She has power over the man
She loses respect for the man
The man can’t satisfy her sexually
The gal must like u, hv good rapport w/ u n hv some KC for u. Her KC for u will be greatly increased when she gets more n more COS. I call tat an upward spiral.
She must be completely relaxed n in a safe n secure setting.
Good morning!
A guru has written that to be a real MAN, one must be completely fearless of death n be completely fearless of the pain n sufferings leading to death. This is the prerequisite.
He is absolutely right. The most famous samurai Miyamoto Musashi, who was undefeated in over 60 duels, attributed his success n survival to the resolute acceptance of death. He would hv been dead long ago if he had habored the slightest fear or doubts abt his ability to defeat his opponents.
In all human endeavors, we ensure our best chances n greatest probabilities of success n survival if we r completely detached to the outcome.
Most of us think n behave in the context of life n living n therefore death n pain leading to death become fearsome n terrifying. But life is ephemeral n we should think n behave in the context of death which is ineluctable. Every minute of living thus becomes a blessing, a gift, a joy…
Bro WB
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(Continued from previous post)
Watch Her Lower Lip
The next body language cue I want you to pay attention to is her lower lip. When a woman wants to kiss you or be kissed by you her lower lip will start to protrude more so than usual. Now once again you need to calibrate this at the beginning of the date and compare it to the end of the date. I’m very well trained in “kinesic interview and interrogation techniques” which is basically the art and science of observing and decoding body language and one of the very first things they teach you is…
Establish a Baseline
Establish a baseline means that in order for you to interpret body language properly you must first have something to compare it to. The beginning of your date or meeting is the absolute best time to establish your baseline so that you can determine when and how her non verbal cues change… what’s the first step to establishing a baseline? You probably already guessed it didn’t you…
By the way another side effect of all this paying attention is that the woman really feels that you are interested in her… and you are. In a very real sense you are getting to know her far better than most men ever do or will and you’re doing it very quickly.
Self Touching
When She Strokes Her Neck
Another really great cue that she wants to get physical with you is when she starts caressing and touching her neck. Especially right around the side of the Adams apple, along the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle and up behind the ear. If she consistently strokes or massages any of those areas as she is talking or looking at you it’s generally a sign that she very interested in getting closer.
When She Touches You!
Pay attention to when she starts touching you! This is a response you often get when you start using a lot of DD’s cocky-funny approaches. Your women will like to smack you in that mocking “Oh you brat! I can’t believe you just said that!”…type of way. 9
When she does this it’s a definite sign she is into you. The same thing goes for when a woman consistently shows you her palms or talks with her hands. There is almost always some sort of light touching involved here. With women almost no touch is accidental.
The best way to make use of this cue is to simply do it back to her exactly the same way when you are speaking to her… not at the same time! It’s called gesture hijacking and can utterly super charge the level of rapport and connection between the both of you when you use this properly.
The last couple things I want you to be aware of are head tilts and preening gestures. Now what do I mean by preening gestures? A Preening Gesture is anything she does that is an effort to improve, modify or call attention to her appearance. Often she will touch her hair; her face, perhaps fiddle with her make up, put on lipstick etc… the most reliable one is touching her hair.
Head Tilts
A Million Years of Evolution Can’t Be Wrong!
Now head tilts are very good indicators of subservience both in the wild and in human cultures. You can also use a head tilt yourself to appear less threatening if she seems a bit nervous, use a slight tilt of your head to the right or left, smile, make eye contact and just talk to her. If she is constantly tilting her head and perhaps gazing downward as she does so then she’s probably communicating that she’s willing to follow your lead… in other words… she likes you.
The final concept I want you to get is this. No single trait by itself means anything! Some are really good indicators of attraction interest or arousal; but all of them on their own indicate nothing other than the physical gestures that they are.
However, we do have this concept in kinesics that I’d like you to be familiar with – the concept of “clusters.” Anytime these traits show up in multiples they become exceedingly reliable indicators of what’s going on inside her mind.
