Phoenix Commando Squad.

    Chapter #11

    Ye: no. no. pls, mdm

    Yeo feeling delighted as Major Ye pleaded.

    Yeo caressed Ye pussy and then circle around the clitoris.

    Gals feeling disgusted and few female commissioned officers intervened but were told to keep in line by two male sergeants.

    Yeo: bend over, 001 , legs spread.

    Yeo began to spread open her buttocks to examine her interior ass.

    Then all gals were hosted by two male sergeants,

    All girls were drenched, and stood in attendance.

    Then they were marched to room naked.

    At night, all gals were summoned and lined up again.

    Lei and his gang lighted up fire and told the gals their clothings would be thrown into fire . Actually it was a lie . They took delight in seeing gals crying.

    Meanwhile, Maj Ye’s mum wondering why her daughter was not even back. It was nearing midnight. Maj Ye phone was off. Surely a major can go home after 6pm. unlike NCOs who stayed in barracks after work.

    She began to call CMPB and inquired but they kept mum. Then she began to call her friend who was a MP (Member of Parliament.)

    Post #53
    Chapter #12

    All commanders MP Chua knew told him that they would not reveal anything as it is against the rules.

    This would not prevent Zhang Ni from trying to find where her daughter was.

    She emailed Minister for Defence, but got no reply from him.

    Meanwhile, Maj Ye and her teammates underwent another training , like push-up and running nude in the middle of the night.

    Then they were made to sleep in the barrack , full of war noise, followed by sounds made by tiger, wolf and snakes.

    Next day, they woke up at 6 am, after a few hour sleeps. they all can’t sleep well because of interrupting sounds.

    They were given green tee-shirt and blue shorts , minus lingeries.

    They undergoes torturous training, board jump, crawling, running. later, armed and unarmed combat, followed by beast wrestling in naked.. (wrestling with bears, and tigers cubs).

    Next episode- sexual version of SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape ) where the gals were chained , and sexually abused by Lei men , SWO Yeo and foreign sailors whom they invited.

    Post #60
    Chapter #13

    Gals were sleeping throughout the nite till they were awaken by loud noise and brightening of light , remote-controlled by Lei’s office.

    Gals woke up annoyingly and some wanted to sleep longer as they were distracted by noise which occured at mid-night till 3 am.

    Nevertheless all gals bathed in cold water in the large tub , while fighting off small fishes which bit their bodies.

    Then all gals march out of the bathhouse after putting on green tee and blue shorts..

    All stood in attendence as Lei and 2 male and a female instructors appeared.

    Lei : greetings little gals. I have something to announce. All of you have completed final pharse of training.

    All gals look at each other in disbelief before shouting for joy.

    All gals were provided clothing ,lingeries which they put on before very eyes of Lei, and his lieutenants.

    All gals trooped out to the warehouse where they saw international buffets by few ang moh in cook and waiter uniform.

    Lei told gals that they should eat more and drink more.

    Excitedly, they rushed to the buffet station to help themselves.

    After an hour, they all felt sleepy . (buffets were drugged and ang-moh waiters and cooks were all from elite Marines forces from western countries. They came to this country to participate in military exercises.)

    Then when gals came to, they realise they were tied in chains, and saw few Chinese and angmoh (white and blacks) wearng devil masks, and they look around and saw no Maj Ye.

    Maj Ye was taken to another room where she were tied .. When she came to, she saw a woman in devil mask, and few male in mask.

    She knew it was SWO Yeo. but she cannot recognise few males because there was a female intructress, few male may be Lei, Yan, ….

    Post #66
    Chapter #14

    Voice from annoucement (robotic type): welcome to SERE camp

    SERE stands for Survival, Elude, Resistance , Escape. When you have successful ly escape, come and find me .. begin!

    When all masked men and a woman hear the word- begin, they took action

    Few men went towards captives, who struggling and screaming in tears, amid being tied.

    Men grope boobs, others tried to remove the captive clothings.

    Those captives in gold collar around the neck (gold collar= commissioned officers) suffered the most , they were beaten and hammered by local soldiers and foreign marines who were all NCOs because they were envious of the ranks and privileges of these female officers.

    Female captives all struggled to break free and fight the captors . if failed they would be raped. Raped meant they were out.

