpless. Am I being violated against my will? Shouldn’t I be enjoying this? Why can’t I just relax and savour the moment?

    I pushed hard against her back once more- just as all the locker doors automatically flew open. Grace was shocked but not as shocked as the girl in the opposite locker who saw Grace propel forward like a canon ball. Grace quickly composed herself and straightened her miniskirt, but not before I caught a glimpse of her derrière and her momentary gape. My eyes moved to the other girl also wearing a miniskirt who was directly opposite. She was mouthing something in our direction whilst I clumsily tucked the pained general away.

    How much had Teresa seen? Surely not much. I was shielded partly by Grace being flung out in front of me wasn’t I? I was having trouble processing all of these immediate tumultuous events and was left speechless. I was without speech…

    Post #29
    Chapter #6

    e 5

    Only after exiting our lockers did we notice that one was missing. Hang on. Who’s missing? I’m here, i was just inside Grace, that’s two. Teresa is still giving me the evil eye - that’s three.

    Then a sweet voice chirped up, ‘I think Justin is missing. His locker is gone!’

    I looked around and saw Anna smiling sweetly at me before we heard a distant, ‘Help! Help me!’

    So it seems that the ghost/zombie took one of us and now I’m left with the 3 girls. Wow! I’ve got my own little harem. I’ve just sampled Grace, I’ve not quite opened Anna’s Crown Jewels but she was moist down there when I felt her up pretending to be scared. And the person who invited me to this Escape Room was boring a hole through my head with her X-ray vision. I really thought that was her just now with me. That miniskirt which I’d spied earlier in the day, likely Commando style which was confirmed, everything matched but then the voice was not hers.

    Eric the director came back into the room. He asked what had happened again. His memory must be really bad or probably just dumb acting.

    ‘Help me! Help me please!’

    I wasn’t concerned about Justin at all and neither as it seemed did Grace. After all, she had virtually raped me in the locker with her husband just 3 metres away!

    We followed Eric to other rooms and surmised that the hospital had been performing experiments on their patients using ancient Greek gases with special powers. These gases were supposed to improve memory with supernatural abilities like controlling the 4th dimension, but an unfortunate chemical reaction turned the odourless gas into a green coloured bitter tasting noxious fume. It eroded your brain, memory and turned you into a walking zombie, just like the ghost that we saw.

    We eventually found Justin who didn’t say much but that he knew of the final clue which would lead us back out of the haunted hospital. We followed a string on the wall through a darkened passage then to a lift which we caught back down to the entrance. We arrived at our starting point when the room blackened and rain started falling all around us. Then the lights flashed on for a second and we saw someone wearing Eric’s clothes but with the hideous face of a zombie.

    Then lights out and back on. This time Eric was standing in front of us explaining that he was a director who was investigating the hospital. And that his friend had given him clues about a green gas that melts your brain if you breathe too much of it in. Eric was worried that he’d been exposed to it and was losing his memory.

    He then started his spiel from right at the beginning like we were just meeting for the first time. We all just looked at each other weirdly which prompted him to ask if we’d met before? We noticed the clock on the wall showed one minute to midnight and then it struck midnight with a cuckoo sound.

    Lights went off and we all murmured to each other, ‘Has Eric been exposed so much that he’s now a Zombie? Has his memory disappeared?’

    Just then green fumes enveloped our group. They were bitter tasting.

    ‘Or are we turning into zombies ourselves?’

    ‘How did the clock go back in time?’

    ‘Or rather, which one of us can control the fourth dimension?’

    Then the room was brightly lit and the exit door opened. Back to reality!

    Outside, the attendants asked us if we enjoyed it. We looked at each other still trying to process all the recent roller coaster events when a sultry voice piped up,

    ‘I think Adrian did!’

    I looked around innocently then at Grace who grinned while Anna gazed at me inquiringly.

    ‘Well, yes I did enjoy it. It was my first time.’

