Don’t behave like a child
Give her space
Pay attention to her needs
Make her cry
Fuck her hard
Refuse sex w/ her sometimes
Don’t behave like a child
Give her space
Pay attention to her needs
Make her cry
Fuck her hard
Refuse sex w/ her sometimes
- Make her cry
- Refuse sex w/ her sometimes
She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.
She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.
She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine…
- HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9:00pm.
- SH at P8 n Lido or other high-end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.
- women tend to want what they can’t have and when you’re saying no to most women, you’re also ironically building attraction
- when you build up enough attraction, even from the women you don’t want, you’re generating social proof for the woman you do want.
- Make her cry
- Refuse sex w/ her sometimes
She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.
She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.
She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine…
- Make her cry
- Refuse sex w/ her sometimes
She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.
She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.
She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine…
What an auspicious day!
After some introspection, I’m happy to report that I hv improved significantly in getting and keeping girls/women who are closest to my type since I started this thread in June 2009.
Many friends and kaki can’t understand how a lao chee ko pek like me could get very chio SYTs. They are convinced that I must be paying big buck, perhaps 2-20 times what a young, tall and handsome man is paying. Nothing could be further from the truth.
They don’t really know what women want in a man. Despite my numerous SBF posts citing various gurus. Do you know THE one most attractive physical attribute in a MAN? Your deep, pleasing, soothing masculine voice!
I’m paying LESS for full BY than I did 9-10 yrs ago, for the same quality of gals, even though the number of my type of girls available in SG has dropped 98% since. The ‘damage’ is now in the lower range of the going rates. LESS is MORE w/ women. Less money, gifts, etc. There are many psychopathic gold diggers who want more n more. They are worse than lepers. Runaway from them asap.
My subconscious mind n my superconscious mind believes that I’m THE PRIZE. I hv higher social and sexual value than any ‘super chio’ SYTs/young women around. It may sound arrogant but it’s the right mindset n frame.
I hv mentioned my preferred type of girl/woman before. I hv lowered my height requirement as long as it’s at least 160 w/o shoes. I don’t think I hv ever met a tall and very cute girl in SG. A girl’s character is as important as her looks and body n limb proportions. Of course, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. My 10 may be a 1 to you and your 10 may be a 1 to me.
Some bros also think that I get pretty SYTs because of the law of averages. I make an offer to 10-50 girls to get one positive reply. Total nonsense. I make less than two real offers a yr.
My ONLY limitation is the extremely small number of very cute SYTs I like in SG. How tiny is this number?
In the last 6-7 yrs, I hv caught sight of a total of three 18 yo SYTs I really like in SG. Yes, only three. They are far from perfect but they are THE closest to my type. I sighted them myself n no one introduced them to me. And no help from anyone. I connected w/ them within seconds of seeing them. I hv written abt all 3 before. They all said ‘I do’ after 2 weeks to two months. Two of them are still w/ me. They are PRC students who don’t work in the nite scene.
In other words, I approached 3 cutest SYTs of my type I sighted in SG n they all became my LPs. That is a 100% success rate.
I did meet several other 18 yo SYTs who initially appeared quite attractive, but they were not up to my standards on further inspection. One cute 网红 had short legs. I had also met several chio SYTs who were 16 -17, two of them overseas. But I would never touch a girl who is under 18.
Of course, I have had other LPs during this period who are older than 18 yo.
Many agents, mummies, and friends, both in SG n China, hv tried to intro girls to me. But none are good enough. Yes, not even one. Most of them are plastic n some are hideous looking or have the wrong body n limb proportions.
That is why my offer for bro Don Juan’s alleged super chio SYTs has no expiration date.
If any bro here knows a super chio SYT, bring her to meet me. If you like her please keep her. I could be your wingman if you’re not too proud to accept my help.
I’m COCKSURE that I’ll get her to be YOUR loyal LT lover. Unless she is a gold digger, in that case you should run away from her. Of course, I’ll pay for dinner for both of you and for my companion and all other expenses, if any.
I’m just trying to find out what I’ve been missing in life. Then I hv to work and search harder, much harder. I leave no stone unturned.
One more thing. The ‘super chio’ SYT must be 18 yo n must look like 18. Zero plastic surgery. As little makeup as possible. Pls show her wrists and legs.
My offer has NO expiration date.
PM me!!
Cheers !!
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Congratulate bro WB for a great thread here too, big thanks!!
Cheers and have a good weekend.
Tks, bro.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB, first of all let me congratulate you for the very successful thread here. I am sure you have a big group of supporters for this wonderful thread.
I want to finish like you do but not greedy to hv 100 gals calling me. I just hope 50 gals will do.
Money is definitely important key to this activity you are doing.
Hope you enjoyed yourself and wish you best health.
Please share more so that more guys benefit.
Have a great day.
Bro, tks.
Make it 500 girls. No, you’re not greedy. It’s a mindset or frame that will improve your chances and attractiveness immensely. Live it, breathe it.
Originally Posted by
Yes - especially #1 and #3 really key to securing her addiction to you lol
Bro, tks.
If a girl has never genuinely cried because of you, she doesn’t hv a lot of feelings for you.
Originally Posted by
Very true bro
Hope to learn more from the master bro WB here!
Bro, tks.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
10 years ago now you posted above forum.
Ok I learned we need to be dominant and also never to give what the woman requested.
Also we must be direct, cheerful and playful.
Really nice lesson above and hope to learn more.
