Girls who are cock-teasers in Sammyboy

    Chapter #31


    Originally Posted by



    I am Sammy end with for

    I’m the one who owns it all

    Now, This, I Like.

    Post #63
    Chapter #32

    This thread will end after 2 more poems, I think. Thanks to a lot of silent readers, this thread has passed 10,000 views. Girls, be careful when you seek FB.

    Be safe, not sorry.

    You girls sure you aren’t a tart?

    With some words your leg will part

    Meet some guys you think they care

    Later then you know they share

    Share what thing I hear you say

    Share a good fuck like some gay

    I poke he poke we take turn

    When it’s done your pussy burn

    Good man don’t come Sammy Boy

    Good man won’t think you are toy

    Guys who fuck and never pay

    You will meet them one fine day

    Happy People Seem to Shine???

    Are you just a concubine???

    Tell you F B cannot try

    Don’t come later here to cry

    Post #65
    Chapter #33

    Good stuff bros. Thanks for sharing!! Eh, why end after 2 peoms? We want more!!

    , cheers bros ……………….

    Post #67
    Chapter #34

    2centsworth, read your first poem Dear Cock Teaser and LoveAngel’s reply and I was inspired! I whipped this up as a sequel of sorts.


    Dear Cock Teaser,

    Dear Skirt Chaser,

    You are the car, you are the calvary,

    Stuck in the game of Monopoly.

    Hotels are your objective,

    And you rush to make conquest.

    Avoiding the jail card, that is imperative.

    I will be praying for free parking.

    Seeking sexual gratification,

    Hopefully with no ramifications.

    You hide your true disposition,

    And offer yourselves to an illicit proposition.

    The promise of a secret escape,

    One not bound by destiny or fate.

    So throw the dice and take 13 steps forward.

    You’ve passed Go, you may collect 200 dollars.

    But have you not yet noticed?

    No matter how many hotels you own,

    Or how much free parking you can get,

    The game always ends, and you start at go again.

    That’s just what monopoly is, a sick cycle carousel.

    But draw the wrong card and you may never pass go again.

    Post #68
    Chapter #35


    Originally Posted by


    2centsworth, read your first poem Dear Cock Teaser and LoveAngel’s reply and I was inspired! I whipped this up as a sequel of sorts.

    Hey nice poem. Makes a lot of sense. How to move 13 steps forward in Monopoly with 2 dice?

    Please share more if you can.

    Post #69
    Chapter #36


    Originally Posted by


    2centsworth, read your first poem Dear Cock Teaser and LoveAngel’s reply and I was inspired! I whipped this up as a sequel of sorts.

    nice whip up

    excellent take on Monopoly !

    hahah go directly to jail … do not pass go do not collect M$200

    2CentsWorth : what’s your next limerick in line ?

    Post #70
    Chapter #37


    Originally Posted by


    Hey nice poem. Makes a lot of sense. How to move 13 steps forward in Monopoly with 2 dice?

    Please share more if you can.

    I had wanted to insert a connotation that no one really plays by the rules and how it reflects both board game and swinging, but I took it out cos’ i was pressed for time. Would’ve been a nice touch had I followed through.

    On hindsight I didnt make a lot of effort to rhyme or structure it, and in fact I actually had to cut out 1/3 of the original cos’ it didn’t make sense! I had previously put myself inside the poem. So I had to omit that out. That one will show itself later.

    Maybe we should have a erotic poetry/literature thread? Cos this one the thread like very ambiguous- At first I thought this was a hate-rant thread.

    Post #71
    Chapter #38


    Originally Posted by


    Maybe we should have a erotic poetry/literature thread? Cos this one the thread like very ambiguous- At first I thought this was a hate-rant thread.

    Oh this is originally a hate-rant thread against girls who just turn up and expect to be showered with love. I think such girls need to wake up. Privately, there are many girls who think such girls give the SBF sisters a bad name. A lot of ladies here really contribute to the forum, instead of leeching of it. Let me give you an example of what I’m ranting against. Fresh from today

    . I took what she wrote and came up with this poem. Try reading it in a high pitch voice. Make it funny.

    You guys think I sibeh hiao

    Today come here find lan jiao

    I spread my legs you fuck free

    When can we go la kopi?

    I got boyfriend do you mind?

    Such a good deal where to find

    His cock I think not so good

    Do you guys have bigger wood?

    Find a man for every night

    Fuck me Darling All your might

    Why don’t you start a new thread and I come join you when I’m free? I do try to give myself a challenge in this thread by self-limiting my limericks to 7 syllables per line and 8 or 10 lines per paragraph. I find telling a story or sharing my view with such self-imposed restriction make writing every poem a little more fun.

    Post #73
    Chapter #39


    Originally Posted by


    Eh, why end after 2 peoms? We want more!!

    Well, I thought no one is interested. This thread actually went dead for 2 weeks. A lot of readers but no one posts comments. Every new comment refreshes the thread back to page 1. Without a new comment, this thread just got forgotten. I only re-started this thread after the SBF sister (whom I wrote remembering you for) told me to continue to post. Things also didn’t go so smoothly since I met this sister. Got disenchanted for a while.

    I actually wanted to write a Liverpool poem for our Anfield bros here. What do you think?

    Eighteen hundred ninety two

    Red Club Born in Liverpool

    That Year is our club milestone

    You Will Never Walk Alone

    Post #74
    Chapter #40


    Originally Posted by


    hmm so there are really cheebyes to be found on the forums??

    I thought you are Oyster Lover?


    Originally Posted by


    My humble contribution & support… pardon & pai-seh if not up to standard.

    Thanks. I like your post a lot. Very nice.

    Post #81