Originally Posted by
Dear Bro WB,
These are both incredible insightful articles.
After my first major breakup in 2016, I literally had heart pain 24/7 but no health indicators of a problem. Then one Doc told me about broken heart syndrome. All heart pain disappeared when I met my next gf, and then having a long term relationship and people at home, always helped me stay at peace.
And the NERVE - yes, great advice. Women aren’t testing men to be mean, it’s their way of generating attraction. Use it, don’t be scared!
All Bros - don’t isolate yourself, stay connected to people.
Thanks Bro WB for these great insights.
Tks, bro,
You have made my day!
Originally Posted by
i usually catch girl in sugarbook.live, which is my favourite, i will daily sexting her
Originally Posted by
cannot deny most girls nowadays are so materealistic
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try to do something that your gals love, if your girl loves romantic, brings her to the dining restaurant
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any good idea on managing the situation?
Originally Posted by
Nowadays I seldom encounter situations like bad vibes.
Even if I don’t feel the girl is really my type, I would generally go in and generate better vibes.
If it’s really bad vibes, like cannot have eye contact or establish or achieve mutually pleasing progress, I would back out. It becomes a one off. The girl is not of the right disposition or type.
Sometimes it’s unpleasant. No love lost. It’s rare.
Otherwise the key is good vibes that can be picked up by the girl. She will respond. Sometimes she feeds back to me. It will be mutually pleasing.
Speaking from experience. Of course, I don’t have a monopoly on each and every girl, so I would like to think any girl is not exclusive to me. The magic is to enjoy every moment possible with each girl whenever old or and new experiences emerge. Like being invited to be showered or spontaneously given a lap dance by her after some sharing from her. When the magic is lost, then move on. Sometimes the contact is just lost, to my regret. Vanilla ones are not worth cultivating, so off my list. Sometimes the ones I don’t really like but they still offer no resistance, I can take it since I already know what I want at that time.
Tks for posting and sharing.
Good evening,
Wishing you and your family a happy and blessed Lunar New Year 2022!
Huat Ah!
Bro WB
Good evening,
What an auspicious night!
‘Guru’ Allen just sent me this article. Actually, I have read something very similar before.
It’s good to read it again.
Here Is How to Get DUMPED
Don Juan,
Are you the jealous type?
I hope not!
Jealousy is one of the quickest and surest ways to get DUMPED.
Jealousy is a sign of insecurity. It indicates a lack of confidence on your part. And it is an instant turn-off for women.
When you act in a jealous fashion you tell her that you don’t feel worthy of her love and that you’re worried she will find one of the many, many guys out there who are better than you.
Not to mention the fact that jealousy is an incredibly annoying personality trait. Which definitely will not help you.
Project Confidence
Never forget that women are attracted to confidence in men.
If a woman realizes that you lack confidence, then she will lose respect for you. And if she doesn’t respect you, she won’t love you, as respect is a prerequisite for love.
Every time you act like a jealous idiot, you deservedly lose more of that respect. And she will start to look around for someone better. Someone more confident and less jealous.
Now, don’t try to tell me that you’re the jealous type not because of a lack of confidence, but because you really love and care about this girl. Or because you can’t trust her.
I’m not buying it… and she won’t either.
Your Insecurity
Jealousy is about YOU and your feelings of insecurity. Your lack of confidence. Your feelings of inferiority.
It’s your problem. It has nothing to do with her.
(And if you really can’t trust this girl, then why waste your time. Find someone that you can trust.)
So what do you do if you ARE the jealous type?
Do This!
Well, since you know that when you act in a jealous fashion you push her away from you, and when you act in a confident fashion you draw her toward you, then it’s simple really.
Let her do whatever she wants. Give her all the freedom she wants. Do not try to control her.
Don’t complain when she goes out with her friends instead of you. Smile when she says she’s going to have lunch with an old boyfriend. Encourage her to go to that male strip club if she wants to.
Proudly display your confidence to her.
And know that ACTING CONFIDENT in the face of these circumstances (which make most men jealous, because most men are not Don Juans like you) will actually draw her to you.
By doing this, you brilliantly turn a negative personality trait (jealousy) into a positive personality trait (self-confidence).
Opportunities to Shine
You should welcome these types of situations and view them as opportunities to display your confidence to her… and to draw her closer to you.