    Then we walked towards the Souvenir Photo Booth when I felt someone’s breath on my ear,

    ‘You lied Adrian! That wasn’t your first time.’

    The Amazonian glided away suggestively before bending over to put on a zombie costume exposing her bare derrière to me whilst mouthing,

    ‘and it won’t be your last…’

    What have I gotten myself into? How did this happen? I regained my composure and joined the group for the photo shoot. Anna wanted to stand next to me because she hadn’t seen me for ages while Grace stood behind me and squeezed my right cheek.

    ‘Say cheese!’


    ‘Say Escape Room!’


    ‘Say Greek!’

    And that’s when I felt her finger poking my starfish followed by, ‘I’ll Greek you next time.’

    Post #32
    Chapter #7

    We went to Starbucks for refreshments while Anna peppered me with questions about what I’d been up to, where do I work, what do I do etc.

    She was so genuine and caring that I wondered how I ever let her slip through my fingers.

    Then it was time to move on. We stood up and made our way to the exit. It was really crowded and no one could move. We slowly waded our way through the sea of people, stopping now and then like a car in a traffic jam. Each time Anna would stop, I would bump into her from behind. I apologised each time but I don’t think she heard me.

    Then all of a sudden there was a large group of new arrivals trying to get in the same door we were trying to get out of. We stood still for a moment then Anna had to move backwards to let people through, and she backed right onto my 第第. She was rocking back and forth as patrons moved in and out in front of her. I’m sure it was totally innocent and she was unaware that my general was being awakened.

    If that wasn’t enough, I was getting turned on and really wanted to fondle her Crown Jewels. Then my right hand landed on someone’s leg behind me which was soon guided to between their legs until I felt something hard.

    A ring? A piercing? Wow! I don’t remember feeling a clit ring when I was in the locker. But it was dark and time had flashed by in an instant. Grace had enjoyed toys so I wouldn’t be surprised if she also got a piercing down there.

    However, my brief exploration was prematurely curtailed as I felt Mariana’s trench, a lady’s most intimate depths, being yanked right from under my fingers.

    ‘Quick, follow me this way!’ yelled Justin as he dragged his wife away by the hand through a break in the crowd. We all started moving off.

    Whoa! How did Grace get from over here to over there so quick? She must be the flash. She is a triathlete after all. Or could it be…


    The next day I slept in only to be woken by my phone. I looked at the number - shit, it’s Teresa. Is she upset at me? Was I in trouble?

    I bit the bullet and answered still half in stupor.


    ‘Hi Adrian! Thanks for coming yesterday. Everyone had a great time. Anna was really happy to see you with everyone relaxing and chilling out. Like old times. She loved your duet with her at karaoke afterwards too!’

    She certainly was chipper this morning. Did she ring me just for that? At least she’s not angry.

    ‘Yeah, I had a good time too. Thanks for the invite. We should do it again.’

    I was trying to be as polite as possible whilst sussing out what she wanted. I don’t think I ever want to be in the same room as Grace again let alone a cramped locker!

    ‘Um, I was thinking that I should thank you for filling in for Selina last minute. She’s in one of her moods at present.’

    ‘Oh, no need. I was happy to fill in.’

    ‘No, I really must. Plus I want to ask you something.’

    There! That’s it! She wants to give me the third degree. Why were you in the locker with Grace? What were you doing with Anna…

    I was kind of hoping she was interested in me. I did get that impression earlier on but no doubt my recent antics put that to rest.

    ‘So, there’s a new Japanese restaurant in the city. My shout. I’d pick you up but my car’s being serviced, so I’ll meet you there at 1pm?’

    ‘Um, it was really no big deal. I liked meeting up with the gang again.’

    ‘No. I insist. I also need to ask you something for Selina.’

    Well, now I suppose I’m in trouble with Selina. I only stared at her for a short while at the food court the other day and unintentionally too.

    ‘Well? So we’re on?’


    ‘Come on, I’ve got lots of gossip to tell you about Anna and Grace too!’

