How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

    Chapter #2161

    Good morning,

    What an auspicious day!

    I’m delighted by the recent surge of posts and discussions. Thank you all! Keep them coming.

    I also like to give my special appreciation to the bros who hv written detailed FRs. I hv learned a lot from your success and failure.

    I’m packing and getting ready to fly to Gotham City. I’m unable to reply to the posts but will do so asap.


    Bro WB

    Post #7938
    Chapter #2162


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Thanks so much for wonderful thread.

    I fully agreed with you not to take any risks with any under-aged gers. There were enough gers to go around without counting the under-aged. Just continue to be cautious.

    If a person don’t mean his words then the guy is spinless and lack integrity. This type of ppl better dun waste time and get involved.

    Just continue with our masculine traits.

    Cheers pal.

    Bro, tks.

    Yeah, don’t even touch girls under 18.

    A person who is not trustworthy will be a perennial loser.


    Originally Posted by


    True, better don’t take risk with underage girls.

    Thanks bro WB for an excellent thread.

    Have a great weekend.


    Originally Posted by


    A fantastic thread by bro WB, hope to learn more here.


    Bros, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    When I look at the phone messages between you and this attractive lady, my gut feeling tells me that you have to be extra careful about this lady. Ladies can be extremely good at pretending, even better than guys. The story I wrote from my experience, it is actually the girl who make my best friend grab onto her, not the other way round. A lot of people will feel like punching or blaming ir taking out on their best friend, but with regards to my analysis, the girt is the one who is the mastermind behind the whole thing. That is why, I avoided her like she is a type of plague.


    You’re right.

    Women cheat as much as men but they are much better in hiding their affairs and infidelity.


    Originally Posted by


    Thanks for yr sincere advice.

    I always appreciate constructive advice whether it is good or bad. Up till now, my relationship with my China girl is OK, I’m just lucky.

    With regards to yr own story, it’s quite unfortunate that yr girl fall for yr best friend. So now u r a stronger person. So did you analyse why yr girl leave you.


    Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

    Putting everything aside, since this thread is talking about “How to get and keep attractive gals of your type”, I have this to say.

    We are part of the animal kingdom. Looking at all the animals and living things with regards to courtship, we will notice something similar I.e. the males will chase after the females. Initially the females will run away like hell away from the males. And then finally the female give in, stop struggling, and the male get on top of the female and fuck. In most cases, after fucking, the female will stick to this male.

    Humans are the same, that is why in order to get the girl, we got to chase the girl. As we all already know, there are so many ways to chase a girl. Men and women have very different biological physiology. It is this different biological composition that made women “when a woman in love, loves only one man” but not men of course as men are promiscuous by design. Apart from all other things such as material n psychological securities, FUCKING IS VERY IMPORTANT. Prelude to and during fucking, both female and male hormones were activated very aggressively depending on age, that’s why example when we are bringing our girlfriend on the way to a hotel to fuck, on reaching the room, even before fucking, your girl cheebye would be all wet. What I’m going to say is that after getting her, thereafter how well she is going to stick to you is also dependant on how well you fuck her.

    Many many years ago when I was around age 40 and I had a fling with a demure and pretty Singaporean girl age 21. I can fuck her for 2 hours, it was the way I fuck her that she told me “lucky it’s me, if it’s other girl, I don’t think she can take it”.

    So if one manage to bring his girlfriend to fuck, and if you didn’t manage to thrill her, your relationship will be in trouble.

    So how to fuck your girlfriend or lover, is it better to fuck her as though you are a born again Christian or as though you are a rapist, I guarantee you that she will love you more if you fuck her like a rapist.

    Bro, tks for your opinions.

    Be rough sometimes, be gentle sometimes. Connect and disconnect…

    All females like to experience a variety of strong emotions. Mostly positive, but occasionally NEGATIVE.


    Originally Posted by


    Yes she left me because I told her very frankly that my friends are quite important to me too and I cannot give up their schedule just to be with her after she asked me to cancel my trip with my friends. She did it to try to show the importance of herself to me, but it didn’t work. It only showed me very clearly that she is definitely not a good choice for me.

    Bro, thanks for your post.


    Good afternoon!

    A man must believe he is the prize and behave like the prize, from the first second he meets an attractive female of his type to the last second he is w/ her. Whether their relationship lasts 3 hours or 30 years.

    Here is a brief article.

    Make Her Think You’re Valuable

    by Robert

    Picture this for a moment…

    You’re in the market for a new car. You visit two separate car dealerships.

    The first sales person comes at you, desperate to sell a car to you. Every time he makes an offer and you hesitate, he quickly lowers the price just to please you.

    Then you visit the second dealership, and the sales person appears very elegant and talks in a slow calm manner. He makes you an offer, and whether you accept his offer or not, he still maintains his pride. He doesn’t lower his price drastically.

    And as you think about the offer he has made, he says the following:

    “This is a fine car. You get what you pay for. If you would like to pay the asking price, you can either take it, or leave it. Someone else will surely purchase this car.”

    Which Car Do You Want?

    Now imagine that you have an opportunity to get both of these cars for free. Which one would you purchase?

    The second of course.

    It automatically is perceived as being more valuable because the salesman made it look like his car was in demand, and that it was worth having.

    While the first salesman seemed desperate. He made it seem as no one else wanted the car in the first place, so he would take what he could get for it.

    How Women Judge Men

    This is exactly how women judge a man.

    If he seems desperate (by calling all the time, texting all the time, kissing her butt, or harassing her for a date), he is considered worthless.

    Versus the man who maintains his dignity and pride. He is always perceived as being valuable.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #7941
    Chapter #2163


    Originally Posted by


    Hi Warbird:

    It’s really been a long time, I will contribute my take on keeping attractive girls of our type:

    It isn’t that easy to succeed with ladies, first of all we have to attune our characteristics. Secondly, we have to be able to impress them by our ability to handle situations. Thirdly, one has to be humble enough to study those charismatic friends who are able to keep attractive ladies by their side. And Warbird is right, we should never cling on to them, we should never give in to their whims, we should never melt when they cry, we should play our cards cool and calm like in order to keep them. Nowadays a lot of men give in to girls, carry bags for them, give in to their tantrums, and end up losing their girlfriends to those cool bad men. And it is always good to have this belief, if we free the bird from a cage, if it likes us well enough, it will automatically fly back to us. That should be the way we handle them if we intend to keep them. A lot of men screw up during their first impression because when they meet attractive girls of their type, they clamp up, or talk too much, do not know what to do, gets too nervous and panicky and hence make the first bad impression thereby not having any more second chances.

    Bro, tks for your excellent post.

    I agree almost completely w/ your assertions. However, we shouldn’t try to impress any gal, even the most desirable and the prettiest.

    If a man truly believes he is the prize, he doesn’t need approval and validation from anyone. He got NOTHING to prove. It’s much better for his dream gal to find out how great he is, a little at a time.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Nice reply to bro repairman forum.

    I hope to gather more tips here.

    Thanks alot.

    Bro, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro, thanks for sharing.

    Nothing is easy but we all need to practice and more practice.

    All men or even bro WB here will face rejections. Maybe out of 10 we hv success with 1. So keep going and no reason to stop.

    I take failures as positives to do more and improve myself.

    We can pamper any gilr but we should also stop when enough of pampering. Let her feel her losses and not us men.

    See some woman likes this handbag but unwilling to buy herself, so she find a guy who likes her to buy for her using flirtations.

    Guys can do so too, that was to say ok will buy for you but in the last minute you cannot turn up and give a excuse.


    Bro, tks.

    I love rejections. Girls who hv agreed too quickly to become my LPs hv invariably turned out to be disappointing. The RS has been short lived.

    Never buy anything for a LP or GF unless you think she deserves it. And you must enjoy buying it 100%.


    Originally Posted by


    Thank you bro WB and other bros for your replies. The advice and reminders I will keep it close to my heart. Will really need time to adjust my mindset and improve on my self mastery/emotional control.

    Another quote from bro WB, seek to improve myself daily in every way.

