The story of my love life, my sex life.

    Chapter #11


    Originally Posted by



    your first post reminded me of me back in secondary school, except i was in boy school and my crush was in convent. But nothing ever happened though, sadly. My sexventures only started in my 20s

    nice one, keep it up please!

    Hey. Hahaha. Yeah well.. The story would be pretty unpredictable, sad and heartbreaking at some point, but I don’t wanna spoil it for u guys. Will be back maybe later in the afternoon to update this page.

    Thanks for the up btw.

    Post #15
    Chapter #12

    Monday morning.

    Habitually I’m a lazy sleeper. I hate waking up early. But today is different. Today is gonna be very different.

    I woke up at 8am. Took a shower, donned myself in a white, satin-velvetish buttoned short-sleeve shirt and jeans.

    Not too much on the cologne, M.

    Hugo’s Boss In Motion. Slight woodish, musky smell. Hope Liz don’t find this too overpowering. Took a cab to Liz’s place at 9.30am.

    M: “Hey, I’m in front of your house.”

    Liz: “Just a sec. Why don’t you come in first? I’ll get my sister to open the gate for you.”

    M: “Alrite.”

    Liz’s sister is 6 years older than us. A bit on the plump side. She had a boyfriend at 18, an Indian dancing instructor that she met from her dance class. Liz’s parents were against it, and at 19 she ran away from home to live with that guy. He left her about 2 months later, and she came back crying to her parents. Good thing they were forgiving. Never dated anyone ever since.

    M: “Hey there Kylie. Morning.”

    Kylie: “Good morning! Good to see you.. Wah… Wear so handsome wanna go where ah?


    M: “Aiya.. You know I know la.. Hehe..”

    Kylie: “Come in la. Take a seat.”

    I sat there watching TV before I was greeted by a familiar voice.

    Granny: “Eh M, come already ah.. You waiting Liz ah?”

    M: “Hi ahpo.. Good morning.. Ya waiting for her..”

    Granny: “Eh I make you milo lah.. I think you have to wait very long lah, that young lady just showered.”

    M: “Haha.. No need mafan la..”

    Granny: “Need la need la..”

    Liz’s grandma is a very warm person. She made me feel at home everytime I visit. I’ve been to Liz’s house a couple of times before during Chinese New Year open house and her birthday party. I guess I left quite an impression on her grandma as albeit having Alzheimer’s, she still remembers me till today. As I was deep in my thoughts thinking bout Liz, a cup of hot Milo was served on the coffee table in front of me.

    M: “Thanks ah po..”

    Granny: “Liz!! Are you ready yet? M’s been waiting!”

    Liz: “Coming! Just a while more!”

    I took a few sips, placed the cup down and leaned back. As I was about to close my eyes, I heard the sound of Liz’s room door unlocking. As she came down the stairs, I was mesmerized.

    She was wearing an orange blouse with a blue-ish maxi skirt.

    I never knew you could look this gorgeous, Liz.

    Her fashion taste is a bit different compared to other girls of the same age group, and that’s a good thing. Because I liked it. She stood in front of me and blushed.

    Liz: “Why are you looking at me like that?”

    M: “….”

    Liz: “M?”

    M: “Sorry. I got carried away.”

    Liz: “Everything okay?”

    M: “No. Not okay.”

    Liz: “Huh? Is something wrong with my clothes?”

    M: “Nope. I just never thought you’d look THIS nice.”

    Kylie: “Wuah, kids nowadays mouth damn sweet ah..”

    M: “What? Isn’t she a beauty? She IS pretty!”

    Liz: “Yii… Stop it lah. Pai seh leh…”

    Kylie: “Someone’s blushing.. Hahaha..”

    M: “Shall we go?”

    Liz: “Let’s go!”

    I finished the Milo and thanked Kylie & Liz’s grandma before leaving.