Have a great week please.
Bro, tks.
I posted the above about 2 years ago.
It’s ok to hv KC for a girl, but make sure she is SUBMISSIVE n has more KC for you. Otherwise, the relationship will surely fail. Don’t blame the girl, she is hard-wired to behave that way.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB,
Another great forum written above.
Agreed even our own wife there is no unconditional love. Each time she goes shopping come back here you owe me so much because bought so much for the kids and household. Bear in mind even wife working same story.
Her money is her money and your money still her money.
The ONLY woman who can give you unconditional love is YOUR MOTHER!!
Mom’s love is never conditional and most sure things. Often us sons took for granted.
Bro, tks.
“So, she loves you because you’re the best high-quality man she can get, but this sooner or later be subject to change. If at some point she feels she can get a man perceived as higher quality than you, her love for you will decrease exponentially. This is what we call conditional love—a woman’s love. "
A woman who has had 5 or more casual sexual partners can’t even give you conditional love, according to Roosh V.
Understanding the true nature of women is vital. Don’t waste money on any woman. Especially a gold digger. NO amount of money n gifts will buy her love or loyalty.
Instead, learn how to get your dream girl emotionally, mentally, sexually and spiritually addicted to you!! No money needed.
Originally Posted by
Fully agreed, must be direct and playful.
Thanks bro WB for a great forum.
Originally Posted by
Support excellent thread by bro WB and hope to learn more.
Originally Posted by
Very well said, every day is Mother’s Day!
Thank you bro WB for a very nice thread, have a good day.
Bros, tks.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
What an auspicious day!!
I wrote the following some time ago and I quoted it in my last post:
“Adopting the body language, voice tonality and behavior of a man w/ strong masculine traits (such as dominance, trustworthiness, decisiveness, courage, kindness, humility, confidence, optimism, ambition, unflappability, perseverance, sexual mojo and emotional mastery) is the key to female lust.”
I forgot many vital character n behavior traits of a MAN.
Reliability, responsibility, compassion, integrity, and frugality.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Love all your cardinal rules below.
Yup agreed that women love men base on touch and feel of masculinity. The women love surprises and fun. If any guy can make any woman cum and cum then she will love you no matter age, looks etc.
This are fundamentals of women love.
Basic necessities must provide but not provide without any body contact.
Hope bro can comment more.
Bro, tks.
“When a woman meets a man, she determines if she’s attracted to that man based on the emotions he makes her feel. "
Women crave strong emotions. Mostly positive but sometimes negative.
Don’t be afraid to make your women cry sometimes…
Originally Posted by
Yes bro WB agreed totally.
Easiest to use money to buy sex and no love.
That may be good just for lust and plenty of other considerations too. Anyway is a challenge to hook gals and hv fun.
Yes, you can get many chio pussies w/ just money. It’s great if that is all you want.
I like something a lot more dangerous and challenging. Like getting a chio SYT emotionally n sexually addicted.
Originally Posted by
Very well written forum and re-post for all.
Yes, very good forum.
Originally Posted by
Thanks for re-post.
Originally Posted by
Fully agreed with bro WB too.
Thanks for a great thread.
Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by
Haha this is very true.
Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread. Hope to learn more here.
Bros, thanks.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Above nice forum.
I fully agree that guy must be gentleman and don’t touch friends gal.
Great advice too and never touch married woman.
Many things to learn from a great Senior Grandmaster here.
Hope I shall pickup interesting prodigy here and there.
Bro, tks.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Let me share my personal experience.
Saw this gal intro by a friend’s gf. So she sat beside me during dinner, drinks and in the car.
All along I just answered short yes no or few words.
Then the gal obviously keen to know more about me and kept asking my friends and gf more about me.
Then she face me and mouth very close by and I just kissed her.
As they said the rest history.
The above pointes, I strongly agreed. Just don’t give a damn and gal more keen to find out more.
Well done! Did she become your long term GF?
More case studies would be greatly appreciated.
Getting girls addicted to you is easy.
I like to add three more:
And never forget you’re the prize.
Originally Posted by
Very nice forum indeed.
Many skills to pick up from bro WB here.
Have a good day.
Bro, tks.
Originally Posted by
I had similar experience too.
After dinner I sent this gal home and she kept chatting non-stop, but I spoke only a little.
Then she asked me why I so quiet, I told her “Fuck off”
So she said “You fuck me and I’m off” and I fucked her in the car.
The rest is history too.
Bro, well done!
More case studies would be greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by
Incredible thread by bro WB, hope to learn more from you bro.
Have a good weekend
Bro, tks.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
What an auspicious day!!
I wrote the following some time ago and I quoted it in my last post:
“Adopting the body language, voice tonality and behavior of a man w/ strong masculine traits (such as dominance, trustworthiness, decisiveness, courage, kindness, humility, confidence, optimism, ambition, unflappability, perseverance, sexual mojo and emotional mastery) is the key to female lust.”
I forgot many vital character n behavior traits of a MAN.
Reliability, responsibility, compassion, integrity, and frugality.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Love all your cardinal rules below.
Yup agreed that women love men base on touch and feel of masculinity. The women love surprises and fun. If any guy can make any woman cum and cum then she will love you no matter age, looks etc.
This are fundamentals of women love.
Basic necessities must provide but not provide without any body contact.
Hope bro can comment more.
Bro, tks.
