buy her gifts for every occasion: Birthday, Valentine day, Christmas
give her allowance every month
spend lots of time with her
bring her for holiday
If we feel we cannot afford to lose the one we love, usually we will end up losing them even faster.
Love blinds us to a fault till we lose the direction of the relationship.
Love makes us make the wrong decision, because we lose our objectivity and thus become ruled by our emotions only.
Originally Posted by
yey…everyone need to take care ourselves….virus is too dangerous
Yeah, we all should stay safe.
No one is safe until everyone is safe.
Good afternoon!
Many men have been very successful with girls/women who are only so-so to them. The problem arises when a man meets his Dream Girl, The Special One. He is suddenly smitten with her and transformed into a wussy nice guy. He cares way too much, becomes submissive and is afraid to say NO. He is so NEEDY! That is the kiss of death for THE one and only relationship he really cares about. Isn’t life ironic?
Truth be told, I have committed the same fatal mistake repeatedly, just like everyone else. It’s very hard to overcome this self-defeating behavior. It’s deep in the subconscious mind.
You must learn to treat your dream girl like every other girl, at least in the initial stages. You can care more, compliment and protect her when you two have had intimate sexual relationship for some time. You still need to say NO whenever it’s appropriate. And never, ever be afraid to lose her.
The magic two-letter word is NO!
I just received a new email from Marni recently which gives the word ‘NO’ a new twist. Not only you want to say NO to your dream girl, but you also want her to say NO, at least sometimes.
This two-letter word makes women chase you instantly…
As you guys know, I’m crazy about Chris Voss - the ex-FBI negotiator - and his powerful negotiating book ‘Never Split the Difference’.
So today I dived into Google to find out more about him…
…and unearthed a seduction secret you guys are gonna LOVE.
Turns out, Voss learned a ton of his secrets from this guy called Jim Camp.
Now Jim literally taught the FBI how to negotiate. He gave these cops all his proven secrets to winning each and every negotiation they entered.
This guy was the KING of influence…
Anyway, while I was reading up on Jim Camp, I stumbled across a secret that blew my mind.
And I scribbled it down, ripped it straight outta my notebook, and stuck it to my laptop so I could write this email…
This golden secret was Jim Camp’s most seductive principle for winning ANY negotiation, influencing ANYONE from a beautiful bartender to a brash billionaire.
And it’s so simple (just a two-letter word…) I’m almost embarrassed to tell you guys…
But I HAVE to…
Because, as a woman, I know this works on us every. Damn. Time.
You ready? Here it is:
“Start with NO”
Told you it was simple.
But it’s so true, because I see tons of guys practically begging girls to date them, buying them flowers, flashing their cash, anything to make these gals say YES.
It almost never works.
Because the girl feels pressured and uncomfortable, and the guy feels desperate and needy.
Horrible, right? Well here’s the kicker…if you actually ENCOURAGE your dream girl to say no to you up front, you release all the pressure from your approach.
Because you’re being honest and owning your flaws.
She’ll be chasing you in no time.
And how do you encourage her to say no? Use false disqualifiers.
A false disqualifier is a playful way to highlight your apparent incompatibility with a woman…
E.g. “You’re too nice for me” or “You don’t like soccer? This isn’t gonna work out”.
By creating this teasing conflict, you banish your neediness and flip the script, so SHE is chasing YOU, and not the other way around…
It doesn’t matter whether you really are incompatible or not…you just wanna show her that you’ve got options, you don’t NEED her and that you’re willing to walk away…
Comments and dissenting views will be greatly appreciated.
BTW, no one has accepted my offer yet. I’m very patient…
Originally Posted by
No is a powerful word.
Tks bro.
Yes, it has worked like a magic for me. Took me a very long time to learn it because it’s counter-intuitive.
Originally Posted by
initiative chat to the girl you like, like her know you are impressed by her. Like me, if i target someone i like in sugarbok, i will straight away message her and chit chat with her for some time…
Yes, bro.
Always be Mode One.
Originally Posted by
this is the real heart of a girl towards you if she come to you when you are poor and stay with you until you become rich…is not easy to find those girl
Tks , bro.
Yes, must choose your LT partner wisely. Avoid gold diggers.
Her character and intelligence are as important as her looks and figure.
Some girls can recognize the potential and the admirable masculine character traits in a man who is poor. It’s not where he starts, it’s where he finishes that counts.
Good afternoon to all samsters.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
No is a powerful word.
Tks bro.
Yes, it has worked like a magic for me. Took me a very long time to learn it because it’s counter-intuitive.
Originally Posted by
initiative chat to the girl you like, like her know you are impressed by her. Like me, if i target someone i like in sugarbok, i will straight away message her and chit chat with her for some time…
Yes, bro.
Always be Mode One.
Originally Posted by
this is the real heart of a girl towards you if she come to you when you are poor and stay with you until you become rich…is not easy to find those girl
Tks , bro.
Yes, must choose your LT partner wisely. Avoid gold diggers.
Her character and intelligence are as important as her looks and figure.
Some girls can recognize the potential and the admirable masculine character traits in a man who is poor. It’s not where he starts, it’s where he finishes that counts.