    (to be continued)

    Post #16
    Chapter #13

    While walking to the LRT station, I couldn’t help but to ogle at the living perfection beside me. (If you guys saw her, you’d say perfection is overrated, really. But then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So she is somewhat perfect to me.) She wasn’t wearing her glasses, so that’s something different to me. Hmm. I’d prefer her with glasses on, tho. Nerdy-looking girls are my kryptonite. I deliberately slowed down my pace so that I can get behind her and observe her more. The morning breeze blew in my direction, and I got a whiff of her perfume. Very, very light, yet soft, fluffy & feminine. Hmm… Jasmine. Yes. She smelled like jasmine.

    She sat beside me while we were waiting for the train. I stared at her, admiring her for as long as I could. Who knows this might be the one and only date that I’m going to get with her? I didn’t wanna lose this chance. It’s funny I never once thought of her in a sexual way that day. Her blouse were perfectly sized for her, her ankle-length maxi skirt revealing her curves. She looked very mature in them. Heads turned wherever we go.

    Liz: “M?”

    M: “Yes?”

    Liz: “What are you thinking? You look so lost in your thoughts.”

    M: “I was just thinking bout you.”

    Liz: “Me? What about me?”

    M: “Nothing.”

    I smiled at her. She looked confused, blushing at the same time.

    We went window shopping at Times Square. I got her to try a number of outfits, mostly dresses. And she looked stunning in every each of them. I’m smitten by this lady. Until today, my knees would go weak everytime I see her. Is this what being in love feels like?

    I would give you the world, Liz..

    Got the tickets, 2:45PM show for The Chronicles of Narnia. She suggested that we go for the twin seats.

    Please, Liz.. Don’t give me blind hopes.. You know I really liked you..

    As it was still early, we went for a light lunch before hanging out at Starbucks in Borders while waiting for the showtime. She has never been to Starbucks before that.

    M: “Any drinks for you milady?”

    Liz: “Hahahaha… You sound so funny.. Stop trying to speak with British accent lah. You fail, ok?”

    M: “Cheh. How about some Chinese apek accent then?

    Leng lui aaa… Apa mau minum? Apek belanjah.

    (Pretty girl, what drinks would you like? Uncle’s treat.)

    Liz: *giggles* “I don’t know leh.. I never come to this kind of place before wor..”

    M: “You mean you’ve never been to Starbucks?”

    Liz: “No wor.. Aiya I very rarely come out de lah.”

    M: “Can see. 24/7 in front of books, that’s why so smart rite?”

    Liz: “Hehehe.. Eh what is Java Chip Frappucino like?”

    M: “Oh? That’s my personal favourite. Ice blended mocha with chocolate chip. Want try?”

    Liz: “Then I guess you’ll be ordering that? Don’t want lah.. Order two same drinks meh? Maybe just ice lemon tea for me. I’ll steal some of yours later.”

    M: “Or we can just share one large Java Chip. I doubt you can finish it on your own either.”

    Liz: “Hmm… Ok!”

    We sat down, with the Java Chip Frap in front of us. Our eyes came into contact quite often, and each time when she thought we ‘accidentally’ locked gazes, she’ll look away giggling.

    M: “Liz.. mind if I ask you something?”

    Liz: “Ya?”

    M: “Hmm.. What do you think about me?”

    Liz: “You ah? Hmm..

    M: “Hmm?”

    Liz: “You’re actually quite nice lah.. Although in school you’re quite anti-social, but you’re sweet and caring as I know it.”

    M: “Mmhmm.. How do you feel about me?”

    Liz: “I just told you…”

    M: “No, Liz.. How do you feel?”

    She paused for a moment.

    Liz: “I… I don’t know..”

    I looked straight into her eyes and smiled. I really don’t care anymore whether or not she likes me. I appreciate this moment as it is, and I don’t wanna think about anything else. I don’t wanna be too greedy, or too pushy. I took her hand and gently kissed it. Her hand was cold, and she looked as if she’s awkward of the situation. As she got lost in what happened just a short bit ago, I called her name.

    M: “Liz?”

    Liz: *staring at me blankly*

    M: “Liz you alrite?”