    Grace, I’m not interested in but I’d like to know why Anna let me touch her privates while feigning fear. Might be some useful intel.

    ‘Um. Sure. But I’ll pick you up. It’s on the way.’


    Traffic was good so I ended up arriving at Teresa’s house early. I didn’t know whether to ring the bell or not so I peeped through the side window. I saw no one until I peered up the stairs. There, walking casually from the bathroom to presumably her bedroom was her daughter Selina, in all her glory! She had a towel on but it only covered her head! Wow, what an awesome figure! Better than my first crush’s. How can she only be 17? She was drying her hair with and saw me. I quickly turned away but it was too late.

    Shit! Shit! Now I’m really in deep shit.

    What should I do? Should I leave? Did she recognise me? Maybe I’ll just ring Teresa and say my car broke down or something. But the decision was made for me when I heard,

    ‘Mum!! Your boyfriend’s at the door!’

    Shit. Shit! And more shit!

    I imagined myself trying to explain to the magistrate that I wasn’t a peeping Tom.

    ‘Your Honour, I was legitimately invited over by the girl’s mother. I wasn’t peeping. It was just because I arrived early and didn’t want to disturb her. I didn’t know she was underage.’

    She certainly looks well developed to me. Like an adult. Maybe a large C cup already. She really reminded me of my first crush…

    Then the door opened.

    ‘Oh hi Adrian! You’re early. Come in.’

    ‘I didn’t want to be late. And the traffic was better than expected. And I didn’t want to disturb you by ringing the bell just yet. And…’

    I had verbal diarrhoea again. Was I going to jail? How come every encounter with Teresa is awkward. Why can’t we just have a simple uncomplicated ‘getting to know you’ relationship. There’s never been clear air, always something to explain away. Always on the back foot.

    ‘Come in and have a seat. Would you like something to drink? I’m just choosing my jacket and shoes. Then we can go.’


    At the restaurant she started opening up and our conversation became quite interesting.

    ‘Anna’s been talking about you nonstop again. She even found our formal photos. Grace hasn’t said much but I saw you two in the same locker.’

    ‘But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.’

    ‘It’s about Selina.’

    ‘Uh-oh…’ I thought.

    ‘You see, I’ve been trying to raise her practically alone but I don’t think I’ve done a good job.’

    I interrupted, ‘ no, you have. She’s a great girl.’

    ‘Let me finish. I would spoil her with material things because I didn’t have much time for her until I realised she may make all the wrong life decisions if she’s too spoilt. So I made lots of rules like no bf till 18, no super expensive clothes etc till 18…’

    ‘Like the Louboutins…’ I added.

    ‘Because I didn’t want her to make the same mistakes as me like getting pregnant to the first guy who took an interest.’

    ‘So anyway, she’s very unhappy about it, especially now that all her friends have bfs and expensive stuff. Then she saw me wearing the Christian Louboutins and having lunch with you.’

    ‘She thinks they’re lucky shoes meaning that good things happen when you wear them.’

    I noticed that she was wearing them right now. So does that mean she is expecting something ’good’ to happen today?

    ‘What she needs now is the right guidance. Ever since Iain left the picture, I’ve been the only adult influence and I don’t think I’m the best role model. You’ve seen what she’s like.’

    I’ve certainly seen the complete Selina! Is she saying that she wants me to adopt her? Like I’m a good role model too?

    ‘Anyway, she has this school project at the moment that she needs help with. It’s a biology assignment which is important to her because she wants to be a doctor.’

    Well, I guess I could help her with her homework but Teresa’s a dentist. She should know plenty of biology.

    ‘Unfortunately I’m not in a position to help her because it’s got to do with the male reproductive system.’

    I tried to get out of it. ‘I think she hates me. She was yelling at us in the food court remember?’

    ‘She’s just jealous. Don’t worry, I remember it well. You said you’d make it up to me. And after this, we’ll be all square.’


    I turned up early and rang the doorbell.