    3 gals cannot break free , legs widen by male captors and they were gang raped by them wearing condoms.

    rest of the gals , horrified by the sight, struggled with all their might.

    Meanwhile, Maj Ye sobbing and struggling to break free as she was manhandled by foreign special forces unit ( well trained ang mohs with muscles and height of at least 1.8m- they can fire M-60 guns with one hand during combats, and have real life combat experience overseas in all terrains.)

    They stripped all of Maj Ye clothings, and caressing her.

    She screamed in might and struggling to break free of chains..

    SWO Yeo, dressed in black leather clothings, with a strap-on attached , walking towards Maj Ye. Former give signals and 3 angmohs made latter kneel and one of them hold Maj. Ye chin , squeezing to force her open mouth.

    SWO Yeo,look at her nemeis, feel smug and Maj Ye. was sobbing as she sucking strap-on , head guided by angmoh..

    One captive, Lt. Tang Xin Yi (played by Joanne Peh), (does PRC actress Hou Meng Sha look abit like Joanne Peh?) moving her hands skillfully in an attempt to break free of chain as her breasts were squeezed by masked men.

    (She hailed from a family of puglists and learnt so much about internal qi..)

    Post #69
    Chapter #15

    2 gals get gang raped by ‘’enemy’’ and they were out.

    Now , more and more ’enemies’ come to join the rest who had difficulty putting down struggling captives.

    Cpl first class Zeng Kaixin (Fiona Xie), get her bust groped and she kept shouting ’’ I wanna cook you, you pigs!" and struggling to keep her legs close despite her pants down and panties exposed.

    Meanwhile, LTA Tang Xin Yi (Joanne Peh) moaning as she was kissed by ‘’enemy’’ on her breasts when her tops torn and her bra pull down. She was channelling her inner qi to the chain that bound her hands in order to loosen the grip of the chains.

    When she sensed the chains had loosen, she move her hands to free , then she striked him on head. These act taken few men by surprise. she used her legs to grip on another guy head and threw him off with her might.

    Then she engaged in close hand to hand combat with 5 captors despite her exposed busts and determined captors wanna raped her.

    When she beaten all of them, guys gave her thumb up as they were totally exhausted.

    She leave the room to look for her team mate. (guys then reported to Ltc Lei via radio.) LTC Lei was pleased that his trainees were up to marks.

    Tang Xin Yi hit the groups of men in another room, who was surprised and unexpected because how did a girl break free.

    After she defeat them, she untied cpl Hu Minghui (Dawn Yeoh). Minghui asked her how she break free. and wish to learn.

    Xin Yi(smiling): I will teach you later. now, move!

    Xin Yi and Minghui moved to another room, where they overpower the guards standing at the entrance.

    They fought with captors till captors were impressed and the gals rescued 2lt Ng Chwee Peng (Jessecia Liu)

    LTC Lei were impressed with the progresses and called in 5 AH-64D helicopter gunships and 3 Leopard MBT, and 50 more infantry troops with attack fierce dogs to guard his fortess .

    Xin Yi, Ming Hui, Chwee Peng moved to another room where they surprised the enemy and rescued Sgt Li Mei Xian (Rui En).

    LTC Lei smiling and decided to warn SWO Yeo via remote communication.

    SWO Yeo smiling as she was impressed with the trainee performance.

    She decided to stop humiliating her nemesis, Maj Ye. and ordered elite foreign troops to haul her up to mid-air. Maj Ye was relieved that her pussy remained chaste despite her mouth was dirtied by SWO Yeo strap-on and foreign troops big penises. and her face was dirtied by cums from elite enemy troops. she kept her legs closely shut throughout the ordeal.

    All gals fought hard with elite veteran ang-moh troops who were battle hardened, can withstand pain from smaller size Asian girls.

    Tang Xin Yi, move skillfully with assistance of her team mates, managed to immobilise few ang mohs.

    Upon entering the room, she saw SWO Yeo standing with few angmoh elite soldiers. and Maj Ye danging in mid air. smiling at her teammates with swollen mouth.

    Xin Yi, whispering to her teammates, then stood in formation ,and charged at SWO Yeo and her team.

    Angmoh elite troops then charged and hand to hand combat were ensured.

    SWO Yeo was impressed with team work displayed by her trainees.

    When all elite troops immoblised because Xin Yi block acupoints with assistance of her teammates.