    Liz: “Yeah?”

    M: “It’s about time to enter the cinema. Shall we?”

    Liz: “Oh, oh! Sorry!”

    We walked to the entrance of the cinema, she still looked as if she’s entranced. It got me worrying, of course.

    What if I asked her the wrong question? Was it a wrong move for me to kiss her hand just now?

    (to be continued)

    Post #17
    Chapter #14


    Originally Posted by


    Good story bro, just upped u

    Thanks for the rep! Will return the favour when I can

    Post #20
    Chapter #15

    I never paid attention to the movie, and neither did she. How do I know this? Because ’till this day the both of us did not know what the movie was about.

    In the cinema, my mind was wandering, never really paying any attention to the movie.

    Why am I so worried about the outcome of what I did or said? Didn’t I just told myself that no matter what, just appreciate the chance that she gave me? Don’t be greedy, M. Don’t be greedy.

    I took a peep at her. She was just staring at the screen. She’s definitely in a deep thought. After about 10 minutes, she let out a big sigh and rested her head on my shoulder. Seeing her in that position, my fingers crawled.. I went closer, and closer.. My hand touched hers.

    Perhaps she want it just as bad as I do..

    I crossed my fingers against hers.. Cold, soft and smooth. Suddenly, she shook off my hand. I thought that was the biggest mistake I did on that day. I was already bracing myself for that inevitable question from her; "

    What are you doing?


    But she didn’t. Without lifting her head off my shoulder, she slid her left hand under and held my hand while hugging my right arm.

    How I wish we will just stay here forever.. Stay with me, Liz.. Please stay.. I’m selfish.. I want you all to myself..

    That’s the first time I held a girl’s hand. Liz’s hand.

    I gave her a light kiss on her forehead. She looked up at me, her eyes glowed with the tint of love.. She leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I laid back and closed my eyes as I held firmly onto her hand. [As I typed this, Jay Chou’s 最長的電影 came to mind. Played it, helped relive the memories from that day. Honestly, I don’t mind giving up everything in my life right now just to go back to that very day.]

    Narnia was 2 & 1/2 hour long, but it felt way too brief. The movie ended at 6. We were quiet when we came out from the cinema, holding hands.

    I’ll never let you go..

    As we walked out to the centre court, the light from the setting sun shone on her face. We walked towards the railing, overlooking the crowd below. I slipped my hands around her waist, hugging her from behind.

    Liz: “M…”

    M: “Hmm…?”

    Liz: “I’ve never felt this way before…”

    M: “Shhh.. I wanna feel you in my arms..”

    Liz: “I… think I like you..”

    M: *smiling* “I know..”

    (to be continued)

    Post #21
    Chapter #16


    Originally Posted by


    Upzz. Very very nice story. Very very great write-up. Sorry you are/were lonely??

    Thanks for the up. Me no enough power to up u that many points. Haha.

    Now? Hmm… wouldn’t say I’m lonely, but I’m emotionally lost. No one to confide my feelings to..

    Post #24
    Chapter #17


    Originally Posted by


    bro LonelyMalaysian, veri nice story

    Thanks bro Alan.


    Originally Posted by


    Camping in for more…

    More coming up.


    Originally Posted by


    nice post.. please cont.

    maybe TS wanna introduce your current situation?

    Current situation? Let’s just say I’m probably at the lowest point of my love life right now. Certainly not happy about it, which is why I decided to share. Tell you any more than that will spoil your experience of my story la..

    Post #28
    Chapter #18

    It’s funny how sometimes when you look back, you realise that the greatest regrets in life were, at that point, the ones that you think you will regret if you don’t do it. Life has its own ways of fucking you up.

    M: “Your hair smells so good, Liz..”

    Liz: “Really? It’s just the shampoo lah..”

    She turned around and hugged me, resting her head on my chest.

    M: “Shall we go for a walk a while more before going home?”

    Liz: “Don’t want..”

    M: “Hmm…? Why?”

