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Very nice update TS, thanks
No blue balls right? Hehehe…
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Nice update ….waititng for more….how to pity u gog since u taking this type of risk….knn lu gog.
I never ask for pity leh.. this is called “asking for it”, can’t help it as I wanted the thrill and being really stupid to try it at her place with Eric around (a second time).
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Wow…getting more sexciting now.
Camping here formore juicy updates please.
Updating! Cumming liao! Cumming!!!
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today office very busy is it?
Today off, just back from meeting my insurance agent
been a while.. ahem, anyway….
Update lai le!!!
Update late today, went to meet my insurance agent, just a friendly breakfast… sent her to Orchard then came home.
Have to rush a last minute con-call, so short update.
Sorry folks!
gog: NNnnnnnn!
Janice had the audacity to smile seductively and naughtily as she bit on my tongue and not letting go. I could see her eyes filled with fun and laughter. Two can play that game…
I slide my fingers down to her shorts and spread her lips, she tried to close her legs on my hands, but body never lies… she laxed her thighs as my fingers found their way to her love hole.
She let go of my tongue and bit her lower lip as I massaged her pussy lips. She tried to push me away with 1 hand while leaning back on the other. Her eyes squinting with pleasure.
I’m fucking daring? When you’re horny, you take all sorts of risks, I do too. This is not the first time anyway. The stronger the thrill, the more you want to do it, no? Don’t lie… you know I’m right.
She arched her back on the side of the sofa, one hand grabbing my head. I take it as she wants me to eat her. So I went down, no resistance. Pulled down her shorts and panties only to her knees, not removing fully, I dabbed my tongue along her pussy, she couldn’t open fully, so I teased her that way.
Reached both hands out to her muffins, did some ‘DJ-ing’, quite tender, how to put it, softer than usual and yet arousing.
Licked her and her moans were getting louder. I had to put my fingers into her mouth and she bit on them. OUCH… I stopped licking her pussy and she eased off as well. I got up look at her flushed red face. Holding her hand, I pulled her up. Left the TV on for white noise, while we treaded carefully to the study room.
Naturally, Eric had the room door closed and probably sound asleep. Janice was smacking me and hitting me all the way. Albeit not hard, just playfully telling me indirectly that I should stop what I intended to do.
Opened the guestroom door and pushed Janice in.
J(anice): You are plain horrible and don’t respect people you know? Eric’s across the corridor!
Janice whispered softly but harshly to me while playfully continuing hitting my chest with her fists.
gog: I respect you, that’s all that’s enough. Who cares about Eric? I’m making love to his wife, not him. (Yes, I can’t use the ‘fuck’ word with Janice).
J: Cheeky!!
Janice pushed me away and sat at the guest bed by the end, fiddling with her hands and fingers looking and … wondering?
I left the door ajar, unclosed. Heart was beating exceptionally fast, the taboo and thrill of being so near and dangerous turned me on immensely. Guys, I really don’t know where I found the courage to do such things.
Standing by the door, I pulled my shorts down with my briefs, and took my shirt off to go fully naked. I stroked myself infront of Janice, while she frowned and covered her eyes using one hand while the other was pushing me away.
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cb gog faster bro!
KNS, you all really cb me until very shiok hor????LOL!!!! Coming le la!!!
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camp for more stories
Next update, below!
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Very good story TS, enjoying …..
Thank you, I also enjoyed myself during the happenings
Next instalment, after this will be in-flight, then in BKK.
Let me know if I should skip BKK in entirety, some mishaps, some fun and the usual. Then I will come back to SG and continue some interesting stuff before ending.
It’s almost 2 years since I met Janice, and near a year plus we’ve been together - physically.
J(anice): Stop… not now!
I used a bit of strength to deflect her hand’s push while trying not to hurt her (‘cos I love her, and she’s not Lindi), and pushed my cock to her lips. The cock head touched her lips, I’m sure she can smell it also. Pouting her lips and frowning she looked at me. I jabbed her lips with my cock a few more times, giving her the ‘please suck me’ look.