    Xin Yi, Chwee Peng, Mei Xian fought with SWO Yeo while Ming Hui and Kaixin let Maj Ye down and untied her.

    Together they fought SWO Yeo who had difficultly warding off attacks by her trainees.

    She eventually surrendered and announced that it is already over, and saluted to Maj Ye, addressed her respectfully as Major.

    The voice was heard : Well done! come and find me .. hehe!

    Maj Ye:SWo Yeo, where is the enemy HQ?"

    SWO Yeo: Mdm, I cannot tell you as I have respect the rules of the training games.

    Maj Ye and her team left the place , covering up their assets before proceeding outside to survey the jungle , plan..

    SWO Yeo then exited the place via secret passage to meet LTC Lei in HQ communication centre . where they observed the movement of these gals .

    These gals movement can be tracked because the collar around their necks were implanted with tracking device.

    LTC Lei then sent 10 troops with attack dogs , accompanied by a pair of Apaches.

    Gals were constantly on the run in the forest as they heard a pair of Apaches flying and firing , Mei Xian can hear the barking of Alsatians ,Dobermans..

    and they moved fast to hide.

    Night fall, they cried and tired. Ming Hui lamented it is so unfair.

    Maj Ye calmed her down.

    If they can pass the test in most disadvantaged situation, they can hailed as elite and can overcome any enemy force with superior firepower.

    In this type of training, enemy know everything about the gals and where they moved. Disadvantage of these is 100 (Lei ) to 0 (gal team)

    If they can overcome this ,they can overcome any enemy.

    Post #71
    Chapter #16

    Gals were too tired and hungry ,moving on while being pursued by troops with excellent support-k9 units, Apaches.

    Eventually, they reach river.. and swam across .

    They were surprised by elite commando with superior diving aids and night goggle.

    Fierce battle ensured when the enemies attempt to knock them unconscious.

    CH-53E from US Navy with miniguns was above the water , with commander monitoring the radar . Pink dot represent gals while blue dots -guys.

    3 more gals were knock out while rest keep fighting against battle hardened vets.

    Maj Yap (Cynthia Koh) and her teammates successfully fight off enemies..

    and remained underwater , till CH-53 E moved from the river due to low fuel.

    Ming hui can estimate the direction and asked gals to follow.

    Lei saw the radar screen and was surprised that gals were moving towards the base.

    He ordered more troops to station in the direction..

    Maj Yap and her team was startled to see tanks and troops, and Apaches moving towards the direction. she start thinking .. how to move in without detected.

    3 gals who were knocked off earlier , taken to camp, and get raped with condoms by gang of soldiers..

    Meanwhile, Zhang Ni (Maj Yap ’s mother) read the blog from annoymous person who claimed to be trainee , complained about being sexually abused during training.

    She saw many pics . She enquired whether the gal knew Maj Yap..

    She replied yes. she was humiliated by sadistic female instructress, who is just Warrant Officer..

    She began to take action by calling her MP friend…

    Post #75
    Chapter #17

    sorry for not updating..

    Gals ran towards the forest again , and Apaches blasted the trees with rockets ,

    Maj Yap then asked gals to dive into river and swam underwater to other side….

    LTC Lei ordered naval divers to activate.

    and small boats appeared in rivers and all divers jump into river and swam across ..

    Gals moved further into forest , and hide in the cave..

    Inside the caves, the gals began to brainstorm as to how to reach enemy base undetected..

    Maj Yap surmised that this had something to do with collars attached to their necks which might contain devices.

    The gals began to use rock to hit collars on other gals hard… They all suffered pain..

    Eventually, the collars come off.

    Meanwhile, Zhang Ni friend, an MP began to call Minister of Defence .

    Post #77
    Chapter #18

    Minister of Defence, then asked Chief of Defence force (4 star general) and Chief of Army over (Major General), showed them the blog.

    Chief of Army ,visibly angry that pics of training leaked out, summoned Chief Commando Officer .

    Chief Commando Officer, holding the rank of BG, was embarrassed and angry with certain female officers for leaking out confidential stuff online, vowed to identify the people involved.

    CCO, explained to Minister that “we need special female squad who can deal with things which we men not able to do. You knew the power of female security agents who can lower the guard of the enemy and caught them unaware. Such brutal training is necessary so that female squad can be prepare for all things such as gang rape by enemy who tortured them brutally to exact info and accomplish the mission by catching enemy unaware.”

