How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

    Chapter #2431

    My post in another interesting thread:

    Re: Wife having affair?


    Originally Posted by IamGood View Post

    Discovered a used condom in the toilet bin ytd.

    Never asked her. She must be having an affair cos its not mine


    Originally Posted by IamGood View Post

    No la i dont want to lose her. She is pretty, nice shape and good in bed thats why i marry her. She used to live a promiscuous lifestyle and have slept with numerous guys, she is quite open about it.

    Think after marriage she not enough to have the same cock in her pussy all the time.

    Guess this is the price to pay for choosing outward beauty over homely girls.


    I want to be brutally honest.

    Leave her asap even if she is the most beautiful, the sexiest, and the most intelligent woman in the world. Why? She is not trustworthy. The real dangers are HIV and STDs.

    You chose the wrong woman.

    Do you know the Rule of Five?

    “Before you think I’ve turned into some kind of sex puritan, it’s important to understand that we are all born with a set amount of bonding glue. This glue is required to connect with a member of the opposite sex for love that is practical or romantic for the goal of creating a family. Each episode of casual sex, which contraceptives enable (along with other medical advances like antibiotics that treat sexually transmitted diseases), permanently reduces the amount of bonding glue you possess.

    The best way to explain how bonding glue works is to use the old analogy of adhesive tape on a box. When you want to ship a package, you seal it with tape. The recipient can open the package by peeling off the tape, which will retain some stickiness, perhaps enough to ship a new package, but far less than when it was fresh off the roll. If you keep applying and removing tape from a box, it will soon not stick at all. Each time you have casual sex, you’re applying tape to a box and then removing it.

    Women lose far more bonding glue than men with each sexual encounter. I believe that most women will only retain enough adhesive to sleep with between one to five men in their lives before irreparably damaging their ability to love any man. This is why contraceptives are disproportionately targeted to them—if you can get women to have casual sex with only a handful of men, your depopulation agenda will be a guaranteed success.

    Men, on the other hand, barely lose any bonding glue with a casual sex encounter. Consider that the deepest I was ever in love was three years ago, well after I achieved a surplus notch count. Before that relationship, I was self-aware enough to slow down fornication when I felt it was beginning to damage me, with sufficient bonding glue remaining. I’ve also met many men with notch counts higher than mine who can still bond with women in a reasonably healthy way (as much as modernity allows), but a woman with the same notch count is likely to develop a severe mental illness. Any child she makes will be accidental and raised in a broken home.

    I’m not attempting to portray sleeping around as more justified for men than women, because there is nothing noble about pursuing non-reproductive sex, and a man who finds himself doing so is certainly the product of a declining society, but women are far more affected by casual sex than men. This is why the past is full of societies that valued the virginal status of women. Men instinctively knew, even thousands of years ago, that the best chance of creating a successful family is when the woman had all of her bonding glue intact.”

    I couldn’t agree with Roosh more. After carefully reflecting on all my relationships since I was a young man, I have to admit that he is RIGHT!!

    I sincerely believe that a woman who has had more than 5 sexual partners is unable to truly love any man again. Sorry, excepting her sons.

    Also google Corey Wayne’s High Body Count Women.

    Cheers and good luck!

    Bro WB

    Post #8442
    Chapter #2432

    Re: Wife having affair?

    Good morning,

    A bro gave me 8 or 9 points this morning, thank you! I’m unable to reciprocate as he didn’t leave his nick.

    “Wife having affair? 05-12-2021 08:06 AM Thumbs up! Ur advices is good.”

    Pls PM me.

    Also, feel free to ask for any advice.

    I look at a relationship from ALL angles. Girls/women are also welcome to share their side of the story and ask for my advice.


    Bro WB

    Post #8444
    Chapter #2433


    Originally Posted by


    I couldn’t agree more with bro WB.

    If wife cheated then better leave her and get things sorted out before crisis no matter how pretty and good sex. In long term this will ruined lives.

    Tough to live normal life when no trust. What about babies? What about when she come home late?

    Today a condom had many usage. So why not ask and speak frankly about it.


    Thanks for your post.

    Only a wuss will stay with a wife who is fucking other men.