So the next time you start to feel those pangs of jealousy, and you start to worry, and you start getting anxious, and nervous — remember this article and think…
“Awesome! This is an excellent opportunity for me to display my confidence, to set myself apart from all those other guys, and to blow her mind.”
It is powerful stuff.
Good luck!
Originally Posted by
Great thread bro warbird. A happy new year to you too!
Originally Posted by
Need to find more pretty masseuse to repair my heart
Happy Chinese New Year to all!
I like to thank all samsters who have posted in this thread since its inception in June 2009.
I have several interesting quotes:
A woman will not make you happy if you are not already happy. You must make yourself happy. She is just the icing on a cake and should never be your entire life or reason for existence. - Speakeasy
Your issue is you do not have enough prospects and certainly no plates. If you had plates or attractive prospects, you would not put up with silliness like taking forever to get the girl’s number.
With women, the rule is cheesy but true. Talk to one and you’ll have none. Talk to many and you will have plenty. - Stoic
Women act on the “emotions” and “feelings” you generate in them, never logic. Throw logic out when dealing with women, and ignore what they say.
Women will say one thing, then do something completely different. A woman’s actions will tell you everything.
Furthermore, never get frustrated or angry with women. Just get disappointed. - Mr.Positive
If you are unsure, always err on the side of patience and restraint. Slowing down the game, especially early, drives women crazy and into your hands. - Samspade
Give her a little “sneak up from behind kiss attack around the neck” (or something physically affectionate) that’s so stereotypical in romance movies yet not used enough in real life.
I’ve never not had a girlfriend giggle, smile, and squeak with delight after doing this, but that’s just something I like to do. - Qmanchoo
Happy Lunar New Year to all of you!
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Great thread bro warbird. A happy new year to you too!
Originally Posted by
Need to find more pretty masseuse to repair my heart
Happy Chinese New Year to all!
I like to thank all samsters who have posted in this thread since its inception in June 2009.
I have several interesting quotes:
A woman will not make you happy if you are not already happy. You must make yourself happy. She is just the icing on a cake and should never be your entire life or reason for existence. - Speakeasy
Your issue is you do not have enough prospects and certainly no plates. If you had plates or attractive prospects, you would not put up with silliness like taking forever to get the girl’s number.
With women, the rule is cheesy but true. Talk to one and you’ll have none. Talk to many and you will have plenty. - Stoic
Women act on the “emotions” and “feelings” you generate in them, never logic. Throw logic out when dealing with women, and ignore what they say.
Women will say one thing, then do something completely different. A woman’s actions will tell you everything.
Furthermore, never get frustrated or angry with women. Just get disappointed. - Mr.Positive
If you are unsure, always err on the side of patience and restraint. Slowing down the game, especially early, drives women crazy and into your hands. - Samspade
Give her a little “sneak up from behind kiss attack around the neck” (or something physically affectionate) that’s so stereotypical in romance movies yet not used enough in real life.
I’ve never not had a girlfriend giggle, smile, and squeak with delight after doing this, but that’s just something I like to do. - Qmanchoo
Happy Lunar New Year to all of you!
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
can fill some time reading from pg 1
Bro, how many pages have you read?
Good evening to all samsters,
I quoted a guru in Oct 2014.
It’s worth reading again and again, for me.
When you behave as THE MAN, you are giving her the most DIRECT “SIGN” of your sexual worthiness - the sign that says you are her missing component, you are the masculine to balance her feminine.
The other “signs” of power are like a roundabout route to a destination instead of the direct route. The other signs are unclear from a sexual perspective since they are not distinctly sexual. After all, a woman can have money, and a man’s looks may be deceiving.
But a man’s actions speak louder about his sexual attractiveness than his wallet, his looks, or his words:
If he BEHAVES like a MAN, he probably IS.
DING! Sexual desire in a woman is now stimulated.
Think of it this way:
Great looks/great wealth/etc. = signs of power = possible sexiness
BUT BEHAVING as A MAN= “proof” of power = definite sexiness
By directly stimulating the “nerves” responsible for triggering a woman’s sexual desire, you BYPASS all the inefficient methods and create an expressway to attraction.
Behaving in a MASCULINE way means being relaxed while also being confident and dominant, and not having emotional reactions to things.
And what do all these behaviors have in common? The answer is EMOTIONAL STRENGTH.
My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man.
You see, money can be given or lost by sheer good or bad luck, looks can fade and be deceiving, but emotions are the great equalizer. Everyone is challenged by their own fears, so the man who conquers his own emotions is usually the ultimate victor.
