How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

    Chapter #2111

    Have a great afternoon!

    Bro WB


    Originally Posted by


    Excellent thread by bro WB, thanks!!

    Bro, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Many thanks for a lovely thread.

    A girl who likes you will be different from a girl who loves you.

    A girl like you dun mean anything because just like you as friend or brother.

    A girl that loves you will mean she is willing to do anything because you are the lover.

    Cheers to all.

    Bro, well said.

    The two girls did become my joint LPs. I met them together twice a week. I paid half price because they continued to work. They went back to PRC last yr after spending 1 1/2 yrs w/ me. It was an unforgettable experience.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Thanks for nice forum.

    How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women

    The power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less.

    A MAN must never, ever lose his power or control in a RS, period. It makes no difference if he has known the gal/woman for 3 minutes or 30 years.

    Striking title and nice topics.

    Really nice and hope to read more.


    Bro, tks.

    If a man has less power in a relationship, he will lose the girl/woman. He may still own her pussy, but her heart is elsewhere.

    I’m 100% certain of this. I’m assuming the girl/woman is healthy n heterosexual.


    Originally Posted by


    Fully agreed. Thanks bro WB for this nice forum.

    Have a good week ahead.


    Originally Posted by


    Excellent thread, thanks bro WB


    Originally Posted by


    Fully agreed with the above statements.

    Thanks bro WB for sharing so much with us, and for this great thread too.


    Bros, tks.


    It’s very easy to hv less power in your relationship w/ a girl, w/o even realising it.

    Whenever you think: I’m lucky to hv her. She is a good catch. She is a prize, a trophy. I’m not good enough for her. She is out of my league. Thank God I hv her! ( I hv heard this so many times. An American lab tech actually said that).

    Or any of the following actions:

    “When you buy her gifts, pay for everything and do ALL the work… you are giving your power away.

    When you confess your feelings and tell her how much you like her… you are giving your power away.

    When you compliment a girl over and over again… you are giving your power away.

    When you smile and nod and agree with everything she says… you are giving your power away.

    You are handing her your BALLS on a silver platter…”

    And according to an RS guru Mr Erdman,

    A MAN acts, he doesn’t react.

    A MAN engages, he doesn’t avoid.

    And a MAN maintains his energy, he doesn’t adjust his energy…


    Bro WB

    Post #7717
    Chapter #2112


    Originally Posted by


    Very good replies by bro WB.

    Thanks for a great thread

    Tks, bro.


    Originally Posted by


    My pleasure, bro WB.

    Just to support what’s been said here. Mission impossible to Mission Possible. Ha ha…

    Sometimes, SB my reputation reminds me about Pokémon Go PV. Ha ha..

    Bro, keep up the good work.

    Pls come back here often to share more of your exploits.


    Originally Posted by


    Very funny nick bro. I guess you don’t like Donald

    Very colorful nick.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Thank you for the nice forum.

    I am very impressed with all the facts and pointers.

    Long forum but interesting.

    Thank you so much.

    Bro, tks.

    Good strategy.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Never, ever forget:

    The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares less.

    AND, a feminine girl is only attracted to a man who keeps his power.

    This is really tough to understand but makes plenty of sense.

    Thank you so much.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Bro, tks.

    All heterosexual girls/women are searching for men w/ awesome self-mastery n masculine power. And they want their men to keep the power in the relationship.

    Most men suddenly become powerless little boys when they meet the SPECIAL ONE.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Such big signs that gal in love with me. I do agree with that any gal willing to swallow cum is really in love with you.

    This is the biggest sign.

    Cheers bro.

    Bro, tks.

    I like to rephrase this.

    A girl who swallows your cum may or may not be in love w/ you.

    A girl who refuses to swallow your cum is definitely NOT in love w/ you.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    This bro wrote very well.

    It’s really interesting to read.


    Tks, bro.


    Originally Posted by


    Very impressed by the facts and pointers too.

    Thanks bro WB for this great forum.

    Have a nice weekend.


    Originally Posted by


    Very big signs indeed.

    This is a good learning thread, thanks bro WB.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Bros, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB,

    First of all, YOU ARE THE MAN!

    Recently stumbled onto your decade-old thread and have spent a lot of my free time just catching up.

    Have learnt much about the ways of the world from reading your thread.

    I’m very new to the KTV scene. Would love to learn more from you.

    When is your next KTV tour? Would love to join

    Bro, tks.