    Somehow after deleting her, I find myself not really thinking about her so much anymore.

    The only thing I should tell myself daily is: I am the PRIZE and its the girl’s loss if she rejects or don’t come back to me (of course as a man, we must still treat the lady with respect and necessary affection while she is with us).

    It’s time to move on and seek greener pastures. Hope more bros can share your experiences. Of course would love to hear from the ladies as they might offer a totally different point of view or give us much needed pointers.



    Bro, you hv a great mindset!


    Originally Posted by



    OK I have this to share with members.

    Just about a month ago, on 12th July 2019, whilst I was in genting highland, I met a China girl from Wuhan and we fell in love. She’s 32 and I’m in my early 60s. She’s a pretty girl (6.5/10), very fair ,slim and medium height, a very soft spoken lady.

    Why was she in Genting:- she told me she was tricked to go genting by her lady cousin who told her she will be coming to genting to work, and when she arrived, it was actually prostitution. She wanted to return back to China but she can’t change the air ticket to another date and so she remain in genting for the next 10 days.

    How did we meet:~ on one Fri, genting room was all full and I need to have one room and so my friend ask around and finally found this China girl , miss Zhang, who willing to sell her room just for 80ringget. At this point of time, I only saw a photo of Zhang, a cute looking girl who was suppose to be a freelance pros(tricked by her cousin). My friend know her cousin who was a regular pros in genting and it was she who intro ms Zhang to my friend.

    So on this fri, she waited for me in her room. I finally arrived ,knock at the door and she opened the door. I was never disappointed to see her and after passing her the money for the hotel room, I told her I wish to book her and she agreed, ST 200ringget. She don’t rush and when I told her I wish to do it slowly she agreed too. After the deed she even agreed to stay with me and I was very surprised. And so upon seeing her being so obliging, I auto pass her 300ringget instead of 200ringget. She told me she was very touched by my generosity.

    And then I ask her isit OK if she stay with me for the night and she agreed. And the best part was there were no mention of how much I got to pay her. It was foc.

    From this Friday onwards, she stayed with me for the next 10days until she returned back to China and we stayed together in genting highland as gf bf.

    She told me, her cousin scolded her when she declined to work as pros as she had fork out a lot of money to fly to Kuala Lumpur. Of course in genting, I did pass her 300rm each time when I won in casiNo, For this 10days, I total gave her sg400.

    For the first few days, I everyday fuck her as a lover, everyday she slept fully naked next to me and she would curl her legs round me, Everyday I caress her and play with her vagina, every night I lick and suck her cheebye. She would do anything that I request, every morning she prepared my toothbrush and towel. She didn’t freelance as she was with me throughout the next 10 days. When she was with me, she didn’t even ask me a single cent, it’s all foc.

    I told her exactly my status and she told me she’s just a simple girl and hv no qualms to live like a rich women.

    She’s Now in China working as a salesgirl and I’m in Singapore, everyday we wechat, she even introduce her mother to me thru wechat video. Of course in Singapore I sent her sg$300 every month. She didn’t ask, I auto give it to her because I believe she was telling me the truth that her salary was 2000rmb per mth and she’s paying rent of 800rmb per month and she left only 1200rmb.

    She’s from Wuhan and Oct I will fly to Wuhan to meet her.

    So, was she bluffing me? I don’t think so. If she’s not bluffing, then I think I’m a very lucky man to have found such a pretty and young girl who would fall in love with me. Because of the big age gap and the fact that I’m Not a rich men, I hesitate on this relationship but I was thinking I should be proud as most men will envy me.

    Well, so how is our relationship going to develop from here, of course I don’t know so hang on, I shall post my reports here for members to follow.

    Bro, thank u so much for sharing your detailed FR. I wish both of you a great life together.

    BTW, one quick way to check if a gal/woman is truthful is to inspect her passport n find out what other countries she has visited.

    Could you share w/ us the reasons why you’re so successful w/ this woman of your type?


    Originally Posted by


    You are really a fool cos this PRC lady will make use of you till she gets PR citizenship.Once they get PR citizenships, they will dump SG men. I have seen countless uncles being ruined by their ex wives who became PR citizens.


    We should give bro SBK’s new LP the benefit of the doubt. But it would be wise for him to trust but VERIFY.


    Originally Posted by


    No man likes women who are self entitled regardless of whether they are attractive or not.

    Yes, a truly confident woman is not self entitled. She knows she won’t get something she doesn’t deserve.


    Originally Posted by


    Repairman, Adding you to the blocked list means she was not keen in meeting you anymore after your meetups with her. If you happen to meet a lady who is kind hearted and honest, pls do not take advantage of her kindness.



    Originally Posted by


    Warbird, are you implying that a man or woman being the prize has to be self entitled?

    pls clarify

    I think bro Boarding’s clarification is excellent.

    I’ll add my comments.

    No, believing one is the prize is a positive mindset if it comes from true confidence n dominance in the subconscious mind.

    Self entitlement is a negative mindset when one believes in getting something for nothing or getting more than one deserves. It’s often a manifestation of severe neediness n insecurity. It’s very toxic to every human relationship.


    Originally Posted by


    Haha…you dun follwo bro SBK…I had read his forum since 2006…he is a cheongster that love casino and cheongster…go thru his history and will know…

    nice catch..sounded like a similar story back in 2000 when few of us went to Beijing and then a ktv gal slept with my friend for 4 nights without asking for money…

    Bro, tks.

    That was a long time ago!

    I like to analyze case studies n identify the underlying reasons for every apparently successful story. Cases of failure would also be very interesting and helpful.


    Originally Posted by


    Yes, my whole entire life was spent on going casinos in Genting highland. I started going Genting highland in 1975 and have been going there regularly until now. It was in genting highland that a malaysian lady, somebody mistress, introduced a Malaysian beauty queen to me and for about 6months she was my gf. She was a crowned Miss Malaysia.

    Although always poor because of my gambling habits, I led a colourful carefree life.

    Before 2006, I’ve never Cheong any other country except Malaysia genting highland, so I have miss out alot of very good cheonging stuffs such as in hadyai, batam, balai, dong guan etc…..I guess 20yrs ago, that was the prime time to Cheong such as in tanjong Batu where one can inspect the cewek cheebye before booking them. Moreover spore still don’t have laws to prosecute people who patronise underage pros overseas which was rampant in dong guan china etc……….. Those were the cheonging heydays.

    ================================================== ==

    Just like a comet, sometimes in life we do get good stuff. Talking about this Wuhan lady I got to know just last month, of course it’s still too early for me to say that it’s a good catch. But in my judgement I believe she was genuine, and I know some may say…. Oh love is blind, however I’m not the type of person who can easily be swept away just because somebody is good to me.

    To know the truth of a person involve many many things eg how he deal with other people, how she deal with circumstances , how he deal with an impromptu situations, etc etc…. many many things, with all these I believe she’s a genuine simple girl who was in Genting highland because she was mislead by her cousin.

    Although a simple girl, she’s also quite an attractive lady. Yesterday she told me she wanted to bring me to see her mother when I go Wuhan in October.

    Of course we all know that without money as an ingredient, a genuine relationship for those 30yrs old and above is very un un unlikely to happen. Of course this don’t apply to young love whose love were always very true and have nothing to do with money.

    Bro, tks for sharing so much details abt your new LP.

    Yeah, you hv a colorful life.


    Originally Posted by


    Let me try to clarify.

    If man dun think he is the PRIZE then he will be sucking to the gal and become desperate needy.

    Woman always think she was the PRIZE and will try to milk away the cow that feeds her. Or killed the golden goose.

    Nobody should be self entitled. You either think you are the PRIZE or not.

    I prefer to hv self mastery control and behave as I am the PRIZE.

    Bro WB, your comment pls.

    Bro, tks for your clarification.

    You are spot on.


    Originally Posted by


    In Cambodia about 3 years ago:-

    I and my friend went to pp Riverside to look for wls and finally my friend choose a Cambodian girl while I choose a young Cambodian girl called Amy.

