Goooood morning all. Still CNY but no CNY feel. Hahah.
A very short one. Paiseh ah.
gog: Nah, see her whole day at work already, spare me. At max will entertain her with a cup of coffee, once I’m done, I’m gone.
Eric laughed and proceeded to make a move. I continued to park my car in the residential lots. Yep… Janice actually registered ‘her’ car as a resident so that I can park there easier. The security also knows full well it’s my car but has no issue with it. Occasionally, I’ll buy some food and drinks for them whenever I could too. Build some rapport and you get benefits.
Once parked, I glanced at Janice while she gave me the big eye look, I got out, opened her door and stretched out a hand to her. She did a “no” head shake. Her lips trembling with ‘fear’. I gripped her hand hard and ‘forcefully’ removed her from the car and walked to the lift. She hurriedly walked faster as she didn’t want to be seen by people holding hands with me.
J(anice): No…
gog: Or yes?
I kissed her in the lift, while she was rejecting with soft pushes, her lips says otherwise.
J: Mmmm… no…
I grabbed her breasts - guys, this body part is my favourite, especially when it’s her weak spot too - and rubbed it in the lift making her moan. I love her moans, tells me she is turned on and how heated up she can be if you keep teasing her breasts.
Reaching out below her I felt something moist… how can she be turned on so much unless it started a long time ago. She knew or she was already horny long before?
Fiddled for my keycard to open her door and Janice was looking flushed red and panting heavily. I think she’s extremely horny already. Finally, managed to get the door open, but she was reluctant.
Originally Posted by
Why Eric always got emergency at work or is he also having an affair too?
Camping here for more juicy updates please.
Eh no. His work environment is highly volatile with critical systems, I won’t say where, he often has to run to resolve issues and work with the systems. Thus the reason he finds it hard to attend BS and church with Janice.
There are times he is able to as he is not on standby so those are the days I play with myself (or Lindi).
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Actual fact everyone is waiting for the whole story & wanted to know when the drift occurs & what happened between you & Janice.
So keep writing
The drift occurred at the end, so with or without the middle parts, actually, anytime can end liao.
The important part is the start, the happening and actually can dive direct to end le. What I’m updating are the fun times (I feel) that I had with Janice.
Little update. Just woke up… feeling dazed from nap.
Old liao.
J(anice): Dear.. no.. not in my house…
gog: Why? We’ve already done it in church… this is just your house, don’t you want to make love with me? Remember at the kitchen?
J: I…
gog: Hush…
I took her and walked down her living room, she was pulling back softly. I guess she knows where I want to do her at… any guesses? Hehehe.
I led Janice walking down the corridor past the living room. She held back knowing where I want to go. If I can break this last taboo, I think it’s an achievement.
Standing outside the master bedroom (refer to the image of the floor plan posted long ago… lol. sorry for the blue balls if you can’t find it), Janice refused to go in as I tugged softly at her hand.
gog: Come… be mine.
J: I’m already yours.
gog: Be MORE mine. Come..
I kissed Janice by the door entrance, she was apprehensive, after all this is her matrimonial room with her original husband. I guess church’s limit was broken, but her wedding vows, I have yet to break it fully? I don’t see the need, but I guess it was just an ‘accomplishment unlocked’ kind of scenario.
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Bro Gog, you are indeed a CCB lor.
Pushing the limit to the max and Janice could be naive to believe that you were a seriously religious person like her that broke most of the vows.
There again there are plenty of prople who think they are smart and won’t be cheated. That’s where the scammers can come in and have a feast.
Wait… you meant as a compliment….?
I am.. just that… I’m weak , and you know, admiration becomes more than just admiration, it gets physical…
I’m not scammer ok
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U really one kanina gog..stop in the midway
EH… actually, honestly, I didn’t realise I did that. LOL SORRY SORRY! Really, not on purpose. I just type until there, then break.
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CB GOG!!! Still dare say shy and always stop at blue balls part!!! CCB also come out already ah… CB “Shy” gog you should know what to do already ah. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I really very shy de la!! Why you all no trust me, you all ever see me lie or not!?!?!?
I really didn’t realise I stop there will cause blue-balls I just naturally stopped there la!! Sorry la!!! Dun cb me!! LOL!
This one no blueballs… just ball shrink (for me…)
Tomorrow might not have updates, got early meeting and company lunch, sorry folks!! Paiseh.
Will try to update later in the noon to make up the updates tomorrow.
Placed her gently against her bedroom door and kissed her passionately, slowly, less resistant, her hands began to reach behind my back, we were frenching like no tomorrow at her bedroom.
Suddenly, she let go of my lips.
