- A UK study found that most men prefer women with some curves to super-skinny waifs
- A poll found that in the United States, those who consume the most online pornography live in the most conservative and religious states
- One study carried out on newlyweds found that couples’ negative feelings about their sex life had more of an impact on their marital satisfaction than concerns about non-sexual issues did.
- Athletic women say their sexual performance is better…
- …And maybe that’s because female pro-athletes have both better clitoral blood flow and sexual satisfaction than women who don’t exercise.
- Furthermore one study found that just 20 minutes of exercise before going at it will improve your sexual response.
- Take time to really figure out your feelings - it could help you in the bedroom. Women with higher emotional intelligence experience more orgasms
- Almost 53% of women have used a vibrator. If you haven’t tried it, start with a small one that won’t overwhelm you.
- A study of US college students found that over a two-year period, both men and women had twice as many one night stands as first dates.
- Worldwide, 30% of men are circumcised.
- The average number of sexual partners for heterosexual men is seven; for heterosexual women, it’s four.
- A woman has a better shot at climaxing during sex if the walls of her vaginal canal are stimulated. A study found that penis length doesn’t help accomplish this - girth does. Make him feel girthier by keeping your legs together during sex. It creates more friction.
- Still, that doesn’t stop men from seeking out enhancements. A handful of new gadgets on the market claim to help men add length and possibly girth to their penis.
- If that doesn’t work, he can try dropping a few pounds. For every 35 pounds an overweight man loses, his penis appears to grow 1 inch.
- Scientists believe that some women have a more active G-spot than others. Trying various positions, like leaning back while you’re on top, may help him stimulate it if yours isn’t as active
- Having sex once a week can improve your immune function by 30 per cent
- A foetus responds to its mum getting it on: it can sense blood-pressure and heart-rate changes, and it feels non-sexual excitement.
- One study found that women get physically aroused by a much wider variety of erotic imagery than men do.
- Researchers are testing Viagra on women with sexual dysfunction - 72% of those taking it noticed improvement in their sexual response.
- A 2010 study found that the better a woman’s genital self-image, the easier it is for her to orgasm.
- When a woman’s voice is modulated and energetic, with highs and lows, it can increase a man’s heart rate and boost testosterone in his blood.
- It was discovered that wearing 2-inch heels may improve the strength of the pelvic muscles, which in turn helps you orgasm.
- Make Sunday a cleaning day and you might see your sex life spike. A paper found that couples who do more housework have more sex.
- A study found that 84% of women have had sex just to ‘keep the peace’ with their partner.
- For five minutes per day, tense and relax your PC muscles (the ones that hold in pee). It may give you better orgasms.
- In a survey of multi-millionaires, 70% felt that money gave them better sex
- Women who masturbate regularly are more likely to experience orgasm during intercourse.
- Lie on top of him for a bit while you’re both naked. Skin-on-skin contact floods the body with oxytocin, a hormone that makes you feel close.
- One in four women over 35 says she never has sex.
- Some lucky women can orgasm from breast stimulation alone. Find out if you can do it by asking him to spend extra time there.
- A man’s body odour turns a woman on. So jump him before he hits the shower after the gym.
- A global Durex survey found that Austrians engage in oral sex more than people in any other country.
- Women are 10 times more sensitive to touch than men are. So before the action really gets going, ask him to run his fingers over your entire body.
- Men might think that women want them to go all night, but it turns out that women want intercourse to be about four minutes shorter than men do.
- Two-thirds of US college students have been involved in a friends-with-benefits situation.
- Your morning coffee may be an aphrodisiac: One study found that caffeine made rats hornier.
- A study found that women experience more pleasure with men who make more money.
- Thirty-six percent of people under 35 go on Facebook or Twitter or send texts after sex.
- The “sexual pursuit” part of a man’s brain is two-and-a-half times bigger than women’s.
- Married women get it on more often than unmarried women do.
- Experts have discovered a new pleasure centre: the anterior fornix, known as the A-spot, located on the upper wall of the vagina, near the cervix. When stimulated it increases lubrication. The moves that arouse your G-spot will hit this area too.
- An Archives of Sexual Behaviour study found that after looking at sexy images, most women showed physical signs of arousal but didn’t feel that sexy.
- That glazed look a man gets when he sees breasts? His visual brain circuits are on the lookout for signs of fertility.
- The best orgasms are the ones where all your senses are engaged. But researchers found that when you’re lying down, some senses are reduced. Try climbing on top.
- Thirty minutes of sex burns, on average, 85 or more calories.
