Minah - The hot MILF

    Chapter #51

    Me : I think rubbing isn’t good enough sayang… Needs brushing too 

    Minah : WHAT?!


    I could feel Minah tense up a little, probably thinking I’ve gone mad.

    Me : Relax baby… I won’t hurt you… promise…

    She just nodded again and closed her eyes while I moved my right hand back to her tummy area. Slowly brushing up and down her left thigh with giving her the assurance, nothing too “drastic”. Minah’s body felt less tense now as I can feel her back resting more into me, I brushed my way up her thigh and then down towards her left groin. Minah gasped… Unsure of how she’s feeling, I continue to brush along the left groin like how you would brush your front teeth.

    Feeling her breathing lighten and more relaxed, I passed the toothbrush to my right hand and repeat the action on her right groin area. Minah moved her head into my neck again, signaling she is definitely more trusting, relaxed and enjoying it now. Passing the toothbrush back to my left hand (hey, I’m a left hander), I now brushed my way down along her vagina slit. Brushing my way up, Minah let out a soft “ahh…”… Hmm… She’s definitely liking it.

    Moved my right hand down, opening up her pussy with my right index and ring finger, while feeling for her clit with my middle finger. Found it! Placing the brush and pressed lightly at the side of her clit, the “brushing” continues from a slight up and down manner, slowly circling her clit, and I was rewarded by light and soft moans. Up my antics, I moved the toothbrush onto her clit now, pressing it lightly and moving in a small circular motion.

    “Ah, sayang…” Minah let out softly… She’s definitely in the mood now… good! Moving the brush down from her clit and along her slit, down towards her hole, brushing her hole few times, moving further down towards her ass. “mmm…” Brushed her ass few times, and back up and circling her hole. All this while the toothbrush never left her body, allowing her to enjoying fully the touch of it.

    Minah’s right hand went to her back and reached down for my cock, holding him and stroking him ever so gently. Feeling her hole with my right middle finger, hmm… wet enough… With the brush facing up, I slowly insert it into her pussy, at which I received a soft yet horny gasp. Brushing my way slowly into her, starting from the top, rotating it to the side and brush and then down and brush again. Minah’s moan and stroke increased intensively and so did my vagina brushing. “ahh.. yes sayang… ahh… sedap… ahh..” This went on for few minutes. Minah’s body starts to gyrate along with my movement… From slow sexy tandem with my in and out, slowly going faster with me following suit… Even faster “hmm… sayang… hmm… ahh.. hmm..” sensing she’s about to cum, brushing intensified with my other middle finger going for her clit, rubbing and brushing her at the same time… “HNGH.. HNGH… HNGH… AHH… UM.. AHH!” Minah’s body tensed, and I pressed my finger harder on her clit!

    “HHHHNNNGGGGHHHH………..” She came.. Body going into waves after waves of spasm for a good 15-20 seconds (KNN! Tio Fits ah?!) Honestly, I never knew till that day that a woman can go into spasm for so long when they cum. Usually its just a few seconds, that’s it.

    Giving me a satisfied smile again, Minah grabbed the toothbrush from me, “My turn sayang”

    My cock is rock hard again by now from the foreplay. Still holding my cock with one hand, she starts to brush my groin area, then down around the base of my balls (damn! This girl knows her way around a guy’s body!) Back to the centre, down to my ass, brush it a little and then back up to my balls, up along the base of my cock reaching the tip, then around the hood. The initial stage was good sending waves of tingling sensation up my spine especially when she was brushing my ass, however, when she did the hood roundabout, I felt very uncomfortable and awkward. No matter how I try to suppress the feeling, the discomfort caused 2IC to shrink.

    Minah : You tak suka?

    Me : I tried but feel very uncomfortable…

    Minah : I won’t brush there then

    Me : Nah… It’s ok.. Let’s wash up

    Minah : Ok

    We both climbed out of the tub and headed for the shower. Nothing much happened… We helped soaped and wash off each other, with the occasional caressing and short and light Frenching. Naturally, 2IC showed some reaction and was hoisted up again after Minah applied soap and stroked him while washing soap off him.

    After drying ourselves up, just when Minah was about to wrap herself up with the towel, I stopped and hugged her.

    Me : Don’t.. I got a present for you…

    Minah (smiling cheerily) : Really???

    Me : Yes, baby… Its on the bed waiting for you

    She quickly hopped her way out towards the bedroom..

    Minah (laughing loudly) : OH MY GOD Sayang… You are unbelievable!

    Post #72
    Chapter #52

    sidenote and tip : for bros not done toothbrush before, pls remember to choose the soft brush ones… lol! Lastly, again, I dunno why I did it, but I did it! lol

    Post #73
    Chapter #53


    Originally Posted by


    sidenote and tip : for bros not done toothbrush before, pls remember to choose the soft brush ones… lol!


    Steam update bro…

    Post #74
    Chapter #54


    Originally Posted by



    Steam update bro…

    hmm… i sense a fresh update of u and someone or u with someone? hehehe

    Post #75
    Chapter #55


    Originally Posted by


    My god, TS.

    You are hardcore

    Again was spur of moment that day my dear… Good thing I didn’t see any toilet brush or pump, or else the state I was that day, I might have just tried it too! haha

    Post #78
    Chapter #56


    Originally Posted by


    Good stuff!!!

    Thx bro… Next update coming soon… finally got some time

    Post #80
    Chapter #57

    She quickly hopped her way out towards the bedroom..

    Minah (laughing loudly) : OH MY GOD Sayang… You are unbelievable!


    Walking out towards the bedroom stark naked, Minah still couldn’t stop laughing at what I got her.

    Me : You like it? Hehe

    Minah (still giggling uncontrollably) : hehe… yes yes… very nice… but.. I’ve never worn it before…

    Me : That’s the whole idea, isn’t it?

    Minah : sure… sure…

    Me : I’ll wait for you outside while you get changed (giving her a wink)

    Minah : hahahahaha… alright…

    Slided the door behind me giving her some private time, I went to grab myself another beer before going for my phone. There were whatsapp from my staffs updating me about work and also from FT.


    FT : Got luck or wanking? Hehe

    Me : Got luck

    FT : Nice… Good?

    Me : Hmm… You have no idea what you missed out :P

    FT : Really?

    Just then, I heard the door slide open…

    Minah (in a very very sexy tone) : Hello, baby…

    Turned my head towards the bedroom direction, the sight made me drool and almost an instant hard-on. What stood before me was almost any guy who’s had fetish for brown sugar + MILF + body stockings dream come true. To me, that was a triple combo!

    Couldn’t find the exact sample online so :

    This is the design I bought her (minus the panty) :

    This is the colour :

    And the best part… Minah stood exactly in the same position as the black colour sample photo, with her hands perched against the sliding door, but instead of palm placed to the back of her head, she had it infront and biting her index finger!

    (Whatsapp reply to FT)

    Me : Yes! And going get busy again… bye!

    Took 1 last sip of beer, placed my phone on the living room table, I got up and started walking towards her direction

    Me : Hello there too, sexy… img!


    Post #81