Good afternoon to all samsters.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Hello Bro Warbird,
Thanks for sharing this new piece. Mode One could help one to be better at saying no, but striving to always be Mode One continues to be a challenging goal.
Wishing you well, cheers!
Bro, tks.
Just change your mental frames.
Originally Posted by
Excellent thread, lots to learn from bro warbird
Bro, tks.
Good afternoon to all samsters.
I like to tell a very old joke. I first heard it from an American doctor over 30 years ago.
From the Old Bull, Young Bull tale:
The old bull and the young bull were standing at the top of the hill overlooking a paddock of many gorgeous young heifers ( or SYTs!). The young bull said, “Let’s charge down the hill, knock over that fence, and service one of those heifers each”. The old bull wisely replied, “Why don’t we saunter down the hill, open the gate, take a sip at the water trough and then service ALL of those heifers?”
The lesson to be learned here is that instead of being young, immature, and stupid, quickly ruining any shot you have at a female, you should play your game like a gentleman (yes, like a badass gentleman); slowly and with much thought. Only by this method will you have your best shot at getting paid (or laid).
Watch these videos too.
Yeah, don’t fuck them all.
Be highly selective and only fuck the highest quality girls of your type.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Hello Bro Warbird,
Thanks for sharing this new piece. Mode One could help one to be better at saying no, but striving to always be Mode One continues to be a challenging goal.
Wishing you well, cheers!
Bro, tks.
Just change your mental frames.
Originally Posted by
Excellent thread, lots to learn from bro warbird
Bro, tks.
Good afternoon to all samsters.
I like to tell a very old joke. I first heard it from an American doctor over 30 years ago.
From the Old Bull, Young Bull tale:
The old bull and the young bull were standing at the top of the hill overlooking a paddock of many gorgeous young heifers ( or SYTs!). The young bull said, “Let’s charge down the hill, knock over that fence, and service one of those heifers each”. The old bull wisely replied, “Why don’t we saunter down the hill, open the gate, take a sip at the water trough and then service ALL of those heifers?”
The lesson to be learned here is that instead of being young, immature, and stupid, quickly ruining any shot you have at a female, you should play your game like a gentleman (yes, like a badass gentleman); slowly and with much thought. Only by this method will you have your best shot at getting paid (or laid).
Watch these videos too.
Yeah, don’t fuck them all.
Be highly selective and only fuck the highest quality girls of your type.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Nice share bro. She’s a hot chick!!
Yes, bro.
Originally Posted by
That’s one of the best advice there is. Many a time we give in to the decisions made by the small head, only to look back and say,“WTF, did i do THAT?” Life is too short to waste on bad food and worse fucks. Live it up while you can get it up!
Tks, bro.
Yes, life is short and unpredictable. Seize the day, seize the moment!
I received the following email recently from guru Allen.
The Danger of Falling In Love
Don Juan,
Love is awesome!
Everyone knows that.
To be in love with a woman (who also loves you back) is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
But there is a problem.
A darker side, if you will.
When you fall in love with a woman, you start to *think* with your emotions rather than your brain.
And your emotions will trick you, control you, manipulate you, and destroy you.
All the things you’ve read about here that you know you shouldn’t do, you will start doing.
And all the things you’ve read about here that you know you should do, you will stop doing.
For example:
You will text her all day long…
(And RATIONALIZE it as being a good thing because you two are in love and can’t stand to be apart.)
You will buy her presents, take her to expensive restaurants, and spend tons of money on her…
(And RATIONALIZE it as being what classy men do, when they are in love with classy women.)
You will compliment her too much and tell her that you “love” her too soon…
(And RATIONALIZE your pathetic behavior as somehow being what women want to hear.)
You will allow her to disrespect you or act like a brat…
You will act jealous and insecure when she gives attention to other men…
You will quit your hobbies, stop spending time with your friends, and forget about your goals…
Your will rationalize doing almost everything wrong.
And feel good about it all.
Because you are in LOVE…
And your girl is DIFFERENT…
And this relationship is SPECIAL.
And you don’t need to follow all those rules you read in those suave mails that are for slimy guys looking for slutty women and sleazy one-night stands and not for mature and intelligent guys like you who are looking for true love with an amazingly wonderful woman like your incredible new girlfriend who is everything that you’ve ever wanted and that you will love with all your heart and soul until the day you die.
And don’t blame the girl. She couldn’t help it. She knows that she should love you but, instead, she feels only revulsion for you.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Nice share bro. She’s a hot chick!!
Yes, bro.
Originally Posted by
That’s one of the best advice there is. Many a time we give in to the decisions made by the small head, only to look back and say,“WTF, did i do THAT?” Life is too short to waste on bad food and worse fucks. Live it up while you can get it up!
Tks, bro.
Yes, life is short and unpredictable. Seize the day, seize the moment!
I received the following email recently from guru Allen.
The Danger of Falling In Love
Don Juan,
Love is awesome!
Everyone knows that.
To be in love with a woman (who also loves you back) is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
But there is a problem.
A darker side, if you will.
