That night, I thought it might be nice to have an enhanced porn session. With my porn playlist on my computer screen, a bottle of lotion and a box of tissues ready, I reached back down my spine to press the magic button.
Except there was no magic.
God damn her.
My power… It’s gone.
I totally lost the ability. Mom did something. Of course she did something. She probably knew more about this whole weak-point business than me. I’m facing a kung-fu master here.
But there was nothing I could do.
Without the power, I managed to keep Serena interested for another week at most. After that she started avoiding me, saying that she had to study or that she was sore.
Well to be fair, we had been fucking regularly for weeks. It’s about time her pussy starts waving the white flag.
As for me, it was back to being an ordinary teenager. Sigh.