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Bro, that was a really bad thing to do. Not only did you molest a girl, you actually molested an UNDERAGED girl. Do you know what the penalty is ? Mandatory rotan plus a few years in the slammer where your ass will be a playground for the inmates.
Maybe she was too embarrassed to point you out, but you will not know if the next girl will scream and that’s the end of the road for you. Or a fellow commuter might notice your hand on the girls butt and report you.
As always, consenting adults (whether for fun or for money ) is the preferred way to get your kicks. Molesting is NOT OK. Its a serious felony. Don’t do it before you get into really deep shit.
yes… is really not worth doing this, the penalty is too much to take
i did this during my secondary schools days, almost 25 yrs ago … hehehe..
during recess time, the canteen is so crowded, and there is no queuing, everyone just squeeze. i remember, i will purposely queue behind a gal, push her.. is like fucking her ass !! and when there is a gal behind me, i will accidently push back.. and my back will touch her breast liao.. hahaha.. those were the days