Dummies Guide to hooking up Sweet local Girls.

    Chapter #11

    Saving up S$100k for 10 years, foregoing movies, the occasional good meal and quality of life in your youth - all that to buy a commercial property just in the hope of getting pussy?



    be a less painful way to do this!

    Post #11
    Chapter #12


    Originally Posted by


    Saving up S$100k for 10 years, foregoing movies, the occasional good meal and quality of life in your youth - all that to buy a commercial property just in the hope of getting pussy?



    be a less painful way to do this!

    Actually i oso dunno what is TS trying to say leh, other then he is a 7 pointer and a prejudice against ppl owning a car???

    one thousand and one investment instruments around… why only commercial property arh?? TS is that all u know?

    pardon my bluntness, peiseh peiseh!

    Post #12
    Chapter #13

    eh…correct me if I’m wrong, is this a dummy guide to hook up sweet local girls? I thought there must be like, at least one line teaching how to hook up sweet local girls?

    Post #13
    Chapter #14

    My angmo poor..

    So is TS trying to say that I got to work like a dog, no entertainment, no this and that until like about 35yo, save enough to buy commercial property then hook SYT?

    Post #14
    Chapter #15

    K.N.N gotta fully agree to TS.

    all things in life are fake & will fade.

    only money~~ cold hard cash~~ ITS REAL!!!

    Post #15
    Chapter #16

    TS sorry for my bluntness, you still have not list out the guide to hook up local SYT.



    Once u have established yourself in the wealth factor + the humour factor, it will be the local SYT finding a guide to hook you up.

    The way these young chicks talk to u… the way they peep at u.. the way they behave when u are around, you can SEE ( not feel ) a big big difference.

    Post #20
    Chapter #17


    Originally Posted by

    Gentle Beast

    It’s true with $, especially lots of it takes the hard work of hooking up SYTs. But too MANY SYTs can also be a problem when it comes to dividing our limited time and attention, isn’t that true?

    When u enjoy success in your career, u have a different outlook in life. Suddenly those FBs will sms u, begging u to fuck them because u are horny but you are just too tired to expand so u limit to only 1-2.

    Speaking from personal experiences.

    Post #32
    Chapter #18


    Originally Posted by


    No disrespect to the TS, you sound just like my insurance agent!

    Telling me “invest” here and there, then next time got $$$…

    BUT! Got $$ usually got SYT, I believe most bros here understand this point..

    So you teaching us how to hook SYT or teaching us how to invest?


    your insurance agent psycho u so that u can purchase policies for him/her to make him/her richer.

    I am psychoing u out of goodwill. I dont get any free fucks or u buying policies from me here.

    This is just my pure sharing of my personal real life observations. I dont have a silver spoon in my mouth and i grew up in a tiny 3 room flat. My parents are both uneducated and I had 50 cent daily pocket money.

    All these handicapped background allowed me to see the difference money make in our lives and gals.

    Post #33
    Chapter #19


    Carrot head.. well if the guy is rich because of his own merit and not because of his family background, I dont see why he will become a carrot head.

    I have been victims of carrot head of afew gals but these are life experiences. After some time its all learning experiences for us and next time we wise up.

    Post #38
    Chapter #20


    Originally Posted by


    Hi Bro,

    You started off this thread well. But it had de-generated into a ‘Dummies Guide To Increasing Your Wealth’.

    What about the claim that ‘you can still up girls despite not having the wealth factor’???

    I think most Bros are interested in your experiences on this score.

    Any 3 year old will know hooking up gals is easier if you have the $. Please tell us something different.

    Hey dont be surprised some rich man kids just got a big problem with hooking up girls u know.

    Despite not havin the wealth factors, I have managed to up girls obviously but its more of a very " PROACTIVE" APPROACH to it.

    You really had to waste a lot of time to get them to bed. Serious. Lucky nowadys we have those msn, irc, sms etc tools to speed up the communication and to allow us to say things which we wouldnt otherwise say in person ( face to face )

    If you really GOT NO money, try to get close to the girl. Be consistently around her life. Some girls can be really bored. You target this category. Once they are used to your presence, they will automatically cling onto you. Dont hurry them into sex unless they are as horny as u. All these, use your experience and 6th sense. Dont go hugging or kissing a gal first time u met her if not u will find yourself in changi soon.

    Relax, strategise your methods and ways to hook them up. talk to them over the phone or sms to test waters.Make it a HABIT.. so that they will be USED to your presence. Once u find that they are auto contacting u daily, bingo, dont contact them for one or two days. It makes them itchy for your presence. Then suddenly contact them and before u know it, she is hooked to u.

    Another major factor to consider if u got no $ is really to learn how to be humurous. Girls can accept that u are poor because they think that You may STILL become rich in the future, esp those straight As boys or NSFs boy. We cant blame u for being poor because u are not even working.

    A great sense of humour is important. The ability to make a girl laugh, to feel at ease with u. Dont be shy. Girls dont like guys who are shy. Girls love to be tackled, they love to be in the company of winners or jokers because they feel fun to be with them.

    If I ask u to be with someone whose face is dull and sulky the whole day, would u? Its the same with gals.

    Open up. Talk more and learn to joke around. Sometimes, this is in-born. Some guys are great jokers and they simply appeal to girls and attract girls to them.

    Post #47