How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

    Chapter #2561


    Originally Posted by


    One of the best threads in SBF!


    Originally Posted by


    Hope to learn more here.


    Originally Posted by


    Fully agreed with you bro. But not every guy has the skills to get attractive girls.

    An excellent contribution by bro warbird!


    Originally Posted by


    uuuu power lah


    Originally Posted by


    learn more of


    Originally Posted by


    Hope to learn more here.


    Originally Posted by


    Nice thread to learn how to pick gals. Hope to practise soon.


    Originally Posted by


    Same here. Hope to learn more from bro warbird!

    Bros, good evening!

    Tks to ALL of you for your encouragement.

    You have helped me keep my emotional frequencies above 300…

    I just received an email from a relationship guru Avery Hayden. It’s entitled

    “You will marry a fat woman.”

    Can you imagine if I have no choice but to marry a fat and/or ugly woman? It’s most disconcerting.

    Mr. Hayden’s article is satirical and brutally honest. His intention is good though. He has seen too many men around him getting lazy, frustrated, complacent, and settling down for the wrong woman. I have seen too many such pathetic cases around me too.

    He is merely trying to motivate and galvanize his male audience to get or marry the most attractive girls/women of their type. I need to thank him too.

    Here is the article.

    Embrace your destiny

    You will most likely end up married to a fat woman.

    And you’ll tell yourself she makes you happy.

    (Even though you can’t get hard for her.)

    Let me explain why…

    From the moment you wake up in the morning, everything in your life is designed to make you soft, weak, and easy to manipulate.

    You are being programmed to accept the life of a slave.

    OnlyFans can’t extract money from strong men.

    Men who have the courage to approach women in real life don’t have any reason to watch p**nhub.

    Men who leave the house don’t waste time on TikTok.

    Every day you consume more. You become increasingly passive.

    Eventually, your life force is so completely drained from you that you might as well be a sheep getting herded from one mindless form of consumption to another.

    It reaches a point where you don’t even have the willpower to approach a girl. You’re too weak, too passive.

    Two generations ago men were fighting in Vietnam, risking their lives.

    Today, men are too weak to leave their homes to talk to women.

    You can rationalize it all you want, “I don’t have time.” “I’m not good looking enough.”

    If that makes you feel better, run with it.

    But you know that you spend five hours per day watching dumb videos on your laptop. You have plenty of time to talk to girls.

    You decided you’re not good looking enough because the truth would be too painful to admit, “I’m a coward.”

    However, as soon you admit that you’re at fault for your shitty situation, you can change it.

    Once you realize that your life force is being drained from you by people who want to turn you into a weak consumer who buys things they don’t need, then you can make a decision.

    You can turn off the video games and start leveling up in real life.

    You can delete TikTok and have real experiences.

    You can download a website blocker to stop watching p**n and start meeting women in real life.

    Because if you don’t, you will end up living like a sheep in a herd.

    Look around you at the dead eyes of people walking down the street, that “life” is truly pathetic.

    And just like them, you will convince yourself that you love your fat wife who yells at you every day because you don’t have the willpower to even say hi to a hot girl.

    Are you going to snap out of it?

    Thanks, Mr. Hayden. I’ll do my very best to snap out of it. Whatever it takes…

    Any comments?


    Bro WB

    Post #8616
    Chapter #2562


    Originally Posted by


    Nice one from Mr. Hayden


    Originally Posted by


    How is your practice? Can give some feedback?


    Originally Posted by


    I hope to learn from the master here.

    Thanks bro WB.

    Good evening, bros

    What an auspicious night!

    I’m convinced that a major determinant of a man’s success with the most attractive girls of his type is his SUBCONSCIOUS belief that he is more than good enough for them.

    I know some bros who have done very well with girls they find only slightly to moderately attractive. They appear to be real-life Don Juans. However, such a ‘Don Juan’ has always failed miserably whenever he meets a ‘dream girl.’ Why? Because he suddenly behaves as if he is not good enough for HER. He becomes NEEDY and INSECURE around her and in his interactions with her. She will find him repulsive, regardless of his status, wealth, intelligence, looks, etc.