For example…
As you’re paying attention you notice she has very large pupils, she looks at you with her head tilted and her hand is resting lightly on your arm or she accidentally brushes your arm or leg as she’s talking. Analysis – High Probability that she is into you!
She gazes up at you while you’re speaking, her head is tilted and she is lightly stroking the side of her neck and she momentarily lowers her eyes, gazes downward and then back up to look at you. Analysis – High Probability That She Is Into You!
This many traits or cues appearing at one time are called a “cluster” and it’s a pretty sure indicator that she’s attracted and very interested in you.
By the way if she talks a lot… almost babbling, it indicates she’s usually pretty excited or nervous. Factor this in and combine this with the other traits and your more than likely in for a good night.
There are a myriad other courtship type body language cues you can learn but the above cues are the ones I see most when it comes to closing the deal and deciding to go for the first kiss and subsequent seduction… Savvy?
I recommend you pick up some good books on body language and get really good at seeing the cues and identifying clusters… it’s a skill that will pay for itself time and time again not just in the sexual arena but also in your personal and professional life. Well that’s enough about how to tell if she’s interested and turned on by you.
Now its time to delve into the real magic.
Good morning to all samsters,
Lately, I must be a different man. My 3 gals in the last 1 month r short n getting shorter, having heights of 165, 164 n 162, respectively. The last one is 19yo, ht 162, wt only 45kg. I hv not upped such a tiny gal in many, many yrs!
Although some tall gals (170 n taller) hv very tight cunts, I must admit tat, on the average, smaller gals hv smaller n tighter cunts.
I’m no longer obsessed w/ height per se. My new criteria r freshness, youthfulness, attractiveness, evenness (in proportions), sexiness, costliness, submissiveness, gentleness, etc. n , most importantly, tightness, wetness n responsiveness…hahaha.
Of course, I still prefer those w/ long, slender arms n a Fujian accent.
Couple of my gals hv had problems getting a visa to come here (pun intended). Judging from the quality available in the last 1 month, I must conclude tat our ICA allows uglier gals to enter n rejects prettier ones!
Wat to do? Time to move to PRC!
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Investment, Women and Inner Self….so what do invest in now…i am mainly in cash now after liqudating most of my investment…that’s why been spending double what I have been spending usually…yeah my China Fund is down 12%…been telling my girls to send the money I give them back to China to boost domestic comsumption…lol….today I met this guy who has 3mill in his account…and he told me that this is just one of his many accounts and guru tell him to buy stocks two weeks later…hahaha.
Hi bro MoralEpitome,
“Investment, Women and Inner Self.”
We hv common interests n hobbies!
The only difference is tat being my true self is all I want n I pursue the rest for fun n recreation, haha.
I apply my value approach to both equities n women. I want value for money…
BTW, I’m looking for a trustworthy n able agent who can get visa for some of my gals. Anyone to recommend?
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Waiting for you!
Hi bro chenzong,
I’m still waiting for u to intro a chio primary school teacher, hehehe.
I hv had a bit more w/ experience w/ SH gals lately. They r smart, calculating n practical, but rather upfront…Ningde gals r more cunning.
Will u be back to SIN soon?
Bro WB
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The chio primary school part is difficult for me.
Not likely to be back in Singapore until perhaps Christmas.
Hi bro,
Nothing is too difficut for u!
Ok, I’ll c u in SH or SIN.
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I only got housing agent who help me sell and rent out my properties which I just sold off…and do not know any reliable agent…i asked one of the singers’ agent he said he only bring in legit singers for six months….but costs about 3-5K for six months…
Value investing! Yeah you are right….when my frens ask me why i waste money on girls for feelings whereas they prefer to pay 150 per fuck…it’s just the value you put on it!
Hi bro,
Pls PM ur agent’s HP to me. 3-5K for 6 months is cheap!
