My Boss & Colleague - Janice

    Chapter #191

    Have a good day ahead folks!!!


    J(anice): No more blowjobs for you!

    gog: You mean you were going to do more ? Thought you didn’t like it?

    I teased her and she blushed, pushing me onto my back on the bed then running off to the washroom to clean up. I must have done something right in my life. Many blowjobs I have gotten from different Christian women, but Janice is different, it’s more than just a blowjob. I can’t pinpoint what’s the difference, but the feel of ownership and getting her so willing for me, is awesome.

    Janice also won’t do it for her husband - of course he’s always plain vanilla - but she would succumb to my cock and give me pleasure in ways she would never for her husband. Bliss… it is bliss.

    Janice shouted from the washroom.

    J: Dear, I’m going to take a shower, then we’ll leave for church.

    gog: Orh.

    My morning wake up sex, this is what married husbands get, now I know.

    Headed to church and worshipped, prayed. Saw Lindi and we exchanged greetings. Janice wasn’t pleased at all, could tell from her face. Hehe… jealousy is a good thing. Side chat I remember clearly, this one just for penning sakes.

    gog: See? Lindi is so sweet.

    J: Then you go find her lor.

    gog: Nah.. I’m sure you are better in bed than her (not exactly true at the moment).

    J: Don’t talk about her like that, she’s still Christian, she’s touchy, but I’m sure she is a proper lady.

    I controlled my laughter, if only Janice knew how much I was fucking Lindi and what a slut Lindi can be…

    Post #554
    Chapter #192


    Originally Posted by


    speaking of which, what happened after Lindi and you closed the doors?

    Oh ya hor… coming up!! I forgot! Thanks for the reminder!

    Post #556
    Chapter #193

    This is the continuation! Paiseh! Forgot!

    Sorry for the many parts, this one a bit long, a memorable one.


    Bonus Branch 4 Part 3.


    I walked back towards her. She stood on both legs in relaxed position while holding on to some of the flowers looking at me and smiling (or smirking?)

    L(indi): Did you know I got married in this church? I walked down this aisle a long time ago, I vowed to be a faithful wife, honor my husband and to always love him.

    Walking up to her, near to her face, I turned her around and hugged her from behind kissing her neck.

    gog: And you did, but you’re also…

    I paused, waiting for her to complete my sentence.

    L: I’m also what?

    One thing about Lindi, she can be a great tease. She knows how to wrap you around her feelings and build up that tension needed for a good time.

    gog: You’re also.. a whore

    L: I’ll always be your whore. I want to be your whore, please.

    Fuck, she made me hard. Her willingness to participate in talking dirty and fulfilling my dirty thoughts is always so entertaining and satisfying.

    gog: No, you’re just a whore, for anybody.

    L: Please, let me be your whore. Plee—a—ss—eee…

    She was sounding horny and dirty. I don’t know who is in control of this FwB relationship, me, or her? I sometimes think, she is the one having me under her spell instead.

    I was going to walk off the stage where the altar is, honestly, I also don’t feel too good but Lindi knelt down infront of me. I really struggled, ah fuck it. It’s not going to happen again.

    Glancing at her, I nodded downwards with my eyes and glanced at her again. Would she…?

    Lindi reached out very fast, no hesitation, unbuckled my belt and had my briefs off almost instantly, my cock stood semi erect right now infront of her. I glanced at the CCTVs, it was unsettling, was she shitting me?

    L: Don’t worry, they aren’t recording. Give me your cock, please.

    Lindi self-helped to my cock and placed her hand on my shaft, rubbing it making it harder. She probably noticed it wasn’t as hard as she usually got it.

    I stopped worrying as she gave pleasure to my cock simply by touching it. My senses shifted to my gratification of my loins.

    Lindi opened her mouth and was going to engulf my cock but I pushed her head back.

    gog: Beg for it. It’s not yours, you’re a whore.

    L: Please gog.. give this whore your cock… she needs it.

    gog: I thought you are married? And you love your family? What happened? Thought you got married here?

    L: I do… but I love your cock more.

    I really almost cum right there, she’s really good at this.

    Post #557
    Chapter #194


    Originally Posted by


    Very good story, cannot stop reading ….

    Thank you sir, do take a break some times

    Post #559
    Chapter #195

    A bit blue today… since monday, let’s make it blue, shall we?



    Went for Janice’s Sunday school class, saw her happiness when she is teaching the bible to the kids and praying with them. Time came and went, the kids left and as usual I was helping Janice clean up the room and tidy up the chairs.

    J(anice): Love the kids right? So innocent and young, we were all like that once.

    gog: We are still young, but innocent…

    I crept up behind Janice and hugged her, giving her a kiss on the back of her neck.

    J: HEY!

    Janice natural instinct was to reject my advances by shaking me off.

    J: *whispers* We’re in CHURCH!

    gog: We’ve done it once, why not… again?

    J: No!

    That “No!” however, was a bit of a tease type of “No”, she was giggling as she said that. If it was the Janice a week or so after we got back, I think the response would be a resounding “NO!. Full caps.

    I walked to the room’s door. The door has a peep through glass panel above the doorknob. A few people were still outside, the sunday school teachers mostly. Their bags were packed and they were chatting, probably will start making a move out of the area.

    My hand securely pressed the catch on the door knob to lock it.

    Post #560
    Chapter #196


    Originally Posted by


    That’s naughty bro gog!!