For example, let’s say you are faced with a great challenge in your life. Whether it’s financial, social, or anything else, the fact is, if you are emotionally secure, calm, cool, and confident, you will usually end up conquering the problem and getting back on top of things.
But if you start to fall prey to negative emotions, you will be at the mercy of whatever happens to you and you will be relying on your luck. We all have heard of successful people who have had it all go down the drain and then commit suicide. Do you see how your emotional strength is the truest sign of your personal and inherent power?
A guy who does not get emotionally “messed up” or “bogged down” by life’s challenges, is a guy who will overcome those same challenges.
He will be a man in FAR GREATER CONTROL of what happens in his life, than a man who is a millionaire and is not an emotional winner.
A guy who has his emotions under control and has banished his fears has the power to achieve almost anything and overcome almost any obstacle.
Women understand this on an intuitive level, beyond the conscious.
Women desire to be with this type of man because he makes them burn with pure sexual desire.
As I explained before, at first, you may have to just ACT like the MAN. This is a good start. But don’t stop practicing until you become THE MAN, instinctively.
The irony of it all is that when women sense that you are THE MAN, you will then suddenly be flooded with all the things you have learned NOT to need- affection, support, love, sex, kindness, etc.
Being emotionally strong means you don’t need any particular girl, it means you don’t get jealous, it means you dump “problem” chicks immediately, and don’t play into their games since you know you can find better.
It means that you do not do anything to “win” a girl. You are THE MAN and that’s enough. This means not ever buying a woman something out of the fear that if you don’t, she will “like you less”. If you allow such fears to show, to exist, she will think lowly of you. Put simply, she will think you must be pretty inferior if you feel you need to buy her things.
Most guys talk too much and smile too much in an attempt to win a woman’s approval. Forget the song and dance. All the extra effort to please women comes from fear or belief in romantic lies.
And it always backfires. Women are repelled, feeling that these guys are UNSEXY or they would not be trying so hard.
That doesn’t mean you should not make yourself as good-looking, intelligent, and accomplished as possible. But notice these traits have nothing to do with her. You make yourself sexy by concentrating on improving your confidence, your looks, your personality, etc.
Now, there is a difference between doing something out of ass-kissing and doing something because you would do it for a buddy. Women can tell the difference, and if you do something friendly that you would do with a guy buddy, it’s all right. But it must be clear to her that you are only doing it because you felt like it, and not because you felt you needed to impress her.
When you first meet a woman, be safe: NO FAVORS, COMPLIMENTS, OR GIFTS. For at least 3 or 4 months. And have NO emotional responses to things, period.
If/when a woman says you are so cool and distant, don’t you dare change and become too mushy, because the truth is SHE CRAVES A GUY WHO IS COOL AND MASCULINE.
So become THE MAN. You will never, ever become fearful abt anything in LIFE. You’ll never be zealous or emotional or angry, ever…
Does your wife/lover want to leave u? That is her loss! Many prettier gals r lining up for u. Secretly in love w/ a gal for yrs? She will beg u to make love to her n become sexually addicted to u soon! Facing bankruptcy? You will make a comeback n become a billionaire…
Aspire to become THE MAN in the poem “IF.”
Bro WB
So become THE MAN. You will never, ever become fearful abt anything in LIFE. You’ll never be zealous or emotional or angry, ever…
Your wife/lover wants to leave u? That is her loss! Many prettier gals r lining up for u. Secretly in love w/ a gal for yrs? She will beg u to make love to her n become sexually addicted to u soon! Facing bankruptcy? You will make a comeback n become a billionaire…
Aspire to become THE MAN in the poem “IF.”
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
can fill some time reading from pg 1
Bro, how many pages have you read?
Good evening to all samsters,
I quoted a guru in Oct 2014.
It’s worth reading again and again, for me.
When you behave as THE MAN, you are giving her the most DIRECT “SIGN” of your sexual worthiness - the sign that says you are her missing component, you are the masculine to balance her feminine.
The other “signs” of power are like a roundabout route to a destination instead of the direct route. The other signs are unclear from a sexual perspective since they are not distinctly sexual. After all, a woman can have money, and a man’s looks may be deceiving.
But a man’s actions speak louder about his sexual attractiveness than his wallet, his looks, or his words:
If he BEHAVES like a MAN, he probably IS.
DING! Sexual desire in a woman is now stimulated.