    Liz: “…I wanna hug you a little while more. Can ma?”

    M: “Sure thing..”

    I didn’t know why, but I never did felt the kind of happiness that a guy would have felt when he successfully woo-ed a chick, bonked her, etc.. Rather, it’s much more of a sense of completion. It felt serene. It felt as if it doesn’t matter if the world is going to end soon. Many would say that at that age, love is but a game that you will never win, but I truly felt that I’ve found my other half. Suddenly, I came up with an idea. An idea that might help bond us together better.

    M: “Liz, what do you say if we go on a holiday?”

    Liz: “Huh? Like what kind of holiday?”

    M: “I don’t know.. Maybe to some beach or highlands before the holidays are over..?”

    Liz: “Hmm.. I not sure leh.. Scared parents won’t let wor.. Just the both of us ah?”

    M: “Nah, was thinking maybe we can get our school friends to go also. Split cost mah.. Hehehe..”

    Actually I wasn’t too bothered about the cost. My allowance for a week would’ve easily covered the entire trip for a couple of days. (Yeah, I was pretty spoiled back then. My family was better-off at that time, and my monthly allowance.. Let’s just say that they’re way more than a fresh grad’s salary today. You get the idea.) I really just wanted to show her a good time, romance her up a bit. I haven’t asked her to be my gf tho, so I thought this could be a good chance.

    Liz looked at me tilting her head to the side, puzzled. Gosh, she’s so beautiful.

    M: “So?”

    Liz: “Well.. I guess I could try asking my parents.. But on one condition.”

    M: “What is it?”

    Liz: “Sharmala must follow..”

    Her best friend that she knew since kindergarten. They were basically inseparable during school days, as they are always together and their parents know each other well. (P.S: I had a threesome romp with Sharmala (we’ll call her Sham) and another girl too later on in the story, so stay tuned.

    ) I thought why not, if we’re gonna ask our school friends come along, there should be a few girls in the group.

    M: “Yeah, why not? The more the merrier!”

    Liz: “Really? Yay!”

    I definitely haven’t seen this childish side of her yet, but it sure is darn cute.

    M: “Yeah… I’ll ask the guys. You go ahead and ask Sham.”

    Liz: “Ok..”

    We went home after window shopping for a while more. Long story short, I managed to get Sebastian (Seb), Jason & Zack to join. John couldn’t follow me as he had to help out at his dad’s restaurant, but boy was he happy to hear what happened between me & her. Liz managed to get Sham, and it was arranged to be on the following Friday. (I will introduce these people to you guys again complete with some details when we get to that chapter to prevent confusion). The place that we’ve decided was one of the many famous highland resorts in Malaysia.

    So then there’s that. For now, there’s the chapter with Yuri in between, after the date with Liz.

    (to be continued)

    Post #29
    Chapter #19

    Yuri texted me 2 days later. True, the sex was all good and I had a great time when we fucked the other day but I had almost completely forgotten about her. It’s all Liz, Liz, & Liz in my head. If there’s a imaginary circus in my head, Liz is the ringmaster. If there’s a movie, she’d be the lead actress. If there’s a wedding, she’ll be the bride. If there’s a future between us, she’ll be my only lady.

    Yuri: “Morning!”

    M: “Yea.. Morning.. what?”

    Yuri: “Need to be so cool with your reply or not… Fucked me then forget already ah? :P”

    M: “Nope.. You didn’t say anything when I left that day, thought you’re done with me.”

    Walan.. Early morning sexting me already. Morning wood came, now won’t leave after red carpet is rolled in front of it.

    Yuri: “…anyway.. Doing anything today?”

    M: “No.. Why?”

    Yuri: “Want go watch movie ma?”

    M: “I just watched movie 2 days ago leh.. Wan meh..”

    Yuri: “..oh.. With that girl?”

    M: “You say leh?”

    Yuri: “…I see.. okay..”

    M: “Someone sounded jealous.”

    Yuri: “Let’s just go somewhere today.”

    M: “Hmm.. Where you wanna go?”