BY-ing a gal costs a lot more than $150 per fxk, unless one can her fxk 2-3 times everyday. But the experience of GFE, companionship, etc is different. I also want more experience giving COS to gals on a consistent basis. It’s not that simple as every gal reacts differently…fake orgasms, like fake boobs, r extremely repulsive to me.
There is another thing. Many men, including me in the past, need to own a young woman exclusively for emotional validation n fulfilment…
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Hi Bro Warbird,
Glad to know that you are having fun with many potential chiobus to BY. I eagerly awaits the tintillating accounts of GG and you. My trip to China was very uneventful and not worth mentioning. But… I will be going again soon. This time, I will party !!!!
I am practicing hard the alpha male technique that you mentioned so many times on the thread. I am giving one particular chiobu (who has been aloof and haughty). the hot and cold treatment. It is quite funny to receive an sms from her saying that she was sorry for her poor attitude and hope to see me again. I reply her 2 days later and say " maybe".
A former BY is back in Singapore. ….
…………..Since she is here seeking employment, I quietly slipped some money into her purse/bag when she was not looking. She smsed me later and expressed her thanks. When I sent her back, I nearly wanted to grab her and kiss her. But I held back. It was tough as I am actually dying to hold her in my arms and fuck her hard.
But.. I guess I will play the cool guy and let her make the first move.
Well.. just a small contribution from me to your great thread.
Take care and drive slowly.. ok ? Cheers.
Hi bro besafe,
Firstly, I like to thank u for ur frequent contributing to this thread.
Secondly, u r more successful w/ chio gals than me in many ways…u r making all the right moves!
It may be counterintuitive n illogical, but the only way to get a very attractive woman is for u to play hard to get. You must connect-disconnect…never treat her differently than any other gals or men for that matter, n NEVER say that u like her or do things to please her, or even worse, say that u love her. It’s the kiss of the death as far as her attraction for u is concerned. A grave mistake I hv made until recently. Actions speak louder than words. So just do it. When the circumstances r right, just massage her arms, neck n ears…then kiss her n go from there, ravish her n give her COS, hahaha.
BTW, I like both GG n my niece BB, but I’m dun want to keep them for more than 6 months.
Originally Posted by
LOL…you guys are really masters of “Control”
Hi bro,
There r many masters in this world. Definitely not me. I would be very sad if I’m a master bcos it means I hv no room for improvement. And I may get complacent n regress…
I’m happy to be a diligent student for the rest of my life. I want to keep improving relentlessly n leave no stone unturned in my chosen areas of interest. Life becomes very very exciting…
As for “control,” u hv hit the the right button.
I now realize that true dominance is not controlling, manipulative or being tough or using threats n physical force…actually it’s not even abt controlling others. No no no, true dominance is all abt self mastery n self control n emotional discipline. I call it Mind Mastery. It’s being ur true self. Being completely fearless of death n fearless of hardship n pain n suffering prior to death. Being fearless of all losses, be it money, love, family, power, status, health, pussies, etc. Being fearless of…
Once u become such a MAN, many wonderful n unexpected things will start to happen…
I wish I knew this just a few months ago…
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Here r some reflections on my personal, still very limited, experience in delivering COS.
You can certainly give most gals COS using ur fingers n tongue alone, but rocking ur didi in the pussy for an extended periods of say 30 min n longer is still the most crucial. There is a lot more intimacy n psychological bonding…n it gives a more satisfactory experience to both parties. The fit is optimal n natural n the gal may beg u to continue…aaahhhh…好舒服哦…x da ge, 我还要,多捅我..aahhhh…你要捅我几次都可以,越多次越好…我天天要…aaaahhh h…u will hv a serious new problem as she will become so sticky n may not leave u alone.
Additionally, how long ur gal wants ur didi in her pussy is a good indication of how much she is into u. I call it the “didi in pussy” or DIP Index. The higher the Index the better n if she has very high DIP Index (for u only), n if she is getting COS REGULARLY from u, she will be addicted to u! No amt of money n no man can take her away from u. You hv to dump her or u hv go into hiding, hahaha. BTW, it’s almost impossible to fake a high DIP Index n COS.