    Made sure not to look into the side window this time.

    Teresa let me in.

    ‘Selina is upstairs.’

    I knocked on the partially open door.

    ‘Um, hello. I hear you have a biology assignment.’

    She got up and closed the door.

    Not sure if that’s a good thing, perhaps we should keep it open in case your Mum…

    ‘I’m off to the shops. I’ll be back in an hour.’

    Ok, so Mum trusts me with her well-developed daughter.

    ‘Here’s my assignment’ handing me a sheet of paper.

    It was pretty standard stuff. Women ovulate, men ejaculate etc.

    ‘I’m happy to explain it. When two people are loving they…’

    ‘I know the theory. I’ve even watched it online. But it’s different in real life.’

    What does she mean?

    ‘I bet you’d watched porn before but the first time seeing things for real was still different to how you expected.’

    Yes, that’s true. I never realised that the vagina was so infero-posterior. Hard to reach all the way down there when you’re fondling your first gf with all her clothes still on.

    ‘I just want to see it.’

    I didn’t think that this was what Teresa had in mind when she asked me to help her daughter.

    ‘You’ve seen mine. So it’s only fair!’

    Good point. But you’re still underage and I kind of like your Mum.

    ‘If you don’t show me then I’ll tell Mum that you were peeping on me!’

    Ok. So we’re playing hard ball are we?

    She started reaching for my crotch when I moved backwards just in time. I guess it couldn’t hurt. She did remind me of my first crush. But…

    There was a lot of back and forth before,

    ‘I’ll call the police!’

    What? What’s going on here?

    A combination of her female teenage logic, her resemblance to my first crush, my keenness to keep her Mum happy and my somewhat keenness to do it led me to slowly unbutton my pants.

    Selina took the opportunity to help me out of my trousers then proceeded to touch it. I wasn’t so sure about where this was going when,

    ‘I don’t understand how it gets big. Can you show me?’

    I wasn’t sure how her Mum would react to the current ‘Show and Tell’ session.

    ‘How can urine and sperm come down the same path? How do you know which is which?’

    I was not sure what limits should be in place.

    I had mixed emotions and was struggling to get hard. She must have sensed it and increased her long and firm strokes.

    ‘I want to see how it happens.’

    She bent over my willie and studied close up. She licked my pee hole while saying,

    ‘Cum for me!’

    What? That’s gone beyond all decorum. I was in two minds about whether to continue or stop when I heard the front door open and close!

    I got up, pulled my pants up while racing down the stairs and out the door whilst I heard Teresa ask, ‘How did the assignment go?’

    Post #33
    Chapter #8

    Episode 6

    My mind was in a flurry. How could I let this happen. I tried to help her but I didn’t know where to draw the line. What will she tell her Mum? Will she really call the police?

    In fact I was expecting the police to front up anytime now. Teresa called me a few times but I couldn’t bring myself to answer. She left a few voice messages asking me to ring her back. I was expecting an ear bashing although she didn’t appear to be mad.

    I tried to distract myself by just getting on with the business of daily life. I was running low on groceries so went to the local shops. I was pushing my trolley around aimlessly when I saw two police officers at the check out talking to the cashier. They were nodding their heads when they looked in my direction. I quickly turned down the next aisle before I felt a sharp bump. I had just hit another trolley. I apologized and kept going before I heard,

    ‘Stop right there!’

    I swivelled to the sound and was raising my hands when I recognised the owner of the sultry voice.

    Had Teresa called the police on me? How could she? She had been the instigator of ‘the assignment’ not me.

    I thought about making a run for it when she grabbed my hand saying, ‘ I’ve been looking all over for you!’


    Teresa explained that she was very appreciative of my help the other day, however, Selina still hadn’t completed her project. We found out that the cops were there for a totally unrelated reason - apparently there’d been a robbery next door and they were looking for witnesses.

    We went to the check out then to our cars. When I closed my boot I turned around to say goodbye only to find Teresa standing right next to me. Wow, she smelt nice! She told me there was a new ramen shop across the road and that we should try it out.