    Pls PM your contact.


    Originally Posted by


    Fully agreed, he wrote very well.


    Originally Posted by


    True, a little difficult to understand but sure made lots of sense.

    Thanks bro WB for such a wonderful thread.


    Tks, bros.


    Good afternoon to all samsters,

    What an auspicious Sunday!!

    A very cute 20 yo SYT will come to SG tmr to meet me. She will spend one week here. If we like each other, she will then apply to study here. She is 165, slim, fair and all natural.

    She is a 2nd yr uni student in China n her dad is a well to do architect. She studied in London abt 1 1/2 yrs ago. She is paying for her trip. She knows I already hv a SYT lao po younger than she. She has become more attracted to me after knowing this. She is a very confident person n non-needy.

    Here is an email on neediness n power written by Scot Mackay.



    One of the main themes around here, of course, is the whole idea of

    being a CHOOSER rather than a CHASER.

    The core premise there, as you’ll recall, is that even though lots

    of men believe that women hold all the cards in the dating world

    and have the ability to choose from many men who are chasing them,

    that isn’t necessarily how it has to go.

    In reality, any man OR woman who perceives him OR herself to have

    options when it comes to dating is the one who has the power.

    If you have lots of opportunities, you’re not as concerned (read:

    “desperate”) about any one in particular.

    Meanwhile, it’s a scarcity mentality that generally keeps the

    majority of people of either gender in “chasing mode”.

    That is, they say to themselves, “Oh man…I need a significant

    other, and if I could only get THAT one to like me then I’d finally

    be happy.”

    But it’s when we relax in the notion that MOTOS (members of the

    other sex) are more likely to be attracted to us than not, THEN

    we can take our time to be selective.

    In doing so, we come to the realization that it really does take

    time to gauge true compatibility beyond mere physical attraction


    AND…it also takes away the urgency of either “closing the deal”

    or perhaps having to endure the pain of a continued dry spell.

    Now, while all of this tends to make good, solid sense to anyone

    who really gives it some thought, there are still plenty of guys

    who still can’t bring themselves to accept the truth behind it.

    They remain convinced that women have all the power.

    Well, I’m sorry they feel that way, but until they’re willing to

    challenge that mindset I’m really of little help to them.

    They’ll just keep on chasing…and wondering why women keep

    “selecting” some other guy (who wasn’t chasing them).

    This newsletter isn’t for them. However, it is for YOU if you really,

    truly WANT to be a chooser instead of a chaser but somehow

    aren’t making the switch.

    In other words, you’re really, seriously interested in NOT acting

    needy or desperate anymore, but dammit…you just can’t seem

    to stop, no matter how hard you try.

    Let me tell you, I’ve been there myself. It’s insanely frustrating.

    Here are three possible reasons why your reality may not yet be

    reflecting your intentions:


    Deciding to be a chooser instead of a chaser is not necessarily

    a quick fix.

    A major tenet of selecting from many options is being patient.

    And being patient is HARD.

    It’s incredibly easy to just lose your cool and gush a rapid-fire

    stream of attention toward a woman you just can’t wait to get your

    hands on…literally.

    You call her six times in a row and text her non-stop, just to make

    sure she’s “still there”.

    One time I was on a phone call with a guy who told me point-blank,

    “Yeah, well…I already KNOW that I shouldn’t call women several

    times a day and text them constantly. I KNOW it’s not going to end

    well, but I can’t help myself. I keep doing it anyway.”

    I suspect he’s not alone. Not by a long shot.

    You really can sense when you’re messing things up, can’t you?

    Unfortunately, what it comes down to is this. If you just can’t

    contain yourself, that’s a pretty blatant sign of immaturity.

    If some of you younger guys are wondering about how you can keep

    losing out to older guys so often, that’s one of the key areas to

    look at. (Don’t shoot the messenger here, I’ve most certainly been

    that guy myself in the past.)


    Another very real fact is that the longer we’ve been used to doing

    things a certain way, the more difficult it is to change.

    So many guys have been chasing women since they were fourteen

    years old that it’s like beating their heads against the wall to try and

    turn things around at age 30 or 35.

    The more set in your ways you are, the tougher it is going to be

    to change habits.

    Things tend to get to the point where it doesn’t even really matter

    whether what you’re doing is genuinely good for you or not.

    If what you do feels good and feels right based on the “routine”

    you’ve grown so accustomed to, you’re going to keep doing it.