    One big reason is that he is mesmerized by a girl’s beauty and near-perfect sexy figure.

    A badass gentleman is never impressed by the appearance of any girl, no matter how attractive she is. He needs time to qualify her to make sure that she is good enough. Why? He is the Grand Prize, and God’s gift to all girls and women.

    Yes, he behaves as if 100 very attractive and intelligent girls of his type are calling and wanting to fxxk him every day.

    I just received an email from Brad, a relationship and sex guru.

    Her beauty is meaningless

    Hey it’s Brad,

    One of the biggest mistakes that we make in life is to look only at the surface of things.

    When we do that, we allow ourselves to be fooled by appearances.

    There is no place where this is more pronounced than when guys are interacting with hot girls.

    Guys get excited about a girl based solely on her good looks.

    This is dangerous and a waste of time!

    Don’t do it.


    There’s no point in pursuing a woman who looks like Vanessa Hudgens, but has the personality of Miss Piggy.

    You gotta have standards. And the girls you talk to need to get the message that you have standards.

    You see, unlike 99% of guys, I’m not genuinely attracted to ANY woman until I’ve already talked to her for a while.

    Here’s why…

    I’ve fucked enough super-hot women to know that many of them are undesirable (for reasons other than what they look like).

    So, if you’re a guy who sees a woman and starts feeling all kinds of emotions for her before even talking to her, you’re on the wrong track.

    You MUST evaluate a woman on more than just looks…

    Because if you can resist the urge to put her on a pedestal right away, it will solve a lot of your confidence issues INSTANTLY.

    Here’s how I tackle it…

    In my mind, before approaching a woman, I feel that I’m walking into an unknown situation. I have no idea if she’s an amazing person… or a complete disaster.

    My intention is to run her through a series of conversational tests where she’ll be FORCED to show her true colors as fast as possible.

    Once I’ve gathered this information I’ll know if she has what I’m looking for. Then I’ll decide if I like her or not, and if I want to take it further.

    I’m in full control from start to finish.

    This process has served me well for years, and there’s no reason why it can’t work for you as well.

    And now we have this powerful way to begin sparking amazing attraction, while at the same time sorting out the flakes and the fruitcakes.

    I couldn’t agree with Brad more.

    Any comments? Pls share your exploits too.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #8619
    Chapter #2563


    Originally Posted by


    Nice one from Mr. Hayden


    Originally Posted by


    How is your practice? Can give some feedback?


    Originally Posted by


    I hope to learn from the master here.

    Thanks bro WB.

    Good evening, bros

    What an auspicious night!

    I’m convinced that a major determinant of a man’s success with the most attractive girls of his type is his SUBCONSCIOUS belief that he is more than good enough for them.

    I know some bros who have done very well with girls they find only slightly to moderately attractive. They appear to be real-life Don Juans. However, such a ‘Don Juan’ has always failed miserably whenever he meets a ‘dream girl.’ Why? Because he suddenly behaves as if he is not good enough for HER. He becomes NEEDY and INSECURE around her and in his interactions with her. She will find him repulsive, regardless of his status, wealth, intelligence, looks, etc.

    One big reason is that he is mesmerized by a girl’s beauty and near-perfect sexy figure.

    A badass gentleman is never impressed by the appearance of any girl, no matter how attractive she is. He needs time to qualify her to make sure that she is good enough. Why? He is the Grand Prize, and God’s gift to all girls and women.

    Yes, he behaves as if 100 very attractive and intelligent girls of his type are calling and wanting to fxxk him every day.

    I just received an email from Brad, a relationship and sex guru.

    Her beauty is meaningless

    Hey it’s Brad,

    One of the biggest mistakes that we make in life is to look only at the surface of things.

    When we do that, we allow ourselves to be fooled by appearances.