    Without waiting she grabbed my hand and pulled me along. It was a pretty complicated ordering system, having to choose your broth, then noodles, then meat then extras. It was worth it however and I started to let my guard down. She had an intoxicating smile and hypnotic brown-green eyes. I found myself wondering what her lips would feel like. I hoped that I would find out soon. Next we tried a new dessert at Uncle Tetsuya’s - a glorified ice cream sandwich which tasted great. I had matcha flavour and she had green tea. Then we swapped half way through and tried each others. It was getting pretty intimate when she said, ‘let’s go to the Photo Booth and dress up!’

    So it was like 3 dates in one (my friend always told me that if you want to get intimate it usually takes a few dates and that moving to different places during one encounter simulates this) before she insisted we do a few songs at a mini-karaoke booth. We chose a 2 person booth and inserted $5. The seat was squishy but rather cozy. We snuggled up to each other like two peas in a pod. She sang the first song to me, ‘Right here waiting’ by Richard Marx. I then serenaded her with, ‘Long & lasting love’ by Vivian Chow trying to remember my Cantonese.

    Finally she wanted a duet, the one I had sung with Anna. ‘A whole new world’ from Aladdin. Anna had sung it originally back at uni for a Chinese International Club winter ball and was the envy of all the girls. Teresa wanted to make it ‘our song’.

    She stared into my eyes as we sang and we got all touchy feely. When it was my solo turn she would try to distract me my rubbing my general. When it came to the last chorus she actually unzipped me and had me in her mouth while I was still trying to finish the song.

    When the music stopped she was deep throating me, opening her pharynx and suppressing her gag reflex. Definitely a whole new world! It was the best bj in my life and most unexpected. She would inhale my member until it lodged in her throat, then would force more of me into her where I could feel her throat part to make room. She then kept it there while looking into my eyes.

    This went on for ages, so long in fact that the TV screen turned itself off. It was dark but there were windows on either side of us so anyone who stopped to look inside would be able to see us.

    She was alternating the speed and depth and I knew I could come any second. However, she kept edging me and prevented me from climaxing until she said, ‘Do you want to cum?’

    I imagined spewing my sperm deep into her throat and could only nod my head.

    Then she stopped and said, ‘But you didn’t cum for Selina?’

    Whoa! So Teresa knew what we got up to! I thought she would be happy that I had restrained myself. But instead she continued matter of factly,

    ‘Selina wants you to see your cum so that she can finish her project.’

    I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! I thought I was being a gentleman.

    ‘It’s difficult for a female to understand the process who’s had no first hand experience.’

    I do remember my first gf wanking me to completion then exclaiming, ‘Is that what goes into the female?!’

    ‘If you cum for her, I’ll let you cum right now ok?’

    I wanted her to keep sucking. Her skills were intense and I was working up to squirting a huge load down her throat. She could see my mind whirling around. She started sucking again before hesitating to ask ‘Are we agreed?’

    I nodded my head, closed my eyes and focused on her beautiful lips slurping hungrily on little APH. What had I agreed to? I don’t know but right now I was about to have the best bj culminate in the deepest of deepthroat cum dumps. Teresa expertly took me to Nirvana, but just before I was about to spurt she pulled out and wanked me to completion. What an anticlimax after such a perfect buildup.

    I opened my eyes and looked inquiringly at her. She finished stroking me and got a tissue. Some had leaked onto my pants. She simply winked and said,

    ‘After you cum for Selina, I’ll let you cum anywhere you want to!’

    Post #35
    Chapter #9

    Episode 7

    I lumbered over to Teresa’s house at the predetermined time. Why did I feel like I was heading to the gallows? I was meeting an awesome lady who I’d like to have a long term relationship with and her daughter was knockout gorgeous. Any guy would die to be in my position.

