Weekend Tales-Yakuza owned resort

    Chapter #121

    Eyad Hamid / casino ship

    (sorry all for not updating..I was doing two jobs (weekday job as well as weekend job at cafe..)

    Eyad Hamid, told his followers at Telegram that he would be taking a break.but his partners would be doing trading and sent signals to Telegram channel, and he would copy his partners while on vacation.

    He then sat on living hall, in his terrace house, drinking coffee. Till he receive msg from taxi driver that he had arrived.

    He went out to see nice black car waiting for him. It was no ordinary taxi , provided by high class private taxi company for rich class

    He then entered the car , after taxi driver carrying baggage and put in taxi booth

    as taxi drove off, he log on to his Ipad to read news regarding the gold ,

    14 mins later, hie partners put signal XAU USD sell now.. price 268x. TP1 267x, TP2 266x SL 27xx

    He then used his IPhone, to log at Ecess broker where he input Sell under lot 0.1 ( in Euro) , then log at OctaFx to input same data (in USD)

    Then he sleep thoroughotu the 1 hour journey to airport

    Taxi driver then notifying him tat destination had reached.

    He then get off and taxi driver then opened the boot , took out baggage.

    He thanked the driver and enter the airport where he went to the VIP lounge,reserved for Business and First Class passengers

    He showed tickets to hostess and she led him to the seat where he sat on hotdesk with USB and power peg attached for laptop and mobile device ..

    He then help himself with light buffet with beverages.

    He received notification that he earn USD 200 and Euro 200 from trading..he smiled..

    Meanwhile, at warehouse dorm, Reiko and Msxu woke up at 5 am, washed up, then dressed to the nines ..went out to the another part of warehouse where the door was locked and guarded by assign dorm supervisor.

    When he saw them , he came out of the small office to greet them.

    Reiko nooded. and he went back to office to get keys .

    Then he unlocked the door and switched on the light and raise alarm

    The awakened most Chinese / Korean girls who get off the bed with frustated look, they stood by their beds naked. 3 girls still sleeping.. He woke them up and they stared with defiant look.

    Mazu then told 3 of them that they would be given reduced portion of breakfast..

    Dorm supervisor then asked all of them to make up bed , then go for washup

    After washing up, toilet usage, light make up, they went back to dorm,putting on white dress, then walked out outside..

    They all walked to the ship where there there were ship security team waiting for them

    Security team bowed to Reiko and Mazu.

    Then all girls board the ship

    They went down to the ship dorm where they all undressed and left the dresses on the bed, then walked up to restaurant where they all sat , and ship captain and casino were already seated

    Reiko and Mazu then went to kitchen to provide instruction then went to take a seat on table…

    While waiting for meal, Reiko felt something caressed her leg under table, it was ship captain.

    He used leg to move under skirt. she wdened her legs abit to allow caressing.. she moved her mouth sluttishily as she stared at him..

    Then meal come.. Black bento box were given to table occupied by 4 senior people in ship.

    White plate were given to girls

    white plates with reduced portion were given to girls who broke the rules.(they were purposely seated at the back of the table, where there were no other girls seated .

    After meal, they were told to clean the restaurant, some washed dishes, then they were givne a roster where some work in casino, some work in restaurant..

    Ship captain, casino manager, and 2 managers headed back to their room where the female managers were told to lift their skirt up as they walked up , with ship captain and casino manager walking behind,,

    and both ladies were fucked in doggie style by two of their superiors..

    Post #232
    Chapter #122

    Eyad Hamid

    Eyad Hamid getting up from his table as it was time to board the plane.

    He entered the plane, after showing the boarding ticket to airhostess.

    Airhostess led hm to Business Class cabin.Nice spacious seat.

    He sat down comfortable, plugged headset to USB,, and put Ipad and iphone on table, watching smart TV on wall,then used fingert to press and read menu and other programmes.

    He then studied food menu where there are daily set meals, beverages..

    Plane preparing for take -off.

    He lied comfortably on seat.

    Plane took up and climbing to mid air.

    Once in mid air, he was free to study chart on Ipad, reading comments on Iphone, giving instruction to his team via Telegram channel

    Back in Batam, hotel manager sent him DM via Telegram., expressing his gratitude for tips on XAU-USD.which gave him $300 profit in few days

    He asked whether he had been to spas before. those offer sexual service

    Hamid repiled yes he did.

    He cliamed he had been to Thailand where gals give him massage and sex

    , in Turkey, he had been to Turkey bathhouse where there were nude girls.

    Manager smiled and then told him that Batam Beach Resort got discreet spa too.whether he was interested.