“When a woman meets a man, she determines if she’s attracted to that man based on the emotions he makes her feel. "
Women crave strong emotions. Mostly positive but sometimes negative.
Don’t be afraid to make your women cry sometimes…
Originally Posted by
Yes bro WB agreed totally.
Easiest to use money to buy sex and no love.
That may be good just for lust and plenty of other considerations too. Anyway is a challenge to hook gals and hv fun.
Yes, you can get many chio pussies w/ just money. It’s great if that is all you want.
I like something a lot more dangerous and challenging. Like getting a chio SYT emotionally n sexually addicted.
Originally Posted by
Very well written forum and re-post for all.
Yes, very good forum.
Originally Posted by
Thanks for re-post.
Originally Posted by
Fully agreed with bro WB too.
Thanks for a great thread.
Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by
Haha this is very true.
Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread. Hope to learn more here.
Bros, thanks.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Above nice forum.
I fully agree that guy must be gentleman and don’t touch friends gal.
Great advice too and never touch married woman.
Many things to learn from a great Senior Grandmaster here.
Hope I shall pickup interesting prodigy here and there.
Bro, tks.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Let me share my personal experience.
Saw this gal intro by a friend’s gf. So she sat beside me during dinner, drinks and in the car.
All along I just answered short yes no or few words.
Then the gal obviously keen to know more about me and kept asking my friends and gf more about me.
Then she face me and mouth very close by and I just kissed her.
As they said the rest history.
The above pointes, I strongly agreed. Just don’t give a damn and gal more keen to find out more.
Well done! Did she become your long term GF?
More case studies would be greatly appreciated.
Getting girls addicted to you is easy.
I like to add three more:
And never forget you’re the prize.
Originally Posted by
Very nice forum indeed.
Many skills to pick up from bro WB here.
Have a good day.
Bro, tks.
Originally Posted by
I had similar experience too.
After dinner I sent this gal home and she kept chatting non-stop, but I spoke only a little.
Then she asked me why I so quiet, I told her “Fuck off”
So she said “You fuck me and I’m off” and I fucked her in the car.
The rest is history too.
Bro, well done!
More case studies would be greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by
Incredible thread by bro WB, hope to learn more from you bro.
Have a good weekend
Bro, tks.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
What an auspicious day!
After some introspection, I’m happy to report that I hv improved significantly in getting and keeping girls/women who are closest to my type since I started this thread in June 2009.
Many friends and kaki can’t understand how a lao chee ko pek like me could get very chio SYTs. They are convinced that I must be paying big buck, perhaps 2-20 times what a young, tall and handsome man is paying. Nothing could be further from the truth.
They don’t really know what women want in a man. Despite my numerous SBF posts citing various gurus. Do you know THE one most attractive physical attribute in a MAN? Your deep, pleasing, soothing masculine voice!
I’m paying LESS for full BY than I did 9-10 yrs ago, for the same quality of gals, even though the number of my type of girls available in SG has dropped 98% since. The ‘damage’ is now in the lower range of the going rates. LESS is MORE w/ women. Less money, gifts, etc. There are many psychopathic gold diggers who want more n more. They are worse than lepers. Runaway from them asap.
My subconscious mind n my superconscious mind believes that I’m THE PRIZE. I hv higher social and sexual value than any ‘super chio’ SYTs/young women around. It may sound arrogant but it’s the right mindset n frame.
I hv mentioned my preferred type of girl/woman before. I hv lowered my height requirement as long as it’s at least 160 w/o shoes. I don’t think I hv ever met a tall and very cute girl in SG. A girl’s character is as important as her looks and body n limb proportions. Of course, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. My 10 may be a 1 to you and your 10 may be a 1 to me.
Some bros also think that I get pretty SYTs because of the law of averages. I make an offer to 10-50 girls to get one positive reply. Total nonsense. I make less than two real offers a yr.
My ONLY limitation is the extremely small number of very cute SYTs I like in SG. How tiny is this number?
In the last 6-7 yrs, I hv caught sight of a total of three 18 yo SYTs I really like in SG. Yes, only three. They are far from perfect but they are THE closest to my type. I sighted them myself n no one introduced them to me. And no help from anyone. I connected w/ them within seconds of seeing them. I hv written abt all 3 before. They all said ‘I do’ after 2 weeks to two months. Two of them are still w/ me. They are PRC students who don’t work in the nite scene.
In other words, I approached 3 cutest SYTs of my type I sighted in SG n they all became my LPs. That is a 100% success rate.
I did meet several other 18 yo SYTs who initially appeared quite attractive, but they were not up to my standards on further inspection. One cute 网红 had short legs. I had also met several chio SYTs who were 16 -17, two of them overseas. But I would never touch a girl who is under 18.
Of course, I have had other LPs during this period who are older than 18 yo.
Many agents, mummies, and friends, both in SG n China, hv tried to intro girls to me. But none are good enough. Yes, not even one. Most of them are plastic n some are hideous looking or have the wrong body n limb proportions.
That is why my offer for bro Don Juan’s alleged super chio SYTs has no expiration date.
If any bro here knows a super chio SYT, bring her to meet me. If you like her please keep her. I could be your wingman if you’re not too proud to accept my help.
I’m COCKSURE that I’ll get her to be YOUR loyal LT lover. Unless she is a gold digger, in that case you should run away from her. Of course, I’ll pay for dinner for both of you and for my companion and all other expenses, if any.
I’m just trying to find out what I’ve been missing in life. Then I hv to work and search harder, much harder. I leave no stone unturned.