Ths for reading n hv a good day!
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Bro WB…maybe I mis-communicated what i meant….it costs the girl $5K to come here for 6 mths but they have montly target of $8K…if they don’t hit after the 2nd month….they have to go back….and they are contractually bound to work almost everyday…if you want to bring them out it costs $650 per night….so not that cheap actually…not worth it imho….the last two guys who did it spent $80k in two months!….my $80k invested in some shares yields me 5.1% a year….after 10 years…it would be $40K dividends….holding period? forever…as advocated by warren buffet
I also find that girls are getting smarter….they are not longer looking for short term BY with weekly allowance…they are fishing for more!
Hi bro ME,
I understood u well.
Several agents quoted a figure of 8k for getting a gal here as singer for 6 months, but w/o her actually working. One agent wanted 10k.
Yeah, most of the PRC gals who work at KTVs/HFJs r poorly educated but street smart. I always tell them it’s for the long term as long as they please me…n I always pay them wkly. They can take it or leave it.
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DIP = Didi in Pussy.
Bro WB… you are really funny. I laughed until my tears came out.
That’s really funny.
Next it will be Dick In Mouth Index. !!!
Originally Posted by
Recieved a call from an old friend (PRC KTV girl) few afternoons ago.
Was introduced first to a 22 years old and then a 23 year old student.
Rejected the 22 year old and chose the 23 year old (henan girl)
She claims to work at TAM.
Quite pretty, slim and have very well endowed boobs.( seems that most Henan girls are quite well endoewed ………………………
It is always good to have connections from the past - girls that you treated well.
Hi bro besafe,
Yeah, I’m funny bcos life is full of fun, hehehe.
By emphasizing DIP or Didi In Pussy, I’m not neglecting the vital importance of foreplay n using ur fingers n tongue to give gals intense, multiple orgasms or even COS for 30 min or longer, just as a starter. In fact, oftentimes a gal may beg u to fxk her bcos she can’t tahan the intense sensations u hv generated w/ ur fingers, 捅我, 捅我…快放进去…but dun do it, torture her…你好坏哦, she complains…delay for as long as u can, hehehe. You must be in absolute control. However, all this is only a prelude to the main course or DIP.
Once a gal is in genuine COS n u hv ur didi inside her, she will not want u to stop fxking her. So do it for 30-60min or even longer if u can. Get her on top to save u some energy…
Any reasonably healthy man or any woman (including lesbians) can use fingers n tongue to please a gal for hrs…so how do u stand out from the crowd? By rocking her w/ ur didi for longer than any other men. Yes, long long DIP.
A guru once said that there r only 3 reasons why a gal leaves a man voluntarily:
He is spot-on!
BTW, you’re having lots of action, doing ST in addition to ur BYs. We hv so much in common! I still do occasional ST w/ several of my former BAO-ees.
There was one gal u really missed: CS (?) who was a legal cat 150 gal. I hv to agree w/ my fren that she is the prettiest legal PRC gal thus far. A very chio SYT w/ good height n very proportionate body. I heard she is happily married in PRC! Her OKT is a hated figure at SBF n there was no FRs on her. She gave me great service including AJ!
I know a young, rich n handsome bro who is keeping 4 women at the same time. I’m going to emulate him. I’ll try to keep 3-4 as well, hahaha. Wat the heck, an ah pek like me better fxk more while I still can.
Of course GG n my niece BB want to come. My new 19 yo will return from China by the end of this month. I also met an attractive MILF last wk. She is 28-29, but is still very chio n sexy to ME. Most beautiful lips! Wonder if her pussy is as beautiful. I’m still not sure if I want her as she smokes.
Additionally, I hv another new tall gal in PRC who will know by today if her visitor pass to SIN has been approved. If not, I hv to get her a singer pass or work permit, the type that she doesn’t hv to report to work. She is 170, 53 kg n has very long n very slender upper n forearms.