    Soon my friend and his lady (not pretty,) became gf bf and each time when we go sihanoukville, his gf will come along and of course my friend paid her some money. At this time, they were already seriously discussing plans to open a pub at riverside and finally we negotiated with a landlord to rent her place to run as a pub at Riverside.

    Whilst waiting for the actual takeover date, and when we wanted to go sihanoukville my friends Cambodian gf would as usual come along and his gf persuaded my girl Amy to come along too(both worked in the same pub) I don’t want amy to come because I don’t have enough money to pay her to be with me for 10days in sihanoukville and so I told her I had only usd100 to spare and to my surprise, Amy agreed to accompany me for 10 days for only usd100.

    Amy is a pretty syt short Cambodian girl who look more like 17yrs old but who cares when she told me she’s 18. When she wanted to enter the casino, the security stop her and check her id to make sure she’s above 18. Got once she tie her hair into a ponytail and wow, she looks like a secondary school student and my friend, his gf and myself would giggle.

    In sihanoukville, Amy treated me like a king, she served me in every way, go market use her money buy prawns, durians etc for me to eat, when I go casino, she will wait in the room for me to return as though waiting for me to return to fuck her. On bed, there’s no restrictions, we fuck everyday, very tight n nice pussy and sometimes she will also give me bbbj. On the last day when 4 of us were inside the bus from sihanoukville going back to pp, I gave her my ipad and she was so happy.

    One may wonder, why Amy , a pretty syt age 18 or less, was so good to me, trying her very best to Convince me that she genuinely love me and wanted me to be her bf? The answer was that both, Amy and my friend gf, hope that I would be as generous as my friend and would also open a business such as a pub and let them run the show. Of course right from the beginning I already suspected this ploy and so I never fall into this trap. Moreover, it was my friend gf who taught Amy every move on how and what to do to me.

    However, my friend fall into his Cambodian gf trap…..He did open a pub, managed by his gf, pub lasted for 2yrs but finally closed, possibly sold away and money she pocket it. What a waste.

    Bro, tks for another detailed FR.

    My younger lao po TY still looks like a 17 yo Japanese high school girl. I checked her IC n passport n made sure she was indeed 18 last yr before I started a sexual relationship w/ her. I guess some gals just look very youthful.


    Originally Posted by


    Agreed, very nice reply.

    I also hope to learn more here.



    Originally Posted by


    Very well said man.

    Thanks a lot.


    Originally Posted by


    Very good clarification indeed.


    Bros, thanks.


    Originally Posted by


    Perhaps it might be better I give a story of myself:

    This real life story happened many years ago when I was studying. During that time I had a male best friend, whom I confide a lot of things in. And one of those things was about a girl that I was interested in who was also studying at that point in time. My best friend, me and the girl usually hang out together as we were in the same recreational club. However there was actually one time when this girl whom I have actually gotten successfully as a girlfriend asked me to go somewhere with her for 1 week. I rejected her because I actually promise another group of friends for an outing and the dates clashed. After I came back, this girl whom I have successfully gotten as my girlfriend then asked me out. I was quite happy then as she took the initiative to asked me out for dinner. However the situation wasn’t what I expected, my girlfriend told me that she would like to break up with me and the new boyfriend is actually my best friend. My mouth was agape, jaws dropped, and kept quiet for at least 1 minute because the news was totally unexpected and extremely disappointing. I was also very upset but I told her I wish them all the best. She at that point in time didn’t believe me till I prove my action with my words. I was no longer interested in going out anywhere with any group of friends if I know she will be around. And I have never tried to get her back, because I feel that what is broken cannot be fixed. With regards to looking back in time, I felt at that point in time, though the world came crashing time, I survive that test and came out happier in the process. I met the best friend who that time took my girlfriend away from me and he was very apologetic and mentioned, that I was lucky not to try to get her back because the personality of that lady isn’t very good. He is now married to another lady and has a baby of his own. I met him, his wife and his baby kid when I was having a walk. But I will not contact him anymore because this bad experience from him speaks volumes.

    Bro, tks for your FR.

    You were very lucky.

    Losing a girl to a best fren or a kid brother is common.

    You should watch a French movie called A Faithful Man.


    Originally Posted by


    Get used to it. Many times the best friend is the one cannot trust most. You never know what he was thinking. He maybe hating you the most.

    Best is to have common interest kaki.

    Anyway luckily your gf was hopeless case and thankfully she break off with you.

    Bro, you’re right.


    Originally Posted by


    Thanks for sharing nice.


    Originally Posted by


    Nice share bro, tks


    Originally Posted by


    Agree with you 100%

    Have a great weekend bros!


    Originally Posted by


    Not worth to have this type of “friend”

    Bros, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Good afternoon bro WB, thanks for a fantastic thread. Wish you have an enjoyable trip!

    Bro, tks.

    A great weekend to all samsters!

    Bro WB

    Post #7945
    Chapter #2164


    Originally Posted by


    Hi Warbird:

    It’s really been a long time, I will contribute my take on keeping attractive girls of our type:

    It isn’t that easy to succeed with ladies, first of all we have to attune our characteristics. Secondly, we have to be able to impress them by our ability to handle situations. Thirdly, one has to be humble enough to study those charismatic friends who are able to keep attractive ladies by their side. And Warbird is right, we should never cling on to them, we should never give in to their whims, we should never melt when they cry, we should play our cards cool and calm like in order to keep them. Nowadays a lot of men give in to girls, carry bags for them, give in to their tantrums, and end up losing their girlfriends to those cool bad men. And it is always good to have this belief, if we free the bird from a cage, if it likes us well enough, it will automatically fly back to us. That should be the way we handle them if we intend to keep them. A lot of men screw up during their first impression because when they meet attractive girls of their type, they clamp up, or talk too much, do not know what to do, gets too nervous and panicky and hence make the first bad impression thereby not having any more second chances.

    Bro, tks for your excellent post.

    I agree almost completely w/ your assertions. However, we shouldn’t try to impress any gal, even the most desirable and the prettiest.

    If a man truly believes he is the prize, he doesn’t need approval and validation from anyone. He got NOTHING to prove. It’s much better for his dream gal to find out how great he is, a little at a time.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Nice reply to bro repairman forum.

    I hope to gather more tips here.

    Thanks alot.

    Bro, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro, thanks for sharing.

    Nothing is easy but we all need to practice and more practice.

    All men or even bro WB here will face rejections. Maybe out of 10 we hv success with 1. So keep going and no reason to stop.

    I take failures as positives to do more and improve myself.

    We can pamper any gilr but we should also stop when enough of pampering. Let her feel her losses and not us men.

    See some woman likes this handbag but unwilling to buy herself, so she find a guy who likes her to buy for her using flirtations.

    Guys can do so too, that was to say ok will buy for you but in the last minute you cannot turn up and give a excuse.


    Bro, tks.

    I love rejections. Girls who hv agreed too quickly to become my LPs hv invariably turned out to be disappointing. The RS has been short lived.

    Never buy anything for a LP or GF unless you think she deserves it. And you must enjoy buying it 100%.


    Originally Posted by


    Thank you bro WB and other bros for your replies. The advice and reminders I will keep it close to my heart. Will really need time to adjust my mindset and improve on my self mastery/emotional control.

    Another quote from bro WB, seek to improve myself daily in every way.

    Somehow after deleting her, I find myself not really thinking about her so much anymore.

    The only thing I should tell myself daily is: I am the PRIZE and its the girl’s loss if she rejects or don’t come back to me (of course as a man, we must still treat the lady with respect and necessary affection while she is with us).

    It’s time to move on and seek greener pastures. Hope more bros can share your experiences. Of course would love to hear from the ladies as they might offer a totally different point of view or give us much needed pointers.



    Bro, you hv a great mindset!


    Originally Posted by



    OK I have this to share with members.

    Just about a month ago, on 12th July 2019, whilst I was in genting highland, I met a China girl from Wuhan and we fell in love. She’s 32 and I’m in my early 60s. She’s a pretty girl (6.5/10), very fair ,slim and medium height, a very soft spoken lady.