    Hamid eyes raised, and asked about this spa

    Manager then showed him videos

    Hamid watch the videos where there are nude girls, semi nude girls.. doing massage, serving foods

    Hamid said yes , he wanted to join in.

    Hotel manager told there are more, and would told him more when they met in hotel..

    Post #233
    Chapter #123

    Eyad Hamid

    There was announcement to order food before ETA to Changi Airport

    Thus,he studied menu on small smart TV..

    There are appetisers, main course, desserts , coffee or tea, and alcoholic beverages as well as non-alcoholic version.

    he ordered Arabic dips, pan fried tenderloin, fruit cups, and decaf coffee

    Then he went back to usual stuffs: studying forex news, analysing gold price movements, replying to his team via DM at telegram

    Moments later, airhostess with trolley of foods , serving passengers at assigned seat.

    Then she came by his assigned seat, telling him politely to put away mobile devices,placing a small bowl of appetiser, plate of beef steak, fruit cup, and wrapped cup of coffee marked D which stand for decaf

    he then tucked in..

    50 minutes later, he finished appetiser and main course. then slowly ate fruit cup, and drink coffee

    Airhostess arrived to see whether passengers had finish meal , then collect plates and cups

    She came by his seat and saw him still looking at phone, gentely reminding him to finish dessert and drink as she wanted to collect plate as plane will reach Singapore in 2 hours time

    Then she left him alone to check other passengers.

    sometimes, later, she came back to his side to collect cup and small bowl from him

    within 1 hours, pilot made annoucement to let passenger know that plane had reached Singapore airspace

    All passengers and hostesses getting ready to touch down.

    Plane circle around slowly before getting clearance to land at runway

    Plane then approached runway and landed.. taxi to terminal.

    All passengers were cleared to embark.

    He arrived at Arrival hall , walking ..

    Then someone approached him , saying Mr Eyad Hamid?

    He turned around and saw man in uniform.

    Man in uniform , identifying himself as chaffeur sent by hotel to fetch him

    They went outside arrrival hall, and saw black classy car..

    staff then help him placed big bag insdie carbooth.

    Chaffeur and him had chats as he drove..

    30 mins later, the car reached Habourfront Cruise centre..

    He then carrying bag, led him inside cruise centre where he breeze thru the red lane (for VIP guests to Batam Beach Resort)

    Another staff took over from chaffeur to led him thru counter to mid size yacht.

    He boarded the yacht ,and impressed with interior..

    Unknown to him, this yacht had evil side ( female victims were raped by captain and his crews before they reached hotel to work as debt repayment slaves..)

    One polite male crew led him to sit in comfortable seat and give him menu.

    Then yacht set off..

    In the midst, the yacht stopped… and meal were served ..

    (if there were no passengers , only female victims . The yacht stopped for rape session.. )

    Eyad Hamid enjoyed Japanese snacks and sakes..

    Later, the yacht moved slowly towards Batam Beach Resort.

    Post #237
    Chapter #124

    Eyad Hamid.

    Upon reaching the pier, all disembarked from yacht , went to VIP lane and queue.

    When it was his turn, he was asked to show his passport, and staff checked his particular on computer.

    Then she called another staff to guide him

    Eyad Hamid went to the hotel lobby where he looked around the environment..

    Nice atomsphere!

    He went inside the lift and the staff pressed the floor number

    Lift went up till it reach desired floor

    He was led to take a seat at reservation desk 1 where he presented passport to staff.. The reservation manager came out of office upon seeing him thru camera.

    He identified himself as Haro,who had been liasising with him before his arrival

    He was led to his office where he told him he had made hundred USD per day in trading of XAU-USD.

    Eyad Hamid smiled

    Then he was asked to present his credit card..

    Haro then scanned his credit card which reveal USD 200,000 credit limit

    He then informed Eyad that hotel would take USD 100,000 deposit

    He was surprised because none of the hotel he knew take too much

    Eyad nevertheless nodded and gave go ahead

    His bank account got USD 50 millions and he earn money thru trading and commision for bringing in new trader who sign up under his affilate link

    He was given Ipad device to pick bulter

    He was told all gals would serve him special way

    He get the hint and pick Maru, 1.63 tall, D-cup , long hair..

    Then he was led out by Haro to have buffet at club lounge..

    He was atonished by the classliness of the lounge , very high class

    He was presented drink menu, where he selected cocktail and coffee.

    Then he went to buffet station to help himself..

    When he returned to his table with plate of food, he saw his chosen bulter, Maru standing next to his table. She greeted him politely and pour coffee

    He then had meals , after permitting her to sit

    He then chat with her..

