The Lonely Housewife - Phase 2 Re-opening Adventures

    Chapter #21


    Originally Posted by


    Please continue your awesome story

    Bro 3fingersalute


    Originally Posted by


    Nice story you got there buddy

    Bro Vizra

    Post #59
    Chapter #22


    Originally Posted by


    As I made my way to the kitchen, I heard the master bedroom door unlock.

    “You can cook?”

    she peered out of the room and asked, wide-eyed.

    “Yes! Of course I can cook. Or else who will cook for my son after my wife passed away? The microwave? Jarvis?”

    I shook my head in mock disbelief.

    “Now go to sleep young lady, please.”

    Not wanting to let this batch of porridge burn, I walked hurriedly to the kitchen.

    I was lying, of course. I can’t cook. My wife used to cook for my son. Then there was my mother, who came to babysit my son from time-to-time and when my wife’s illness took the turn for the worse, we hired a maid to look after both my ailing wife and my son. The only things I could cook were instant noodles and microwave dinners, if that is even considered as cooking?

    Coming back to the porridge in the kitchen, how hard could it be to wait for porridge to boil/cook? Beside I noticed Maggi already put in all sorts of ingredients; all I had to do was wait, right? If all else fails, I could always turn to Google as I typed ‘how to cook porridge’ into my phone.

    Reading from my phone, it looked simple enough and I quickly completed my task. Turning off the stove, I used one of the pot covers to cover the sauce pan.

    What have I gotten myself into?

    Let’s see? In the morning, I acted like a chauffeur for this girl I met for the first time in my life. Then I bought red wine and some ‘hand carry’ items for her and now I am cooking lunch for her son while they are soundly asleep in the master bedroom. I think I did more for Maggi than my own wife and son! At this rate, very soon I can join a charity or a volunteer organization! I shook my head. My old man used to ask,

    “what are you in for?”

    when I volunteer to do things at school when I was a young boy. To be honest, at this point, I also don’t know.

    If her husband were to come home right now, or if some

    mak kaypoh

    neighbor were to drop by, my presence seemed overly suspicious. I think I should take my leave. And soon!

    I made my way to the master bedroom and as I raised my hand to knock on the door, I heard some shuffling sounds coming from inside. Instinctively, I turned around and ran into the common toilet and hid inside.

    I heard the master bedroom door open and a pair of feet shuffling past the common toilet. Then I heard the sounds of drawers or cupboards opening followed by some clicks. Then a distinct buzzing sound.

    Curiosity got the better of me as I quietly came out of my hiding place. I quickly surveyed the area. The master bedroom door was now open. I walked inside to see Maggi’s son snoring away, in deep sleep. I controlled my urge to call out to Maggi. Instead, I followed the trail of the buzzing sounds; it came from behind one of the guest rooms. The door was ajar so I gave it a light push so that I could peer inside.

    Maggi was lying on the bed, spread eagle. Her eyes were shut tightly as she made the blue dildo disappear between her legs. She gasped as she increased her tempo. I was mesmerized by the way she was fucking herself into a frenzy with her hands moving furiously. I felt a bugle in my pants.

    “En… En… En…”

    she moaned as she shook her head from side to side, deep in concentration.

    Then I noticed she started to jerk and inhale more deeply.


    She must be having her orgasm


    I thought to myself as she started to shiver. What happened next took my by surprise.

    Post #60
    Chapter #23


    Originally Posted by


    almark.. stop at the most interesting point

    I also ‘alamak’ yesterday,

    Bro want0nmee

    . Suddenly had to stop everything, pack up and leave office.


    Originally Posted by


    Ya lor, this one is his trade mark…… Frustrating right? Lol

    Where got my trademark,

    Bro sexcision



    Originally Posted by


    Wah please dun stop ley. Keep it cumming bro 😊

    Ok ok,

    Bro funfox

    . I work OT now to post k?


    Originally Posted by


    Sexciting part… please continue TS


    Bro dodu

    ! Will try to post a bit before I go for dinner.


    Originally Posted by


    Nb play cliffhanger!!!!!

    Never play lah

    Bro Kovovo

    . It’s not like my first story, right? Heh heh!

    Anyway, just want to apologize for the abrupt ending yesterday because some joker set off the fire alarm while smoking in the handicapped toilet so we all had to evacuate the office. I

    kan cheong

    and just everything in case my IT do some audit and see what I post. Scary you know? Wait




    ‘warning letter’?