    Why was she in Genting:- she told me she was tricked to go genting by her lady cousin who told her she will be coming to genting to work, and when she arrived, it was actually prostitution. She wanted to return back to China but she can’t change the air ticket to another date and so she remain in genting for the next 10 days.

    How did we meet:~ on one Fri, genting room was all full and I need to have one room and so my friend ask around and finally found this China girl , miss Zhang, who willing to sell her room just for 80ringget. At this point of time, I only saw a photo of Zhang, a cute looking girl who was suppose to be a freelance pros(tricked by her cousin). My friend know her cousin who was a regular pros in genting and it was she who intro ms Zhang to my friend.

    So on this fri, she waited for me in her room. I finally arrived ,knock at the door and she opened the door. I was never disappointed to see her and after passing her the money for the hotel room, I told her I wish to book her and she agreed, ST 200ringget. She don’t rush and when I told her I wish to do it slowly she agreed too. After the deed she even agreed to stay with me and I was very surprised. And so upon seeing her being so obliging, I auto pass her 300ringget instead of 200ringget. She told me she was very touched by my generosity.

    And then I ask her isit OK if she stay with me for the night and she agreed. And the best part was there were no mention of how much I got to pay her. It was foc.

    From this Friday onwards, she stayed with me for the next 10days until she returned back to China and we stayed together in genting highland as gf bf.

    She told me, her cousin scolded her when she declined to work as pros as she had fork out a lot of money to fly to Kuala Lumpur. Of course in genting, I did pass her 300rm each time when I won in casiNo, For this 10days, I total gave her sg400.

    For the first few days, I everyday fuck her as a lover, everyday she slept fully naked next to me and she would curl her legs round me, Everyday I caress her and play with her vagina, every night I lick and suck her cheebye. She would do anything that I request, every morning she prepared my toothbrush and towel. She didn’t freelance as she was with me throughout the next 10 days. When she was with me, she didn’t even ask me a single cent, it’s all foc.

    I told her exactly my status and she told me she’s just a simple girl and hv no qualms to live like a rich women.

    She’s Now in China working as a salesgirl and I’m in Singapore, everyday we wechat, she even introduce her mother to me thru wechat video. Of course in Singapore I sent her sg$300 every month. She didn’t ask, I auto give it to her because I believe she was telling me the truth that her salary was 2000rmb per mth and she’s paying rent of 800rmb per month and she left only 1200rmb.

    She’s from Wuhan and Oct I will fly to Wuhan to meet her.

    So, was she bluffing me? I don’t think so. If she’s not bluffing, then I think I’m a very lucky man to have found such a pretty and young girl who would fall in love with me. Because of the big age gap and the fact that I’m Not a rich men, I hesitate on this relationship but I was thinking I should be proud as most men will envy me.

    Well, so how is our relationship going to develop from here, of course I don’t know so hang on, I shall post my reports here for members to follow.

    Bro, thank u so much for sharing your detailed FR. I wish both of you a great life together.

    BTW, one quick way to check if a gal/woman is truthful is to inspect her passport n find out what other countries she has visited.

    Could you share w/ us the reasons why you’re so successful w/ this woman of your type?


    Originally Posted by


    You are really a fool cos this PRC lady will make use of you till she gets PR citizenship.Once they get PR citizenships, they will dump SG men. I have seen countless uncles being ruined by their ex wives who became PR citizens.


    We should give bro SBK’s new LP the benefit of the doubt. But it would be wise for him to trust but VERIFY.


    Originally Posted by


    No man likes women who are self entitled regardless of whether they are attractive or not.

    Yes, a truly confident woman is not self entitled. She knows she won’t get something she doesn’t deserve.


    Originally Posted by


    Repairman, Adding you to the blocked list means she was not keen in meeting you anymore after your meetups with her. If you happen to meet a lady who is kind hearted and honest, pls do not take advantage of her kindness.



    Originally Posted by


    Warbird, are you implying that a man or woman being the prize has to be self entitled?

    pls clarify

    I think bro Boarding’s clarification is excellent.

    I’ll add my comments.

    No, believing one is the prize is a positive mindset if it comes from true confidence n dominance in the subconscious mind.

    Self entitlement is a negative mindset when one believes in getting something for nothing or getting more than one deserves. It’s often a manifestation of severe neediness n insecurity. It’s very toxic to every human relationship.


    Originally Posted by


    Haha…you dun follwo bro SBK…I had read his forum since 2006…he is a cheongster that love casino and cheongster…go thru his history and will know…

    nice catch..sounded like a similar story back in 2000 when few of us went to Beijing and then a ktv gal slept with my friend for 4 nights without asking for money…

    Bro, tks.

    That was a long time ago!

    I like to analyze case studies n identify the underlying reasons for every apparently successful story. Cases of failure would also be very interesting and helpful.


    Originally Posted by


    Yes, my whole entire life was spent on going casinos in Genting highland. I started going Genting highland in 1975 and have been going there regularly until now. It was in genting highland that a malaysian lady, somebody mistress, introduced a Malaysian beauty queen to me and for about 6months she was my gf. She was a crowned Miss Malaysia.

    Although always poor because of my gambling habits, I led a colourful carefree life.

    Before 2006, I’ve never Cheong any other country except Malaysia genting highland, so I have miss out alot of very good cheonging stuffs such as in hadyai, batam, balai, dong guan etc…..I guess 20yrs ago, that was the prime time to Cheong such as in tanjong Batu where one can inspect the cewek cheebye before booking them. Moreover spore still don’t have laws to prosecute people who patronise underage pros overseas which was rampant in dong guan china etc……….. Those were the cheonging heydays.

    ================================================== ==

    Just like a comet, sometimes in life we do get good stuff. Talking about this Wuhan lady I got to know just last month, of course it’s still too early for me to say that it’s a good catch. But in my judgement I believe she was genuine, and I know some may say…. Oh love is blind, however I’m not the type of person who can easily be swept away just because somebody is good to me.

    To know the truth of a person involve many many things eg how he deal with other people, how she deal with circumstances , how he deal with an impromptu situations, etc etc…. many many things, with all these I believe she’s a genuine simple girl who was in Genting highland because she was mislead by her cousin.

    Although a simple girl, she’s also quite an attractive lady. Yesterday she told me she wanted to bring me to see her mother when I go Wuhan in October.

    Of course we all know that without money as an ingredient, a genuine relationship for those 30yrs old and above is very un un unlikely to happen. Of course this don’t apply to young love whose love were always very true and have nothing to do with money.

    Bro, tks for sharing so much details abt your new LP.

    Yeah, you hv a colorful life.


    Originally Posted by


    Let me try to clarify.

    If man dun think he is the PRIZE then he will be sucking to the gal and become desperate needy.

    Woman always think she was the PRIZE and will try to milk away the cow that feeds her. Or killed the golden goose.

    Nobody should be self entitled. You either think you are the PRIZE or not.

    I prefer to hv self mastery control and behave as I am the PRIZE.

    Bro WB, your comment pls.

    Bro, tks for your clarification.

    You are spot on.


    Originally Posted by


    In Cambodia about 3 years ago:-

    I and my friend went to pp Riverside to look for wls and finally my friend choose a Cambodian girl while I choose a young Cambodian girl called Amy.

    Soon my friend and his lady (not pretty,) became gf bf and each time when we go sihanoukville, his gf will come along and of course my friend paid her some money. At this time, they were already seriously discussing plans to open a pub at riverside and finally we negotiated with a landlord to rent her place to run as a pub at Riverside.

    Whilst waiting for the actual takeover date, and when we wanted to go sihanoukville my friends Cambodian gf would as usual come along and his gf persuaded my girl Amy to come along too(both worked in the same pub) I don’t want amy to come because I don’t have enough money to pay her to be with me for 10days in sihanoukville and so I told her I had only usd100 to spare and to my surprise, Amy agreed to accompany me for 10 days for only usd100.

    Amy is a pretty syt short Cambodian girl who look more like 17yrs old but who cares when she told me she’s 18. When she wanted to enter the casino, the security stop her and check her id to make sure she’s above 18. Got once she tie her hair into a ponytail and wow, she looks like a secondary school student and my friend, his gf and myself would giggle.