Think of it this way:
Great looks/great wealth/etc. = signs of power = possible sexiness
BUT BEHAVING as A MAN= “proof” of power = definite sexiness
By directly stimulating the “nerves” responsible for triggering a woman’s sexual desire, you BYPASS all the inefficient methods and create an expressway to attraction.
Behaving in a MASCULINE way means being relaxed while also being confident and dominant, and not having emotional reactions to things.
And what do all these behaviors have in common? The answer is EMOTIONAL STRENGTH.
My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man.
You see, money can be given or lost by sheer good or bad luck, looks can fade and be deceiving, but emotions are the great equalizer. Everyone is challenged by their own fears, so the man who conquers his own emotions is usually the ultimate victor.
For example, let’s say you are faced with a great challenge in your life. Whether it’s financial, social, or anything else, the fact is, if you are emotionally secure, calm, cool, and confident, you will usually end up conquering the problem and getting back on top of things.
But if you start to fall prey to negative emotions, you will be at the mercy of whatever happens to you and you will be relying on your luck. We all have heard of successful people who have had it all go down the drain and then commit suicide. Do you see how your emotional strength is the truest sign of your personal and inherent power?
A guy who does not get emotionally “messed up” or “bogged down” by life’s challenges, is a guy who will overcome those same challenges.
He will be a man in FAR GREATER CONTROL of what happens in his life, than a man who is a millionaire and is not an emotional winner.
A guy who has his emotions under control and has banished his fears has the power to achieve almost anything and overcome almost any obstacle.
Women understand this on an intuitive level, beyond the conscious.
Women desire to be with this type of man because he makes them burn with pure sexual desire.
As I explained before, at first, you may have to just ACT like the MAN. This is a good start. But don’t stop practicing until you become THE MAN, instinctively.
The irony of it all is that when women sense that you are THE MAN, you will then suddenly be flooded with all the things you have learned NOT to need- affection, support, love, sex, kindness, etc.
Being emotionally strong means you don’t need any particular girl, it means you don’t get jealous, it means you dump “problem” chicks immediately, and don’t play into their games since you know you can find better.
It means that you do not do anything to “win” a girl. You are THE MAN and that’s enough. This means not ever buying a woman something out of the fear that if you don’t, she will “like you less”. If you allow such fears to show, to exist, she will think lowly of you. Put simply, she will think you must be pretty inferior if you feel you need to buy her things.
Most guys talk too much and smile too much in an attempt to win a woman’s approval. Forget the song and dance. All the extra effort to please women comes from fear or belief in romantic lies.
And it always backfires. Women are repelled, feeling that these guys are UNSEXY or they would not be trying so hard.
That doesn’t mean you should not make yourself as good-looking, intelligent, and accomplished as possible. But notice these traits have nothing to do with her. You make yourself sexy by concentrating on improving your confidence, your looks, your personality, etc.
Now, there is a difference between doing something out of ass-kissing and doing something because you would do it for a buddy. Women can tell the difference, and if you do something friendly that you would do with a guy buddy, it’s all right. But it must be clear to her that you are only doing it because you felt like it, and not because you felt you needed to impress her.
When you first meet a woman, be safe: NO FAVORS, COMPLIMENTS, OR GIFTS. For at least 3 or 4 months. And have NO emotional responses to things, period.
If/when a woman says you are so cool and distant, don’t you dare change and become too mushy, because the truth is SHE CRAVES A GUY WHO IS COOL AND MASCULINE.
So become THE MAN. You will never, ever become fearful abt anything in LIFE. You’ll never be zealous or emotional or angry, ever…
Does your wife/lover want to leave u? That is her loss! Many prettier gals r lining up for u. Secretly in love w/ a gal for yrs? She will beg u to make love to her n become sexually addicted to u soon! Facing bankruptcy? You will make a comeback n become a billionaire…
Aspire to become THE MAN in the poem “IF.”
Bro WB
So become THE MAN. You will never, ever become fearful abt anything in LIFE. You’ll never be zealous or emotional or angry, ever…
Your wife/lover wants to leave u? That is her loss! Many prettier gals r lining up for u. Secretly in love w/ a gal for yrs? She will beg u to make love to her n become sexually addicted to u soon! Facing bankruptcy? You will make a comeback n become a billionaire…
Aspire to become THE MAN in the poem “IF.”
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Bro WB,
Jealous ppl want things to themselves and if they can’t have, they make sure that others can’t have.