    Minister , former general himself , was forced to accept as he was a veteran who knew female POW suffer the worst .

    3 generals , left the Minister office smilingly.. Outside the Ministry of Defence building, 3 generals discussed the plan to catch people for leaking confidential training online.

    CDF, contacted Director of Military Security and Intelligence (MSI) , himself a MG, to call in cyber experts to trace the source.

    In the island,

    with the removal of collars, gals grimaced with pain around their necks,

    they spot elite divers armed with submachine guns and assault rifles.

    Commander of elite divers radioed HQ asking for directions.

    At HQ, Lai staring at the screen wondering what happened, how come no pink dots visible , only blue dots visible.

    While wandering aimlessly, divers were ambushed by the gals. Surprised divers gave up after hard fight. They were made to strip naked and gave diver suit to the gals. Divers assumed to be dead and strictly adhered to the rules of the exercise.

    Gals swam , led by Chwee Peng (Jessecia Liu) who was naval officer.

    upon reaching the other side of the river, they crossed towards and saw the guards with dogs, and sentry with heavy MG.

    Maj Yap, scanning the area, looking for alternative route. saw the shortest route, but it is covered with mines. No choice, she order Xin Yi , a sniper to disable sentry and gals will enter the base with stealth..

    MeiXian , dog specialist , who will deal with dogs.

    After sentry was hit, Meixian used device to send signal which cause the dogs to bark and howl, and rush to the another side.. Dog handlers and troops went after the dogs.

    Then gals sneaked in, to find the camp which Lei was in..

    They used several methods to distract the troops and they were diasbled by the gals.

    They entered the camp which surprised Lei and his groups of commanders.

    They angrily hit Lei , who begged for mercy and announced training over and all were confirmed commandoes. All gals were sceptical till Lei and his officers told them since they had already removed their collars, they were no longer trainees and passed the test.

    All gals hugged each other and crying in joy..

    All foreign marines and commandoes clapping and cheer for them. All captives gals released and slapped ang-mo soldiers who can withstand the pain..

    The captive gals were given a send off as they failed.

    Those who passed, staying in the camp, where they were given back their clothings which Lei and his officers had earlier lied that all clothings were burnt…

    There was big feast, which gals not eating first because they feared being drugged and raped..

    They made Lei and his officers, and ang-mo groups to eat first, then they eat..

    Post #83
    Chapter #19

    At passing out parade, gals were in attendence, in green uniform, inspected by Chief of Defence Force, Chief of Army and Chief Commando officer.

    Chief Commando Officer gave speech and announced Phoenix Squad officially formed and declared that LTA Tang Xin Yi be promoted to Captain and be Squad Leader. Some girls was surprised because they thought Maj yap would be squad leader. Maj Yap to be deputy squad leader .

    SWO Yeo to be Squad RSM.

    When Maj Yap return home, her mother Zhang Ni berate her loudly for defying her ..

    Actually, Zhang Ni (Chen Xiuhuan) was a member of terrorist organisation herself. she had affair with Chairman of X-9, a organised terrorist group based in South America. and Maj Yap was born.

    Chair Man was Yu Peng Shan (played by Chen Hanwei). During his teenage days,he gained widespread notoriety for his behaviour only and he grow up hating his former homeland and vowed to create havocs there.

    Zhang Ni hoped that her former lover don’t return and came face to face with his daughter , counter terrorist officer.

    Post #85
    Chapter #20

    Zhang Ni, spent sleepless night, remembering her past days with Yu Peng Shan

    (if you found his name familiar, that’s right. Amos Yee Chinese name. )

    I chose Chen Hanwei because he look similar to that PRC actor playing terrorist boss.)

    Yu Peng Shan had sex with Zhang Ni often. His favourite stunt is doggie style in front of mirror. He found Zhang Ni expression attractive

    At the same time, Yu Peng Shan was in posh office at Brazil, watching videos of his past act with all gals he picked up. but none of them as attractive as Zhang Ni.

    He began to call in all directors (all terrorist leaders) to the office and formulate a plan to strike his former homeland..

    CIA got information from undercover agent ,nicknamed Falcon. (played by Zzen Zhang) .. (does someone look like him in that PRC drama?)

    CIA began to warn MSI (Military and Security Intelligence ) here..

    Post #89