    Yuri: “I’ll meet you at Bukit Bintang?”

    M: “Haih.. What time?”

    Yuri: “Walao, why sound like I’m forcing you leh? I’ll be leaving home soon. Need to meet my friend there. Maybe around 1?”

    M: “Hmm.. Ok lah ok lah.”

    Yuri: “I’ll make it worth your time


    Sibeh stim read her last SMS. It was already 11.30, so I got up and showered. Jerked off in the shower while thinking bout the last fuck we had. Damn, she got my hormones pumping. I made my way to Sungei Wang at 12.30, and loitered there while waiting for her.

    M: “Where are you?”

    Yuri: “BB Plaza. You?”

    M: “Sungei Wang. Faster la.. Here very sien leh.. Lala place not suit me lah..”

    Yuri: “Kk wait wait. Meet you at the entrance.”

    10 minutes later I saw her. She was wearing an oversized T-shirt and a very short, very tight pants. Even with her washboard flat screen plasma TV ass, the pants did well in hugging them, giving at least some shape. My little stallion is already jumping around furiously in my pants, ready for some action.

    Yuri: “So? Where you wanna go?”

    M: “Kanneh you the one ask me come out in the first place, now you ask me where I wanna go?”

    Yuri: “Lol, I bored stay at home ma.. Suggest a place la..”

    M: “How bout fucking?”

    I never actually meant what I said, really.

    Yuri: “Ok.


    M: “Ok what?”

    Yuri: “Let’s fuck!”

    M: “Here? Broad daylight in the public? You siao ah?”

    She smiled and took my hand. I had some reservations about her touching my hand at that time, because the one and only girl that I wish would hold my hand is Liz. She led me to a hotel across BB Plaza. I think to those that frequent FLs in this area would know which hotel is it.

    What the fuck is in this lady’s mind?

    We went in and went straight for the lift. As the door closed, she turned around and frenched me, grabbing my manhood. I was already rock solid before the lift reach 3rd floor.

    Ah, so she had already planned this ahead. No wonder say wanna meet her ‘friend’ earlier. Sneaky little bitch. She took out a room key and unlocked the door.

    M: “Ooo.. so you already planned early early la…”

    Yuri: “Hehe.. Sorry.. Horny as fuck now.”

    She was really hungry for my cock. I can see her desperation as she pushed me in and closed the door, then proceeded to take off her T-shirt before unbuckling my pants.

    Forgive me, Liz. Sex is my newfound joy, and I couldn’t help but to succumb to the allure of explosive orgasms from fucking the wits out of this chick.

    M: “Hey.. take it easy..”

    She removed my jeans then looked up at me. She pushed me down on the bed and pulled off my briefs. My cock sprang out, giving her a little cockslap on her chin. Wasting no time, she started sucking it sloppily. She slowly moved towards my balls and licked them. Her small hands made my cock looked huge, as she gave me a handjob.

    M: “Yuri.. Take off your pants..”

    She stood up and hurriedly unhooked her pants zipper.

    M: “No no.. Take them off slowly..”

    Yuri understood my intentions well. I wanted to see her strip. Like a stripper. Being a party girl, she knows her moves well. With her hips swaying from left to right, she slowly lowered her pants to reveal a lacy red panty, matching her bra. Lil’ M is pulsating as she did this. I stood up, took off my shirt and carried her onto the bed. Now is the time for me to feast. I got on top of her and we frenched shortly before I start to kiss her on her neck. I slowly got down to her breasts. Covered by her semi cupped bra, I kissed lightly on them while my hands were pinching and tugging on her nipples. She purred like a cat in heat, wanting more.

    Slowly making my way down to her navel, I can already smell her pussy from there. Smells wet. The smell of sex. I wanted to taste her. This is my chance to finally eat her out. I pulled her panty off and, walla, a cleanly shaven golden triangle.