    There is no place where this is more pronounced than when guys are interacting with hot girls.

    Guys get excited about a girl based solely on her good looks.

    This is dangerous and a waste of time!

    Don’t do it.


    There’s no point in pursuing a woman who looks like Vanessa Hudgens, but has the personality of Miss Piggy.

    You gotta have standards. And the girls you talk to need to get the message that you have standards.

    You see, unlike 99% of guys, I’m not genuinely attracted to ANY woman until I’ve already talked to her for a while.

    Here’s why…

    I’ve fucked enough super-hot women to know that many of them are undesirable (for reasons other than what they look like).

    So, if you’re a guy who sees a woman and starts feeling all kinds of emotions for her before even talking to her, you’re on the wrong track.

    You MUST evaluate a woman on more than just looks…

    Because if you can resist the urge to put her on a pedestal right away, it will solve a lot of your confidence issues INSTANTLY.

    Here’s how I tackle it…

    In my mind, before approaching a woman, I feel that I’m walking into an unknown situation. I have no idea if she’s an amazing person… or a complete disaster.

    My intention is to run her through a series of conversational tests where she’ll be FORCED to show her true colors as fast as possible.

    Once I’ve gathered this information I’ll know if she has what I’m looking for. Then I’ll decide if I like her or not, and if I want to take it further.

    I’m in full control from start to finish.

    This process has served me well for years, and there’s no reason why it can’t work for you as well.

    And now we have this powerful way to begin sparking amazing attraction, while at the same time sorting out the flakes and the fruitcakes.

    I couldn’t agree with Brad more.

    Any comments? Pls share your exploits too.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #8620
    Chapter #2564

    My reply to a bro:


    Originally Posted by


    heard that L2 Rick KTV opening soon? also viet tips $50? brand new

    Bro, tks.

    I seriously doubt I could find a girl of my type. I practice what I preach. Read my posts. I only go for the cutest and prettiest SYT of my type. Then I have to qualify her.

    All the KTV mummies and girls know that.


    Bro WB

    Post #8621
    Chapter #2565


    Originally Posted by


    If arranged through the mms on the same night, the going rate will be $500 or more, as the mms will take a cut. However, the trick was to get the gal’s contact numbers, arranged to meet them when they woke up in the day, some would offer their own place, would tell you ‘don’t tell others’… Then the ST became $200.

    This was the same when they roamed to the cheaper ktv during the happy hour session, booking could be $100 to $150, then 2nd session they would return to the higher end joints for their $200+ rates.

    For the same pussy, never paid more. Then could the ’luv’ to more. The last thing to do was to focus on just one, she’s never exclusive lor.


    You’re an old hand at chionging KTV, haha.

    Yes, we should never overpay for a pussy. I like bargains and discounts. It’s similar to buying shares when the prices are down.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Really good experience…2009 was tough period after the 2008 crashed…2022 will be worst thanks to Fed raising rates…creating raw ingredients to skyrocket…also due to the Ukraine-Russia war…

    Since 2009 prices had changed drastically…good old days will never return…just look forward…


    You’re right. I think prices for the KTV pussies will drop a bit next year due to increased supply, but never back to the 2009 level. The good old days are gone forever, unfortunately.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #8627
    Chapter #2566


    Originally Posted by


    Not easy to find pretty SYT nowadays.

    Great thread bro!

    Bro, tks. It’s even harder to find pretty SYTs with good character.


    Originally Posted by


    Hey Bro WB, the point about not falling for looks is profoundly true. Why is it easier to talk to your GND than that hottie across the room? They’re both normal people under their skin. Putting her through conversational tests will reveal the real person behind the facade. Then decide if she’s worth your time. Experience has shown me that a great personality translates well to her potential in bed.

    Thanks for the reminder, WB!

    Bro, tks. You need to qualify a girl.


    Originally Posted by


    Totally agreed with bro, not easy to find gals that 100% fits.