Janice relented. YIPPEEEEEEE!!!
The sucking began with Janice on her knees, she was still learning, but not bad already for a girl who hasn’t done it before much. I pulled a bit back, and she went nearer to my cock each time I did that. She tried to hold on to my cock but I kept moving back. Before she knew it, I’ve already reached the guestroom’s door.
Sensing I’m up to no good, she tried to let go, but I pushed her head over my cock and gentle guided her to continue.
gog: Don’t… stop. This is so good…
I opened the door wider… Janice’s eyes lit up realising what I’m doing. She wanted to resist… but I told her gently:
gog: The faster you make me ejaculate… the faster we are done, Eric won’t know, right?
J: Mmm!!!
Janice smacked me while my cock is in her mouth and she can’t talk except to make noise. She got back to sucking, getting daring. By now we were at the walkway corridor of the rooms, specifically outside her bedroom as well.
Kneeling down, she was sucking my cock nicely, she opened her mouth and rubbed my shaft, signalling she wants me to cum in her mouth.
Tried to hold back, but it was pretty arousing standing outside her room and getting to it, I finally cummed right into her mouth and Janice took it willingly, using her tongue licking all over my pee hole and below the head.
She then gave me an unhappy look before standing up and smacking my chest. I just grinned at her and wished her good night.
*DING*, a message came in about 20 minutes later.
J: Good night. Your sperm tastes sweet tonight. Sleep early.
Fuckkkkkk my cock hardened when I read that. However did she get so kinky and ’tasteful’ with words? Laid on the guest bed but found it hard to fall into sleep, surroundings are different I guess.
Managed to doze off eventually, and almost instantly felt somebody shaking me up.
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Please dont skip anything
One of the better stories around here
Not skipping on purpose la, but gathering opinion, I don’t want people to feel the story getting too lengthy or boring liao. Sometimes, no matter how good something is, shouldn’t be too draggy also
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Gog, you are definitely of a different league. Couldn’t wait till you guys went to BKK.
Anyway, Reading these while I was a mrt with a slight erection, looking around heng no one looks like Janice. Otherwise, might do something silly. Haha.
Different league? Simi league? LOL… football league ah?
BKK coming up soon. Some memorable stuff, day 1 and day 3 mostly, the good, bad and … well… fun
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Nice lingerie and clean
Still need lingerie? LOL!!!!
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then gog wake up to Eric shaking him saying its 6am, and beside his pillow, is the unlocked phone screen showing the latest message from his wife.
Eh eh eh!!! You all very imaginative!!! Good one there!!!
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Aiya…share your BKK trip and the whole story lah….
Ok ok… seems like most are keen to let the story go on a bit more, I’ll oblige, if it gets too draggy, just let me know and I’ll cut. I’ll not fish for opinions further.
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Yes everything, cheers!
All the way sir! All the way
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Ya lor, kns knn cb gog , DON’T skip about BKK. Tell us everything, we want whole package. Lol
I not skipping la, I just want to know if I should, because get too draggy not good for everybody, two rabbits, I can only remember the memorable ones.
I’m not fishing for comments or anything, just really sincere if the story is too draggy liao I can cut and end the story any time.
Ok ok.. I won’t ask again in future, but if anybody feels the need to cut short, please, just let me know. Ya?
Okay folks, here it comes.
I’m not going to ask about skipping or cutting any more, but however, if you feel the story is going too lengthy and nowhere, feel free to voice out and I can shorten it and bring forward the ending
Pardon the fact that I don’t have much sexual details during the sessions, apart from what I can remember and that is edged into my mind. The first night in BKK is rather steamy, that one I can remember clearly - dialog, action and fun.
J(anice): Wake up, it’s 4am, shower and we can head to the airport.
gog: Wha… it’s still early.
J: Get up!!! You lazy bum!
gog: Still got time… lets-
J: No!!!! Eric is showering! Get up and go wash up! I got to make breakfast.
She walked out after saying that.
Can’t we just grab breakfast at the airport? Why wake me up so early. Sigh.