When you fall in love with a woman, you start to *think* with your emotions rather than your brain.
And your emotions will trick you, control you, manipulate you, and destroy you.
All the things you’ve read about here that you know you shouldn’t do, you will start doing.
And all the things you’ve read about here that you know you should do, you will stop doing.
For example:
You will text her all day long…
(And RATIONALIZE it as being a good thing because you two are in love and can’t stand to be apart.)
You will buy her presents, take her to expensive restaurants, and spend tons of money on her…
(And RATIONALIZE it as being what classy men do, when they are in love with classy women.)
You will compliment her too much and tell her that you “love” her too soon…
(And RATIONALIZE your pathetic behavior as somehow being what women want to hear.)
You will allow her to disrespect you or act like a brat…
You will act jealous and insecure when she gives attention to other men…
You will quit your hobbies, stop spending time with your friends, and forget about your goals…
Your will rationalize doing almost everything wrong.
And feel good about it all.
Because you are in LOVE…
And your girl is DIFFERENT…
And this relationship is SPECIAL.
And you don’t need to follow all those rules you read in those suave mails that are for slimy guys looking for slutty women and sleazy one-night stands and not for mature and intelligent guys like you who are looking for true love with an amazingly wonderful woman like your incredible new girlfriend who is everything that you’ve ever wanted and that you will love with all your heart and soul until the day you die.
And don’t blame the girl. She couldn’t help it. She knows that she should love you but, instead, she feels only revulsion for you.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Excellent thread! Have to learn from bro warbird
Tks, bro
Originally Posted by
Tks for the post.
Too nice and too needy.
Originally Posted by
Not cool and too easy gal will not appreciate.
I agree, bro.
Originally Posted by
U recommend pay DW levy as well ah?
Originally Posted by
You like to play hard to get?
Not exactly, but be dominant and assertive.
Originally Posted by
Prefer mode one.
Yes, always be Mode One.
Originally Posted by
It’s been a while, Warbird
I will just add some penny thoughts:
Actually the love which is viewed as love, makes us lose our objectivity, and makes us less manly till we lose the one we think we truly love. Perhaps we need to think deeply what does love consists of, not the love which is taught by culture or society or the media.
So in the end we need to think deeply on what really love is, it will probably take a while to get the answer, but once the answer comes, relationship with the ladies only grow stronger over time.
Bro, tks for the great post. I couldn’t agree with you more.
Yes, as I have alluded to numerous times before, when a man loves a girl, he loses his objectivity, and his prior dominant behavior changes.
He cares too much, becomes too needy, too insecure, and is very afraid of losing HER. Ironically, she will now find him repulsive, even if she used to like/love him very much before.
The same needy and overcautious behavior occurs when a real-life Don Juan meets his ‘dream girl.’ He could get hundreds of beautiful girls without any effort, but he will definitely fail w/ this one most important girl in his life. Why? Because he thinks he is NOT good enough for HER!!
Originally Posted by
I will always scroll in sgrbk.com. If I see someone match my expectation, I will send out a greeting and ask if there is any chance to proceed.
Ths, bro
Originally Posted by
you need to act fast if you meet someone that you like, because opportunity will not wait for you, you need to grab it
Originally Posted by
not everyone can do it…..haiz
Good advice. Be Mode One.
Originally Posted by
ya virus is too contagious, vaccine also cannot be a solution of it at the moment
Bro, get COVID vaccine asap! It gives excellent protection against severe illness and death.
Originally Posted by
Great thread. You stay safe too bro!
Bro, tks. You keep safe too.
Good afternoon,
I would encourage every eligible person to get COVID vaccine asap.
The two currently available vaccines in SG are equally good.
I had my first jab only recently.
I waited a bit because I thought I had anaphylaxis 5-6 minutes after taking a muscle relaxant and analgesic for severe neck pain many yrs ago. I was in a clinic and I treated myself with i/m epinephrine. In retrospect, I had a vasovagal reaction with hypotension and bradycardia due to the pain. Whereas, a rapid pulse is usual in anaphylaxis. I also had no other symptoms of anaphylaxis.
Other vaccines may be available here soon. But don’t wait, get it asap. To protect yourself and your loved ones.
Here is an informative article. The vaccine will greatly reduce the risks of getting severe disease and death.
Bro WB
Good morning,
I just posted the following in another thread.
Originally Posted by addict999 View Post
Hi bro warbird..nice to see your posting again. How are u and your bao yang coping post covid
Hi bro,
The pleasure is all mine.
Since Mar 2020 I hv been to KTV only twice, both at Dynasty. Once for a look-see and once when I was invited to celebrate two friends’ business success.
The standard of women/girls working in the nite scene in SG is now even worst than in the pre-COVID period. And, according to an experienced China lady, many of these women are raking in $30-50K a month! The weaker performers are making $20-30K a month.
I believe the FLs here are having a field day too.
All at the expense of our fellow cheongsters!!
I’m fortunate in that I still have my two long-term LPs in SG, LS n TY. I see one of them every day.
I have seen some of the photos of girls/women working at Lido. Mostly plastic. Many are old aunties.
Bro WB