Bro WB
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LOL…it’s always interesting to read the sharings by the esteem brudders here…really from all walks of life and different stages of the game…
Hi bro ME,
Life is interesting…
Originally Posted by
Bro WB… I cannot be compared with you lah.
One bro already labeled you the Bao King in 2009.
I am sure u continue this reign in 2010…..hehehe just kidding.
Take care… I think I talk too much.
Hi bro besafe,
You’re very modest.
I dun want anything…I just want to live in the eternal present moment.
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I came upon several key concepts a few days ago:
As a rule, intrigue and the proper use of intrigue is more powerful than anything you could possibly say about yourself.
Attraction is not what you do to a woman; it is what you cause her mind to do when you’re with her and in your absence.
One of women’s needs that is often neglected is her need to be needed. So in order to satisfy her needs, you must be dominant and encourage her to satisfy your needs first.
She can only stay attracted to you if she feels you’re the more important person. She can only enjoy your masculine gifts - your attention, presence, body, if she earns it first.
No one wants anything that comes easy, and women will often resent guys who go out of their ways to please them.
Bro WB
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Life has a funny way of sending you little hints to solve problems……
Was just caught in a little situation w.r.t. BY-ing KTV gals, and there u have it….some experienced old master disguised under a nick “warbird” comes ………………………………………….. ……..
Hi bro chixsticks,
Wats w.r.t.?
I’m an ah pek all right, but I’m neither experienced nor a master. My first BY deal was consummated just over a yr ago…
Originally Posted by
I joined this thread one to two month back…and realised that I missed out alot on the earlier postings….the past two nights I went though them and my god…it was alot to absorb and I had insommia after that!…..and I am totally in control and I think the girls find more more desirable! hahahah
i never liked gers 18 to 22 as i find them too immature and childish……they are more guillible and easy to manipulate! hahahaha…but sometimes i feel i have to entertain them more than they entertain me….
Hi bro ME,
Although I prefer younger ones, I dun mind MILFs if they appear pretty n sexy to ME. Variety is the spice of life, hehehe.
Originally Posted by
Everything has a price.
I personally prefer getting those more than 25.
Simple, they know how to svc you
They’re sexperienced
You pay to be serviced & pampered like a king
Unlike those young ones, you spend and have to teach have to pamper and have to serve only to train her to serve the next men better
………………………………………….. ……….
Originally Posted by
MILF, I like……
I dun mind smokers…they suck better lol
Or sit tables one?
Hi esteemed Mr. Austin,
I agree tat almost everything has a price, but a few things r priceless, hehehe. Love? COS?
This particular MILF u may like in terms of looks n body. But luckily for me, she “sit tables,” hahaha. She is a Fujian gal on WP who can sing Hokkien songs quite well.
There is another one, who is a Suzhou gal n uni graduate on student pass here, abt 26-27, who is very sexy n playful. Ht 164, wt 50Kg, very firm body n shapely ass. But she is tanned, just like a local gal. She “sit tables” too. She asked me if I was a gynecologist!!
Actually, there is one other gal whom u may like. Also 26-27 yo who grew up in Xiamen (dad from Suzhou) who is on singer permit, working for TAM/CI. Does she qualify as a singer? Face very pretty, abt 165, slim perhaps 45-46 kg only. She wants to be BAO-ed, but the BAO-er has to pay 5k a month to TAM n she wants another 15-20K a month, if she doesn’t work at all.
I guess only towkays of ur calibre n deep deep pocket can afford her.
Of course, someone w/ time, skills n perceived high dominance status could get her for much less.
BTW, after a session at DC HH on Thurs, I went to MC 4th fl to say hello to u n ur young pal, but both of u were not there!
Originally Posted by
Good news! They found Cao Cao’s tomb!
………………..They may find some Cao Cao’s writings on giving women COS - as Cao Cao is also known to be a writer and poet.
You are spot on! Women like to be dominated. They also like to serve……….