    You’re going to keep indulging yourself, even if what you’re

    doing represents vice rather than virtue.

    Crazily, this can go so far as to manifest itself as guys still

    “chasing” even when they recognize they’ve actually got options.

    They’re simply not exercising them, opting to keep operating in

    that serial “one-itis” mindset they’ve grown accustomed to.

    What that means is that you’ll have to be deliberately intentional

    and VERY disciplined about doing what it takes to change from

    “unconscious incompetence” to “unconscious competence”, but the

    journey is well worth the considerable effort involved.


    This one is going to cause the light bulb to go on for lots of you

    guys out there.

    Recently I was asked, “So Scot, if we’re NOT chasing, then that

    means we need to somehow get women to chase US so that we

    can be in the position of choosing, right?”

    Negatory, good buddy.

    That way of thinking actually still assumes women have all the

    power, if you stop and think about it. We’ve got to wait around

    for THEM to initiate the interaction by chasing in such a scenario.

    Believe it or not, that exact train of thought is how women who are

    NOT “choosers” justify their own erroneous claim that “men always

    have all the power”.

    Weird, I know…

    But nevertheless, many of us as guys have no idea what “choosing”

    actually means.

    Choosing is SELECTING…nothing more, nothing less.

    So yes, you still initiate relationships with women, but you’re doing

    so from a position of strength (i.e. having many options) as opposed

    to weakness (i.e. perceiving yourself as having few, if any options).

    Make no mistake, both women AND men can and should be choosers.

    There doesn’t have to be one who has strength at the direct expense

    of the other’s right to personal power.

    Emily and I BOTH chose each other from many options.

    Neither of us was “weaker” than the other in that respect. We were

    two people with options, and therefore “choosing” power.

    So taking all of that into consideration, there’s no reason to feel

    as if you have to revert to chasing in the event that, say, women

    aren’t automatically flocking to you and throwing themselves at you.

    Proactivity is ALWAYS preferable, it’s simply the abundance mindset

    that separates “choosers” from “chasers”. Don’t ever throw in the

    proverbial towel in confusion over that and simply go back to the

    previous status quo.

    I sincerely trust that this newsletter has helped give you a more

    concrete understanding of the whole idea of being a strong,

    confident chooser in your dating life.

    Select an equally strong woman of high-quality. Choose each other

    and you’ll be well on your way to a happy relationship together.

    Post #7721
    Chapter #2113


    Originally Posted by


    Very good replies by bro WB.

    Thanks for a great thread

    Tks, bro.


    Originally Posted by


    My pleasure, bro WB.

    Just to support what’s been said here. Mission impossible to Mission Possible. Ha ha…

    Sometimes, SB my reputation reminds me about Pokémon Go PV. Ha ha..

    Bro, keep up the good work.

    Pls come back here often to share more of your exploits.


    Originally Posted by


    Very funny nick bro. I guess you don’t like Donald

    Very colorful nick.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Thank you for the nice forum.

    I am very impressed with all the facts and pointers.

    Long forum but interesting.

    Thank you so much.

    Bro, tks.

    Good strategy.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Never, ever forget:

    The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares less.

    AND, a feminine girl is only attracted to a man who keeps his power.

    This is really tough to understand but makes plenty of sense.

    Thank you so much.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Bro, tks.

    All heterosexual girls/women are searching for men w/ awesome self-mastery n masculine power. And they want their men to keep the power in the relationship.

    Most men suddenly become powerless little boys when they meet the SPECIAL ONE.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Such big signs that gal in love with me. I do agree with that any gal willing to swallow cum is really in love with you.

    This is the biggest sign.

    Cheers bro.

    Bro, tks.

    I like to rephrase this.

    A girl who swallows your cum may or may not be in love w/ you.

    A girl who refuses to swallow your cum is definitely NOT in love w/ you.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    This bro wrote very well.

    It’s really interesting to read.


    Tks, bro.


    Originally Posted by


    Very impressed by the facts and pointers too.

    Thanks bro WB for this great forum.

    Have a nice weekend.


    Originally Posted by


    Very big signs indeed.

    This is a good learning thread, thanks bro WB.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Bros, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB,

    First of all, YOU ARE THE MAN!

    Recently stumbled onto your decade-old thread and have spent a lot of my free time just catching up.

    Have learnt much about the ways of the world from reading your thread.

    I’m very new to the KTV scene. Would love to learn more from you.

    When is your next KTV tour? Would love to join

    Bro, tks.