J(anice): You really love me?
gog: No, I only want your body.
J: Hmmph, be serious.
gog: Don’t ask the obvious, you have clothes at my place, we see each other everyday, you have access to my place, and I’m already all yours. How more can I be yours?
Why do girls ask the weirdest things at the weirdest times?
Janice was deep in thoughts for a while with no replies.
gog: Sweetie, are you okay? I do want it with you tonight, but if you feel uncomfortable, then I’ll go off. I don’t want you to be angry or anything.
I spoke while stroking her face with my hand.
J: Ya… I am… Oh.. what the heck…
Janice pulled me to (their) bed. Lying on top of me.
J: I love you, gog. I really love you.
Janice kissed me while holding my face and seated on my thighs. Yesssssssssssssss! I’m on her bed. Janice was rather passionate. I’m a bad person I guess, wanting to defile her matrimonial bed with her. Honestly, it just feels wrong and good at the same time.
gog: Undress your-
Janice bit her lower lips and put her hand on my lips with 3 fingertips hushing me. Then she moved a finger to hers and and mouthed ‘shhhh’. If I remember correctly, she was in a white (thick) button blouse and a dark green long flowing skirt.
Janice pulled away at her buttons, one by one untucking her shirt from her skirt’s top. Bottom to up. Fucking tease!!!!! One…two…three…she moved the shirt flaps aside on purpose, flashing a black bra band below.
Four… FIVE… Janice leaned on me with her shirt opened, and bra resting on my chest. She kissed my lips. I kissed back. Kissed her for a while …
gog: ERIC!!
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Oh fuck…
why got smurf??
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Actually really BBQ at Janice place again this weekend…
Originally Posted by
Chua Soi Lek
Happy New Year to you too, boss !
Thank you sir!! Happy New Year!!!
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Dont keep us waiting too long Bro
………looking forward for your updates!
Lai liao lai liao.
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that ERIC…. really knows how to keep us on the edge !
Simi eric? Where got eric?????
Janice got up suddenly and fell off me to the other side of the bed. Tried to cover herself then realised… I was laughing.
SMACK! And this time it was a hard one on my arm, it really hurt. Really really hurt.
J(anice): Idiot you!!!
Janice started to hit me with both fists. I grabbed them (sibeh like movie style here). Then I kiss her fists, she opened one palm and ‘slapped’ me gently.
Janice frowned. I’ll admit it was a cruel joke, but I can’t always do it… there is nowhere else best than here. I’m sure it sent her heart pumping faster and ‘warmer’ as well.
gog: Sorry sorry, okay? It was a bad joke, I just wanted to see your reaction.
I took her hand I think was her right hand, and slapped myself very hard. It won her pity and she immediately wriggled free her hand and touched my face, trying to soothe my skin from the slap.
J: Does it hurt?
gog: I heard if Janice kisses my face, it won’t hurt.
Janice sulked but still eventually gave me a peck on my cheek. Guys, DON’T try this with your married girl… she might hate you to the core. It’s a very cruel joke.
I pulled Janice’s shirt off leaving her bra on, hiking up her skirt. We kissed with her on top of me.
J: Aren’t you going to undress?
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Gog saw Eric and janice wedding photo lar.
If Eric caught us… don’t think my story will be ‘memorable’ liao… I might not even be alive.
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maybe Eric don’t mind sharing?
I don’t think he’ll ever dare to broach the subject with Janice, we all know Janice is pretty staunch and devout… ahem.
Would be super duper hard to even talk to her about it, my case was simply exceptional that it happened and due to circumstances and factors.
We were already pretty close as good friends, the ‘wall’ between us was already low and non-existent, so when it happened, it sort of became a ’natural’ thing. She even asked me to undress (refer to first tryst), and only regretted after the deed was done.
So I doubt Eric would even want to talk to her about it, and to talk to me about it, it might undermine his own authority as well as disrespect me.
Make no mistake, Janice is rather ‘pretty’, but is not that kind of pretty ‘pretty’, it’s a different kind of pretty that is alluring, good to look, can look and able to keep looking, not the flower vase kind.
Hope she doesn’t see this….
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Blue balls until become smurf
Hahaha… exaggerate la boss. Got so bad meh?
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Or even watch them fuck? lol
I don’t think I can perform with Eric watching, or even if Janice agrees. I’ve never talked to Janice about this and don’t even think I want to suggest it. It would cast me in a bad light as Janice has always been my first
And having her husband watch… I don’t know, I don’t think little gog can stand…
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Aiyo, bro Gog, of course compliment lah. Where got come in to suan you, also, you no scammed, just that you are good at getting the ladies to open their legs and beg you to take them to cloud 9.