Got out of bed and washed up. Put on a shirt and trousers, sigh. I hate taking the flight in such formal clothes. Don’t have a choice since Janice already lied to Eric about it being a work trip.
Janice made some toasted bread - urgh, boring. But since it’s my darling made for me, keep quiet and eat, appreciate the effort, don’t make snark comments.
E(ric): Good morning gog.
gog: Hey Eric, good morning, sorry to trouble you. You could have gotten more sleep.
E: Nah, don’t worry, I’ll just go wash up. You go ahead and eat first.
gog: I.. can’t. Janice’s cooking… is…
Janice turned her head and knives shot out from her eyes. Eric rested his hand on my shoulder and tightly squeezed for a while signalling “Good luck” and faster walked off.
gog: Eh.. just kidding ok?
Hope she didn’t get angry, I was trying to lighten the mood with Eric around. Heard Eric close the bathroom door in MBR and I went up behind Janice while she was waiting for the bread to pop out of the toaster. Gave her a hug and wished her “good morning”
J: Hey, can you don’t… I’ll get angry for real.
gog: I can’t help it, I missed you last night.
Janice turned around and used one finger to push me away - I can’t imagine if she has the infinity stones… what she can do with 2 fingers or a hand for that matter…ahem.
J: Really miss me, or just want ME?
gog: Miss you so much that I want you.
Janice leaned forward and tongued me while my hands are on her waist. I started to reach out for her muffins but she pushed me away after the first touch.
J: You got 5 days alone with me in BKK, you sure you want to do this
And she grinned wickedly. Fuck! She’s right, why go for thrill when we can take it slow the whole 4 nights in BKK? Okay lor, gave her muffins one last squeeze and hear her moan before I let go and guai guai (hokkien for ‘Obediently’) go sit down eat my bread, she’s not that good a cook, but edible. Usually I’m the one that cooks for her when she comes over.
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Some people really need to go out and get a life. You guys actually believe this story? Hahaha. TS is just a horny old man who has a crush on his married boss and made up this story in his imagination. Funny read though.
Thanks for reading nonetheless
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CB Gog you are one CB that I like
, story constantly delivered almost the same time everyday before the start of the day to keep us motivated, not like some who started the story but disappeared after a few post and leave us blue balls. I really envy you have such a nice Janice so devoted to you despite it’s obviously wrong from the start and hated you the way you treat Lindi, she maybe a bitch but that’s no way to treat a lady anyway it’s still a good story for me to login every morning to read. How I wish I have someone like Janice
.Thank you for your effort and nice story.
Time is easier to manage in the mornings before hell break loose for the day and/or meeting friends, work, etc. So my post timings pretty regulated in that sense. Occasionally, I come in surf a bit, reply and chill.
Being wrong or right, doesn’t really seem to matter in this forum, right is right, then wrong is wrong, what is happened, is happened.
We’d all like somebody like Janice, won’t we, some of us have the shorter end of the stick, whilst some gets lucky - like me. But in another way or so, there are always lucky situations for all. No need to compare la
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Same here.
I was into this story at first (kept pushing “cb gog” for updates) but soon realised it is more made-up than real. I mean, where got people horny everyday one? Meet up then need to fuck like rabbits? If TS is still in his teenage years then yes, it is possible. But he is already in the workforce for a good few years, so I doubt he is still in his teens.
Ok ok
no problem. Is story then just story lor, cb or no cb me important is happy can already.
I’m not in my teens, yes you are right, I never said I was in my teens, when the story ends, you can roughly guess how old I was and now is.
Thanks for reading though.
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Another unbelievable thing is that how can one be THAT dumb? I am referring to Eric. The wife is having a rendezvous out there (even did it in their bedroom and in their house) and the guy hasn’t the slightest clue about it. No suspicion whatsoever. Zero. Nil. Nothing. Come on, men also have 6th sense, especially when it comes to cheating. It is either Eric is too busy to give a fuck, or he really is that stupid.
I do have the 6th sense you mentioned, and you are not wrong.
Dumb or not, I don’t know, I didn’t call Eric names in that period of time, nor did I ever bring it up to Janice why he is to trusting or refuse to even have a wee bit way out of his thinking to suspect anything.