    Divorce her asap. 长痛不如短痛。


    Bro WB

    Post #8445
    Chapter #2434


    Originally Posted by


    I couldn’t agree more with bro WB.

    If wife cheated then better leave her and get things sorted out before crisis no matter how pretty and good sex. In long term this will ruined lives.

    Tough to live normal life when no trust. What about babies? What about when she come home late?

    Today a condom had many usage. So why not ask and speak frankly about it.


    Thanks for your post.

    Only a wuss will stay with a wife who is fucking other men.

    Divorce her asap. 长痛不如短痛。


    Bro WB

    Post #8446
    Chapter #2435


    Originally Posted by


    popped in irregularly … just busy with figuring out life’s messiness

    i posted recently in sammy’s 20 year anniversary thread

    was going to post in “Best Sex you had” thread

    to me what i have experienced as the best is what i called … “excitedly relaxed”

    lovemaking last 1-2 hours

    most times i am pumping away but can joke and laugh … slow down, then pick up speed, change position etc

    relaxed and at same time charged up …

    after one round … chat, then i get worked up again for another round …

    both of us feel the same why …

    i wonder if this is normal or common? … cos i have never read or heard about such feelings

    i know its real bcos we are in that “Flow State” (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)

    where suddenly 2 hours have past when it feels like only 20mins … we are so focussed on what’s at hand

    cheers bro


    So good to hear from you again!

    You’re describing a form of Taoist sex.

    Making love frequently to girls who are much younger is good for a man’s physical and mental health. It has rejuvenating effects.

    I’m much older than you. When I started this thread, I was already an ah pek.

    My sincere advice for all men and boys.

    “You don’t stop making love to young women when you get ‘old.’ You get old when you stop making love to young women.”

    Erectile dysfunction is a strong predictor of death. Although no definitive data are available, I believe that most men with new-onset ED, due to physical causes, have a life expectancy of fewer than 20 years. Sometimes much fewer.


    Bro WB

    Post #8448
    Chapter #2436

    Merry Christmas to all samsters,

    I like to share some of the words of Mike Haines. BTW, I don’t always agree with him…

    What is FAR more important than how you look, is how you present yourself…

    Your presence… your vibe…. your “energy” as a man.

    “Vibe” is a weird word for something intangible which we’ll discuss more in

    detail later.

    But for the time being, just understand this:

    Men are attracted to a woman’s appearance

    more than anything else.

    But women are attracted to a man’s vibe more

    than anything else.

    And you’ll be approached by women far more because you have an attractive

    vibe, than for your looks.

    What is “vibe” exactly?

    It’s hard to put into words, but I’ll try to explain it using a little analogy.

    “Vibe” as the music of the snake charmer

    Having an attractive vibe is like being the snake charmer.

    And the “snake”, in this metaphor, is the woman.

    When you have an attractive vibe….

    it has an almost HYPNOTIC effect on the women

    around you.

    Despite being a fairly “ugly” guy, I’ve cultivated a

    mesmerizing, hypnotic sexual vibe that draws

    women to me like the music of the snake charmer.

    So as we go forward, keep this in mind.

    Making yourself look as good as possible is an important ingredient to getting

    female interest and attention, and being approached by women who find you

    attractive. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

    But there is a much bigger part of this that is not as obvious as looks are — and that’s your VIBE.



    It’s hard to “define” vibe in a single word, but here are some rough definitions.

    Your vibe is:

    - the way you walk into a room

    - the way you look at her

    - your posture and body language

    - the way you move (slow, deliberate gestures and movements)

    - being relaxed and loose

    - being carefree

    - feeling as comfortable in a loud, intimidating nightclub as you would standing

    in your own bedroom in your pajamas

    - being completely at ease around people

    - being able to project “smoldering sexual intensity” with your eye contact,

    body language and other non-verbal cues

    - having a relaxed, easy-going demeanor

    Yes, I have to agree with Mike.

    Strong masculine (mental) frame = Awesome sexual vibe

    Watch Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca. He had an awesome masculine frame and sexual vibe. He was only 164cm in height.

    Good night!

    Bro WB

    Post #8450
    Chapter #2437

    Merry Christmas to all samsters,

    I like to share some of the words of Mike Haines. BTW, I don’t always agree with him…

    What is FAR more important than how you look, is how you present yourself…

    Your presence… your vibe…. your “energy” as a man.