- Turns out that animals are into oral sex too. A video recently turned up in China of female fruit bats giving their mates fellatio.
- In a study conducted with British and Namibian subjects, researchers found that although each group could identify sounds of anger or fear in the other group, neither recognised the others’ moans of delight as sounds of pleasure.
- When women orgasm, the areas of the brain associated with fear shut off.
- The more genetically diverse a woman is, the greater her number of partners. Potential mates are attracted to those who are dissimilar, so the more variation in her DNA, the more appealing she is.
- Eighty-two percent of people who say they are sexually satisfied also report feeling respected by their partner during sex.
- Experts say that regular sex can help alleviate migraines.
- Giving him a massage may get you excited. Fingertips and pads are the most sensitive parts of your skin
- Women with greater finger sensitivity had more sex with their partner.
- One in every four Americans is “too tired” to have sex
- Fifty-six percent of men say they wish their penis was bigger. Boost his ego when you’re down south by saying “I can’t take all of you in.”
- Exploring your spirituality, whether it’s by reading a spiritual book or learning to meditate, could improve your sex life.
- Thirty-one percent of men report having trouble getting an erection..
The average human loses 26 calories when kissing for a minute. Furthermore, vigorous sex for half an hour burns 150 calories (you can lose three pounds in a year – if you have sex 7 to 8 times a month). Kissing is also very good for your teeth: the extra saliva released during the act helps to keep the mouth clean – reducing the risk of decay.
In Asia before the fifteenth century, some use of glans condoms (devices covering only the head of the penis) is recorded. In China, glans condoms may have been made of oiled silk paper, or of lamb intestines. In Japan, they were made of tortoise shell or animal horn (ouch). In the 16th century, condoms were often made with linen sheaths soaked in a chemical solution and allowed to dry before use. The cloths were sized to cover the glans of the penis, and were held on with a ribbon.
All hair on the body is controlled by a “growth program” which determines the growth duration (and consequently the length) of hair. Pubic hair has a shorter growth duration (on average just a few months) compared to hair on the head. This is what stops pubic hair growing to unmanageable lengths.
In Victorian times, a slang term for a prostitute was “blowsy”. At the same time, “blow” was slang for ejaculation. Consequently, by the 1930s, the act of fellatio came to be known as a blow job. It was also used to describe jet planes in World War Two. In Ancient Greece, the common slang for a blow job was “playing the flute”.
Studies have shown that men who looked at porn of two men and one woman produced more sperm than those who looked at just women. Scientists speculate that seeing competition makes men step up their baby-making capacities.
Humans aren’t the only members of the animal kingdom that have sex just for fun. Dolphins and Bonobo chimps have also been observed engaging in sexual activity, when they are not in their natural reproductive cycles. With the exception of a pair of Cohan gorillas observed doing so, bonobos are the only non-human animal to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex, tongue kissing, and oral sex. When Bonobos come upon a new food source or feeding ground, the increased excitement will usually lead to communal sexual activity, presumably decreasing tension and allowing for peaceful feeding. Interestingly, Bonobo chimps also play and experience joy like humans.
Believe it or not, in the wild, certain female penguins (even when in a committed relationship) will exchange sexual favors with strange males for the pebbles they need to build their nests. According to Dr Fiona Hunter (a zoologist): “It tends to be females targeting single males, otherwise the partner female would beat the intruder up.” On some occasions the prostitute penguins trick the males. They carry out the elaborate courtship ritual, which usually leads to mating. Having bagged their stone, they would then run off.
Varsity athletes have more sex. It probably has something to do with being fit and flexible. Which likely makes for more versatility and stamina in the bedroom. There’s a study that proves it!
On average, it takes two tablespoons of blood to get a man’s penis erect.
Studies have proven that 85 per cent of men who die of heart attacks during intercourse, are found to have been cheating on their wives. Hmmm, guilty consciences I suppose.
Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when women make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth.
In the Aztec culture avocados were considered so sexually powerful, virgins were restricted from contact with them.
Studies show that women who went to college are more likely to enjoy oral sex (giving and receiving) than high school dropouts.
Approximately 1% of people worldwide identify as asexual (having no strong sexual attraction to either sex).
A survey in Cosmopolitan magazine said that foreplay usually last 14 to 17 minutes for the average married couple, and that the man typically reaches orgasm after six minutes of copulation.
The vagina and the eye are self-cleaning organs.
Historical records show that even in 1850, women attempted to practice birth control. The most common method was a mixture of crocodile dung and honey placed in the vagina in the hopes of preventing pregnancy.
Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. It is 10 times more effective than valium!
For every ‘normal’ webpage, there are five porn pages.