One more thing. The ‘super chio’ SYT must be 18 yo n must look like 18. Zero plastic surgery. As little makeup as possible. Pls show her wrists and legs.
My offer has NO expiration date.
PM me!!
Cheers !!
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Congratulate bro WB for a great thread here too, big thanks!!
Cheers and have a good weekend.
Tks, bro.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB, first of all let me congratulate you for the very successful thread here. I am sure you have a big group of supporters for this wonderful thread.
I want to finish like you do but not greedy to hv 100 gals calling me. I just hope 50 gals will do.
Money is definitely important key to this activity you are doing.
Hope you enjoyed yourself and wish you best health.
Please share more so that more guys benefit.
Have a great day.
Bro, tks.
Make it 500 girls. No, you’re not greedy. It’s a mindset or frame that will improve your chances and attractiveness immensely. Live it, breathe it.
Originally Posted by
Yes - especially #1 and #3 really key to securing her addiction to you lol
Bro, tks.
If a girl has never genuinely cried because of you, she doesn’t hv a lot of feelings for you.
Originally Posted by
Very true bro
Hope to learn more from the master bro WB here!
Bro, tks.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
10 years ago now you posted above forum.
Ok I learned we need to be dominant and also never to give what the woman requested.
Also we must be direct, cheerful and playful.
Really nice lesson above and hope to learn more.
Have a great week please.
Bro, tks.
I posted the above about 2 years ago.
It’s ok to hv KC for a girl, but make sure she is SUBMISSIVE n has more KC for you. Otherwise, the relationship will surely fail. Don’t blame the girl, she is hard-wired to behave that way.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB,
Another great forum written above.
Agreed even our own wife there is no unconditional love. Each time she goes shopping come back here you owe me so much because bought so much for the kids and household. Bear in mind even wife working same story.
Her money is her money and your money still her money.
The ONLY woman who can give you unconditional love is YOUR MOTHER!!
Mom’s love is never conditional and most sure things. Often us sons took for granted.
Bro, tks.
“So, she loves you because you’re the best high-quality man she can get, but this sooner or later be subject to change. If at some point she feels she can get a man perceived as higher quality than you, her love for you will decrease exponentially. This is what we call conditional love—a woman’s love. "
A woman who has had 5 or more casual sexual partners can’t even give you conditional love, according to Roosh V.
Understanding the true nature of women is vital. Don’t waste money on any woman. Especially a gold digger. NO amount of money n gifts will buy her love or loyalty.
Instead, learn how to get your dream girl emotionally, mentally, sexually and spiritually addicted to you!! No money needed.
Originally Posted by
Fully agreed, must be direct and playful.
Thanks bro WB for a great forum.
Originally Posted by
Support excellent thread by bro WB and hope to learn more.
Originally Posted by
Very well said, every day is Mother’s Day!
Thank you bro WB for a very nice thread, have a good day.
Bros, tks.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
What an auspicious day!
After some introspection, I’m happy to report that I hv improved significantly in getting and keeping girls/women who are closest to my type since I started this thread in June 2009.
Many friends and kaki can’t understand how a lao chee ko pek like me could get very chio SYTs. They are convinced that I must be paying big buck, perhaps 2-20 times what a young, tall and handsome man is paying. Nothing could be further from the truth.
They don’t really know what women want in a man. Despite my numerous SBF posts citing various gurus. Do you know THE one most attractive physical attribute in a MAN? Your deep, pleasing, soothing masculine voice!
I’m paying LESS for full BY than I did 9-10 yrs ago, for the same quality of gals, even though the number of my type of girls available in SG has dropped 98% since. The ‘damage’ is now in the lower range of the going rates. LESS is MORE w/ women. Less money, gifts, etc. There are many psychopathic gold diggers who want more n more. They are worse than lepers. Runaway from them asap.
My subconscious mind n my superconscious mind believes that I’m THE PRIZE. I hv higher social and sexual value than any ‘super chio’ SYTs/young women around. It may sound arrogant but it’s the right mindset n frame.
I hv mentioned my preferred type of girl/woman before. I hv lowered my height requirement as long as it’s at least 160 w/o shoes. I don’t think I hv ever met a tall and very cute girl in SG. A girl’s character is as important as her looks and body n limb proportions. Of course, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. My 10 may be a 1 to you and your 10 may be a 1 to me.
Some bros also think that I get pretty SYTs because of the law of averages. I make an offer to 10-50 girls to get one positive reply. Total nonsense. I make less than two real offers a yr.
My ONLY limitation is the extremely small number of very cute SYTs I like in SG. How tiny is this number?
In the last 6-7 yrs, I hv caught sight of a total of three 18 yo SYTs I really like in SG. Yes, only three. They are far from perfect but they are THE closest to my type. I sighted them myself n no one introduced them to me. And no help from anyone. I connected w/ them within seconds of seeing them. I hv written abt all 3 before. They all said ‘I do’ after 2 weeks to two months. Two of them are still w/ me. They are PRC students who don’t work in the nite scene.
In other words, I approached 3 cutest SYTs of my type I sighted in SG n they all became my LPs. That is a 100% success rate.
I did meet several other 18 yo SYTs who initially appeared quite attractive, but they were not up to my standards on further inspection. One cute 网红 had short legs. I had also met several chio SYTs who were 16 -17, two of them overseas. But I would never touch a girl who is under 18.