Yes, things that come too easy are never cherished. The same also applied to women giving themselves too easily to men. A man should never give everything that his woman wants. He should give it slowly and conditionally. Make her earn it!
When are you going to China again?………………
Hi bro AP,
I knew abt Cao Cao’s tomb but not his writings on how to give COS to women. Now u know why he is my hero!!
If a gal is too easy n who cares a lot more abt the RS, I’ll lose interest…
That is why giving COS w/ long DIP to a gal is so powerful! You will turn a proud n hard-to-get goddess into a needy, clingy n pathetic char bor, someone u may want to dump.
China? Yeah, I’m going soon.
Originally Posted by
I was reading about fucking young girls…how girls below the age of 24 will give you qi and energy….i think it’s true! today just fucked a 22 year old girl…and now i feel so energetic!….sad to say even better than with oc! haha
There is no medical basis to support such beliefs. Most of my BAO-ees hv been under 25 n a few as young as 18-19, but I feel tired, not vitalized.
………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. …….
More musings on COS.
There r 2 prerequisites:
If u hv given a gal genuine COS n long DIP on a consistent basis, after perhaps 6-8 times, she will be addicted to u, just like addiction to cocaine or opium. Very similar neuro-chemical mechanisms. You must be prepared for the consequences…she wont leave u alone!
Lastly, it’s physically impossible to fake a genuine COS for 30 min. COS differs from ordinary multiple orgasms (regardless of how many) in tat in COS she is in Continuously Orgasmic State w/ fluctuating intensity, but NO complete letup. Her behaviour towards u will change thereafter.
I guarantee it.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Singer pass for CI & TAM also sit tables, where got stage for them to sing???
If she fits the bill & is really a full fledged singer, ah…then maybe can consider…………guess they’re outta list then.
Sorry, last thurs we were at Lido Palace
Hi esteemed Mr. Austin,
No, she is not a full-fledged singer…but u hv the magic wand to make her a real singer, hehehe.
You’re highly selective, just like a medical sub-specialist whose practice is strictly limited to singers. Whereas I’m like a local GP, trying to eat everything that looks good to me…I’ll need many yrs of advanced n supervised training n hands-on experience before I can hope to become a sub-specialist. But to each his own, I may choose to remain a GP…
Bro WB
………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. …….
More on the power of COS.
Recently, for the very 1st time, I rejected a BAO-ee for sex as I was too tired. She was visibly upset…
This gal purposely dressed in a very sexy manner w/ hot pants n a low-cut blouse tat revealed her deep cleavage (she has natural C+ boobs, but she claims she has difficulty finding her D cup in SIN) n light makeup. We went shopping at Bugis in the PM. Before dinner time, she said: 我要你今天操我…(操我 means fuck me hard or rape me!). She was shameless, very out of character for such an inexperienced young woman. I said: Another day, OK? Her reply: No, not OK. 你不爱我了!She was upset n wanted to go home immediately…
I hv turned the table! The reason? I hv given her COS w/ long DIP several times n she is beginning to get addicted.
Ths for reading!
Originally Posted by
These young girls are sometimes still immature and tempermental la…but easily susceptible to our tactics…i have learned things from this thread…and is successful in my latest exploit of this former DC girl…
Hi bro ME,
Some SYTs r good, some MILFs r good n those in between also good, hehehe. You should try to eat them all!
………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. …….
Good afternoon!
According to some gurus, if there is one single male trait tat is the most attractive to gals/women at their subconscious level, it’s
dominant self mastery n self control.
It’s fatally attractive to the most beautiful women.
If u hv it, everything else is secondary. If u dun hv it, no amt of money, strategies, hypnosis, etc would help tat much. Except perhaps ur abilty to give COS w/ long DIP, hahaha.