    In sihanoukville, Amy treated me like a king, she served me in every way, go market use her money buy prawns, durians etc for me to eat, when I go casino, she will wait in the room for me to return as though waiting for me to return to fuck her. On bed, there’s no restrictions, we fuck everyday, very tight n nice pussy and sometimes she will also give me bbbj. On the last day when 4 of us were inside the bus from sihanoukville going back to pp, I gave her my ipad and she was so happy.

    One may wonder, why Amy , a pretty syt age 18 or less, was so good to me, trying her very best to Convince me that she genuinely love me and wanted me to be her bf? The answer was that both, Amy and my friend gf, hope that I would be as generous as my friend and would also open a business such as a pub and let them run the show. Of course right from the beginning I already suspected this ploy and so I never fall into this trap. Moreover, it was my friend gf who taught Amy every move on how and what to do to me.

    However, my friend fall into his Cambodian gf trap…..He did open a pub, managed by his gf, pub lasted for 2yrs but finally closed, possibly sold away and money she pocket it. What a waste.

    Bro, tks for another detailed FR.

    My younger lao po TY still looks like a 17 yo Japanese high school girl. I checked her IC n passport n made sure she was indeed 18 last yr before I started a sexual relationship w/ her. I guess some gals just look very youthful.


    Originally Posted by


    Agreed, very nice reply.

    I also hope to learn more here.



    Originally Posted by


    Very well said man.

    Thanks a lot.


    Originally Posted by


    Very good clarification indeed.


    Bros, thanks.


    Originally Posted by


    Perhaps it might be better I give a story of myself:

    This real life story happened many years ago when I was studying. During that time I had a male best friend, whom I confide a lot of things in. And one of those things was about a girl that I was interested in who was also studying at that point in time. My best friend, me and the girl usually hang out together as we were in the same recreational club. However there was actually one time when this girl whom I have actually gotten successfully as a girlfriend asked me to go somewhere with her for 1 week. I rejected her because I actually promise another group of friends for an outing and the dates clashed. After I came back, this girl whom I have successfully gotten as my girlfriend then asked me out. I was quite happy then as she took the initiative to asked me out for dinner. However the situation wasn’t what I expected, my girlfriend told me that she would like to break up with me and the new boyfriend is actually my best friend. My mouth was agape, jaws dropped, and kept quiet for at least 1 minute because the news was totally unexpected and extremely disappointing. I was also very upset but I told her I wish them all the best. She at that point in time didn’t believe me till I prove my action with my words. I was no longer interested in going out anywhere with any group of friends if I know she will be around. And I have never tried to get her back, because I feel that what is broken cannot be fixed. With regards to looking back in time, I felt at that point in time, though the world came crashing time, I survive that test and came out happier in the process. I met the best friend who that time took my girlfriend away from me and he was very apologetic and mentioned, that I was lucky not to try to get her back because the personality of that lady isn’t very good. He is now married to another lady and has a baby of his own. I met him, his wife and his baby kid when I was having a walk. But I will not contact him anymore because this bad experience from him speaks volumes.

    Bro, tks for your FR.

    You were very lucky.

    Losing a girl to a best fren or a kid brother is common.

    You should watch a French movie called A Faithful Man.


    Originally Posted by


    Get used to it. Many times the best friend is the one cannot trust most. You never know what he was thinking. He maybe hating you the most.

    Best is to have common interest kaki.

    Anyway luckily your gf was hopeless case and thankfully she break off with you.

    Bro, you’re right.


    Originally Posted by


    Thanks for sharing nice.


    Originally Posted by


    Nice share bro, tks


    Originally Posted by


    Agree with you 100%

    Have a great weekend bros!


    Originally Posted by


    Not worth to have this type of “friend”

    Bros, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Good afternoon bro WB, thanks for a fantastic thread. Wish you have an enjoyable trip!

    Bro, tks.

    A great weekend to all samsters!

    Bro WB

    Post #7946
    Chapter #2165


    Originally Posted by


    Yes I fully agree with you. In other words, if you r afraid yr lady will run away, chances she will and if You r not afraid that she will run away, Chances she won’t.

    Bro, you’re spot on.

    If a man thinks his dream girl is the prize and is fearful of losing her, he will lose her. Sooner rather than later. And he will never own her heart even if he is able to own her body and pussy.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Thank you for lovely forum above.

    Agreed with Buffet that we need to be able to invest in ourself.

    Communication is a science and need to practice. How we talk and communicate is key.

    Never give final answer if answer is no or negative. Always can say let me think about it. I always find that many especially women dun like no or negative replies.

    If yes or positive answers then be affirmative hen replying.

    Thanks for Sunday forum.


    Bro, tks.

    A man must improve in every way, every day.

    Improving one’s communication skills is vital. Don’t forget that over 90% of communication is via one’s body language, facial microexpressions and voice tonality.


    Originally Posted by


    Very lovely forum indeed, not only Sunday, is every day.

    Hope to learn more from bro WB.



    Originally Posted by


    Great thread from bro WB.

    Have a nice Sunday bros!

    Bros, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    thanks.. this relates to more than just women. a very useful advice and skillset to be apply in dealing with peoples.

    Bro, tks.

    Yes, good advice for your biz and career and whenever there are human interactions and relationships.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    I am well connected with your forums.

    Above was a great summary of all the pointers in this thread.

    Reading your thread and all the great replies brought back plenty of great memories both good and bad.

    Hope to improve further.


    Bro, tks for quoting my old posts.

    Yes, it’s a summary of some of the most important points I hv learned abt woman. I stand by every word I hv written.


    Originally Posted by


    Well done bro WB. Agreed that most value of gals dropped drastically after more years. Here gals have no such things as more good years.

    Bro, tks again.

    Yes, I hv learned a lot from my encounter w/ TH. She is a narcissistic golddigger. I didn’t even bother to meet her when she came to SG the second time.

    Here is her insightful quote again (in her wechat moments):

    “而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你 结果她却动了心.”

    Attraction is not a choice. Consciously, she may think you’re the antithesis of the type of MAN she likes/loves. But subconsciously, she is very attracted to u and may fall for u.

    In 2014 TH said she would never, ever want to hv me as her BF after I refused to give her a loan. And she added: 你是我一生见过最吝啬的男人…

    I took that as quite a compliment. I must be on the right path. Less is often more w/ women.


    Originally Posted by


    Confirmed the value will drop after more years.

    Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.

    Bro, yes.

    A very cute SYT may not be cute after a few yrs.


    Originally Posted by


    Excellent thread here, hope to learn more from bro WB and the rest

    Tks, bro.

    Have a great day to all samsters!

    Bro WB

    Post #7951
    Chapter #2166


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Thanks so much for wonderful thread.

    I fully agreed with you not to take any risks with any under-aged gers. There were enough gers to go around without counting the under-aged. Just continue to be cautious.

    If a person don’t mean his words then the guy is spinless and lack integrity. This type of ppl better dun waste time and get involved.

    Just continue with our masculine traits.

    Cheers pal.

    Bro, tks.

    Yeah, don’t even touch girls under 18.

    A person who is not trustworthy will be a perennial loser.


    Originally Posted by


    True, better don’t take risk with underage girls.

    Thanks bro WB for an excellent thread.

    Have a great weekend.


    Originally Posted by


    A fantastic thread by bro WB, hope to learn more here.


    Bros, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    When I look at the phone messages between you and this attractive lady, my gut feeling tells me that you have to be extra careful about this lady. Ladies can be extremely good at pretending, even better than guys. The story I wrote from my experience, it is actually the girl who make my best friend grab onto her, not the other way round. A lot of people will feel like punching or blaming ir taking out on their best friend, but with regards to my analysis, the girt is the one who is the mastermind behind the whole thing. That is why, I avoided her like she is a type of plague.


    You’re right.

    Women cheat as much as men but they are much better in hiding their affairs and infidelity.