    “Vibe” is a weird word for something intangible which we’ll discuss more in

    detail later.

    But for the time being, just understand this:

    Men are attracted to a woman’s appearance

    more than anything else.

    But women are attracted to a man’s vibe more

    than anything else.

    And you’ll be approached by women far more because you have an attractive

    vibe, than for your looks.

    What is “vibe” exactly?

    It’s hard to put into words, but I’ll try to explain it using a little analogy.

    “Vibe” as the music of the snake charmer

    Having an attractive vibe is like being the snake charmer.

    And the “snake”, in this metaphor, is the woman.

    When you have an attractive vibe….

    it has an almost HYPNOTIC effect on the women

    around you.

    Despite being a fairly “ugly” guy, I’ve cultivated a

    mesmerizing, hypnotic sexual vibe that draws

    women to me like the music of the snake charmer.

    So as we go forward, keep this in mind.

    Making yourself look as good as possible is an important ingredient to getting

    female interest and attention, and being approached by women who find you

    attractive. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

    But there is a much bigger part of this that is not as obvious as looks are — and that’s your VIBE.



    It’s hard to “define” vibe in a single word, but here are some rough definitions.

    Your vibe is:

    - the way you walk into a room

    - the way you look at her

    - your posture and body language

    - the way you move (slow, deliberate gestures and movements)

    - being relaxed and loose

    - being carefree

    - feeling as comfortable in a loud, intimidating nightclub as you would standing

    in your own bedroom in your pajamas

    - being completely at ease around people

    - being able to project “smoldering sexual intensity” with your eye contact,

    body language and other non-verbal cues

    - having a relaxed, easy-going demeanor

    Yes, I have to agree with Mike.

    Strong masculine (mental) frame = Awesome sexual vibe

    Watch Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca. He had an awesome masculine frame and sexual vibe. He was only 164cm in height.

    Good night!

    Bro WB

    Post #8451
    Chapter #2438


    Originally Posted by


    Great advise. Will always bear this in mind!

    Yeah, don’t forget.


    Wishing everyone a blessed New Year!

    Bro WB

    Post #8452
    Chapter #2439


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB,

    Vibes refer to the energy people can feel. When the vibes are there, the girl will resonate with you in full alignment of words and actions .

    The idea here is you are in control and she’s happy to be led.

    My 2 cts.

    Bro, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB, first of all, wishing you and all a great festive season.

    About vibes, easier say than done. These are a little unlikely to be groomed but bornt. Besides, for those with many prospects, it would be easier than those with one and only.

    Women can have very sharp six sense, as most of them are not out there looking for a good fxxx, the moment they sense an average Joe who’s only horny and hot about their bodies, they will run for the fire exit.

    My own experience is, just be yourself, don’t try to be someone else’s. Imitation is rarely liked.

    Bro, tks.

    A strong frame and sexual vibe come primarily from the subconscious mind. Can’t fake it. Very difficult to reprogram the subconscious. I’m still making very slow progress…


    Originally Posted by


    Of course, if you get the bad vibes, then need to manage the situation.

    Yes, bro.


    More from Mike Haines.

    The vibe of an attractive man is hard to put into words, but you “know it when you see it.”

    Vibe is an intangible quality about a man, where

    just by looking at him, women can tell


    “This guy gets laid. He’s at ease with himself and

    women. And he has no problem getting sex

    whenever he wants it.”

    This is the essence of attraction, for a woman.

    It’s all about the man’s demeanor and presence — and what these things indicate

    about him, namely that:

    • he is successful with women

    • he is at ease, relaxed and loose

    • women naturally gravitate towards this guy and he has sexual relationships

    with them easily

    When a woman gets this “feeling” from you, she

    will either approach you or make it so obvious

    she wants you to approach her that even a baby

    could figure it out.

    So how do you cultivate this charismatic, magnetic vibe?

    There are basically two parts to having an attractive vibe:

    (1) internal (biological)

    (2) external (skill, practice)

    It’s very important to understand BOTH of these aspects of being attractive — as one on its own will not work.