    Post #68
    Chapter #24


    Originally Posted by


    Maggi was lying on the bed, spread eagle. Her eyes were shut tightly as she made the blue dildo disappear between her legs. She gasped as she increased her tempo. I was mesmerized by the way she was fucking herself into a frenzy with her hands moving furiously. I felt a bugle in my pants.

    “En… En… En…”

    she moaned as she shook her head from side to side, deep in concentration.

    Then I noticed she started to jerk and inhale more deeply.


    She must be having her orgasm


    I thought to myself as she started to shiver. What happened next took my by surprise.

    “Fuck this!”

    she said as she pulled out her blue dildo and cast it aside.


    she cried out, slapping the bed in frustration.

    The moments after a woman’s climax were usually among the best as she would experience an adrenaline rush that’s luxuriating. Yet, this was not the case for Maggi. She started to sob quietly.

    Did she forget that I was still around or maybe she thought that I had gone home? I stood there pondering my next move – would she ‘cry rape’ if I suddenly came out of my hiding place?

    She exhaled hard, then sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed.


    she shrieked, finally catching sight of me behind the door, her face turning beet red.

    “It’s not what you think,”

    I tried to explain, "

    I heard you swearing so I came in to take a look."

    “You mean you were there the whole time?”

    she asked.

    “No, I just came.”

    Of course, I lied.

    “I thought something had happened to you so I came in to take a look.”

    She suddenly realized she had exposed herself and took a blanket to cover herself. But the blue dildo was still plainly in sight.

    “Look, if it means anything to you, I just wanted you to know that my wife stopped letting me touch her after she gave birth to our son. I thought that it was temporary. Then, the ‘dry spell’ continued and there was always some reason why we couldn’t be intimate - be it our son was sleeping or she wasn’t in the mood or she had to wake up early the next day.”

    I said,

    “I know how frustrating it is.”

    Without me realizing, my eyes became watery.

    “So, did you seek help?”

    she asked.

    “By help you mean prostitutes?”

    I asked.

    She nodded.

    “No! Of course not! What if she changed her mind and wanted another baby? I can’t run the risk of…… Sorry I got carried away; whatever it is, it’s a moot point because my wife ain’t here anymore.”

    I said as I exhaled hard.

    “Then how you release? You mean you never release? Can meh? Won’t your tadpoles all turn to frogs?”

    She mused.

    “During my time, there’s this thing called ‘Use Your Hands’ campaign,”

    I said making a up-down stroking movement and she giggled.

    “Much like what you were doing there.”

    “You liar! You said you didn’t see anything!”

    I merely pointed to her discarded blue toy.

    Maggi blushed.

    “There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” I said. “We all have needs.”

    If she had wanted to ‘cry rape’ she would have done so by now. Since she didn’t I got bolder and walked towards her. My boldness took her by surprised and she looked like a deer caught in headlights.

    “Please let me help,”

    I said as I dropped down to my knees.

    Post #69
    Chapter #25


    Originally Posted by


    Great thread TS. Support your nice story

    Thank you

    Bro pinkant


    Nice nick, by the way! Sounds like some successful lifestyle brand!

    ( Click to show/hide )


    Originally Posted by


    Camping and setting camp fire


    Bro Purrrsian

    ! Just don’t set the camp fire too near the tent


    Originally Posted by


    Very nice story bro TS, hope to read more kekekekeke

    Thank you

    Bro basewong

    ! Hope I can update as much as I can.

    Post #73
    Chapter #26


    Originally Posted by


    Camping…. more please

    I will try my best

    Bro Apollo

    . Thanks to that joker to set up the smoke alarm, now security goes around checking all rooms.

    Sianz Max!


    Originally Posted by


    Please help to update.

    Camping here for more juicy updates please.

    Thanks for the support,

    Bro otamay

    ! I will try to squeeze as much juice as possible ya?

    Post #76
    Chapter #27


    Originally Posted by


    I merely pointed to her discarded blue toy.

    Maggi blushed.

    “There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” I said. “We all have needs.”

    If she had wanted to ‘cry rape’ she would have done so by now. Since she didn’t I got bolder and walked towards her. My boldness took her by surprised and she looked like a deer caught in headlights.

    “Please let me help,”

    I said as I dropped down to my knees.