    I got say I am good boy meh?


    Originally Posted by

    2335 Man

    Bro Gog u like super energetic type. Every can. Hahaha enjoy when u still can. Good Day Everyday

    That time young, not an issue, but too much also can feel ache there… if can everyday 3 times.. best.


    Originally Posted by

    Chua Soi Lek

    Yes bro, continue to write … you’re the best …

    You flatter me sir, I’ll do my best, mid-day post

    Post #564
    Chapter #197

    Coming coming!!! Less blue-balls!


    J(anice): You don’t start!

    I haven’t even said or do anything yet!

    She’s learning WELL.

    Moving forward, I hugged and kissed her. There was a slight resistance, but eventually like all, they give up and just reciprocate the love. I’m no super human, I need to recharge my sperm first. Janice, however, doesn’t need time to recharge for orgasm. I inserted two fingers this time, by sliding her panty aside and went for the g-spot.

    J: Dear… no.. not .. not.. not in .. in church.

    gog: You sure? I can stop now.

    J: Ahhh don’t stop… please

    gog: I will stop for a while. Wait here.

    I walked warily towards the door and peeked out the glass panel. Nobody’s around. Seems they have left. Good… you folks know what I’m thinking about right?

    gog: Hey Janice, come here.

    Janice walked slowly over, her legs wobbling. I held her hand, opened the door and stepped out into the hall.

    J: Hey, what are you doing!?

    gog: Shhhhhh

    My hand went down and felt for her pussy, digging in again and fingering her.

    J: Nooo… ahhhhh!

    She was horny for sure, her no didn’t sound like it.

    Post #565
    Chapter #198


    Originally Posted by


    My balls just turned blue

    OMG! Lack of blood?


    Originally Posted by


    Still blue la cb gog lol

    Wah lao… kena cb again, where got blue, I tried to make it less blue liao leh.


    Originally Posted by


    wah biang eh really blue balled liao

    Wah like that also considered blue ah??!?! I already minimized.


    Originally Posted by


    Actually there are other techniques to keep readers attracted and in suspense…don’t have to everytime use this “blue ball” technique

    Haha… it’s just for fun, not every time will de, just so happen it ends there

    anyway I tried to give more info to make it less blue

    Post #570
    Chapter #199

    Cannot be blue… no blue da-be-dee-da-be-dah…

    Good tuesday morning all.


    J(anice): D..on’t, wait got people see..

    gog: Let them see lor.

    She must be pretty turned on because she wasn’t resisting anymore and just enjoying my fingers.

    J: So ooo ooon.. near..

    gog: Hehe… thought you want me to stop?

    Janice grabbed on my arm that was inside her, her grip was getting harder, and finally she shook her body. Deed is done! My hand was wet from her juices and before I know it… SMACK!

    gog: Ow!

    J: Why you so bad de! We’re in church you know!

    gog: You like it what.

    J: Don’t talk to you le!

    gog: So you don’t want lunch?

    J: Don’t talk to you after lunch!

    She’s so cute. Usual, squeezing food over to each other, fighting over who already ate a lot, etc. I think we went to Tony Roma’s at Suntec again.

    Long story short, Janice is now more open in sexuality and we’ve had good oral sex as well as masturbation sessions. She’s no longer shy or covers up herself unnecessarily. The sex was good and we got better and better over the weeks of exposure and playing with each other’s body.

    One evening, after bible study with the group, Janice got into my car and we waved bye to the folks before leaving.

    gog: Send you home?

    Of course I don’t want to, but I don’t want to assume either. We’ve been together fairly often and spending a lot of ‘fun times’. Sometimes I’m just asking the obvious, but still …

    J: I want dinner…

    gog: You’re getting fat, you know?

    Janice flips up her top from her waist showing her stomach and checks. She’s really cute. I gave a poke to her sides and she squirmed.

    J: Oi!! You bad man, always bully me.

    I was stopped at the traffic light along Nicoll Highway. Janice was in a peach knit top with a v-neckline and black long skirt up to her shins. I did something naughty, I pulled her v-neckline and peeked inside. Janice just looked at me as I did that.

    Admittedly, I was surprised Janice had no adverse reaction to what I just did. The old her, she would put up a fight and also probably push my hand away.

    Post #571
    Chapter #200


    Originally Posted by


    Women generally are like that. Before first kiss, petting, oral, sex, many thing also say cannot.

    After the first time is done progressively, most things also can liao.

    Patience will pay off, just don’t force it or rush it.

    Turning a Conservative or religious lady to a sex kitten that’s well mannered to others can be really satisfying. Man’s ego to the max as the domineering feel is heaven.

    I just ever wondered how Janice’s sex life would have ever been without meeting me. Would she have learned all these from Eric and would she go on to be so sexually capable in so many ways. I’m glad I didn’t push her hard from the start but took it slow. I don’t have experience much in this area of ‘grooming’.

    Most girls I met were already self-taught experts in this area. When Janice ‘converted’, it was really surprising and happy.


    Originally Posted by


    really really too bad she ady married to Eric. But then again CB gog did say even if Janice is his wife he will still go out fuck Lindi

    I Would too. I mean fuck Lindi of course

    In life it’s always right person, wrong time, or wrong person, right time, I guess cannot have best of both worlds, important is having it.

    As for Lindi, it’s a side gift… a gift of happiness… lol!

    Post #574