Of course, I have had other LPs during this period who are older than 18 yo.
Many agents, mummies, and friends, both in SG n China, hv tried to intro girls to me. But none are good enough. Yes, not even one. Most of them are plastic n some are hideous looking or have the wrong body n limb proportions.
That is why my offer for bro Don Juan’s alleged super chio SYTs has no expiration date.
If any bro here knows a super chio SYT, bring her to meet me. If you like her please keep her. I could be your wingman if you’re not too proud to accept my help.
I’m COCKSURE that I’ll get her to be YOUR loyal LT lover. Unless she is a gold digger, in that case you should run away from her. Of course, I’ll pay for dinner for both of you and for my companion and all other expenses, if any.
I’m just trying to find out what I’ve been missing in life. Then I hv to work and search harder, much harder. I leave no stone unturned.
One more thing. The ‘super chio’ SYT must be 18 yo n must look like 18. Zero plastic surgery. As little makeup as possible. Pls show her wrists and legs.
My offer has NO expiration date.
PM me!!
Cheers !!
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Congratulate bro WB for a great thread here too, big thanks!!
Cheers and have a good weekend.
Tks, bro.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB, first of all let me congratulate you for the very successful thread here. I am sure you have a big group of supporters for this wonderful thread.
I want to finish like you do but not greedy to hv 100 gals calling me. I just hope 50 gals will do.
Money is definitely important key to this activity you are doing.
Hope you enjoyed yourself and wish you best health.
Please share more so that more guys benefit.
Have a great day.
Bro, tks.
Make it 500 girls. No, you’re not greedy. It’s a mindset or frame that will improve your chances and attractiveness immensely. Live it, breathe it.
Originally Posted by
Yes - especially #1 and #3 really key to securing her addiction to you lol
Bro, tks.
If a girl has never genuinely cried because of you, she doesn’t hv a lot of feelings for you.
Originally Posted by
Very true bro
Hope to learn more from the master bro WB here!
Bro, tks.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
10 years ago now you posted above forum.
Ok I learned we need to be dominant and also never to give what the woman requested.
Also we must be direct, cheerful and playful.
Really nice lesson above and hope to learn more.
Have a great week please.
Bro, tks.
I posted the above about 2 years ago.
It’s ok to hv KC for a girl, but make sure she is SUBMISSIVE n has more KC for you. Otherwise, the relationship will surely fail. Don’t blame the girl, she is hard-wired to behave that way.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB,
Another great forum written above.
Agreed even our own wife there is no unconditional love. Each time she goes shopping come back here you owe me so much because bought so much for the kids and household. Bear in mind even wife working same story.
Her money is her money and your money still her money.
The ONLY woman who can give you unconditional love is YOUR MOTHER!!
Mom’s love is never conditional and most sure things. Often us sons took for granted.
Bro, tks.
“So, she loves you because you’re the best high-quality man she can get, but this sooner or later be subject to change. If at some point she feels she can get a man perceived as higher quality than you, her love for you will decrease exponentially. This is what we call conditional love—a woman’s love. "
A woman who has had 5 or more casual sexual partners can’t even give you conditional love, according to Roosh V.
Understanding the true nature of women is vital. Don’t waste money on any woman. Especially a gold digger. NO amount of money n gifts will buy her love or loyalty.
Instead, learn how to get your dream girl emotionally, mentally, sexually and spiritually addicted to you!! No money needed.
Originally Posted by
Fully agreed, must be direct and playful.
Thanks bro WB for a great forum.
Originally Posted by
Support excellent thread by bro WB and hope to learn more.
Originally Posted by
Very well said, every day is Mother’s Day!
Thank you bro WB for a very nice thread, have a good day.
Bros, tks.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Awesome replies by bro WB and thanks for a fantastic thread.
Enjoy your weekend!
Tks, bro.
Originally Posted by
What a logical thread bro WB
Thanks so much for lovely wonderful thread.
I read with great interest the forum below.
I shall choose the illogical way.
Hope to learn more.
Thanks bro.
Bro, thank u for reposting what I hv written n quoted before. I learn something every single time.
Attraction is not a choice.
This has profound implications:
When you make a woman feel powerful, sexual emotions.
Those feelings of arousal OVERRIDE her rational mind…
And any reasons she might have for NOT being with you…
Are literally erased from her brain.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Below forum was a great read for me.
Really captured my thoughts and imaginations.
Sex frequently is healthy and shall be helpful.
Having sex constantly makes a guy feeling young and youthful.
Hope all enjoy sex after reading.
Bro, tks.
The health benefits of regular sex are fantastic.
Exchanging body fluids regularly w/ a chio SYT is even more beneficial for a lao chee ko pek. I feel rejuvenated, like a teenager again.
Originally Posted by
Congrats to bro WB
Nice forum and will try to read the entire thread once.
Bro, tks.
But nothing to celebrate as I hv not sighted a new chio SYT of my type since I met TY last yr, 16 months ago.
Bro Don Juan must be hiding or camouflaging his “superchio SYTs” just to frustrate me.
I’m patient. My offer to him and to ALL samsters has no expiration date.
Originally Posted by
Very logical indeed.
Thanks bro WB for a fantastic thread.
Hoping to learn more too.
Originally Posted by
Congrats to bro WB too
Read the first few pages and already mesmerised by it.
Thanks and have a great weekend.
Originally Posted by
I also agree it is a great read too.
Before reading already enjoying sex, after reading is addicted to sex.