    (sorry brothers for not updating frequently as I returned from weekend work…It was unexpected and un predictable..)

    Post #238
    Chapter #125

    so sorry for not updating..

    I have finished my contract with Japanese cafe and not renewing

    very tiring and time consuming.. it deplete my energy to rest on weekends..

    My earning from cafe -spent on FX trading , coping one XAU USD trader…after subscribing life time membership under his trading club.

    The rest spent on soapland experience with Japanese soapland girl from FANZA group.

    As for continuing my tales, let me think first..

    Post #239
    Chapter #126

    Eyad Hamid

    After meal, he was led by Mazu to lift lobby, after she instructed bell hope to bring his baggaes to room 1st

    As they entered the lift, she had causal chat with him after she tapped card.

    When the lift reached level 69.

    She led the way and saw the bellhop standing outside the room.

    She tapped the card and opened the door, and bellhop moved baggages inside.

    After he left, she then led Hamid inside and give a room tour..

    He was impressed with the suite..

    She politely thanked him and she left the room

    He then sat comfortably in lounge chair and looked at his phone, seeing how much he made from trading.. then checked reviews made by his students in telegram channel.

    He was pleased with results

    He then looked at the TV channel, where general info about hotel, F&B, inroom dining…and also, special channel reserved for the guests in this wing.

    He looked at Onsen Paradise, Casino (land and ship based..)

    He was impressed

    He made plan to visit 2 areas..

    This day, visit land based casino, next day, onsen paradise…

    Then he went to visit gym and pool

    Then back to room to rest till evening..

    He went to club lounge for evening cocktail

    Club manager led him to his seat and shown him menu for food and drink as well as showing him buffet stations.

    After making selection for drink, he went on to help himself on buffet

    He then messaged his assigned bulter, Maru that he wanted to visit land casino at 8pm.

    within 10 mins, Maru replied confirmly and told him that she would wait for him at club lounge lift lobby

    She then notified reception in land casino

    At 7.55pm, he went to lift lobby and saw Maru

    both then went down to ground floor.

    She led him to sit on chair, while waiting for casino poeple to pick him up

    Senior recepionist of casino, Seikuyu arrived at hotel lobby,

    She greeted them.

    Seikuyu then led him thru passage to mall, then to the discreet area

    She made sure no one was looking .. led him to the point where door cam can see them.

    She then taped her pass, and led him in..

    He was impressed by the environment..

    she led him to take seat while she removed her jacket , revealing her see thru blouse with bright colour bra inside. and then turned the lanyard

    pass around ,revealing her 2 digit number.

    He presented room card at her request.. she keyed in and then swiped

    and then passed back to him

    She showed him around ..

    He saw many naked Slavic girls serving drinks..

    He saw every girl wear number tag .

    She explained that if he fancied any girl, just give me tag and I would make arrangement.

    He asked whether she (Seikuyu) can be taken by customers..She nodded and she showed him her lanyard pass

    She then showed him private rooms, then went to restaurant…

    He saw ethic Asian naked ladies.. She told him that they were Korean and Chinese.

    He was led back to casino where he play roulette, and some games.

    He then saw bruette woman with green eyes..nice figure..

    He thought of Demi Moore, and went to her..after chatting with her.. and saw her number around her neck..

    He went to reception , saying he wanted number 07

    Seikuyu then asked him whether he wanted her dressed .. How should she dress

    He specified how she would dress..

    He then led to VIP room, and was told that she would be ready within 1 hour…

    He sat in room with gambling table, the waiters came in later with bottle of alcoholic beverages.

    Nikita was notifed by Seikuyu and both went to staff quarter..

    Japanese lady then unlocked the cabinet and take out clothing and lingerie

    after told bruette Romanian to take a quck shower

    After shower, she dressed up and apply cosmetics under watchful eyes of Seikuyu.

    Then she was led to the room where Hamid was.

    Post #241
    Chapter #127

    Eyad Hamid and Nikita

    Nikita greeted Hamid in the room who was sitting comfortably eyeing her from head to toe

    She was wearing hat, black jacket, white blouse, black mini skirt. and high heel shoes

    She was asked whether she could dance.

    She replied yes

    She was instructed to perform striptease dance on casino table

    She obliged

    and she clumsily climbed up on table and steady herself. (she was not used to this type of high heel shoes)

    she danced slowly… then took off hat, and threw in random direction

    Dancing,….remove her jacket and throw in random direction.

    continue dancing for 10 minutes, then unbutton her blouse, and remove it..