    Hope can learn more here.


    Originally Posted by


    My exact sentiments. Want to learn more from bro warbird.


    Originally Posted by


    Nice thread and hope to read up more in this thread.

    Thanks to Bro WB.


    Originally Posted by


    Just started the first few pages of this thread, already got addicted.

    Thanks bro warbird for great share!

    Bros, tks for your posts.


    Originally Posted by


    seen many bros wanting to learn from bro WB. just before that, learn to have a deep deep pocket like him. or, at least give the gals that impression that your pocket is very very deep……

    Bro, tks.

    Yes, money is a very important attribute for a man. Many girls do have basic financial needs. But beyond that, most girls would want a man to have certain masculine character traits. Avoid gold diggers…


    Originally Posted by


    By the definition of the type of girls that Bro WB fancy, they will also be adored by many others. If its only using or throwing money at them to get them, so can others. It becomes the good old days when TAM and Lido were around where the singers got six figure a night of flowers where a few clients competed among themselves to show their pockets were deep.

    These kind of ang bai or popular girls never short of attention, gifts and money. They will cherry pick the one not necessary the richest, but the smartest who can mind fxxx them. I personally know one friend who’s rich but stingy yet managed to keep a singer for a while as FWB. In the game of lust, it’s not just about money, not even looks of the men. It’s how you play your cards.

    Bro, tks.

    You’re right. Money per se is not enough.

    Didn’t King Fuchai give enough money to Xi Shi?

    Is Sergey Brin not rich enough for a 38 yo Chinese auntie?


    Originally Posted by


    Well done bro…brings back great memories…TAM and Lido located same hotel…

    Back in 1980s…ST already SGD 500…the bill stated special services…

    Really depend on mummy to recommend those new stock before goes ang pai…

    Think bro WB is pro-expert on this…

    Bro, tks.

    I’m no expert.

    My first ever outing to TAM joints was in June 2009. Some girls there were happy with $200-300 for ST. I had seen some GL streetwalkers who worked there sometimes.


    Originally Posted by


    Haha, looks like we belong to the same era. Not forgetting LV in the same building of TAM.

    Anyway, for ladies who were picked up from ktv, no matter how loving and GFE they may seem, I will take it as a pinch of salt. Especially in the last few years when they almost got zero income and massive debts to pay off, love is the last thing they are seeking.

    Some of them concurrently have a few sugar daddies who thought they are exclusive, not only give them cash and gifts, also pay for their condo rentals. Yet they might invite their real bf to the live nests to bonk.

    This also reminded me those good old days in Shenzhen where plenty of mistresses of the rich Hong Kongers and Taiwanese. When their sugar daddies not in town, they would be going clubbing to find 靓仔, or 小狼狗

    Bro, tks.

    Yes, you’re right.

    Must choose your girls wisely. Avoid gold diggers and NEVER forget Roosh’s Rule of Five.

    Google Sergey Brin and his ex-Chinese wife.


    Originally Posted by


    Yup, LV was more budget and gals lao chio…also have mm…

    Overheard those bosses fought each other for the hottest gals every ktv they went in HK, Tpe, Sin, etc…

    Those gals where got loyalty…only loyal to $$$…

    Bro, tks.

    Girls/women used to move around freely in LV and TAM joints, except for singers. The building was closed on 31 Jan 2015.

    Unfortunately, at least 99% of women/girls who work in the nite scene are gold diggers.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #8632
    Chapter #2567


    Originally Posted by


    Not easy to find pretty SYT nowadays.

    Great thread bro!

    Bro, tks. It’s even harder to find pretty SYTs with good character.


    Originally Posted by


    Hey Bro WB, the point about not falling for looks is profoundly true. Why is it easier to talk to your GND than that hottie across the room? They’re both normal people under their skin. Putting her through conversational tests will reveal the real person behind the facade. Then decide if she’s worth your time. Experience has shown me that a great personality translates well to her potential in bed.