KNS…. don’t like u!!! LOL
Originally Posted by
Chua Soi Lek
Must learn from bro gog liao …
… maybe he has the looks ?
I don’t… I just am more jovial more fun, less serious, ladies tend to let their guards down.
I don’t go around probing after a meet up, asking them questions like ‘so you stay alone?’ or ‘So your husband coming to pick you?’ etc… I don’t do such things to check if they are married or attached or single.
Simply just talk to them normally, and make friends. I don’t start with the idea of wanting to fuck them - of course I do - but I don’t do these little actions that makes it obvious I’m testing water.
Bototmline is try not to be a chee hong too upfront. The flirt can come later when they start to do a bit of it themselves. Humans flirt, they always do. When the guard is let down and you push it over the line…
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As if playing with Lindi is a bad thing
I shy ma, I tell you liao, I don’t play masak masak with Lindi leh.. unless you consider little gog as masak?
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I am just wondering if there was a time when you two were together and she was thinking of divorcing Eric to be with you?
No, a good reason is her wedding vows - “Until death do us part”, apart from that very promise made, all other reasons to her is like ‘invalid’, and ‘bad’. Why quote? Because she did have an affair with me, while her vows were to ‘be faithful to your husband’.
I also mentioned in another post before, I like Janice for what she is, her faith, her character, her overall being. If she had suggested it, I would reject the idea.
What makes you think if a perfect woman like her (in my eyes) is able to divorce Eric, to be with me, won’t do that to me also (if another guy managed to get her)?
She’s Janice because she’s perfect in that many ways, getting a divorce will make her reputation and image tarnished.
Church will be another obstacle. Our friends, etc… murmurs, gossip… where got divorce for no reasons, then suddenly together with me… obvious la… very hard.
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connection is so important… it is super difficult to find a gal to engage in deeper conversations…
That she is, good at chatting, engaging in meaningful conversations, seldom (she does) comes over and just strips to bed. There are sexy times in that too, but our relationship is more than just sex. We still tease each other, finish each other’s sentences, make fun of each other etc.
Just that her pattern from the start I’ve already shared so towards now, I merely share more on the lust portions.
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i think gog got mention she very pious so unlikely she will be the one to start the divorce? not sure bout Christian mindset but am just saying based on how traditional people think
Yep… wedding vows
- for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,
till death do you part
Divorce on what grounds? Infidelity? That would cast her in light, I assure you people will say and talk about her, not about me. The girls always gets the limelight in such issues.
If Eric committed adultery, and she found out, she divorce, people won’t say anything, unfortunately, in this case, tongues will wag, and church won’t re-marry divorcees. This will hurt her.
She will be facing the consequences of her infidelity and pain. Her family will be hurt, her church friends cast looks on her. Not worth it from the various angles in life.
Sure, we can change church, but we can’t change families and friends. Friends won’t talk infront of you, but behind you, sometimes unintentionally chatting, they WILL talk about your divorce and 2nd marriage, adding in salt and sugar.
“They probably started in office”
“They must have been at it a long time”
“They are horrible to do such a thing to Eric”
“I thought Janice is a good woman”
“Janice is a letdown”
“I wonder if Janice will let me try”
For me, having Janice was enough, know where to draw the lines, don’t push for more or expect more like all of her (she still has a husband/family), don’t ask her to leave her husband.
In a way, we were having a fling. So a fling, it shall remain. Unless Eric has a mishap or medical condition leading to natural death. For me to step up, take Janice, is a justifiable action.
Else… I don’t want to hurt her
Short one… wasn’t supposed to post today, but since I have the time….
gog: What are you waiting for?
That really gave me a few more smacks on my chest before she grudgingly removed my shirt. She got off the bed and tried to pull off my trousers, of course, with my assistance. She managed to slide off everything finally, springing my cock upwards and free.
Janice began to stroke my shaft and look at me. Kneeling at my side, she pulled her hair backwards with one hand, and stroking me with the other.
gog: Go on… little gog is yours.
Janice began to suck my cock with force and hunger, opening her lips wide and showing me her tongue.
gog: MMMMM so good… Janice… don’t stop.
I reached out one hand to her muffins and touched them through her bra, poking 2 fingers behind her cups and pinching one muffin’s nipple.
Janice let out moans as usual and tightened her legs together, that kind of tells me she’s ready and warm below.
gog: Janice, come over…
Janice came over and I pulled off her panties but leaving her skirt on. I reached behind her bra …
But I can’t find her clasp… Janice laughed out loud covering her mouth… fuck. I fell into the ‘front clasp’ bra trick again… :|