    Pls PM your contact.


    Originally Posted by


    Fully agreed, he wrote very well.


    Originally Posted by


    True, a little difficult to understand but sure made lots of sense.

    Thanks bro WB for such a wonderful thread.


    Tks, bros.


    Good afternoon to all samsters,

    What an auspicious Sunday!!

    A very cute 20 yo SYT will come to SG tmr to meet me. She will spend one week here. If we like each other, she will then apply to study here. She is 165, slim, fair and all natural.

    She is a 2nd yr uni student in China n her dad is a well to do architect. She studied in London abt 1 1/2 yrs ago. She is paying for her trip. She knows I already hv a SYT lao po younger than she. She has become more attracted to me after knowing this. She is a very confident person n non-needy.

    Here is an email on neediness n power written by Scot Mackay.



    One of the main themes around here, of course, is the whole idea of

    being a CHOOSER rather than a CHASER.

    The core premise there, as you’ll recall, is that even though lots

    of men believe that women hold all the cards in the dating world

    and have the ability to choose from many men who are chasing them,

    that isn’t necessarily how it has to go.

    In reality, any man OR woman who perceives him OR herself to have

    options when it comes to dating is the one who has the power.

    If you have lots of opportunities, you’re not as concerned (read:

    “desperate”) about any one in particular.

    Meanwhile, it’s a scarcity mentality that generally keeps the

    majority of people of either gender in “chasing mode”.

    That is, they say to themselves, “Oh man…I need a significant

    other, and if I could only get THAT one to like me then I’d finally

    be happy.”

    But it’s when we relax in the notion that MOTOS (members of the

    other sex) are more likely to be attracted to us than not, THEN

    we can take our time to be selective.

    In doing so, we come to the realization that it really does take

    time to gauge true compatibility beyond mere physical attraction


    AND…it also takes away the urgency of either “closing the deal”

    or perhaps having to endure the pain of a continued dry spell.

    Now, while all of this tends to make good, solid sense to anyone

    who really gives it some thought, there are still plenty of guys

    who still can’t bring themselves to accept the truth behind it.

    They remain convinced that women have all the power.

    Well, I’m sorry they feel that way, but until they’re willing to

    challenge that mindset I’m really of little help to them.

    They’ll just keep on chasing…and wondering why women keep

    “selecting” some other guy (who wasn’t chasing them).

    This newsletter isn’t for them. However, it is for YOU if you really,

    truly WANT to be a chooser instead of a chaser but somehow

    aren’t making the switch.

    In other words, you’re really, seriously interested in NOT acting

    needy or desperate anymore, but dammit…you just can’t seem

    to stop, no matter how hard you try.

    Let me tell you, I’ve been there myself. It’s insanely frustrating.

    Here are three possible reasons why your reality may not yet be

    reflecting your intentions:


    Deciding to be a chooser instead of a chaser is not necessarily

    a quick fix.

    A major tenet of selecting from many options is being patient.

    And being patient is HARD.

    It’s incredibly easy to just lose your cool and gush a rapid-fire

    stream of attention toward a woman you just can’t wait to get your

    hands on…literally.

    You call her six times in a row and text her non-stop, just to make

    sure she’s “still there”.

    One time I was on a phone call with a guy who told me point-blank,

    “Yeah, well…I already KNOW that I shouldn’t call women several

    times a day and text them constantly. I KNOW it’s not going to end

    well, but I can’t help myself. I keep doing it anyway.”

    I suspect he’s not alone. Not by a long shot.

    You really can sense when you’re messing things up, can’t you?

    Unfortunately, what it comes down to is this. If you just can’t

    contain yourself, that’s a pretty blatant sign of immaturity.

    If some of you younger guys are wondering about how you can keep

    losing out to older guys so often, that’s one of the key areas to

    look at. (Don’t shoot the messenger here, I’ve most certainly been

    that guy myself in the past.)


    Another very real fact is that the longer we’ve been used to doing

    things a certain way, the more difficult it is to change.

    So many guys have been chasing women since they were fourteen

    years old that it’s like beating their heads against the wall to try and

    turn things around at age 30 or 35.

    The more set in your ways you are, the tougher it is going to be

    to change habits.

    Things tend to get to the point where it doesn’t even really matter

    whether what you’re doing is genuinely good for you or not.

    If what you do feels good and feels right based on the “routine”

    you’ve grown so accustomed to, you’re going to keep doing it.