Sex is biochemically no different from eating large quantities of chocolate.
Women who read romance novels have sex twice as often as those who don’t.
“Ithyphallophobia” is a morbid fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis.
“Formicophilia” is the fetish for having small insects crawl on your genitals.
In earlier times, masturbation was believed to lead to blindness, madness, sudden death and other unpleasant diseases. Present research, however, shows no connection.
Humans have the LARGEST penis of all primates.
A man will ejaculate approximately 18 quarts of semen, containing half a trillion sperm, in his lifetime.
The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.
The earliest known illustration of a man using a condom during sexual intercourse is painted on the wall of a cave in France. It is dated between 12,000 and 15,000 years old.
According to a survey of sex shop owners, cherry is the most popular flavor of edible underwear. Chocolate is the least popular.
Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow.
Viagra was released in 1998 with over $411 million in profits within its first three months.
The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy!
Kissing each day will keep the dentist away. Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up.
It takes sperm about 48 hours to move up the vaginal canal, through the cervix, and into the fallopian tube where fertilization begins.
A lot of sex can unblock a stuffy nose. Sex is a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever.
Most men’s erections are five and a half to six inches long. Although men’s penis sizes tend to vary greatly when they’re soft, the smaller ones expand more when erect than the larger ones.
The word “fuck” is actually an accurate acronym. It dates back to the Good Old Days, when England was severely underpopulated due to the usual combination of fire/war/plague, and the King issued an official order to… well, fuck, to replenish the population. Hence the phrase “Fornicate Under Command of the King” passed into everyday language.
Humans are the only species creative enough to “69.”
Originally Posted by
Flaunt your figures
my experience tells me sg men like skinny women ler..
World’s Strongest Vagina - lifts 31 lbs with her vagina
Didnt know the cb can lift Such WEIGHT
Have read some of those facts in Cosmo.
Great Contribution! Up you 6pts!
Repressed by religion
The big issue
Athletic advantages
Blood pumping
Jog on
No brainer
Electrical erotica
One nighters
Nip, tuck
Numbers game
Motion of the ocean
Size matters
Growth spurt
Hit the spot
Regular romps
Baby talk
Open to ideas
On a high
Image perfect
Fever pitch
Strut your stuff
Horny housework
Avoid an argument
Subtle thrusts
Filthy rich
Solo tactics
Naked ambition
Out of action
Sensual smell
Amorous Austrians
Hand play
Watching the clock
More than just friends
Tea break
Money can buy happiness
Social networking
Man hunt
Put a ring on it
A-spot anyone?
Confidence killer
Fertile looks
Tantalising heights
Burning the calories
Animal instinct
Orgasmic sounds
Sexual bliss
Desirable DNA
Love and respect
Sex therapy
Massage me on
Frisky fingers
Dull drive
HOW big?!
Discover your inner chi
Hard to get up
The End..
Health benefits of having regular sex
Relieve pain
Before orgasm, levels of oxytocin surge to five times their normal level. This then prompts the release of endorphins, which have been shown to decrease feelings of pain. Participants in a Russian study who inhaled oxytocin vapour and then had their fingers pricked noted that the pain was reduced by around half. Orgasms can decrease all types of pain, from PMS (in a US study, 9% of approximately 1,900 women who reported masturbating in the previous three months had done so to ease menstrual cramps) to joint pain. This is because sexual arousal can increase levels of corticosteroids and endorphins that raise pain thresholds and have an analgesic effect.
Look younger
Replace your beauty regime with more time between the sheets to get a youthful glow. Having sex raises your oestrogen levels, which helps to make your hair shiny and your skin supple. Participants in a Scottish study were asked to guess the age of panellists through a one-way mirror. Those having regular sex (four times a week on average) were judged to be between seven and 12 years younger than their actual age. So ditch the night cream for a night of passion!
Determine the sex of your baby
Word is that different sexual positions can have a direct effect on whether you conceive a girl or a boy. Sperm that carries the Y chromosome (which results in a male baby) travel faster than X chromosome-carrying (female) sperm, but they have less staying power. One theory is that if you want a boy, rear vaginal entry (aka doggy style), where the sperm is deposited close to the cervix, favours the faster male sperm, as it would be likely to reach the egg first. However, according to Dr Thomas Stuttaford, author of What’s Up Doc? Understanding Your Common Symptoms, “The evidence that this is successful is not good but it’s worth a try.”