    Originally Posted by


    Thanks for yr sincere advice.

    I always appreciate constructive advice whether it is good or bad. Up till now, my relationship with my China girl is OK, I’m just lucky.

    With regards to yr own story, it’s quite unfortunate that yr girl fall for yr best friend. So now u r a stronger person. So did you analyse why yr girl leave you.


    Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

    Putting everything aside, since this thread is talking about “How to get and keep attractive gals of your type”, I have this to say.

    We are part of the animal kingdom. Looking at all the animals and living things with regards to courtship, we will notice something similar I.e. the males will chase after the females. Initially the females will run away like hell away from the males. And then finally the female give in, stop struggling, and the male get on top of the female and fuck. In most cases, after fucking, the female will stick to this male.

    Humans are the same, that is why in order to get the girl, we got to chase the girl. As we all already know, there are so many ways to chase a girl. Men and women have very different biological physiology. It is this different biological composition that made women “when a woman in love, loves only one man” but not men of course as men are promiscuous by design. Apart from all other things such as material n psychological securities, FUCKING IS VERY IMPORTANT. Prelude to and during fucking, both female and male hormones were activated very aggressively depending on age, that’s why example when we are bringing our girlfriend on the way to a hotel to fuck, on reaching the room, even before fucking, your girl cheebye would be all wet. What I’m going to say is that after getting her, thereafter how well she is going to stick to you is also dependant on how well you fuck her.

    Many many years ago when I was around age 40 and I had a fling with a demure and pretty Singaporean girl age 21. I can fuck her for 2 hours, it was the way I fuck her that she told me “lucky it’s me, if it’s other girl, I don’t think she can take it”.

    So if one manage to bring his girlfriend to fuck, and if you didn’t manage to thrill her, your relationship will be in trouble.

    So how to fuck your girlfriend or lover, is it better to fuck her as though you are a born again Christian or as though you are a rapist, I guarantee you that she will love you more if you fuck her like a rapist.

    Bro, tks for your opinions.

    Be rough sometimes, be gentle sometimes. Connect and disconnect…

    All females like to experience a variety of strong emotions. Mostly positive, but occasionally NEGATIVE.


    Originally Posted by


    Yes she left me because I told her very frankly that my friends are quite important to me too and I cannot give up their schedule just to be with her after she asked me to cancel my trip with my friends. She did it to try to show the importance of herself to me, but it didn’t work. It only showed me very clearly that she is definitely not a good choice for me.

    Bro, thanks for your post.


    Good afternoon!

    A man must believe he is the prize and behave like the prize, from the first second he meets an attractive female of his type to the last second he is w/ her. Whether their relationship lasts 3 hours or 30 years.

    Here is a brief article.

    Make Her Think You’re Valuable

    by Robert

    Picture this for a moment…

    You’re in the market for a new car. You visit two separate car dealerships.

    The first sales person comes at you, desperate to sell a car to you. Every time he makes an offer and you hesitate, he quickly lowers the price just to please you.

    Then you visit the second dealership, and the sales person appears very elegant and talks in a slow calm manner. He makes you an offer, and whether you accept his offer or not, he still maintains his pride. He doesn’t lower his price drastically.

    And as you think about the offer he has made, he says the following:

    “This is a fine car. You get what you pay for. If you would like to pay the asking price, you can either take it, or leave it. Someone else will surely purchase this car.”

    Which Car Do You Want?

    Now imagine that you have an opportunity to get both of these cars for free. Which one would you purchase?

    The second of course.

    It automatically is perceived as being more valuable because the salesman made it look like his car was in demand, and that it was worth having.

    While the first salesman seemed desperate. He made it seem as no one else wanted the car in the first place, so he would take what he could get for it.

    How Women Judge Men

    This is exactly how women judge a man.

    If he seems desperate (by calling all the time, texting all the time, kissing her butt, or harassing her for a date), he is considered worthless.

    Versus the man who maintains his dignity and pride. He is always perceived as being valuable.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #7952
    Chapter #2167


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Thanks so much for wonderful thread.

    I fully agreed with you not to take any risks with any under-aged gers. There were enough gers to go around without counting the under-aged. Just continue to be cautious.

    If a person don’t mean his words then the guy is spinless and lack integrity. This type of ppl better dun waste time and get involved.

    Just continue with our masculine traits.

    Cheers pal.

    Bro, tks.

    Yeah, don’t even touch girls under 18.

    A person who is not trustworthy will be a perennial loser.


    Originally Posted by


    True, better don’t take risk with underage girls.

    Thanks bro WB for an excellent thread.

    Have a great weekend.


    Originally Posted by


    A fantastic thread by bro WB, hope to learn more here.


    Bros, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    When I look at the phone messages between you and this attractive lady, my gut feeling tells me that you have to be extra careful about this lady. Ladies can be extremely good at pretending, even better than guys. The story I wrote from my experience, it is actually the girl who make my best friend grab onto her, not the other way round. A lot of people will feel like punching or blaming ir taking out on their best friend, but with regards to my analysis, the girt is the one who is the mastermind behind the whole thing. That is why, I avoided her like she is a type of plague.


    You’re right.

    Women cheat as much as men but they are much better in hiding their affairs and infidelity.


    Originally Posted by


    Thanks for yr sincere advice.

    I always appreciate constructive advice whether it is good or bad. Up till now, my relationship with my China girl is OK, I’m just lucky.

    With regards to yr own story, it’s quite unfortunate that yr girl fall for yr best friend. So now u r a stronger person. So did you analyse why yr girl leave you.


    Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

    Putting everything aside, since this thread is talking about “How to get and keep attractive gals of your type”, I have this to say.

    We are part of the animal kingdom. Looking at all the animals and living things with regards to courtship, we will notice something similar I.e. the males will chase after the females. Initially the females will run away like hell away from the males. And then finally the female give in, stop struggling, and the male get on top of the female and fuck. In most cases, after fucking, the female will stick to this male.

    Humans are the same, that is why in order to get the girl, we got to chase the girl. As we all already know, there are so many ways to chase a girl. Men and women have very different biological physiology. It is this different biological composition that made women “when a woman in love, loves only one man” but not men of course as men are promiscuous by design. Apart from all other things such as material n psychological securities, FUCKING IS VERY IMPORTANT. Prelude to and during fucking, both female and male hormones were activated very aggressively depending on age, that’s why example when we are bringing our girlfriend on the way to a hotel to fuck, on reaching the room, even before fucking, your girl cheebye would be all wet. What I’m going to say is that after getting her, thereafter how well she is going to stick to you is also dependant on how well you fuck her.

    Many many years ago when I was around age 40 and I had a fling with a demure and pretty Singaporean girl age 21. I can fuck her for 2 hours, it was the way I fuck her that she told me “lucky it’s me, if it’s other girl, I don’t think she can take it”.

    So if one manage to bring his girlfriend to fuck, and if you didn’t manage to thrill her, your relationship will be in trouble.

    So how to fuck your girlfriend or lover, is it better to fuck her as though you are a born again Christian or as though you are a rapist, I guarantee you that she will love you more if you fuck her like a rapist.

    Bro, tks for your opinions.

    Be rough sometimes, be gentle sometimes. Connect and disconnect…

    All females like to experience a variety of strong emotions. Mostly positive, but occasionally NEGATIVE.


    Originally Posted by


    Yes she left me because I told her very frankly that my friends are quite important to me too and I cannot give up their schedule just to be with her after she asked me to cancel my trip with my friends. She did it to try to show the importance of herself to me, but it didn’t work. It only showed me very clearly that she is definitely not a good choice for me.

    Bro, thanks for your post.


    Good afternoon!

    A man must believe he is the prize and behave like the prize, from the first second he meets an attractive female of his type to the last second he is w/ her. Whether their relationship lasts 3 hours or 30 years.

    Here is a brief article.

    Make Her Think You’re Valuable

    by Robert

    Picture this for a moment…

    You’re in the market for a new car. You visit two separate car dealerships.

    The first sales person comes at you, desperate to sell a car to you. Every time he makes an offer and you hesitate, he quickly lowers the price just to please you.