Bros, thanks.
Originally Posted by
Thank you for this incredible enriching thread.
This thread allow me to walk away from my girl when she initiated breakup, and she came running back to me after 1 week after i did not contact her at all. I was able to act cool and chill when she start initiating contact and we have been back tgt ever since.
I still feel needy at time with my girl, but these days i am able to stop myself from showing it. I still have a long way to go.
There are a few points i cant understand though.
How do i go about doing it?
What is the rationale of refusing sex with her?
Sometimes its even hard to get sex due to our busy schedules
Bro, tks.
The best way to get a girl/woman back is NOT wanting to get her back. Just walk away n mean it because it’s a big loss for her n a big gain for you.
Don’t make a girl cry intentionally. Behave like a MAN. Point out her flaws, reprimand her when she makes mistakes, say NO whenever it’s the right thing to do…speak your mind, be Mode One. She will cry if she cares abt you.
The other way to make her cry is to be very romantic and very kind.
Refusing sex is to show her that you like/love her but you don’t need her. If you hv been giving her great sexual pleasure, she won’t be able to tahan.
Originally Posted by
my take on this “make her cry” - share her sorrows and happiness especially when she sad makes her happy. also when she sick consoles and nurse her back to health. as a soft gal should teared up easily if you do and say right words.
refusing sex - she wants and you play hard to get. then make excuse to go out for running errands etc. if sex hard to come then let her know or feel you hv hundreds of gals fucking you.
make it sound like her loss n you are the prize.
Bro, tks.
Well said.
Yes, if you’re not a prize to your girl, the relationship will not last.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
No apology in your own thread.
Been the TS, you decide how you like to navigate the forum.
This thread was nicely written and plenty of good points.
“What really turns on a woman mentally and emotionally? IMHO, it’s the fact that you desire her and you are incredibly turned on by her.
Her three needs must be met first:
I always tell my LPs: You’re so sexy and beautiful. 你的小妹妹很香, 很好吃…”
Highlighted was great points and I cannot agree more.
Thanks and cheers.
Bro, tks for reposting what I hv wrtten quite a long time ago.
“What really turns on a woman mentally and emotionally? IMHO, it’s the fact that you desire her and you are incredibly turned on by her.”
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Another great forum above.
Answer - N0, will not send a picture of my dick to anyone.
True and agreed no need to do so in order to score with any gal.
Thanks and cheers.
You’re right!
I hv done video chatting w/ a few of my beloved LPs during which I showed my erect dick. To tell them that I was strongly aroused by their good looks and sexy body/limbs.
Originally Posted by
Fully agreed with your points bro.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread, keep it up.
Tks, bro.
Originally Posted by
LMAO on this - 你的小妹妹很香, 很好吃…
Also thanks bro WB for sharing so much.
Originally Posted by
Agreed it is another great forum by bro WB.
Why send dick pic to her? Does she send pussy pic?
Have a nice day.
Very few girls hv sent me boob and pussy pics.
Originally Posted by
#2 also play a part la
Bro. I agree.
Thanks and cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
Good evening!
I’m inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints (mostly PRC girls/women):
First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a very light drinker, and 2) willing to smoke outside the room.
Second-hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.
The two types of joints I go most often:
Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.
I do go to SH at these joints occasionally. SH booking at Dynasty is now $300, BUT you could always negotiate and many gals will accept $200. Still $200 at China Doll and Jade.
There is a cheap alternative for HH and SH too. Just go and sit in the hall at these joints. I can book a gal or get gals to butterfly or get a singer to sit w/ you. How could you lose?
Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking starting at $300. Some gals may want $500! But biz is bad n you can always negotiate. I hv balance n expense per pax is as low as $70!
I do go to other joints infrequently. I’m open to suggestions.
There is a plan B which is FOC. Just touring the PC joints and looking at every gal. Get ctc of the gals you like for follow up. Bros are welcomed to join me.
For SH, I usually leave early n I don’t drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?
For high-end joints, I like to keep a new bottle for as long as possible. Sometimes many months! I tip the mummy generously, n in return, she will get the room charge reduced to a token. It’s a win-win-win-win situation. Obviously good for us, the mummies n the gals. It’s also good for the joints. Why? More customers beget more attractive gals which in turn beget more customers…
Peace Centre joints hv the most number of women for viewing at HH. Whereas better-looking ones may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though. The quality of girls/women at PC and Lido/P8 has been quite atrocious. But rare surprises do happen if you go often enough.
There is a plan C now: HFJs. Sitting in the hall is very cheap. And you’re not obligated to hang a penny. I usually go to a specific joint when I hv info about a particular SYT who may be my type of pussy. But photos and videos can be deceiving and I’ve been greatly disappointed. In that case I’ll just get up n leave after 5-10 min. BTW, I hv a unique approach to singers for ST. No BY of singers for me. It has been a very long time since I met a singer who is my type of chio SYT. I may hv to adapt to the new reality n accept one w/ minor plastic surgery and who is not exactly an SYT.
PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your preference, option 1, 2, plan B or C or all four.
There is a plan D: Import girls of your type directly from the source. That is another story.
BTW, I hv been to some Viet Joints including Zara. I’m totally unimpressed. I did ST two Viet gals in the last 3 yrs, but both were from Lido.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Agreed with you and will change myself.
I am not going to be soft and nice guy.
Will try to resist soft temptations.
happy weekend.
Bro, tks.