    Thanks for the reminder, WB!

    Bro, tks. You need to qualify a girl.


    Originally Posted by


    Totally agreed with bro, not easy to find gals that 100% fits.

    Hope can learn more here.


    Originally Posted by


    My exact sentiments. Want to learn more from bro warbird.


    Originally Posted by


    Nice thread and hope to read up more in this thread.

    Thanks to Bro WB.


    Originally Posted by


    Just started the first few pages of this thread, already got addicted.

    Thanks bro warbird for great share!

    Bros, tks for your posts.


    Originally Posted by


    seen many bros wanting to learn from bro WB. just before that, learn to have a deep deep pocket like him. or, at least give the gals that impression that your pocket is very very deep……

    Bro, tks.

    Yes, money is a very important attribute for a man. Many girls do have basic financial needs. But beyond that, most girls would want a man to have certain masculine character traits. Avoid gold diggers…


    Originally Posted by


    By the definition of the type of girls that Bro WB fancy, they will also be adored by many others. If its only using or throwing money at them to get them, so can others. It becomes the good old days when TAM and Lido were around where the singers got six figure a night of flowers where a few clients competed among themselves to show their pockets were deep.

    These kind of ang bai or popular girls never short of attention, gifts and money. They will cherry pick the one not necessary the richest, but the smartest who can mind fxxx them. I personally know one friend who’s rich but stingy yet managed to keep a singer for a while as FWB. In the game of lust, it’s not just about money, not even looks of the men. It’s how you play your cards.

    Bro, tks.

    You’re right. Money per se is not enough.

    Didn’t King Fuchai give enough money to Xi Shi?

    Is Sergey Brin not rich enough for a 38 yo Chinese auntie?


    Originally Posted by


    Well done bro…brings back great memories…TAM and Lido located same hotel…

    Back in 1980s…ST already SGD 500…the bill stated special services…

    Really depend on mummy to recommend those new stock before goes ang pai…

    Think bro WB is pro-expert on this…

    Bro, tks.

    I’m no expert.

    My first ever outing to TAM joints was in June 2009. Some girls there were happy with $200-300 for ST. I had seen some GL streetwalkers who worked there sometimes.


    Originally Posted by


    Haha, looks like we belong to the same era. Not forgetting LV in the same building of TAM.

    Anyway, for ladies who were picked up from ktv, no matter how loving and GFE they may seem, I will take it as a pinch of salt. Especially in the last few years when they almost got zero income and massive debts to pay off, love is the last thing they are seeking.

    Some of them concurrently have a few sugar daddies who thought they are exclusive, not only give them cash and gifts, also pay for their condo rentals. Yet they might invite their real bf to the live nests to bonk.

    This also reminded me those good old days in Shenzhen where plenty of mistresses of the rich Hong Kongers and Taiwanese. When their sugar daddies not in town, they would be going clubbing to find 靓仔, or 小狼狗

    Bro, tks.

    Yes, you’re right.

    Must choose your girls wisely. Avoid gold diggers and NEVER forget Roosh’s Rule of Five.

    Google Sergey Brin and his ex-Chinese wife.


    Originally Posted by


    Yup, LV was more budget and gals lao chio…also have mm…

    Overheard those bosses fought each other for the hottest gals every ktv they went in HK, Tpe, Sin, etc…

    Those gals where got loyalty…only loyal to $$$…

    Bro, tks.

    Girls/women used to move around freely in LV and TAM joints, except for singers. The building was closed on 31 Jan 2015.

    Unfortunately, at least 99% of women/girls who work in the nite scene are gold diggers.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #8633
    Chapter #2568


    Originally Posted by


    Agreed here too

    Tks for your post.


    Originally Posted by


    The good old days of paying tips in the ktv and the rest FOC were long gone. To be fair, some of the ladies borrowed money to apply for the work visa to work in Singapore, they needed to make alot more to cover the costs. Also they are some not so savvy bros who thought they are exclusive with the ladies, shower them with money and gifts.