    Then you visit the second dealership, and the sales person appears very elegant and talks in a slow calm manner. He makes you an offer, and whether you accept his offer or not, he still maintains his pride. He doesn’t lower his price drastically.

    And as you think about the offer he has made, he says the following:

    “This is a fine car. You get what you pay for. If you would like to pay the asking price, you can either take it, or leave it. Someone else will surely purchase this car.”

    Which Car Do You Want?

    Now imagine that you have an opportunity to get both of these cars for free. Which one would you purchase?

    The second of course.

    It automatically is perceived as being more valuable because the salesman made it look like his car was in demand, and that it was worth having.

    While the first salesman seemed desperate. He made it seem as no one else wanted the car in the first place, so he would take what he could get for it.

    How Women Judge Men

    This is exactly how women judge a man.

    If he seems desperate (by calling all the time, texting all the time, kissing her butt, or harassing her for a date), he is considered worthless.

    Versus the man who maintains his dignity and pride. He is always perceived as being valuable.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #7953
    Chapter #2168


    Originally Posted by


    Good evening, Warbird, I wish I could up your points repeatedly… Over the years, I have repeatedly seen you share very good knowledge and wisdom with regards to keeping attractive women that we desire. There are many guys if they are able to absorb and apply one tenth of what you share, will definitely do well with women of their dreams. And it is also to prevent guys who are too nice to women till they are milked of their time, resources as well as their wealth. It does take time and effort to share what you have shared even though it might looks easy to us. Thank you again for your kind advice and teachings and I am sure that knowledge has helped a lot of people who followed this page be it silent readers or otherwise.


    Thanks so much for your kind words. You have made my day! How I wish I could up your rep points again and again.

    I always like to share what I hv personally learned and experienced. I hv also tried to quote and post what I believe has worked for me in real life.

    I’m not really altruistic. I also learn by reading, researching, quoting, writing n debating. And doing, living and being…

    Reading, understanding and knowing alone won’t help at all. Knowing and doing are totally different. Merely knowing that I need to hv the right mindset and emotional mastery of a MAN to get the prettiest girls is completely useless. My negative subconscious beliefs won’t allow me to become a MAN or the prize. I had read and understood a lot even back in 2007-2008. But I was just an armchair general.

    Btw, there is another huge gap between doing and being. A man must completely reprogram his subconscious mind to become a real MAN. He must also believe he is the prize to his dream girl. This is easier said than done. I hv NEVER met such a MAN in person.

    I noticed some recent activities in a very old thread: Re: Xiao La, 23 yo SYT with AR and BBBJ" circa Oct 2008, which contains several of my posts.

    A fascinating case study.

    Here are my posts:


    “Hi bros,

    This is a fascinating thread which has some relevance to what I hv encountered w/ another PRC student.

    I just like to give my 2 cents.

    I’ll remain impartial as I dun know all the facts n I hv never met XL.

    It appears that many bros were KC-ed by this charming lady n many were vying for her attention, more than a few actually wanted to bao her or even marry her. I also believe some of the bros actually fell in love w/ her. Am I right? I stand corrected.

    What has happened reminds us that no one is immune to being KC-ed. The fact is that attraction is not a choice because it occurs at the subconscious level.

    I’m sure some of these bros hv spent thousands or even tens of thousands of $$ to spend “quality” time n to curry favor w/ XL. It’s not just for sex as her damage is only $60 per hr. It’s about satisfying emotional n psychological needs…well, these bros here are not alone…

    …as I’m experiencing the same emotions w/ a 21-y.o. PRC student in SGP (and I’m more than 10,000 miles away in Gotham City!). The ultimate “damage” to me could be much higher (at least tens of thousands) as she doesn’t do ST n I hv not even fxxked her! She has spurned my “chasing” for 6 months n only now wants me to take care of her on my return. Probable reason? Her dad’s business in China is faltering…

    I’m not sure of the current status of XL as verifiable facts are sketchy n I’m not privy to any inside info. There are various assertions, innuendos or even conjectures. I await further clarifications n developments.




    Originally Posted by Chikopek.Com.Sg View Post

    No wonder lots of the China girls told me “Most” Sillyporean men are stupid and naïve so easy to earn money from them, just gives them some “Girl Friend Feelings and Untruth love” they’ll like a little baby boy and gets rip off; they said they hard to get these type men in Malaysia and Indonesia.

    You be surprised when they’re back home they anyhow spend money buying expensive stuffs, supporting their boyfriends need and once money are spent they come back few months later. For those who dun travel to China often you may not know all these.

    They are here to spread their legs to earn money and we are there to enjoy wonder why bickering over the PRC FL, really wasting time.


    “Hi bro,

    You hv brought up a very good point.

    One reason why we SGP men are such “easy preys” for these predatory PRC MMs is that we grew up in a strait-laced n puritanical society. The other reason is that we are the richest in the region. A small tip from us could mean serious money to our poorer neighbors.

    Everything is relative. For example, a PRC MM may think she has ripped me off for paying a “small fortune” to bao yang her, not realizing that it’s actually a steal for an old chi ko pek like me to fxxk such a young n pretty gal for the whole month, hahaha.

    Lastly, we shouldn’t ridicule those bros who fall for FLs/WLs becos attraction (and falling in love) is not a choice. It occurs at the subconscious level n no one is completely immune, not even a Chinese emperor who could own the body of any beautiful gal in China.



    “Hi bros,

    I hv followed the saga of Xiao La w/ interest. It appears that several esteemed bros were smitten w/ this sweet PRC MM. Nothing to be ashamed of…I also fell madly in love w/ a young PRC FL 2 1/2 yrs ago n my recovery has been very painful n I still think of her sometimes.

    I wonder if any bro could provide an update on XL’s whereabouts. In the meantime, I urge all parties to engage in a civil n rational discussion n avoid name-calling…there are great lessons to be learned from this unfolding story which could improve all of us in our difficult journey towards becoming mature men.

    I also came across the name of bro denden70, an esteemed bro who has been MIA for some months. I assume that he is using an alias n is reading my post. I like to convey a msg from one of his gals: Yi Ting the 20-yr-old singer (her thread is missing). She wants to return to SGP on a social pass to work in KTVs. She needs a sponsor n also wants to be someone’s 情妇. I’m unable to assist her as I’ll hv 2 PRC students as 情妇n can’t possibly take care of another gal. But I would still like to see her if she is not being BAOed by someone.



    “No more posts? The silence is deafening!

    When I appealed to all bros to stop name-calling, I didn’t mean to stifle open n constructive discussions/debate on this intriguing story. C’mon men, I’m not connected in any way, shape or form w/ the gahmen, hahaha.

    I wish that the protagonist of this saga, bro kefuso, could come clean n tell his side of the story, truthfully. He has evidently survived his painful RS w/ a charming PRC FL/WL in one piece. I know I can learn a lot from his experience n MISTAKES. When he lashed out indiscriminately at many bros here, it merely showed his immaturity, anguish, frustrations n loss of face. There were cries for HELP. Hopefully, he is NOW more mature n wiser.

    Bro kefuso, are u ready to re-join the brotherhood of SBF? I’m sure most bros here will forgive n accept u.

    Of course, every bro here is encouraged to share his view n info, if any.

    I also like to take this oppty to personally thank our Big Boss for providing an open n informative forum. I hv personally benefited immensely in many ways…

    Thx n goodnight!”



    Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post

    Watever the issue is here, slander, accusations, immoral acts like taking off CD during fuck session…….

    Remember the following:

    WAKE UP!

    Never worth it, worst, for a FUCKING WHORE!

    Well said bro. I also need to wake up sometimes, thx.


    Originally Posted by colins View Post

    heh heh…my first post in FL dome.

    Kefuso will never come clean, in fact he’ll never say what you guys want to hear. Becos he did it not to spite anyone but the girl. The next fellow who sleeps with her is going to get the ‘white horse knight’ you-screwed-her-ass accusations. Cause of his change in behaviour? He can’t get her to be his girlfriend, so was screwing up everybody whether the poor fellow even meet her or not.

