- Malaysians came to Singapore to look for jobs. WHY ?
Get this straight to yr head.We Singaporeans we work hard for it to contemplate this luxury HERE.
But we always shortchange over the causeway as being robbed,rape,fines…all the unwanted factors there.
Malaysians ought to improve on their standards needless to say.
Even their dressing 5 years generation gap compare to Singaporeans.
Originally Posted by
The police are totally useless! The mud police keep saying Johor is “safe!”
Haha, what a bloody joke! They are damn jokers. They dont understand what is “safe” or “dangerous” i think.
It is safe! For them that is! For all we now organised crime has taken root and the police are in on the take. So until some big shot’s woman or family kena Johor will continue to be “safe”.
Originally Posted by
The police are totally useless! The mud police keep saying Johor is “safe!”
Haha, what a bloody joke! They are damn jokers. They dont understand what is “safe” or “dangerous” i think.
haha, they saying safe is apply to police only ma
they keep saying i safe i safe safe , brother the " i " u never hear carefully la
Originally Posted by
The police are totally useless! The mud police keep saying Johor is “safe!”
Haha, what a bloody joke! They are damn jokers. They dont understand what is “safe” or “dangerous” i think.
Absolutely agree…!!! Never a doubt in my mind that JB is a heaven for criminals. Regardless of what precautions or actions Pak Lah gonna take, the IDR is doomed to fail due to safety reasons. Most of the investors are sitting and waiting to see what MAS’s crossways buddies/investors gonna do before they jump in the bandwagon. As we all know, SG is the safest place on earth and safety issues are big hoo-haa for Singaporeans. That’s the facts…!!!
OK, back to topic. Why the police are useless??? If they are not able to pay their monthly bills and provide a comfortable roof over their tops (their pay is really…. really…. PEANUTS), do u think they bother to catch thieves? If u were them, u would be cracking ur heads trying to accept bribes as much as possible. Again, that’s the facts…!!!
The conclusion: Pak Lah should learn from our PM Lee to raise the civil servants(esp police force) salary in-line with the private sectors (cisco). Yes, there was an increment by Pak Lah lately but hardly to justify with their commitments n risks. My advice to Pak Lah: Hapuskan Rasuah…!!! Shame on them…
Hi Strong,
Voicing personal feedbacks now and not stating “true facts” instead??
Can a person learn only from his or her “History” lesson? It is about our national day, not Middle Ages or Middle Eastern history.
Have you forgotten, or you did not know at all because you did not take History lesson, what happened to over 100 Chinese females in May 1998 in Indonesia?
Read this report “Indonesia: The Damaging Debate on Rapes of Ethnic Chinese Women” by Human Rights Watch.
Why blame personal ignorance or failing on the educational system? Other than surfing SBF, read up instead of telling me to “grown” up (grammatical error again). Try the following websites,
(subscription needed)
(Asia edition)
Second lesson for you – I read therefore I am.
Third lesson for you – I am not a smart alec (not a smart alex) but if you are stupid, no need to announce or to prove it to one and all.
With regard to your statement, “Hope one day happen to yr loved ones then u understand the pain n sorrow.”
If the above has happened to your loved ones, or is happening to them now, you have my sympathy. Remember to be strong.
As for my loved ones, worry not at all. They are in my good hands, and I do not bring them to JB.
If you do reply, please write in proper ENGLISH. I don’t wish to waste time trying to figure out pseudo-English.
Thank you. Have a nice week ahead.
Dude Heatingup……..relax lah…
Personally , I was pissed (and still is) on the “attacks on ethnic chinese women in Indonesia” …however, what pissed me MOST , is the nonchalant attitude of the Chinese Government . On the contrary , Taiwan , and other Asian countries protested . That is one BIG reason , I TRULY agree, we are Singaporean FIRST …..
Originally Posted by
Hmmmm, sign a petition today about the the increasing crime rate in JB,,,hecks knows it will do nothing to help, but still have to do something.