    (to be continued)

    Post #30
    Chapter #20

    As during our first encounter I didn’t really had the chance to finger fuck and lick her, the curiosity built-up from then really got me eager to know what she tastes like. I slowly inserted one finger into her. Feeling the texture of her vagina wall. Bumpy. Wet. Warm. Extending my tongue out, I was breathing heavily while licking her clit. I was savouring the taste of her juice while smearing it all over her pussy and inner thighs.

    Mmm.. Tastes familiar. Tastes like something I’ve ate before. Tastes like… Caviar. Yup. Definitely caviar.

    At first I wasn’t really too sure how to lick her, but as I played around with my tongue I got into random tongue flicks on her clit that got her moaning. Nice.

    Yuri: “Ahh… Fuck, M, don’t stop..”

    M: “Oh.. Look who’s begging me not to stop now.. I thought you said I’m no good with these things?”

    Yuri: “Okok.. Now just lick it already.”

    I got back down and buried my face in her pussy for another 5 mins or so. At some point she suddenly clamped my head with her legs as she came trembling, and the gush of squirt came shooting directly into my right eye. I remembered it so well because it hurts like hell. It was two to three squirts, all directly aimed at my right eye and I couldn’t move away as her legs were locking me.

    M: “Fuck!!”

    Yuri: “OH GOD! OH GOD! MMPH!!”

    M: “Yuri let go of me!”


    M: “Let go of me!! You came straight into my eye!”

    Yuri: *as she let go of my head and jumped up* “Oh my god M are you alrite??”

    M: “Pain. I can’t open my eyes”

    The feeling was akin to a burning sensation in your eyes, the kind that happens when someone is frying dried chillies in a poorly ventilated area.

    Yuri: “I’m sorry!! I’m so so sorry!!”

    M: “I need to go wash up a bit..”

    Yuri: “…sorry…”

    Washing up did not help. Although it did cleared my eye from the juice, the irritation was there and gave me red eye the entire day. Honestly, at this point I lost my erection and lost all feel to fuck her. It just kinda spoiled my mood.

    Yuri: “You alrite?”

    M: “Yea I’m fine. Eye damn itchy tho.”

    Yuri: “…sorry..”

    M: “It’s alrite.. It’s not your fault.. Song ma?” *smiles at her*

    Yuri: “Song.. Damn long never come like that liao.. Hehehe..”

    M: “Very long meh? Baru few days ago we fucked. You sibeh horny har?”

    Yuri: “Ermm… different feel ma..”

    M: “You happy then can d la.. My eye sibeh itchy now. I wan close eyes sleep a while leh.”

    Yuri: “Hah? Sleep? But we haven’t do…”

    M: “Haven’t do what?”

    Yuri: “We haven’t even fuck lah.”

    M: “Hahaha.. I no mood liao leh.. Can’t even enjoy the view of your body while fucking you now. Eye keep wanting to close.”

    Yuri: “No! I must make you cum!”

    M: “Need meh.. No need la.. Later you




    can liao.”

    Yuri: “Then I make you cum and





    M: “Wah what the fuck I ask you




    you wanna feed me with my cum ah? Woman you crazy? I don’t wanna taste my own cum leh.”

    Yuri: *burst out laughing* “HAHAHAHAHA!! I mean I


    you eat lunch later lah!! And what? Cum really doesn’t taste that bad what. Hehehe..”

    M: “Yuck. I don’t want. You taste first then you let me know what my cum tastes like.”

    Yuri: “I have an idea.. Since you made jie jie so happy.. Why not I make you happy in return now?”

    M: “Huh? How?”

    Yuri: “Just lie down on the bed and let me fully service you lah..”

    And when she said ‘fully service’, she really meant it. I laid down on the bed, eyes closed. She started off with a massage, which was really nice and almost put me to sleep before waking me up with a hard squeeze in the balls, getting me up to turn around. She gave me a catbath, licking my nipples and chest before going down and playing with my junk. While licking my balls she went further south and started licking my shithole.

    M: “You not scared dirty ah?”

    Yuri: “Scared what? You also lick me just now.”