Be a MAN, don’t be a needy nice guy.
Originally Posted by
Very interesting thread by bro WB.
Thanks and have a good weekend.
Originally Posted by
Same here, not going to be soft and nice guy any more.
Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.
Bros, tks.
Originally Posted by
Recently had a terrible experience with a SYT. Glad to learn from the experience and also from WB’s thread.
Thank you.
Bro, tks.
Could you tell us more about your “terrible experience” w/ a SYT? We could all learn and benefit from your encounter.
Originally Posted by
Learning from this thread too bro.
Tks, bro.
Good afternoon,
According to Marni the wing girl, here is the number one secret of ATTRACTION:
Know What You Want
Most women know what they want because they have a lot of options to choose from. Yes, women do have men hitting on them
every day, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a lot of options to choose from either.
It’s all about your mentality.
Many men sabotage themselves into thinking that they should just settle for whatever comes along their way—for whatever they
can get. This is not attractive.
Be the chooser. Be the decision-maker.
When you know what you want in a woman, you also start to subconsciously develop your own plan of action for getting that woman.
This is extremely powerful.
You’re saying no to all the women you don’t want so you can focus your energy on getting a yes from the woman you do want.
There are 2 added advantages to this:
with them, and
Be a highly selective chooser.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Awesome replies by bro WB and thanks for a fantastic thread.
Enjoy your weekend!
Tks, bro.
Originally Posted by
What a logical thread bro WB
Thanks so much for lovely wonderful thread.
I read with great interest the forum below.
I shall choose the illogical way.
Hope to learn more.
Thanks bro.
Bro, thank u for reposting what I hv written n quoted before. I learn something every single time.
Attraction is not a choice.
This has profound implications:
When you make a woman feel powerful, sexual emotions.
Those feelings of arousal OVERRIDE her rational mind…
And any reasons she might have for NOT being with you…
Are literally erased from her brain.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Below forum was a great read for me.
Really captured my thoughts and imaginations.
Sex frequently is healthy and shall be helpful.
Having sex constantly makes a guy feeling young and youthful.
Hope all enjoy sex after reading.
Bro, tks.
The health benefits of regular sex are fantastic.
Exchanging body fluids regularly w/ a chio SYT is even more beneficial for a lao chee ko pek. I feel rejuvenated, like a teenager again.
Originally Posted by
Congrats to bro WB
Nice forum and will try to read the entire thread once.
Bro, tks.
But nothing to celebrate as I hv not sighted a new chio SYT of my type since I met TY last yr, 16 months ago.
Bro Don Juan must be hiding or camouflaging his “superchio SYTs” just to frustrate me.
I’m patient. My offer to him and to ALL samsters has no expiration date.
Originally Posted by
Very logical indeed.
Thanks bro WB for a fantastic thread.
Hoping to learn more too.
Originally Posted by
Congrats to bro WB too
Read the first few pages and already mesmerised by it.
Thanks and have a great weekend.
Originally Posted by
I also agree it is a great read too.
Before reading already enjoying sex, after reading is addicted to sex.
Bros, thanks.
Originally Posted by
Thank you for this incredible enriching thread.
This thread allow me to walk away from my girl when she initiated breakup, and she came running back to me after 1 week after i did not contact her at all. I was able to act cool and chill when she start initiating contact and we have been back tgt ever since.
I still feel needy at time with my girl, but these days i am able to stop myself from showing it. I still have a long way to go.
There are a few points i cant understand though.
How do i go about doing it?
What is the rationale of refusing sex with her?
Sometimes its even hard to get sex due to our busy schedules
Bro, tks.
The best way to get a girl/woman back is NOT wanting to get her back. Just walk away n mean it because it’s a big loss for her n a big gain for you.
Don’t make a girl cry intentionally. Behave like a MAN. Point out her flaws, reprimand her when she makes mistakes, say NO whenever it’s the right thing to do…speak your mind, be Mode One. She will cry if she cares abt you.
The other way to make her cry is to be very romantic and very kind.
Refusing sex is to show her that you like/love her but you don’t need her. If you hv been giving her great sexual pleasure, she won’t be able to tahan.
Originally Posted by
my take on this “make her cry” - share her sorrows and happiness especially when she sad makes her happy. also when she sick consoles and nurse her back to health. as a soft gal should teared up easily if you do and say right words.
refusing sex - she wants and you play hard to get. then make excuse to go out for running errands etc. if sex hard to come then let her know or feel you hv hundreds of gals fucking you.
make it sound like her loss n you are the prize.
Bro, tks.
Well said.
Yes, if you’re not a prize to your girl, the relationship will not last.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
No apology in your own thread.
Been the TS, you decide how you like to navigate the forum.
This thread was nicely written and plenty of good points.
“What really turns on a woman mentally and emotionally? IMHO, it’s the fact that you desire her and you are incredibly turned on by her.
Her three needs must be met first:
I always tell my LPs: You’re so sexy and beautiful. 你的小妹妹很香, 很好吃…”
Highlighted was great points and I cannot agree more.
Thanks and cheers.
Bro, tks for reposting what I hv wrtten quite a long time ago.
“What really turns on a woman mentally and emotionally? IMHO, it’s the fact that you desire her and you are incredibly turned on by her.”
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Another great forum above.
Answer - N0, will not send a picture of my dick to anyone.
True and agreed no need to do so in order to score with any gal.
Thanks and cheers.
You’re right!
