As promised, another update.
gog: Let us put the luggage in the room first, wash up, change out of the office wear then we go late lunch okay? I’ll feed you until white white fat fat (direct translation from Chinese).
J(anice): I want food.. I want food..
Thankfully there was only us two in the lift, else it would be really awkward if others heard us. Reached level 10 and proceeded to our room, it was clean and spacious, no jacuzzi or what, but at least there’s a bathtub, we can soak tonight.
Janice peered around while I got to unlocking the suitcases, and getting ready to go out lunch.
Janice looked at her phone, with a facial expression of hesitation.
J: Dear, erm.. Hais…
gog: Eh, what’s wrong? You okay? I promise we’ll go for lunch soon, alright?
J: Not that…Eric asked if we reached and how is the room…I don’t know how to reply.
It hit me, Janice probably wants to take a photo and send it to Eric. Issue is not getting the images, issue is the hotel is a tourist hotel, not a business one. See the name, Eric will know with some sleuthing that we are not really attending to business.
gog: You wash up and change out first, let me settle the reply for you.
Janice passed me her phone and went to change. I googled for a business hotel (just look for 5 star hotels), browsing for online images, reviews especially, and found some single bedder room images, snapped as screenshots, sent it to Eric on Janice’s behalf. Let’s hope Eric doesn’t suspect a thing. Unlikely he will see these images under the review section, I scrolled pretty far back to download the images.
Janice came out of the washroom, put on a denim knee length skirt, as well a grey camisole and tying her hair. Her black bra straps were alongside her camisole’s straps. This is sexy, never seen her bare so much in Singapore.
My erection - I mean reaction was just stopping whatever I was doing and admiring her, how easy was it for her to dress as such and make me gawk in awe.
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Not just him lah, some samters here look at some zaogeng will have a hardon and go toilet to wank it off like some desperado
It’s human leh, I’m a guy… if I see guys and go toilet wank it off… something very wrong liao leh….
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How you know? You must be one of those desperado
We all are… in some ways, some more than the other LOL!!!!!
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I actually thought the 1st meal in BKK would be room service, so that you guys could have one or two rounds before heading out.
Some couples will not only ask for the hotel name and even room number, that’s in case something happens while on trip. Lucky Eric not so sharp and too trustworthy.
I thought so too, but BKK is more than just sex, it’s a couple time, sex is involved but so do we value our couple time.
As for room service, I’m more inclined to spend that kind of money on the food outside, room service is for after sex… not before.. hehehe.
Last time maybe will ask for more info, now with WA, with telegram and so many communication tools, many stop asking for these details and comms direct already. Lifestyle has changed much as it’s easier to keep in touch and get to somebody - even when overseas.
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Aiyo, why you equate a horny dude as desperado? Also, see some ZG will make one horny till needs to wank off? Unless he’s some young, hot bloody teenager.
I don’t la…admiration for pretty girls is good, but won’t have to go toilet and get off. Admittedly once twice I did because was super horny… but desperate, not so.
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I am not that desperate bro, if you guys read some of the thread especially the “zaogeng” thread you see so many horny desperado.
Those are fetish, turn ons for the people ba…?
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Wow gog give lucky number 1002 for tomorrow 4D ah? Huat ah….lol
Open liao please donate to my new car fund, thank you. Hahahahah!!!!
p/s: Room number is not fiction number, is the real hotel room number LOL.
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Some sights can make one horny, cheers!
Guys will be guys, what’s a man’s poison is somebody’s meat.
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I found out that reading GoG story cannot everyday chase. Will diok blue balls. so I waited a week or two then come back, knn still diok blueball
Eh eh eh don’t like that leh, I already minimize liao…
Mai blue la… hahahaha.
Late update, forgot my wallet & fuel card, had to uturn half way zzzz.
Then some joker block the fuel pump, fuck my life…
J(anice): Done?
gog: Ya.
I passed her back her phone.
J: Mmm? You been to these hotel rooms? How come you have the images?
I laughed, and didn’t reply Janice, she was just scrolling up and down her chat with Eric and scratching her head how on earth I got those images. Finally my turn to change, I just did it in the bedroom while she was seated on the bed.
J: Could you please change in the toilet? So unglam. I’m a lady, but you change infront of me.
gog: What do I have, that you have never seen before?
Janice quickly walked out the bedroom to TV area afraid that I would be hinting something. I was hungry too, so maybe just eat first, there’s so much time to fuck anyway. Went out of the hotel, simply just warm in BKK, couldn’t wait to settle into aircon area, went nearby to A&W for root beer, curly fries & chicken. Janice had no complains, it’s not like Singapore has A&W also.
Went nearby to pratanum mall, aircon, we started from level 1, shopped. Janice looked at shirts, office wear, home wear, bags, accessories, toy for church kids, friends, by the time it was 6pm, we only finished at level 3, think one of the wings. She bought, I carried. After all, that’s what a guy is for, right?
Walked over to central world, my hands were full of bags, regretted didn’t go hotel drop the shopping bags first. Janice was hopping along, humming and getting so excited like she hasn’t been overseas before. We took dinner at a jap restaurant then decided to call it an early night and head back to the hotel.
J: I’m tired!!
Janice dropped on the sofa while I had to use one foot to keep the door open and carrying all her shopping.
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Gog, now is your reward time after dropping all your shopping bags, cheers!
Hahaha, smart boy!!! How you know leh???
Short update, wash car first.
gog: HELLO, a LITTLE help here?
J(anice): Me tired, me want rest.
gog: You tired, me tired more.
I dropped all her shopping and jumped over to the couch. Janice leaned over to me and put her head in my chest and let out a sigh.
gog: What’s wrong?
J: Just enjoying myself, without the stress of Eric around, having to hide…
gog: I’m sorry.
Janice sat up and looked at me.
J: Huh?
gog: I mean I’m sorry I can’t give you a proper relationship and take good care of you… making you suffer.
It was a rather melancholy moment and sadness that suddenly just made me feel bad about causing Janice hurt. Janice clumsily tried to climb on top of me, it was amusing as she couldn’t get her bearing right. When she finally climbed up on me, sitting her bum on my lap, thighs around my waist, Janice hugged me with her head next to mine.
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Work hard play hard, cheers!
Thank you sir!!!
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Gog!! Wonder how many time you wash your car a week? Use more time to write story instead of washing car 😂
Twice a month clean the interior, wipe down the car, apply serum on leather, dashboard, steering, weekly full wash exterior and rims… actually you’re right, I should spend less time washing and faster finish this story
Was a bit tied yesterday, today am preparing and cooking dinner for friends, so unlikely will have 2nd update. Apologies for the long wait and slow writing, will try to speed up.
J(anice): Thank you. Thank you for loving me.
How could I remember the conversation? If such a moment, such a special action, moment, and if the words didn’t matter, I won’t even be penning this story as close as I can. Dialogues I can mostly make it near and/or make it up, but this particular moment, I remember it all. Such clarity and such flow of emotions from her. She sat up and looked at me.
gog: I don’t just love you. I simply LOVE you to bits. Don’t thank me for loving you, thank you for being mine.
J: Why thank me, I can’t even be a real girlfriend to you, often having to hide, and make you suffer…
gog: Yes, I suffer a lot, you always make me suffer.
I did the air quote while I mentioned the second suffer. Janice just hugged me even tighter. I kissed her neck and hugged her. Janice spoke into my ears…
J: I want…
gog: Want what?
Janice didn’t speak further, she just sat up, and went down to my lips, with hers. We kissed and tongued for a while before she broke free.
J: Why aren’t you touching me?
How..what… She’s WHAT? When has she become so slutty.
gog: Suck me first, little gog needs your TLC.
J: Sickening. What do you take me for?
gog: Little gog’s sucker…
Janice started to hit me softly in retaliation.
gog: Just kidding, your mouth is the only place little gog will ever be, nobody else will get access like you.
J: You hor…
I kissed her and felt one hand up her breast, involuntarily, Janice let out a soft moan. I whispered into her ear.
gog: Suck me.
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Finally someone commented on this!
The amount of “wash car first” on this thread is hilarious! Where got car owner wash car so often one? Unless the guy is too free.
This got me thinking. If TS has already planned to wash his car that day, wouldn’t he finish washing it first and then only sit down and pen his story? Instead of penning it halfway and go, “Ehh wait, I need to wash car today hor?”
Food for thought guys.
If you noticed, it’s every week, on a Saturday morning, before 6.30pm. I wake up earlier to do my household cleaning and then take a break before I go wash my car.
I get it often from others, that washing car is a waste of time, but it’s my car, my preference, so that I do take offense and don’t like it when people dictate how I should handle or take care of my transport tool.
As for writing, many times I already stated, I wrote ahead, proof-read, and then post after making sure it is flowing and smooth, avoiding vocab/grammar and spelling errors. That said, I needn’t explain to you, whatever you wish to think or choose to think, let it be.
If you have a cheese to take with it being a fake story, by all means, just leave me alone to my car washing and maintenance. Not everybody treats their cars like car sharing, and takes no pride in keeping it clean and shiny.
As for how I like to do it, I have my own schedule and timing to adhere to for many things, including commitment to get the story posted and updated on times of the day.
If you are so agitated and pissed, I really don’t know why you still hang around the thread and trying to derail others or gather support for whatsoever reasons? To overthrow me? I’m of no value or pillar to the forum.
You want to be right and mighty, be my guest. You want to slime, be my guest, if you want to continue being a nuisance or trying to put me down for what you feel is stupid, then this is it. You got it.
Because this will be the last reply I have for you.
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just carry on with your own style and timeline.
love the sharing so far
can always just block people with pointless comments
some of us take pride in upkeeping our belongings since we spent hard earned money for them so i feel you
i do the same for my own belongings too
I can be criticized for anything, but I hate it when people diss me over my washing of car and how I baby it.
No worries, like I said, that’s my last reply liao.
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chill chill. let u blue ball us today then
I very chill!!! Sorry, today a bit late in posting. Just reach nia.
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Nowadays wash car also kana complained
Used to it liao, people walk past the washing bay at 6.30am don’t see me they also feel uncomfortable. My regular wash timings have made a fair bit of friends from the carpark LOL!!!!
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While this story is far less interesting and thrilling than many others, TS is updating on a consistent basis and judging by the details, it’s a relationship that he dived deep into and still fresh on his mind like it was yesterday. Read and stay if you are keen, you can also share your story and adventure with us.
I can’t thrill much because sex is sex, I can only share best to what I remember, paiseh sir. I want to add in more details, but I cannot remember suck first or thrust first or poke where first or she hold me first… only so much to remember sir, limited capacity
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Bro Gog, just don’t bother with those dumb ass.
As if they are your boss, pays you to write with deadline, so what if you wash car, or take your time to write? Just like some who said the story ain’t real. So what?
Anyway, this forum to some TS is like a little diary to keep certain memory. One day when we all grow old, might want to read again as we might become forgetful.
Most of us may have at least two aspects, a public one and a private and perhaps dark one. The latter is best to be kept in the closet and to be brought to our tomb.
I honestly wish I can just share openly the names, location and addresses, but unfortunately, we all know we can’t, there’s so much discretion involved. As for writing with deadlines, actually I’ve already written ahead to Friday of the trip.
Going back and forth filling up missing portions, proof-reading is what takes time to post. I want to Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V the whole thing but one wrong mistake… might get either of us into trouble… thus the speed control there.
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I hear you and I completely understand and support you bro.
I also prefer to wash my car than to go to car detailers.
Car detailers usually get the job done in 15 mins when I need at least 45 mins just for the exterior. Of course, what I do is much thorough and cleaner.
Economical wise, if you consider the amount of products I buy, it might cost about the same if I go to a detailer.
But why do people like us still wash our own car? Because the satisfaction isn’t something you can buy.
You do you gog! If the chance arises, let’s wash together!
I got regular car detailer la, but cannot every time go. 1 year go once touch up and maintain can… every month go… sibeh xiong. I hate dirty wind-screens so I try to wash weekly to avoid dust build up.
I drive a SUV now, it’s freaking big, so washing and detailing can take me up to 2.5 hours excluding interior. Interior I breakdown to weekdays slowly do.
I think you wash with me, you’ll be exasperated… LOL LOL!!!!!
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Anyway, before I revert back to being a secret lurker, please guys, let’s just enjoy whatever T/S is sharing, be it this thread or others, and keep it to ourselves if we don’t have anything nice to say. I believe the huge decline in T/S is mainly due to people like this.
Eh… I was tempted to stop but decided I shouldn’t this is my mini diaries, I have others, but this is the one edged in my memories for eons to come. So I will continue, don’t worry. I have already said, that will be my last reply.
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oi oi oi, if gog want to wash car, let him wash ok.
its his car, his labour. he never ask you come and wash for him hor!!
its been very long since we got such an entertaining story on sbf that updates so regularly and so fast.
if gog dulan and run away, we will all blue ball forever ok!!!! mai sabo. if yall nth to do, go help him wash his car.
Eh eh eh!!! I where got always blue ball you folks… I TRY only…
Coming liao coming liao!!!
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Oh oh, gog really dulan liao….jialat.
Lindi, pls help gog release his anger and ask him faster cum back….
Was wiping down interior this morning… applying serum and stuff… so a bit late. Else before 8.45 I should have posted. Sorry sorry, no du lan.
Sorry all!!! Update next!
Janice smiled shyly, while still sitting on my thighs, she aimed for my buckle and undid it, before sliding off and then kneeling infront of me, and pulling at my shorts and briefs. Next, she went down on little gog, sucking by taking it wholly into her mouth. Ahhhhhh heaven…
J: I love little gog… always respecting me, unlike somebody else, never gives me the attention.
Such a tease, becoming more and more like Lindi with each passing day. What did I do to Janice? Since when she…
J: What have you been eating, it smells and tastes so nice, mmmm.
Janice flicked her hair behind hear ear while her head bobs up and down. I always like that flicking action of twirling the hair behind ear by ladies, amazingly seductive and sexy. Janice used her finger and poked playfully at my cock’s ’eye’, while the other hand was stroking my shaft. She was engrossed at little gog standing at attention.
gog: Get naked, and sit facing me.
Janice teasingly removed her top and denim skirt, and sat on my lap only in her undergarments. She looked down at my face with her hands on my shoulders and smiling at me while I’m leaned at the back of the sofa looking back up. I hugged her towards me and undid her bra from the back, removing it while her body was in contact with mine. Felt the bra sliding off her back and arms and the rubbing it down my chest to expose her breasts.
I kissed her nipples, and she let out her famed soft turned on moans.
J: Don’t tease me… I… want.
No more energy to shop, and we were supposed to rest, but all she does is “I want”? Hehe…
gog: I tease you because I love you.
Every girl love those 3 magical words, Janice is no exception. She stood up, slid off her panties finally now fully naked. I sat there looking at her, admiring every inch I can see from what she showed me.
J: I… want… you inside..
My eyes opened wide in disbelief, waddafuck did Janice JUST SAY? She looked anxious and apprehensive after saying it, probably because I’m not reacting the way she’s expecting.
I grabbed her, turned her around to the sofa, and made her kneel on the chair with her hands holding the back rest. Her breathing got obviously faster and harder, she knows she’s going to get it for being such a naughty naughty girl…, she needs to be punished!
Grabbing my cock, I pushed right into her pussy, no teasing, no foreplay, no lube, just her wetness and how I raped her for the first time. I was tempted to pull her and fuck her like I would do Lindi, treating Janice as my little toy has never crossed my mind though. I’ve always wondered if I can do that to Janice and turn her into a 2nd Lindi, but sex would be so ’normal’ like Lindi.
Thrusting Janice, she let out moans after moans, her body gyrating with my thrusts. My hands held on her butt cheeks. I can only look down to see that I’m actually fucking Eric’s wife, my boss, and my in-faith sister. The realisation of who I’m fucking, and the lies she told to get to be with me - alone, gave me the high sensation that I crave for.