    M : “I lick pussy ma.. you lick butthole leh.”

    Yuri: “Aiya later only brush teeth la. Besides, your butthole quite clean compared to my ex. Hahahaha!”

    M: “Then no scared I fart in your face? HAHAHAHAHA!”

    Yuri: “You dare fart I bite your balls and rip it off!”

    M: “Wah okok you don’t siao!”

    Yuri: “Enough la. I wanna fuck. Wet like siao liao.. See your cock cannot resist.”

    My manhood, although not particularly long, is thick and very veiny. As my bodyfat percentage drop over the years of gym and dieting, more veins showed. Currently, there are 2 main veins that I can see from top, branching into 4 or 5 smaller veins which branches more that wraps across my shaft, and another 1 main vein below. As you can see, I’m pretty proud of my vein-riddled cock..

    I later found out from many girls that they actually find my veiny cock a turn-off at first, but when it’s inside them it stimulates them a lot, especially when done raw. Speaking of doing it raw..

    M: “Crap, I didn’t bring condom leh. How to fuck?”

    Yuri: “Ha? Why no bring.. I thought you super prepared last time?”

    M: “You think I would’ve expected you so siao rent a room just so that we can fuck ah?”

    Yuri: “Hahahaha.. Then you just fuck me without condom la…” *bites her lip*

    M: “You siao.. No scared pregnant?”

    Yuri: “Just tell me when you’re about to shoot..”

    Before I could say anything, she climbed on top of me, her legs spread wide. Slowly, she lowered her pussy over my cock and I felt it going in. It hurts at first as the skin rolled down the tip of my cock, pulling down. As it went fully inside her, her wet pussy lubricated it and it began to feel good. Much better than our first few times of fucking with a condom on. The wetness and friction felt surreal, and her contractions around my shaft as she goes up and down allowed me to feel the bumps in her vagina wall that I felt with my finger earlier.

    M: “Fuck..”

    Yuri: “What?” *riding me slowly*

    M: “Your pussy.. It’s awesome.”

    Yuri: “You’re the first in it.. without condom.”

    Holy hell I almost cum when she said that with a dash of sexy tone. I had to take my mind off her as she’s riding me. I thought of John, at his dad’s restaurant, probably chopping up some sausages for the usual fried rice. Then I imagined him chopping my sausage. Fuck, I almost went limp thinking bout it. She rode me for another 10 minutes before stopping suddenly, slumping on top of me, quivering & twitching. I could feel her juice flowing down my cock onto my balls, cold.

    M: “Tired already?”

    Yuri: “W-wait… I just came..”

    M: “So unfair right… You came so many times today and I haven’t even feel anything.”

    Yuri: “J-just w-wait.. I still wanna make you come..”

    Me, obviously can’t hold it any longer, flipped her around and started pumping into her missionary. Her slow rides wouldn’t be able to get me anywhere close to coming as long as I kept thinking about John chopping my sausage, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I fucked her fast and hard, and within the next 1 minute or so I felt my load at the end of my tip. I pulled out and concentrated all my energy at my cock, blowing my load all over her face and pillow.

    M: “Oh fuck.. Oh fuck..”

    Yuri: “You revenge har? Just now I shoot in your eyes now you shoot in my face?”

    M: “Got problem ma?”

    Yuri: “No wor. Hehehehe..”

    She swept up all the cum from her face and pillow and licked them off her hand.

    M: “Yerr…”

    Yuri: “What? wanna taste some?” *rubs one of her finger with my cum on it on my face*

    M: “Yer stay away from me!”

    Yuri: “You taste not bad ma.. Salty salty de. I like salty things. You eat a lot of meat har?”

    M: “I don’t wanna know. Yuck.”

    Yuri: “Hahahahaha!”

    She took off her bra and went into the bathroom for a shower, while I lay there in bed, my cock still throbbing from that raw fuck I just had earlier.

    Should I text Liz..? I really wanna talk to her, but I feel guilty now after all that I’ve done..

    (to be continued)

    Post #31