    You’re going to keep indulging yourself, even if what you’re

    doing represents vice rather than virtue.

    Crazily, this can go so far as to manifest itself as guys still

    “chasing” even when they recognize they’ve actually got options.

    They’re simply not exercising them, opting to keep operating in

    that serial “one-itis” mindset they’ve grown accustomed to.

    What that means is that you’ll have to be deliberately intentional

    and VERY disciplined about doing what it takes to change from

    “unconscious incompetence” to “unconscious competence”, but the

    journey is well worth the considerable effort involved.


    This one is going to cause the light bulb to go on for lots of you

    guys out there.

    Recently I was asked, “So Scot, if we’re NOT chasing, then that

    means we need to somehow get women to chase US so that we

    can be in the position of choosing, right?”

    Negatory, good buddy.

    That way of thinking actually still assumes women have all the

    power, if you stop and think about it. We’ve got to wait around

    for THEM to initiate the interaction by chasing in such a scenario.

    Believe it or not, that exact train of thought is how women who are

    NOT “choosers” justify their own erroneous claim that “men always

    have all the power”.

    Weird, I know…

    But nevertheless, many of us as guys have no idea what “choosing”

    actually means.

    Choosing is SELECTING…nothing more, nothing less.

    So yes, you still initiate relationships with women, but you’re doing

    so from a position of strength (i.e. having many options) as opposed

    to weakness (i.e. perceiving yourself as having few, if any options).

    Make no mistake, both women AND men can and should be choosers.

    There doesn’t have to be one who has strength at the direct expense

    of the other’s right to personal power.

    Emily and I BOTH chose each other from many options.

    Neither of us was “weaker” than the other in that respect. We were

    two people with options, and therefore “choosing” power.

    So taking all of that into consideration, there’s no reason to feel

    as if you have to revert to chasing in the event that, say, women

    aren’t automatically flocking to you and throwing themselves at you.

    Proactivity is ALWAYS preferable, it’s simply the abundance mindset

    that separates “choosers” from “chasers”. Don’t ever throw in the

    proverbial towel in confusion over that and simply go back to the

    previous status quo.

    I sincerely trust that this newsletter has helped give you a more

    concrete understanding of the whole idea of being a strong,

    confident chooser in your dating life.

    Select an equally strong woman of high-quality. Choose each other

    and you’ll be well on your way to a happy relationship together.

    Post #7722
    Chapter #2114

    Have a great afternoon!

    Bro WB


    Originally Posted by


    Excellent thread by bro WB, thanks!!

    Bro, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Many thanks for a lovely thread.

    A girl who likes you will be different from a girl who loves you.

    A girl like you dun mean anything because just like you as friend or brother.

    A girl that loves you will mean she is willing to do anything because you are the lover.

    Cheers to all.

    Bro, well said.

    The two girls did become my joint LPs. I met them together twice a week. I paid half price because they continued to work. They went back to PRC last yr after spending 1 1/2 yrs w/ me. It was an unforgettable experience.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Thanks for nice forum.

    How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women

    The power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less.

    A MAN must never, ever lose his power or control in a RS, period. It makes no difference if he has known the gal/woman for 3 minutes or 30 years.

    Striking title and nice topics.

    Really nice and hope to read more.


    Bro, tks.

    If a man has less power in a relationship, he will lose the girl/woman. He may still own her pussy, but her heart is elsewhere.

    I’m 100% certain of this. I’m assuming the girl/woman is healthy n heterosexual.


    Originally Posted by


    Fully agreed. Thanks bro WB for this nice forum.

    Have a good week ahead.


    Originally Posted by


    Excellent thread, thanks bro WB


    Originally Posted by


    Fully agreed with the above statements.

    Thanks bro WB for sharing so much with us, and for this great thread too.


    Bros, tks.


    It’s very easy to hv less power in your relationship w/ a girl, w/o even realising it.

    Whenever you think: I’m lucky to hv her. She is a good catch. She is a prize, a trophy. I’m not good enough for her. She is out of my league. Thank God I hv her! ( I hv heard this so many times. An American lab tech actually said that).

    Or any of the following actions:

    “When you buy her gifts, pay for everything and do ALL the work… you are giving your power away.

    When you confess your feelings and tell her how much you like her… you are giving your power away.

    When you compliment a girl over and over again… you are giving your power away.

    When you smile and nod and agree with everything she says… you are giving your power away.