I hv done video chatting w/ a few of my beloved LPs during which I showed my erect dick. To tell them that I was strongly aroused by their good looks and sexy body/limbs.
Originally Posted by
Fully agreed with your points bro.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread, keep it up.
Tks, bro.
Originally Posted by
LMAO on this - 你的小妹妹很香, 很好吃…
Also thanks bro WB for sharing so much.
Originally Posted by
Agreed it is another great forum by bro WB.
Why send dick pic to her? Does she send pussy pic?
Have a nice day.
Very few girls hv sent me boob and pussy pics.
Originally Posted by
#2 also play a part la
Bro. I agree.
Thanks and cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Awesome replies by bro WB and thanks for a fantastic thread.
Enjoy your weekend!
Tks, bro.
Originally Posted by
What a logical thread bro WB
Thanks so much for lovely wonderful thread.
I read with great interest the forum below.
I shall choose the illogical way.
Hope to learn more.
Thanks bro.
Bro, thank u for reposting what I hv written n quoted before. I learn something every single time.
Attraction is not a choice.
This has profound implications:
When you make a woman feel powerful, sexual emotions.
Those feelings of arousal OVERRIDE her rational mind…
And any reasons she might have for NOT being with you…
Are literally erased from her brain.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Below forum was a great read for me.
Really captured my thoughts and imaginations.
Sex frequently is healthy and shall be helpful.
Having sex constantly makes a guy feeling young and youthful.
Hope all enjoy sex after reading.
Bro, tks.
The health benefits of regular sex are fantastic.
Exchanging body fluids regularly w/ a chio SYT is even more beneficial for a lao chee ko pek. I feel rejuvenated, like a teenager again.
Originally Posted by
Congrats to bro WB
Nice forum and will try to read the entire thread once.
Bro, tks.
But nothing to celebrate as I hv not sighted a new chio SYT of my type since I met TY last yr, 16 months ago.
Bro Don Juan must be hiding or camouflaging his “superchio SYTs” just to frustrate me.
I’m patient. My offer to him and to ALL samsters has no expiration date.
Originally Posted by
Very logical indeed.
Thanks bro WB for a fantastic thread.
Hoping to learn more too.
Originally Posted by
Congrats to bro WB too
Read the first few pages and already mesmerised by it.
Thanks and have a great weekend.
Originally Posted by
I also agree it is a great read too.
Before reading already enjoying sex, after reading is addicted to sex.
Bros, thanks.
Originally Posted by
Thank you for this incredible enriching thread.
This thread allow me to walk away from my girl when she initiated breakup, and she came running back to me after 1 week after i did not contact her at all. I was able to act cool and chill when she start initiating contact and we have been back tgt ever since.
I still feel needy at time with my girl, but these days i am able to stop myself from showing it. I still have a long way to go.
There are a few points i cant understand though.
How do i go about doing it?
What is the rationale of refusing sex with her?
Sometimes its even hard to get sex due to our busy schedules
Bro, tks.
The best way to get a girl/woman back is NOT wanting to get her back. Just walk away n mean it because it’s a big loss for her n a big gain for you.
Don’t make a girl cry intentionally. Behave like a MAN. Point out her flaws, reprimand her when she makes mistakes, say NO whenever it’s the right thing to do…speak your mind, be Mode One. She will cry if she cares abt you.
The other way to make her cry is to be very romantic and very kind.
Refusing sex is to show her that you like/love her but you don’t need her. If you hv been giving her great sexual pleasure, she won’t be able to tahan.
Originally Posted by
my take on this “make her cry” - share her sorrows and happiness especially when she sad makes her happy. also when she sick consoles and nurse her back to health. as a soft gal should teared up easily if you do and say right words.
refusing sex - she wants and you play hard to get. then make excuse to go out for running errands etc. if sex hard to come then let her know or feel you hv hundreds of gals fucking you.
make it sound like her loss n you are the prize.
Bro, tks.
Well said.
Yes, if you’re not a prize to your girl, the relationship will not last.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
No apology in your own thread.
Been the TS, you decide how you like to navigate the forum.
This thread was nicely written and plenty of good points.
“What really turns on a woman mentally and emotionally? IMHO, it’s the fact that you desire her and you are incredibly turned on by her.
Her three needs must be met first:
I always tell my LPs: You’re so sexy and beautiful. 你的小妹妹很香, 很好吃…”
Highlighted was great points and I cannot agree more.
Thanks and cheers.
Bro, tks for reposting what I hv wrtten quite a long time ago.
“What really turns on a woman mentally and emotionally? IMHO, it’s the fact that you desire her and you are incredibly turned on by her.”
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Another great forum above.
Answer - N0, will not send a picture of my dick to anyone.
True and agreed no need to do so in order to score with any gal.
Thanks and cheers.
You’re right!
I hv done video chatting w/ a few of my beloved LPs during which I showed my erect dick. To tell them that I was strongly aroused by their good looks and sexy body/limbs.
Originally Posted by
Fully agreed with your points bro.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread, keep it up.
Tks, bro.
Originally Posted by
LMAO on this - 你的小妹妹很香, 很好吃…
Also thanks bro WB for sharing so much.
Originally Posted by
Agreed it is another great forum by bro WB.
Why send dick pic to her? Does she send pussy pic?
Have a nice day.
Very few girls hv sent me boob and pussy pics.
Originally Posted by
#2 also play a part la
Bro. I agree.
Thanks and cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB