My Boss & Colleague - Janice

    Chapter #271


    Originally Posted by


    He also is doubly sure that Janice won’t have an affair…what happen then? He definitely has something going on outside, only with this, he acted bo chup, make amends out of guilt with Janice around

    Maybe… we’re the dumb ones?


    Originally Posted by


    Oh no, got caught?

    Ya… but not as bad as what happened in BKK… but this one minor. Got away easy.


    Originally Posted by



    Wah Liao, almost stop at the critical poiny

    No la… mai scare me. Sweat!!!!

    This one not blueballs stopping at least.


    Originally Posted by


    yeah likely Eric having his cca. Can’t be that dumb and oblivious.

    Maybe, I really doubt, but now that you folks harp on it, maybe Janice and myself is the dumb one? Hmmmmmmm… but no matter CCA or not, no guy will be that generous ba.

    Post #771
    Chapter #272

    Darn good to sleep last night although need to on and off fan between rains.


    U(nknown): Long time no see, how are you?

    gog: Alamak, Yushof, how you sia, haven’t seen you at the last NS catch up with the gang!

    Y(ushof): Busy la, that time moving house, where got mood to go out, every renovate busy like fuck.

    Uh-oh. That’s one word he shouldn’t use infront of Janice, but not his fault, he won’t know also.

    gog: Renovation is like that one la, when open house sia, invite the gang over leh.

    Y: KNN la open house your head.

    I started to sweat more, Janice is going to be having a LONG talk with me later.

    Y: This is your wife?

    gog: Uh, no la.. girlfriend, Yushof, this is Janice.

    J: Hi Yushof.

    Janice was uneasy but she didn’t reject me calling her my girlfriend. Buy 4D also not so lucky, go 1 holiday can bump into NS mate. Lucky is not somebody we both know or friends that we keep up to date with.

    gog: Your wife?

    Y: Hahaha… girlfriend, this is Meena.

    M(eena): Hello both, you all heading to Thailand for holiday too?

    Fuck… meeting them at the gate, OBVIOUSLY is taking same flight to same destination.

    gog: Ya, taking a short break from work, relax a bit, enjoy life ma. Tired, everyday work, boss also everyday tekan (bully) me. Sian one la.

    I felt my hand squeezed hard when I mentioned ’tekan’. Small talk, it’s just SMALL TALK…

    Harmless banter like asking where I work, how is everybody doing, etc etc. Finally cleared the check-in to the waiting area and waiting for boarding. Left the ladies alone while we stood one side to continue talking, can’t bring them into the chat as they won’t know what we’re talking about anyway.

    Boarded and thank goodness, we’re seated at row 43, while they took row 22, thus, at least a break from each other.

    J: Girlfriend?

    Janice sounded upset.

    gog: I wanted to say wife, but what if my friends expect me to drag you to our meet ups and say I never jio (invite) them for our wedding? You think I’m not proud to have you as my wife meh?

    Janice smiled a bit and understands it’s true also, I won’t be able to bring her to our meetups and introduce her as wife. As girlfriend, it would be easier to avoid bringing her to meet friends. Not that I’m worried about myself, but it’s Janice’s reputation I need to worry about.

    I waved to the stewardess as she was walking by.

    Post #772
    Chapter #273

    Good morning all, it’s monday!!!!


    gog: Hi, good morning Milly, could I please get two red wine for my wife and me?

    Janice’s eyes lit up a bit.

    M(illy): Sure, I’ll go get them.

    J(anice): Thank you.

    gog: You telling that to her… or me?

    Janice ignored me and continued with her magazine browsing. I eyed Milly from far, nice figure, if she’s serving us breakfast later, with any luck as she bends over, I should get to see her bra, seems especially true as she has a pen clipped at the center of her kebaya, the weight of the pen will pull the top down.

    Flight off! And away to BKK we go!

    Yushof didn’t come over although the plane is rather empty, guess he also knows what is called privacy. About 40% filled, we had the window seats all to ourselves, I rested for a while, eyes closed and I felt somebody hugging my left arm. Opened my eyes, I saw Janice snuggling herself to my arm, her bossoms warming my upper arm and resting her face near my shoulder.

    Didn’t do anything, just kissed her hair and leave her be. Soon the aisle began to get busy with the stewardess going up and down serving breakfast. Janice was still eyes closed with headphones on. I put my headphones down to my neck area and waited, and I was right, I saw Milly coming down the aisle, she’s facing me and pushing the cart backwards to the rear of the plane.

    She came by and squatted down, and yes.. I saw, beige. with slight lace, A cupper at max, guess I was too concentrating on it and she cleared her throat before asking me again “Chicken with <something>” or “Fish with noodles(?)”.

    Post #773
    Chapter #274


    Originally Posted by


    Huh new target Milly spotted, cheers!

    Bro… ‘Skew stewardess, out of reach one la, I don’t have that calibre de. LOL can see, cannot touch, just admire.


    Originally Posted by


    Lol, cb gog so tigo, but i will also do the same thing, 不看白不看。Haha.

    I’m a guy leh bro… free show, you don’t see meh? Just make sure the show is nice watching nia…


    Originally Posted by


    I think 3rd lady coming in the list…..

    Dreaming… dreaming, not possible de la. Different, they are mile high club… I’m peasant, nothing will happen one. Hahahaha. Didn’t get her number also.


    Originally Posted by


    Don’t know is it a standard SQ has, most if not their stewardesses are A cupped or smaller. With the kind of kebaya they wear, the top plus A cups won’t open up really see any ZG of nip slips. Also, their bra are usually very tight fitting. I am more keen to see the slids of their skirts, to see some thigh ZG.

    The last bigger boobs SQ stewardess I saw was a PRC when I came back from China, she flirted with an angmo passenger and even wrote her number in a novel he’s reading. TMD, a typical AMTK, I felt so sour. LOL.

    I’ve seen B, probably the red/green kebaya ones, but too big, the kebaya will be very protruding. I’ve not seen nip slips but I’ve seen way too many bras when they come by.

    I’ve never seen any upskirt for ‘Skew girls.

    They will look for the better catch, Singapore guys, will never get any. LOL… I don’t mind Portia…

    Post #778
    Chapter #275

    Good tuesday morning… kena chiet by a Mercedes in KPE today, so emo… I need a faster car. LOL!!!


    gog: Erm, one of each, I’ll share with my wife.

    M(illy): Sure, this is fish.

    Are they told to serve the dish with both hands? Because despite catching me looking down her blouse, she made no effort to conceal it, bending down again, she got me the chicken set. Janice also woke up at this time and undid her tray to hold the food.

    M: Would you like any beverage? Coffee, tea?

    I was waiting for her to say ‘me’ but that might result in sexual harassment and Janice will likely cut little gog off.

    J(anice): We’ll take coffee.

    Janice announced proudly for me and on my behalf, leaving me no options. Was she trying to show that she’s in charge or she has ‘authority’ over me and telling Milly to back off? We got served our coffee and Milly smiled at me and went on her way.

    gog: She’s sweet.

    J: Me leh?

    gog: Sweeter of course, just saying the truth, compliments for the her attitude and service. Don’t tell me you’re jealous?

    J: Hmmph!

    Janice reached over, took the bread that I had painstakingly applied butter/jam and swapped hers with mine. She’s jealous, for sure. I can only quietly re-apply on hers but she then passed me half of what she chewed.

    J: Share share.

    With that, she stuffed half of it into my mouth while my hands were still holding on her bread. I’m eating her saliva again. She also split half the portion each of the main meal and then we ate while watching show on the entertainment system.

    She then cuddled up my arm again when she was done eating. She seems to enjoy this little freedom of being able to express her touch in public without scrutiny and worry as we’re away from home.

    Milly came by again to pick up the food trays and asked us how was the food. Chatted a while, I was tempted to get her phone number or at least try to, but with Janice next to me, better not. Sigh.

    Post #779
    Chapter #276


    Originally Posted by


    Choose aisle seat and three/four rows from the pantry.

    On long flight, the pantry curtains are drawn.

    The Skew boys and girls will chit chat behind the curtains. The girls may, at times, squat down during their conversation. If timing is right, you may have a good long view through the gap in the curtain.

    I’m not that desperate la.. Hahaha.. I’m not a upskirt guy also. I’m more of a downblouse guy.


    Originally Posted by


    Haha, Gog is really tiko, look at bra also shiok.

    I more fond of seeing half balls, cleveage.

    I admit I’m tiko

    why cannot ah? Hahaha… I like to see anything from the top.


    Originally Posted by


    I over have such an attentive stewardressn saving me unless I am in biz class.

    Not sure this story real or not

    But again, I thought your office got Portia

    Eh attentive meh? I asked for service, they give nia, like that is attentive? Piang, your standards of me too high liao lol….

    Ya Portia left already as I mentioned, different calibre la. I go out is order sprite with meals, she order red wine, it’s that kind of different.

    ‘Skew girls are different, I feel. Class wise.


    Originally Posted by


    Gog … continue leh … blue balls liao

    Pai seh, had dental this morning, went in late then busy until now. So sorry!!!!


    Originally Posted by


    Why bother if the story is real or just a fiction? Just decide if you like or dislike to continue reading, that’s all.

    P/s, you need not be in first or biz class to get an attentive air crew. If you are a PPS Solitaire, even if you happen to sit in the economy class, you will still get more attention from the crews.

    Don’t worry boss, it’s okay. I only book economy, I dunno why bro say I got special attention. I hear liao also sweat.


    Originally Posted by


    The story got the attention and fellow Bro(s) started guessing whether it is for real or fake, TS already successful in his story-telling journey, way to go TS!

    Thank you boss. This is the most memorable of my life, finish liao then I probably back to lurking already LOL… I dunno what made me come out of my cave also.

    Post #786
    Chapter #277

    Update, sorry for the super late update today.


    J(anice): Your eyes really cannot keep to the screen hor?

    gog: Eh?

    J: You think I didn’t see is it?

    gog: Ehhhhhhhh.

    J: Don’t “eh” me… you men are all the same…

    gog: You prefer me to look at stewards? I will be some psycho, you know, maybe some hentai guy, that kills females because he is not as pretty as them?

    J: How on earth does your imagination gets so … wild?

    Janice did the minimize eyes look at me, a sign of exasperation or giving up thinking I’m going to converse intelligently.

    gog: Tonight you help me check, make sure I’m not psycho or gay lo.

    J: With sicssors?

    gog: With your lovely mouth.

    With that I kissed her mouth and when we split mouths, I saw Milly coming down the aisle and looking away in shyness. Went back to our shows, didn’t talk much, we have a full 5 days to ourselves, there’s going to be plenty of talking for sure.

    Dozed off while I watched the screen, Janice was awake though, despite getting up early, she had no issues keeping her eyes wide open for the 3 hour flight.

    Plane landed without incidents, we took down our carry on stuff, and proceeded to leave the aircraft, passed by Milly and smiled at her. SIGH.

    Good thing is I can hold Janice’s hand and walk in the immigration hall, no repurcussions whatsoever. She was more relieved then, Yushof also cleared customs and went off, hopefully no more surprises for this fucking (literal or figurative?) trip. Exited customs and headed for the taxi stand, gave the address of the hotel to the counter and he hailed a taxi for us, finally, we’re in BKK with no acquaintances or friends with us.

    On the flight she was wide awake, but in the taxi, she actually fell asleep! Adorable! Woke her up when we reached the hotel lobby, the sleepyhead really sleep until very happy. Paid the driver and walked to lobby with our luggage.

    Post #787
    Chapter #278


    Originally Posted by


    Knn gog….i still couldn’t believe u so innocent in the flight. Lol

    Please lor, so many pages liao, I so innocent in every update, how can you say me like this?


    Originally Posted by


    Fantastic story bro gog. Camping for more updates!

    Thank you sir, coming up.

    Post #790
    Chapter #279

    I need to run for meeting… short one. Will try in the noon to update again.



    The following is a rough memory of how the speech went, might not be 100%.

    gog: Hi, I have a reservation for my wife and me.

    H(otel) S(taff): Sawadeekraap. Can I have your passport please?

    Handed over our passports and I glanced at my watch, fuck, it’s only like near 12pm+, we won’t be able to check-in until 2pm at least. Gotta go out walk walk first.

    HS: Your room is ready sir, your room is 1002, these are your keycards, have a pleasant stay.

    Heng ah! Luck became better for a change. Early check in, woohoo! Off peak travel rules!

    gog: Hey sleepy head, let’s go, room 1002. Wake up!

    Janice was standing next to me, looking tired like a kid, pouting her mouth expecting me to baby her into moving to the lift. I shook my head, held her hand while she snuggled up to my arm and grabbed me fully, like in the plane, pushing her bossoms against my arm. What is she trying to do? Turn me on?

    J(anice): Hungweee…. I’m HUNGWEE….

    Have you ever wondered, how OLD this little girl is, behaving like a kid, talking like a kid…sigh… she’s just adorable, isn’t she?

    Post #791
    Chapter #280


    Originally Posted by


    Hungwee for your dick!

    Hahaha… drain dry liao bro… somemore 5 days alone, superman also need time to recharge and make more sperm.

    Girls need 0 minutes to recharge, guys need days… little gog also cannot liao.


    Originally Posted by


    It is hard to come by being able to go overseas with your ‘illegitimate partner’. This is so exciting!! I can relate to this very much

    , no need to躲躲藏藏. I also treasure very much for such opportunities, even for just 1 or 2 days being a ‘real couple’, and of course the hot sex.

    Janice and you are so sweet together, please do share more of your stories, really looking forward to it, Janice hungwee, must be hungry for you ya!

    You are spot on. Not having to turn around look, see, survey the surroundings, is a good thing.

    The sex gets extremely good because there’s no rush, everything is ample in time, and you can just enjoy it slowly like sucking a sweet, eating a cake in it’s entirety.

    Being a couple, and although an affair, this is the best I can do for Janice to bring her overseas and let her hair down without the prying eyes.

    Post #794