    Then dancing for few minutes, and lower her skirt..

    She later dance and lower her bra straps, then cups..

    Then turned the bra around ..

    She stop dancing and stand still.. focused on unhooking bra..

    Hamid giggled.

    (he had been to many stripclubs in Western Europe and US.. the ladies are professional in stripping..This Nikita not trained )

    Then he stood up, telling her to get off the table and lowered his pants to give him BBBJ

    She get off the table, and removed her shoes.. but Hamid told her to squat on her high heel shoes

    She told him she cannot do it

    He giggle and told her to kneel and BBBJ him

    She went on kneel and BBBJ him

    Then he decided to sit on sofa and she contunue BBBjing as he drank

    Later, he told her to stop and stood up

    She stood up, and he instructed her to lower her panties and she did as told

    He told her to sit on his lap and did her in sittng girl on top

    She gyrate her hips ,thrusting forwards and backwards non stop, grabbing his shoulder after putting condom on him

    After he cummed, he grabbed her forwards to engage french kissing

    After a while, she clean his cock and he dress up..

    She took lingerie and clothes but don’t put on as these don’t belong to her..

    She just walked naked

    He came out of the room,and walked to receptionist..

    Senior Receptionist processed payment and asked him to provide feedback on girl service, etc..

    He walked out of the casino after recptionist made sure it was safe to open the door..

    He walked out of the door , looking around the mall, most shops closed except for bars and some restaurants.

    He walked to hotel ..

    He then looked at forex app and checked - 2 wins and 1 loss

    he made 300 Euros ..he smiled..

    Post #243
    Chapter #128

    Eyad Hamid / Fukashima (district governor from Japan)

    Eyad Hamid, woke up at 8 am, and went to gym for workout after freshing himself up ( brush teeth, wash face..)

    After 1 hour workout on threadmill, he went back to change to proper attire and went to club lounge for breakfast.

    He help himself at buffet station,and went back to table where a small pot of Arabia Coffee was being placed on table ..

    He ate slowly and read Forex news on his phone..

    After 1 hour, he left after 1 plate and coffee only.

    Went back to room, and log on laptop, to study and analyse how XAU (gold) will react.

    He then give tip on Telegram channel..

    He then msg assigned bulter to reserve 1 room at underground paradise

    Moments later , Maru replied to him to confirm the booking.

    He then lied on bed and share photos of hotel room, enviroment to private Telegram channel ( for his senior team of traders)

    He smiled as he received thumb up from his team

    Till lunch, he ordered in room dining… and had one club sandwich and made espresso from coffee machine in room

    Meanwhile, hotel reservation receive booking from Fukashima ..Manager checked the name, credit card details.. on computer. Computer show up detailed info…

    Manager (junior level Mazuta member) looked in shock.. Fukashima was chairman of political party in Japan.he won the seat and held the post of Governor of southern district.. He forwarded details to hotel management.

    Hotel CEO ,saw this and report to his bosses…

    Mazuta leadership smiled and saw this opportunty to blackmail this man so that he would give them something …

    Post #245
    Chapter #129

    Eyad Hamid in soapland paradise

    It was time for Eyad Hamid to visit underground paradise

    He went to lobby lift, then entered ,tapped card, press “R”

    Lift took few seconds to respond.. why? 24 hour security operations monitor people in the lift thru ceiling camera.

    Lift then went down till it reached the floor

    Door opened,he was awed by classy decor and 3 receptionists in jacket and bra, greeted him

    He noticed all 3 got tag number around their necks. (tag number mean bonkable.)

    He passed the room card number for receptionist to process

    Receptionist then told him to go to changing room, one junior receptionist accompanied him to changing room

    She watched as he undressed

    He felt sightly embarrassed as he was not used to young pretty Asian girl with lovely eyes looking at him undressing

    ( do you like it when younger Japanese soapland girl sitting and watching you undress? I experienced that during my time in soapland girl (tall , young ,fair skinned slim girl )bought here by Fanza stable..)

    After he undressed, she eyed him from top to below, then told him to take shoer shoulder

    When he finshed showering, he was given a towel to dry himself, then she led him to enter the onsen paradise

    He was impressed with all these, inhouse Japanese restaurant with buffet where naked waitresses, senior waiteress in bra or panties..

    He went to the pool and relaxed watching naked men and women

    Then the lady went to him greeted him,asked to be sat with him

    After some time chatting. 28 year old Soda , faired skinned, C-cup breasts, initated action in the room.

    He agreed

    both went to the room

    Hamid was impressed with the room with throne like chair ,massage bed and air matress and large bathtube..

    Post #246