Bro WB
QUOTE=MoralEpitome;4932554]LOL Bro when I reach your level of success probably I can eat them all but I am still a young apprentice at this…so I will stick to one at a time…this is a very interesting thread…and your words of wisdom are enlightening…2 of my good frens’s parent died and dying of career….life is fragile…and I have been enjoying it as much as I can the past few months!…feel like going ktv just go…feel like fucking just fuck….but feeling abit jaded also…need to find more meaning to life…thinking of re-igniting my forex trading after losing at the past 2 times…it is tricky and violatile and I been stopped out many times….but lucky made a little money from my other investments…enuff to BY a ger for 1 year or so…[/QUOTE]
Hi bro EP,
Wat level of success? I’m an elementary student of BY-ing…
Words of wisdom? I’m merely quoting the writings of the “wise men”…
I do know a bit more abt investing/trading. Be very careful w/ Forex trading as it’s pure speculation.
You’re doing great really, doing wat u like n going w/ the flow…being completely detached from the outcome.
Originally Posted by
Can you elaborate on Dominant Self-Mastery n Self-Control?
Previously, you talked mostly about Alpha Male and Male Social Dominant Order - i.e. - dominance and control over others.
Now, you are talking about self-control. That’s so Zen! If you can’t master and control yourself, how can you master and control others? If you can’t control yourself, how can you control the situation you are in? Yes, I notice girls are attracted to men who are in control of themselves, calm and collected, not emotional or temperamental. Is that what you mean by “Dominant Self-Mastery n Self-Control”? What does ‘Dominant’ mean in this context? ……
Hi bro AP,
I recently realized tat trying to be Alpha is not Alpha at all.
Yes, ur perceived dominant male status is the sole determinant of ur attractiveness to women/gals.
I hv dug deeper n found tat it’s not ur actual high social-economic status or financial power per se but ur dominant self mastery/self control which is perceived by the subconscious minds tat is the “secret active ingredient” of ur attractiveness.
A wealthy n successful man or a man of power usually, though by no means always, has greater self mastery/self control compared w/ less successful men. It’s a chicken or egg question as to which came first. I would say self mastery must come first (inherited money or position is an exception).
Bro AP, u hv more or less answered your own question.
IMHO, the word “dominant” in “dominant self mastery and self control” is very close to “supreme” n “absolute.” The rare man who has this character trait is fatally attractive to the most beautiful women. He will be equally invincible in his other pursuits in life…
The problem is that knowing n doing r completely different. Doing n being r again completely different…
………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. …….
Let’s get back to something more mundane.
The quantity n quality of KTV MMs must hv improved a little lately. In the one last wk, I hv met several tall gals, all in 21-23 yo range, who r my type. Prior to this past wk, I hv not met one tall one whom I fancy since my return over 1 1/2 months ago. I guess it’s feast or famine, hehehe.
Yesterday, I booked one of them for the 1st time ( I saw her n got her no in the hallway of a joint) to join a few frens at DC complex. At 9:40 PM, she called from TAM complex n said her customer wont let her go. I ordered her to forget abt him, excuse herself n come asap. She arrived just after 10PM.
She is 22, has the same body type as KK, although a tad taller at 172, has natural C boobs (she assured me) n slightly bigger n more shapely ass. She is a Dongbei gal although her mom is an ethnic minority from Kangxi. She claims tat she had a fairer skin than me until a few months ago n her light tan is a result of recent sun exposure?!! She arrived in SIN less than a wk ago.
We argued abt Cao Cao n the former USSR vs. USA…I made her very relaxed by massaging her neck n upper back n she reciprocated. I asked her for ST which she flatly rejected. Good for u, I said. Later, I popped the question n she promised to consider it. Tat is cool, I replied. Just before I left, I started kissing her neck n then cupped her face in my palms n kissed her. She offered little resistance. She had tacitly agreed. One negative: She smokes.
Not sure how long I would keep her as there r others n one of them is 174 n my type.
Regardless of how beautiful a gal appears when clothed, I can’t keep her more than 2 wks unless I like her personality very much AND her pussy is aesthetically very pleasing to me. I can only eat a pussy which is pink, fresh, very appealing n delicious to me.
Bro WB