    Kefuso, when and why did you become so low? You kenna KC-ed again is it?

    “Hi bro, I’m afraid you’re right about kefuso.

    He kenna KC-ed big time by the whore. Not only was his intense love for her unrequitted but, to add insult to injury, even his attempts to bonk her was cruelly rejected, despite his offers of large sums of money. He literally went mad after that…poor chap.

    In retropsect, bro kefuso made a common tactical error. He chased too hard n was suffocating her. Initially, If he would cool it, stop pestering her n retreat, after a few weeks, she might accept him again. But it’s too late for him now.

    I think the moral here is: never, ever give a gal the notion that she is very special, the one n only, n that u can’t live w/o her. Most gals, FLs n non-FLs alike, would run away from such an obsessed n “psychotic” man. Instead, adopt an attitude that she is very lucky to be fxxked by u n she could take it or leave it. Give the impression that u hv a bevy of very pretty gals lining up to be fucked and/or BAOed n that she has to fight hard for ur attention n affection.

    Thx for reading n goodnight!”

    As you can see, I knew very well what a MAN must do back in early 2009. But I still had a very hard time for the next few yrs getting n keeping the type of gals I wanted.

    Another lesson.

    It’s abt Yi Ting, a singer at Sakura HFJ. She was promoted by bro denden70 as a FL at $120 a shot, which was reduced to $80 after two weeks. I first met her in July 2008 when she was 19 yo. I did fuck her about 10 times. I went to her HFJ when she had her show n hung $100. She was quite pretty, fair. 168, natural B w/ shapely n perky ass n good body/limb proportions. She was 100% natural.

    In late 2009, I met a bro who used to see Yi Ying in the HFJ and he couldn’t believe that she was a FL for $80 a shot. He said she played hard to get in the joint. There were patrons aka suckers who had spent many hundreds n even thousands and got nothing. Sound familiar?

    She returned to Fujian after 6 months. We kept in touch on QQ.

    In May 2009, she called me n said she had a WP from TAM n asked me to see her. She wanted $500 for FJ!! She needed to charge much more becos she wasn’t a FL anymore. I said no way, $200 max. She said sorry.

    About 10 days later, she called me n said $200 ok. I saw her twice and didn’t find her attractive anymore. I would bump into her at TAM quite a few times but I refused to book her. She did butterfly w/ me twice.

    I personally know many bros who hv spent boatloads of money to keep “plastic” singers, most of them are psychopathic golddiggers. And they still continue to work at the night scene. I’m talking abt spending abt 50k to well over 100K a month. For what?? Are these singers as pretty as the legendary Xi Shi? I never met Xi Shi. But I’m sure of one thing. These singers are NOT as pretty and as sexy as Yi Ting. Not even close. Ok, my poison must be many men’s meat.

    Have a great week !!

    Bro WB

    Post #7955
    Chapter #2169


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB,

    What a valuable lesson above.

    One really need to take stocks oneself and tried to analysed the past. Avoid making mistakes in the future.

    Hope I can try new practicals soon.


    Bro, tks.

    Yes, a most valuable lesson.

    I hv learned from my own mistakes and from mistakes by others.

    Every word in “I think the moral here is” quote was written by me over 10 years ago, yet I’m still unable to practice what I preach all the time. Especially w/ girls I like/love very much.

    My negative subconscious mind won’t allow me.

    But I’m making slow n steady progress in reprogramming it. I want it to be 100% positive, 100% of the time. Absolute self-mastery will be the end result.


    Originally Posted by


    A valuable lesson indeed.

    Thanks bro WB for a great thread,

    Have a good week ahead.


    Originally Posted by


    I’m trying to learn from this thread, absorb as much as possible


    Originally Posted by


    Very nice thread here, hope to learn more

    Bros, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    For young lovers, the love is always genuine, nothing much to do with money.

    But for older lovers I.e. those above 25, love usually revolves round money and material things, so if a man do not possess these two things, then the love affair may not blossom.

    As the age goes higher, then the love affairs will be even more dependant on money n material things

    So if you HV money, then rest assured that yr gal will stick to you and if you have not, then chances yr girl will also soon leave you.

    However there will always be some rich older women looking for young handsome men.


    Can a one sided loVe affair survive? I dont think do.

    I have a friend who is age 71, and he have a Vietnamese wife who is 40 yr old, every month he gave his wife $1000 SG dollars. Almost everyday my friend would scold this wife and yet she never leave him.

    So the bottom line is you must have sufficient money in order to keep the type of girl that you want.

    So if your salary is just $1500 a mth, u can’t keep a gal as she will soon leave u.

    Even at $2000, it’s also problematic. The best is if yrs is $3000 and above.


    For those who have enough money to keep yr girl, fantastic but you still need another very important component to finally cause her to stick to you like super glue, and this is fucking. The better you are in fuckng, the tighter she will stick to you and this is nature.

    Esteemed bro,

    Tks so much for your valuable opinions and advice.

    Yes, financial security is very important. But for most girls, both WLs and non-WLs alike, more than a certain level of financial security is superfluous. They are hungry for emotional bonding and sexual satisfaction, etc.

    For a relationship to last long term, both partners must improve n grow together.

    Of course, psychopathic gold diggers are very greedy n they want more n more. We should avoid them as if they were lepers.

    Good night to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #7961
    Chapter #2170


    Originally Posted by


    Yes I fully agree with you. In other words, if you r afraid yr lady will run away, chances she will and if You r not afraid that she will run away, Chances she won’t.

    Bro, you’re spot on.

    If a man thinks his dream girl is the prize and is fearful of losing her, he will lose her. Sooner rather than later. And he will never own her heart even if he is able to own her body and pussy.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Thank you for lovely forum above.

    Agreed with Buffet that we need to be able to invest in ourself.

    Communication is a science and need to practice. How we talk and communicate is key.

    Never give final answer if answer is no or negative. Always can say let me think about it. I always find that many especially women dun like no or negative replies.

    If yes or positive answers then be affirmative hen replying.

    Thanks for Sunday forum.


    Bro, tks.

    A man must improve in every way, every day.

    Improving one’s communication skills is vital. Don’t forget that over 90% of communication is via one’s body language, facial microexpressions and voice tonality.


    Originally Posted by


    Very lovely forum indeed, not only Sunday, is every day.

    Hope to learn more from bro WB.



    Originally Posted by


    Great thread from bro WB.

    Have a nice Sunday bros!

    Bros, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    thanks.. this relates to more than just women. a very useful advice and skillset to be apply in dealing with peoples.

    Bro, tks.

    Yes, good advice for your biz and career and whenever there are human interactions and relationships.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    I am well connected with your forums.

    Above was a great summary of all the pointers in this thread.

    Reading your thread and all the great replies brought back plenty of great memories both good and bad.

    Hope to improve further.


    Bro, tks for quoting my old posts.

    Yes, it’s a summary of some of the most important points I hv learned abt woman. I stand by every word I hv written.


    Originally Posted by


    Well done bro WB. Agreed that most value of gals dropped drastically after more years. Here gals have no such things as more good years.

    Bro, tks again.

    Yes, I hv learned a lot from my encounter w/ TH. She is a narcissistic golddigger. I didn’t even bother to meet her when she came to SG the second time.

    Here is her insightful quote again (in her wechat moments):

    “而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你 结果她却动了心.”

    Attraction is not a choice. Consciously, she may think you’re the antithesis of the type of MAN she likes/loves. But subconsciously, she is very attracted to u and may fall for u.

    In 2014 TH said she would never, ever want to hv me as her BF after I refused to give her a loan. And she added: 你是我一生见过最吝啬的男人…

    I took that as quite a compliment. I must be on the right path. Less is often more w/ women.


    Originally Posted by


    Confirmed the value will drop after more years.

    Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.

    Bro, yes.

    A very cute SYT may not be cute after a few yrs.


    Originally Posted by


    Excellent thread here, hope to learn more from bro WB and the rest

    Tks, bro.

    Have a great day to all samsters!

    Bro WB

    Post #7962