    I’ll give you an example.

    There are lots of little tricks and techniques I can teach you to make you come across as more attractive.

    For example body language techniques, walking techniques, eye contact

    techniques etc.

    These are all EXTERNAL. They’re “learned”. They’re not innate to you. They’re

    SKILLS which you get better at with practice.

    However, there is a DEEPER ELEMENT to being attractive — and this is

    something I can’t teach you.

    It comes from WITHIN YOU.

    It’s part of YOUR BIOLOGY as a man.

    You might even say it’s your “essence” as a man.

    To give a simple example of the importance of biology:

    You could have all the tricks and techniques for appearing attractive in the world. However, if you’re suffering from a mental illness due to a chemical imbalance in your brain, then it won’t work.

    If you’re sick… unhealthy… or otherwise disordered and out of balance in your

    biological system, no amount of learned techniques and tricks will plaster over the problem.

    Attractiveness = Health

    Health = Attractiveness

    This is a very important concept to understand.

    Being attractive and being healthy are not two different things. They’re the exact same thing.


    Strong (masculine) mental frame + good health = Male attractiveness

    Any comments?

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #8454
    Chapter #2440


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB,

    Vibes refer to the energy people can feel. When the vibes are there, the girl will resonate with you in full alignment of words and actions .

    The idea here is you are in control and she’s happy to be led.

    My 2 cts.

    Bro, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB, first of all, wishing you and all a great festive season.

    About vibes, easier say than done. These are a little unlikely to be groomed but bornt. Besides, for those with many prospects, it would be easier than those with one and only.

    Women can have very sharp six sense, as most of them are not out there looking for a good fxxx, the moment they sense an average Joe who’s only horny and hot about their bodies, they will run for the fire exit.

    My own experience is, just be yourself, don’t try to be someone else’s. Imitation is rarely liked.

    Bro, tks.

    A strong frame and sexual vibe come primarily from the subconscious mind. Can’t fake it. Very difficult to reprogram the subconscious. I’m still making very slow progress…


    Originally Posted by


    Of course, if you get the bad vibes, then need to manage the situation.

    Yes, bro.


    More from Mike Haines.

    The vibe of an attractive man is hard to put into words, but you “know it when you see it.”

    Vibe is an intangible quality about a man, where

    just by looking at him, women can tell


    “This guy gets laid. He’s at ease with himself and

    women. And he has no problem getting sex

    whenever he wants it.”

    This is the essence of attraction, for a woman.

    It’s all about the man’s demeanor and presence — and what these things indicate

    about him, namely that:

    • he is successful with women

    • he is at ease, relaxed and loose

    • women naturally gravitate towards this guy and he has sexual relationships

    with them easily

    When a woman gets this “feeling” from you, she

    will either approach you or make it so obvious

    she wants you to approach her that even a baby

    could figure it out.

    So how do you cultivate this charismatic, magnetic vibe?

    There are basically two parts to having an attractive vibe:

    (1) internal (biological)

    (2) external (skill, practice)

    It’s very important to understand BOTH of these aspects of being attractive — as one on its own will not work.

    I’ll give you an example.

    There are lots of little tricks and techniques I can teach you to make you come across as more attractive.

    For example body language techniques, walking techniques, eye contact

    techniques etc.

    These are all EXTERNAL. They’re “learned”. They’re not innate to you. They’re

    SKILLS which you get better at with practice.

    However, there is a DEEPER ELEMENT to being attractive — and this is

    something I can’t teach you.

    It comes from WITHIN YOU.

    It’s part of YOUR BIOLOGY as a man.

    You might even say it’s your “essence” as a man.

    To give a simple example of the importance of biology:

    You could have all the tricks and techniques for appearing attractive in the world. However, if you’re suffering from a mental illness due to a chemical imbalance in your brain, then it won’t work.

    If you’re sick… unhealthy… or otherwise disordered and out of balance in your

    biological system, no amount of learned techniques and tricks will plaster over the problem.

    Attractiveness = Health

    Health = Attractiveness

    This is a very important concept to understand.

    Being attractive and being healthy are not two different things. They’re the exact same thing.


    Strong (masculine) mental frame + good health = Male attractiveness

    Any comments?

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #8455