    Probably because I wasn’t sure if I would be able to control myself given that she was hot and resembled my first crush. I could still end up going to prison. Selina being underage and all that. ‘You were grooming her! How could you?! You were dating her mother!’ the judge would declare.

    But I actually think the reverse was evident. Teresa seemed to be grooming me. After all, she had ‘game’. She knew how to seduce someone in one encounter by rapidly changing geography to make it seem like we’d been dating a long time. There was the grocery shopping together, then dinner, dessert, Photo Booth topped off by a mind boggling DT.

    Yes, that’s it, her deep throat was a big reason why I was risking jail time. Her timing was perfect. It’s hard to maximally climax if the girl is sucking your dick contrary to your orgasmic spurts. But with Teresa, she knew exactly what she was doing. She had mastered the gag suppression technique and I’m sure she’s also mastered the blow job synchrony where you felt your soul was being sucked out with each explosion.

    When a pretty female is inhaling at the exact same time as you are expelling your baby batter deep into their throat, it is other worldly, in fact marriage material. Yes that’s it. Despite her evil eye when she caught me feeling up Anna and later on Grace, she possessed the best of both. She could be sweet demure and submissive like Anna when she wanted to but also animalistic in her desires like Grace. She was both of them wrapped up in a single C/D cup sultry highly skilled professional - an almost impossible hybrid that rarely existed in real life.


    I rang the doorbell making sure not to peak through the side window this time. There was no answer. I rang it again and pondered a quick withdrawal when the door opened quietly and I was met by a young, demure, eyelid batting teenager in clothing so skimpy that a scarf would cover more skin. I thought for a second that I was 18 again and visiting my first crush - minus the seductive apparel of course.

    ‘Come inside!’ she smirked.

    I nodded and entered without a word.

    Today I hoped that I was there to cum outside, not inside. ‘Your honour, I will try my best to behave!’

    She led me upstairs to her room. I looked around for Teresa. I wanted to make sure she was still ok with me ‘completing the assignment’ and to express my dismay at her choice of attire.

    ‘Mum’s not here. So there’ll be no distractions.’

    Ok. So I guess there’ll be no third party witness. It will be ‘he said, she said.’ My word against hers. I would just have to keep Selina happy so that we’d never need a judge to make a ruling. Can’t be that difficult can it?

    I sat on a chair and Selina kneeled in front of me.

    ‘I believe this is where we left off last time’ she smiled.

    Um… That’s pretty forward. I started to sweat. I don’t think I can go through with this. I got up and made to leave when she took me by the hand and sat me down again.

    ‘Relax! It’s ok. You’re so cute! No wonder Mum likes you.’

    So, Teresa likes me? She’s not just using me? That’s interesting. Maybe I could get more intel from her daughter.

    ‘I thought you hated me. At the food court you were yelling at me.’

    ‘Not at you silly. At my Mum. She kept talking about you and how her Louboutins were lucky because every time she wore them, she would meet you. That’s why I was desperate to wear them. I wanted to be lucky too!’

    Interesting. I tried to digest this morsel of information. While looking down I noticed Selina had beautifully pedicured red toenails accentuated by long heels with matching red soles… hang on, she’s wearing her Mum’s Louboutins which she’s not supposed to!

    As if reading my mind she murmured,

    ‘Don’t worry. We don’t have to tell Mum everything do we? And these shoes really are lucky!’

    She unzipped me and started to fondle my growing manhood. I was wavering a bit, not knowing if I should let her stimulate me or if I should just wank in front of her. She just needs to see how it spurts out first hand. No biggie. I certainly wouldn’t be ‘coming inside’ her if that was what she was implying when she let me in.

    My confused inner thoughts led me to deflate which didn’t go unnoticed.

    ‘Don’t you find me attractive? Boys usually love this outfit. Perhaps I’m wearing too much. Shall I take it off?’

    Well, you are attractive, all males would nose bleed to be where I was. But you’re half my age.

    I was about to explain these things when she stripped off in one quick arm motion, like Houdini.

    My general sprang to attention. She giggled.