Today the police caught all the proported SOB that committed the Gang-rape…and I believe them, you know why, because the police actually knows who these SOBs are..they have em on file..just because they are “their people”…..they don’t arrest them..until the case gets lots of publicity.
Sebe sien like that……..after 50 years,,,things are getting worse..don’t know what to say also,,,,,mind you i am patriotic…just not so sure about things rite now,,,,,,,,,,,
I can understand your feelings and fully empathise with you on your “their people” phrase.
It is disheartening to know that we asians, chinese, indians, and malays who had been colonnised before since the 18th century, denied of equal human rights, fought hard for independence, only to be re-colonnised again by different masters, the very ones whom our ancestors fought side by side with.
Racial discrimination is an anathema to civilise nations. Our ancestors had fought wars, both on the gory battlefield and the polical fronts, many killed or jailed, but in the end they won and unshackled the chains of discrimination so that we, their next generation may live in full equality. Unfortunately, pockets
of racial discrimination still exists, even though heads of nation will never admit to it, nor the ones guilty of it, fearing international outcry.
I detect a note of weariness in your post, understandbly so, but for the sake of our next generation, never to give up on ensuring equal rights for all. Alone, we are incapable of achieving much. But united, many will have to sit up to take notice.
Take this opportunity to voice out peacefully your grievances, for here lies the chance to do it legally and need no silly protest marches, or flock to opposition parties , for here are crimes against humanity and secular laws, not to mention the national constitution, committed with evidences and witnesses.
No matter if the authorities had been lax or corrupt or allegedly racially indifferent, - a crime is a crime. Your elected representative, whether you voted him or did not, doesnt matter for all votes are supposed to be secret, has to answer to the electorate on the situation, if he values his position.He is accountable to the voters, be the voters of whatever race and religion.
Such committed crimes are so hideous that i am sure whatever race or religion one belongs, who dares call himself/herself a human, will be filled with disgust and horror. Thus everyone of you concern citizens must put pressure on your elected representive to answer for such crimes.
By pressure, i dont mean just a petition. (1) List down every crime committed daily, tabulate it and email to the press, NGOs and to his office, not just yours but galvanise everyone as more as possible to do so, (2) get everyone to talk to him solely on this matter during his walkabouts or even when he goes out to lunch (3) Never accept his assurance or give up halfway, nor let up on the pressure until the crime situation is such that even an old lady can walk on the streets after midnight without getting hurt.
Ultimately, he will have to either resign and allow someone else better to handle the electorate or pass the pressure up to parliament to make the Executive answer for the crimes.
In this manner, hopefully those who are in authority and are racially indifferent to minority rights in the past will have to either resign or act with equality where crimes are committed, for the Executive will need votes to stay in power, even if they do not fear international outcry. This is their weakness.
While this suggestion will not end racial discrimination, it will at least ensure the authorities accord full protection to everyone, including minority races equally.
This post is meant only as suggestion and a contribution based solely on my own perception and response to the thread topic discussed.
Originally Posted by
Megatronzombie looks like u dun understand ENGLISH at all.Allow me to clarify…
- Because of the currency factor and also they think Singapore gold mine.Living standards high yet we(Singaporeans) still surviving.
Wat i define sub standard.Improve will take a major mildstone hopefully we live to see it.
Excuse me, in the first place what you have countered above has nothing to do with grammar.
What you are saying is Malaysia is a bad place, solution? Just don’t go across the crossway, simple right? Your brain manage to grasp at least that implication, correct? Then you won’t get robbed, raped and fined riiiggghhttt??
Secondly, however Malaysian wear is their business, am I right? Unless you are a boss and you have Malaysian working under you dressed like vegetable seller (my apologies to all vege sellers yeah! hehe..) sitting in the office in singlets and shorts, you have the option of firing them (and I will support you too on that!). If not, you have no right to judge how other people dress like.
Lastly, I can see the substandard right here all right coz I can’t even understand some of what you are saying. I think I agree with you, I will never ‘improve’ to enable myself to understand you fully. Cheers!
PS: Oh yeah, I zapped you