    I remembered when Bill Clinton was caught having an improper physical relationship with Monica Lewinsky, he argued that they weren’t really having sex because there wass ’no penetration’. Knowing this made me bolder and in a deliberate manner, I tugged and flung the blanket covering her modesty away. Using my hands, I pried open her knees and slowly spread Maggi legs. I gave it a harder push causing her to gasp.

    I planted small kisses along her inner thighs, start from her knee caps, tracing my to the entrance of her love hole. She wasn’t really hairy but it was enough to trap her musky scent. I gave the mouth of her vagina a good lick, ensuring my tongue will touch the sensitive regions of her clit.

    I felt Maggi use her small hands to push against my shoulders as I give it another lick.

    “Stop it!”

    she said. She didn’t sound




    I asked,

    “you don’t like it?”

    “It feels ticklish,”

    She giggled,

    “and it’s dirty. Stop it!”


    I said,

    “It’s the most delicious thing in the world. I will do anything to be able to taste your womanly juices!”

    I declared. And before she could protest any further, I made my way south of the border and began feasting on her love hole, licking all around the clitoris, drawing circles around it. The pressure of her hands on my shoulders began to decrease as she began to moan.


    she said in between moans,

    “it’s not clean… I’ve not washed it.”

    “But you like it right?”

    I wasn’t going to argue on the cleanliness of her organ; rather, I wanted her to know how much her body is enjoying what I was doing.

    “You are getting so wet Maggi!”

    I said as I inserted my tongue into her vagina and started licking and sucking, making slurping sounds. This seemed to turn her on as she started to hold my head instead.

    “No, stop it already.”

    she denied enjoying the attention I was giving even though she was involuntarily raising her hips.

    In response, I applied more pressure and spread her legs wider, increasing the intensity of my licking.

    “You don’t like this? You mean you really don’t like it?”

    I taunted her in between licks.

    “Hmm… Hmm… Hmm…”

    at least she sounded more honest in her response now. Encouraged, I got back to work.

    Without warning, I heard her gasp and inhale deeply then she started to tremble a bit

    . Taking the cue, I stopped licking, giving her time to savor her orgasm. She exhaled hard and slumped further into her soft bed. Slowly I got up, using the back of my hand to wipe her juices off my lips.

    “So wet,”

    I said licking my lips as I looked at her. Her eyes were glazed over and I think I heard her give a weak chuckle.

    Post #77
    Chapter #28


    Originally Posted by


    I need to find something to eat now…….

    Bro u are damn good.

    P.S. I just upped your points to 666. Super fitting hahahah

    Your compliments mean a lot to me,

    Bro Hardaway1818


    It takes a good writer to know another!

    You are one of the masters that

    inspired me

    to write - the suspense, the twists and turns; I wonder if I could ever be as good as you?

    I really love your polls and your stories! Wish I could have participated in them; all the girls you poll about are so hot! Thank you so much for your posts also!

    I don’t have that many points to return but please do accept my humble contributions. Thank you once again, bro!


    Originally Posted by


    Very nice story, please share more!

    Thank you for your compliments

    Bro yenshuimaster

    ! Sorry updates a bit slow now cos work has been pilling up. Heh heh!


    Originally Posted by


    wow juicy story

    Camping for more

    Thank you

    Bro Ramsey69

    ! Wow, your nick reminds me of the Fast and Furious franchise.

    Post #81
    Chapter #29


    Originally Posted by


    My favourite to lick too, cheers!

    Totally agree,

    Bro diputs1269


    Many brothers out there only want to lie there and receive but refuse to get down on their knees and give. Isn’t there a saying, ’the more you give, the more you get'?

    Ok, better not talk too much here. Wait all start giving then we got no chance already.

    ( Click to show/hide )

    Oops! I think I might have divulge a bit of where my next post is going?

    Better stop here; I can see a group of female colleagues walking back into the office. Heh heh!

    Post #83
    Chapter #30


    Originally Posted by


    Great post!

    Thank you for your support

    Bro Zapfree



    Originally Posted by


    Damn good story and writing……..

    No horse run


    Bro ouzo18

    ? Thanks for the compliments!


    Originally Posted by


    Nice. What a pleasant encounter

    For sure

    Bro evil04



    Originally Posted by

    big wood

    good story up you bro SerflySGR

    Thank you

    Bro big wood

    ! Give me some time to return the favor.


    Originally Posted by


    Nice story waiting for more updates

    Thank you


    . Hope I will be able to update a bit more tonight.

    Post #89