Envious ppl would not do that tho they would at least want those things.
In a ’love’ triangle relationship, a jealous man can end up killing the woman when he can’t have her and he doesn’t want the guy to have her.
Both jealousy and envy are related to covetousness and greed.
Bro, tks for sharing.
Originally Posted by
I read twice every page.
Pls share some of your exploits.
Originally Posted by
this is commercial. can’t say no true love, but 99.99% fake.
I have known you for a very long time!
Do you remember the singer FL Yi Ting? I wrote a nice FR for her.
She was introduced to all of us by bro Denden 7070 in August 2008. She was 20 yo and was tall, fair, quite pretty, and had a proportionate figure. One shot was only $80-120.
If a client met her at her HFJ joint Sakura, she would play hard to get.
She returned to work as an employee hostess for TAM in May 2009.
She called me n asked if I wanted to fxxk her. I said how much, she replied $500! I said NO and the most I would pay was $200. She said no way. She called me back a week later n said OK.
My point is that you couldn’t get a girl like YT even if you pay much more now. And most of the girls/women are plastic. And many are aunties.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
I read twice every page.
Pls share some of your exploits.
Originally Posted by
this is commercial. can’t say no true love, but 99.99% fake.
I have known you for a very long time!
Do you remember the singer FL Yi Ting? I wrote a nice FR for her.
She was introduced to all of us by bro Denden 7070 in August 2008. She was 20 yo and was tall, fair, quite pretty, and had a proportionate figure. One shot was only $80-120.
If a client met her at her HFJ joint Sakura, she would play hard to get.
She returned to work as an employee hostess for TAM in May 2009.
She called me n asked if I wanted to fxxk her. I said how much, she replied $500! I said NO and the most I would pay was $200. She said no way. She called me back a week later n said OK.
My point is that you couldn’t get a girl like YT even if you pay much more now. And most of the girls/women are plastic. And many are aunties.
Bro WB
Good evening,
What an auspicious night!
‘Guru’ Allen just sent me this article. Actually, I have read something very similar before.
It’s good to read it again.
Here Is How to Get DUMPED
Don Juan,
Are you the jealous type?
I hope not!
Jealousy is one of the quickest and surest ways to get DUMPED.
Jealousy is a sign of insecurity. It indicates a lack of confidence on your part. And it is an instant turn-off for women.
When you act in a jealous fashion you tell her that you don’t feel worthy of her love and that you’re worried she will find one of the many, many guys out there who are better than you.
Not to mention the fact that jealousy is an incredibly annoying personality trait. Which definitely will not help you.
Project Confidence
Never forget that women are attracted to confidence in men.
If a woman realizes that you lack confidence, then she will lose respect for you. And if she doesn’t respect you, she won’t love you, as respect is a prerequisite for love.
Every time you act like a jealous idiot, you deservedly lose more of that respect. And she will start to look around for someone better. Someone more confident and less jealous.
Now, don’t try to tell me that you’re the jealous type not because of a lack of confidence, but because you really love and care about this girl. Or because you can’t trust her.
I’m not buying it… and she won’t either.
Your Insecurity
Jealousy is about YOU and your feelings of insecurity. Your lack of confidence. Your feelings of inferiority.
It’s your problem. It has nothing to do with her.
(And if you really can’t trust this girl, then why waste your time. Find someone that you can trust.)
So what do you do if you ARE the jealous type?
Do This!
Well, since you know that when you act in a jealous fashion you push her away from you, and when you act in a confident fashion you draw her toward you, then it’s simple really.
Let her do whatever she wants. Give her all the freedom she wants. Do not try to control her.
Don’t complain when she goes out with her friends instead of you. Smile when she says she’s going to have lunch with an old boyfriend. Encourage her to go to that male strip club if she wants to.
Proudly display your confidence to her.
And know that ACTING CONFIDENT in the face of these circumstances (which make most men jealous, because most men are not Don Juans like you) will actually draw her to you.
By doing this, you brilliantly turn a negative personality trait (jealousy) into a positive personality trait (self-confidence).
Opportunities to Shine
You should welcome these types of situations and view them as opportunities to display your confidence to her… and to draw her closer to you.
So the next time you start to feel those pangs of jealousy, and you start to worry, and you start getting anxious, and nervous — remember this article and think…
“Awesome! This is an excellent opportunity for me to display my confidence, to set myself apart from all those other guys, and to blow her mind.”
It is powerful stuff.
Good luck!