While what we’re doing is wrong, I’ve never once insinuated that Eric is dumb or we’re smarter, it’s just the way life is.
Not going to defend myself or the story or Eric, or refute any claims here, because everybody is entitled to their thinking. So I’ll just leave things as be. Thanks for the ‘cb gog’ and initial support
Appreciate it and thanks for feedback, will improve my writing.
And ya, likely only sharing this encounter, I was never a writer in the first place, I wrote because I enjoyed sharing my memories and admire the bros here being able to share theirs also.
Fact or fiction, I have no issues with it. 60% is fiction, at least in names, certain information and location. The rest, juggle as needed
Mid-day update.
Have some spare time today. Food coma…
Eric was ready at 4.30am, declined breakfast (smart guy) saying he will take it later on the way home, he’s on standby again. We got into the car, Janice naturally took the front seat while I took behind. GLC250, he either is a silverspoon birth, or he really knows how to save money.
Eric reached out and held Janice’s hand. I cringed from behind, somebody is holding my darling’s hand, she’s not originally mine in the first place, but jealousy arose. Janice peered out the window while Eric made small talk here and there. I responded to keep the trip lively, and not make Eric feel like he’s a chauffeur, this is just politeness ba.
We got out at the departure are and she kissed Eric good bye while I unloaded the 3 luggage, she IS prepared for shopping.
Finally rid of Eric, we’re now alone, once past the departure customs, we’re freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Went through the departure hall, and got to the automated gantry, Janice chose the one directly besides me and smiled widely, she seems so ecstatic going on this trip. Our first trip together, should be loads of fun. Ahem.. or “fun”?
First, let’s look for food, something, more edible. Please do not tell Janice I said this. I still value my life LOL. T3 seemingly has nothing much at 5am, most of the shops are still closed. Just end up at coffeeshop grab a laksa/mee siam and coffee. Teasing Janice and feeding her food away from scrutinizing eyes is indeed welcome, lesser chance of bumping into people we know.
Janice was still apprehensive in holding my hand as we strolled to the gate, each time we hear sounds, she lets go immediately.
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Or Eric also have his own CCA outside his marriage. Maybe Eric is gay, that’s why he can be so “dumb” about the whole thing.
I would defend Eric totally on this and doubt highly he was having his own CCA outside, due to work demands and also being what he is. Low sex drive maybe? Maybe dumb, maybe smart, or maybe bo chup
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Looking forwards to the “events” in BKK
Coming le, coming!!!
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Gog shiok shiok going to bang cock, hehe.
Camping here for more juicy updates please.
I don’t bang cock leh… I use cock bang… lol!!!!
Early update.
Before I head down to wash car.
gog: It’s alright, we won’t bump into anybody, this is a off-peak season flight/trip. I checked earlier, the flight is pretty empty.
J(anice): Sorry, just… not comfortable, I’m mar-
god: Told you, not that I mind, we love each other, that’s all matters.
Gave her hand a tight squeeze, and continued walking to the gate.
gog: When we get there, change out of your clothes, this is hardly sexy, I can’t see anything.
Janice just smiled and giggled while she hit my arm.
J: You got 5 days to see all you want, so stop complaining.
gog: Oh, I will do more than just SEE. I will taste you everywhere and make love so much until you you can’t walk properly.
J: Why is your mind always so dirty and thinking of such things? Can’t you just be nicer?
gog: Hey, there’s a time to pray, there’s a time to do BS, but there’s always time with you for sexual pleasures.
J: Oh! I forgot my bible!!!!
Now, that’s a first, I never thought I’d hear the day she says that, or actually forget about it.
gog: I brought, you can use mine, each time, a blow job though.
Janice rolled her eyes and just looked away. We reached the gate without further talking as Janice probably already exasperated with me. Waited to go through the check-in gate. Singapore, Q, Q, Q and Q. Go toilet sometimes also must Q.
U(nknown): gog? Is that you?
I turned around and saw a guy with a lady standing there.