Banish the blues
Sex can actually reduce the symptoms of depression. Psychologist Gordon Gallup reported that women who didn’t use condoms during sex were less likely to suffer depression than those who did. One theory is that the hormones found in semen may be absorbed by the vaginal walls, changing the balance of hormones in your body and so reducing the feelings of depression. Unprotected sex, however, isn’t advised unless you’ve both been cleared of sexually transmitted infections
Boost immunity
Having regular sex equals fewer episodes of colds and flu. Researchers in the US found that having sex once or twice a week boosts production of the antibody immunoglobulin A (IgA), which helps protect you against the cold virus. Students taking part in the study were divided into groups according to how frequently they had sex. Those students who had sex twice a week or more were found to have levels of IgA that were up to 30% higher than those who had sex once a week or didn’t have sex at all.
Reduce stress
Scottish researchers found that people who had sex responded better in stressful situations for at least a week afterwards. Participants were asked to record their sexual activity for two weeks. They were then subjected to stressful scenarios before their blood pressure was measured. Those who had had sex prior to the scenarios reacted better than those who had masturbated or abstained. Researchers attribute this to the stimulation of the vagus nerve and to the effects of the hormone oxytocin.
Reduce your risk
Having kids and breastfeeding both have a positive impact on reducing the risk of breast cancer. However, research suggests that regular sex could also decrease the risk of childless women contracting breast cancer. A study of 146 childless French women found a higher risk of breast cancer in those who had sex less than once a month. Orgasm raises levels of oxytocin and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which are both believed to help prevent breast cancer.
Sleep better
Orgasms cause a surge in the hormone oxytocin, which promotes sleep. And good sleep means less stress, a healthier heart, a better memory and a much-improved chance of maintaining a healthy weight. Even better, all you need for this one is an orgasm, so no man necessary! Just a great excuse to book some me-time with your favourite mechanical friend…
Regulate your periods
If you’re trying to combat the hassle of irregular periods, a dose of bedroom gymnastics could be just what the doctor ordered. Women who have intercourse every week (apart from the week during their period) have more regular menstrual cycles than women who abstain or those who have sex sporadically, say US researchers. While reaching for your Rabbit may be fun, going solo isn’t the same thing – it’s the intimacy with a man that keeps things on an even level.
Separating Sex Facts from Fiction
A penis is a guy’s best tool for giving his partner an orgasm.
Fiction! Women have reported reaching orgasm about 81 percent of the time through oral sex, compared to 25 percent of the time through intercourse.
Women reach their sexual peak at 28. For guys, it’s 18.
Fact! The ages can change slightly depending on the person, but women’s estrogen levels surge in their mid to late 20s, while guys get a big dose of hormones in their teen years.
The average guy can last for about 10 minutes before having an orgasm.
Fiction! According to The Journal of Sexual Medicine, the median time it takes men to get off is 5.4 minutes.
Drinking coffee can make your sperm taste bitter.
Fact! If you’re looking for some oral love later, best to skip the Starbucks.
Women just aren’t that into porn.
Fiction! Researchers at Stanford University study found that it took just a couple of minutes of some good ol’ porn to get women turned on. The only difference? Women tend to like porn with a storyline (you know, the pool boy enters the kitchen … yada yada).
Sunshine can actually increase a man’s sex drive.
Fact! A new study by researchers in Austria found that an hour of sunshine can amp up men’s testosterone levels by almost 70 percent. It’s not a get-out-of-sunblock-free card though — don’t forget: Too much sun exposure can put you at risk for skin cancer.
Scheduled sex is never as hot as spontaneous sex.
Fiction! Marking sex dates on your calendars can actually increase anticipation, making you lust after your spouse even more.
Men think about sex every seven seconds.
Fiction! This is the same number you’ve been hearing since high school, but The American Sex Survey found that most men think about sex a few times a day — not a few times a minute.
Sex gets lamer once you’re married.
Fiction! Married couples are more satisfied with their sex lives than singles. Married couples are not only more satisfied with the quality of their sex lives — they’re also having sex more often.
The vibrator was created to help women climax.
Fiction! Believe it or not, the original vibrator was invented in the 1800s to medically treat “female hysteria.” What was the illness, my-husband-is-bad-in-bed-itis?
Penis length is a bigger deal for men than it is for women.
Fact! According to one study, 85 percent of women report being satisfied with their partner’s penis size, compared with 55 percent of men — and 90 percent of women think width is more important than length.
Women achieve orgasm more easily with a penis.
Fiction! Sorry, guys: One study found that women always or nearly reached orgasm while flying solo. But don’t worry, most women in relationships also reported being satisfied with the frequency of their orgasms.
Kindly note I’ve left some out because they have been posted earlier.
Some intentionally left out.