    What’s market rates? Who determined them? What’s a fair price to pay for the pussy? These are all subjective.

    Heard nowadays in China, just before Covid, all the fees went up. The last time I went to their ktv, the tipping was already RMB800 to 2000, the latter for gals the joint claimed to order from elsewhere and supposedly to be higher quality, 外围,ST was anything from RMB5000 onwards. That’s like S$1000 and mind you, these ladies are not even pro in sex and you might even get a dead fish in bed.

    At the end of the day, the loser in this game is, whoever is more desperate, if you have many choices of girls, the more likely you will end up with more and you decide who to bed. Otherwise, being desperate, then will end up kenna chopped.

    This is a bloody jungle out there. Who’s the predator or prey? God knows.

    Bro, tks so much for the info.


    Originally Posted by


    But nowadays it seems like the share prices are never down haha


    Originally Posted by


    TS, very nice thread and hope to learn more from expert.


    Originally Posted by


    I also hope prices will drop.

    Bro WB, thanks for a very nice thread. Will read the whole thread.


    Originally Posted by


    Fully agreed, sure must learn more here.

    Tks to all for your posts.


    Originally Posted by


    What is the playability level in the ktv rooms nowadays? Still commando type or need to go hotel?

    Bro, I think the playability is the same as before, but the prices have gone up.


    To the young bros here:

    Choose your legal wife very carefully before marriage. Visualize how she will look in 50 years.

    You must also assume that you will be very healthy and virile in 50 years.

    A man’s chronological age is very different from his biological age.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #8635
    Chapter #2569


    Originally Posted by


    If arranged through the mms on the same night, the going rate will be $500 or more, as the mms will take a cut. However, the trick was to get the gal’s contact numbers, arranged to meet them when they woke up in the day, some would offer their own place, would tell you ‘don’t tell others’… Then the ST became $200.

    This was the same when they roamed to the cheaper ktv during the happy hour session, booking could be $100 to $150, then 2nd session they would return to the higher end joints for their $200+ rates.

    For the same pussy, never paid more. Then could the ’luv’ to more. The last thing to do was to focus on just one, she’s never exclusive lor.


    You’re an old hand at chionging KTV, haha.

    Yes, we should never overpay for a pussy. I like bargains and discounts. It’s similar to buying shares when the prices are down.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Really good experience…2009 was tough period after the 2008 crashed…2022 will be worst thanks to Fed raising rates…creating raw ingredients to skyrocket…also due to the Ukraine-Russia war…

    Since 2009 prices had changed drastically…good old days will never return…just look forward…


    You’re right. I think prices for the KTV pussies will drop a bit next year due to increased supply, but never back to the 2009 level. The good old days are gone forever, unfortunately.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #8638
    Chapter #2570


    Originally Posted by


    If arranged through the mms on the same night, the going rate will be $500 or more, as the mms will take a cut. However, the trick was to get the gal’s contact numbers, arranged to meet them when they woke up in the day, some would offer their own place, would tell you ‘don’t tell others’… Then the ST became $200.

    This was the same when they roamed to the cheaper ktv during the happy hour session, booking could be $100 to $150, then 2nd session they would return to the higher end joints for their $200+ rates.

    For the same pussy, never paid more. Then could the ’luv’ to more. The last thing to do was to focus on just one, she’s never exclusive lor.


    You’re an old hand at chionging KTV, haha.

    Yes, we should never overpay for a pussy. I like bargains and discounts. It’s similar to buying shares when the prices are down.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Really good experience…2009 was tough period after the 2008 crashed…2022 will be worst thanks to Fed raising rates…creating raw ingredients to skyrocket…also due to the Ukraine-Russia war…

    Since 2009 prices had changed drastically…good old days will never return…just look forward…


    You’re right. I think prices for the KTV pussies will drop a bit next year due to increased supply, but never back to the 2009 level. The good old days are gone forever, unfortunately.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #8639