    ‘Let’s make you more relaxed so we don’t lose him again. Lie down on my bed.’

    I did as I was told before she removed my pants completely.

    ‘How do you like it? Slow? Strong? Long?’


    ‘Maybe my mouth?’


    All I could do was imagine myself standing in front of the magistrate, ‘She doesn’t look underage your honour.’

    She swung on top of me in a 69 position. Only it was 68. That is 69 minus one because I wasn’t game to perform cunnilingus. She licked then engulfed my manhood. She was definitely enthusiastic but not as highly skilled as her Mum. In fact perhaps not talented enough to bring me to orgasm.

    I tried to imagine Teresa’s mouth and her deep, deep long lingering DT. But that’s not right? Pretty bizarre that I am here with her daughter but pining over her mother. At least Teresa was the first of them to take me in their mouth. Imagine if it was the other way around! Although I’ve seen Selina naked but not Teresa. Wow! Things really are backwards and upside down!

    Speaking of upside down, I couldn’t but notice the smallest most beautiful spotless pussy right in front of my face. Had she waxed? That’s a bit weird given that she’s not sexually active? Or at least according to her Mum.

    Her chrysanthemum was also exquisite - light pink, tiny, cute, perfectly symmetrical, untouched and… winking?

    Her pussy was glistening. She looked moist and really engorged. She must be enjoying herself. At least she won’t be telling any authorities about this ‘project’. Maybe I could just feel the moisture. Oh to run my finger over that smooth velvety virginal opening. Tease that clit? If I give her an orgasm, I’m sure she’ll be happy and keep this ‘encounter‘ to ourselves. She looks like she’s really getting into it, I’m sure she wants it. Maybe a finger in the pink? And brown? No, that’s way too much. She’s still underaged after all.

    Post #40
    Chapter #10

    Her technique was not bad especially for a first timer, but her comfort with jumping on me upside down belies something else. A boyfriend on the sly? She certainly knows how to flirt and ‘Rizz’. Then my thoughts were snapped back to the present when I heard a noise. What was that? A lock? Was someone here? I pushed to get up to listen more closely when I felt something on my face. I was being smothered. I couldn’t breathe. All I could feel, actually it was my nose that was doing all the feeling, was a soft smooth velvety moist opening. My nostrils were inhaling the sweetness of a girl’s innermost feminine depths. She definitely was turned on and had rocked backwards in order to inhale my member more fully.

    She was trying to deep throat me but was gagging. This is such a turn on. Where did she learn this? Next I felt fingers on my sac. Soft delicate teasing strokes then lips followed by a tongue. Wait, how is this possible? Has she DT’d me to the point where she can lick my balls? That’s impossible for a newbie.

    Then I felt something at my rear. A moistened digit was rubbing, trying to enter. Then a quick twist and my prostate was being massaged. There’s no way she is a beginner. And how does she have the mouth and finger gymnastic skills to reach all my sensitive parts at once, you need three hands for that…

    My balls were being lovingly cupped, my member deep throated and my prostate started to feel nice. This was all building up to the inevitable. My vision remained blocked but in a flash of sensibility I realised I was cumming. And cumming big time. Although I wouldn’t dare cum down her throat. I’d really be in trouble.

    ‘I’m cumming!’ I yelled whilst trying to dislodge her from my spurting general. I’m pretty sure the first load went into her obliging opening but I managed to turn sideways enough to disentangle her lips.

    Ream after ream of pent up baby batter spewed forth from Mount Vesuvius! I was worried about getting it all over her and her bed. I was waiting for curses to be hurled my way but instead heard a gaggle of giggling. I eventually cleared my line of sight only to be blinded by flashes of light.

    Click! Click! Click!

    More laughter. Before I realised someone else was in the room collecting photographic evidence.

    What!? Who’s that? What’s happening? Was this a set up?

    In my post-nut clarity, all I could think of was, ‘I’m definitely going to prison for a long long time…’

    Post #41