    You are handing her your BALLS on a silver platter…”

    And according to an RS guru Mr Erdman,

    A MAN acts, he doesn’t react.

    A MAN engages, he doesn’t avoid.

    And a MAN maintains his energy, he doesn’t adjust his energy…


    Bro WB

    Post #7728
    Chapter #2115

    Have a great afternoon!

    Bro WB


    Originally Posted by


    Excellent thread by bro WB, thanks!!

    Bro, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Many thanks for a lovely thread.

    A girl who likes you will be different from a girl who loves you.

    A girl like you dun mean anything because just like you as friend or brother.

    A girl that loves you will mean she is willing to do anything because you are the lover.

    Cheers to all.

    Bro, well said.

    The two girls did become my joint LPs. I met them together twice a week. I paid half price because they continued to work. They went back to PRC last yr after spending 1 1/2 yrs w/ me. It was an unforgettable experience.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Thanks for nice forum.

    How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women

    The power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less.

    A MAN must never, ever lose his power or control in a RS, period. It makes no difference if he has known the gal/woman for 3 minutes or 30 years.

    Striking title and nice topics.

    Really nice and hope to read more.


    Bro, tks.

    If a man has less power in a relationship, he will lose the girl/woman. He may still own her pussy, but her heart is elsewhere.

    I’m 100% certain of this. I’m assuming the girl/woman is healthy n heterosexual.


    Originally Posted by


    Fully agreed. Thanks bro WB for this nice forum.

    Have a good week ahead.


    Originally Posted by


    Excellent thread, thanks bro WB


    Originally Posted by


    Fully agreed with the above statements.

    Thanks bro WB for sharing so much with us, and for this great thread too.


    Bros, tks.


    It’s very easy to hv less power in your relationship w/ a girl, w/o even realising it.

    Whenever you think: I’m lucky to hv her. She is a good catch. She is a prize, a trophy. I’m not good enough for her. She is out of my league. Thank God I hv her! ( I hv heard this so many times. An American lab tech actually said that).

    Or any of the following actions:

    “When you buy her gifts, pay for everything and do ALL the work… you are giving your power away.

    When you confess your feelings and tell her how much you like her… you are giving your power away.

    When you compliment a girl over and over again… you are giving your power away.

    When you smile and nod and agree with everything she says… you are giving your power away.

    You are handing her your BALLS on a silver platter…”

    And according to an RS guru Mr Erdman,

    A MAN acts, he doesn’t react.

    A MAN engages, he doesn’t avoid.

    And a MAN maintains his energy, he doesn’t adjust his energy…


    Bro WB

    Post #7729
    Chapter #2116


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Nice forum here.

    The above forum makes plenty of cow sense. Every points taken.

    Hope to read more.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Tks, bro.

    When a man has a relationship with a girl, he must ask himself one vital question to find out if she is the right person for him.

    “When I’m with that person, do I genuinely, in

    my heart, feel inspired to become the best man

    I can ever be?”

    It’s one thing to be in love and have passion, but

    in my (humble) opinion, it’s the mutual desire for

    growth that glues a couple together for decades.

    A Lido mummy asked me this question in 2017. How do you talk to girls who are 18-19 yo. What do u talk abt?

    She was wondering why a lao chee ko pek like me wanted such young women. My answer: 知无不言, 言无不尽

    TY has been w/ me just over a yr. We hv both truly grown wiser, healthier, happier, more confident and better in so many other ways, together. Her English has improved by leaps n bounds.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    I also felt many sarcasm.

    The most powerful determinant of a man’s success w/ women is his attitude n his subconscious beliefs. If he believes he is the prize, everything else is of secondary importance. If he believes she is the prize, he will hv a very hard time.


    Bro, you’re right!!

    That male must be tnuc. He wrote that:

    A person with superior genes for example doesn’t type long paragraphs like u do.

    That would be a very simple and quick gene test!


    Originally Posted by


    I sense sarcasm too.

    Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.

    Have a good Sunday.


    Originally Posted by


    Fantastic thread, hope to learn more from Bro WB


    Originally Posted by


    Yes, a very nice forum by bro WB.

    Hope to learn more.

    Have a nice week ahead.

    Tks, bros


    Originally Posted by


    Never lose the power.. a very strong message to all guys.

    This brings me to the recent yan xi palace where yin nuo said, first to say out have lost the battle. Believe these 2 mean the same thing.

    But guys being guys, a bit diff to act bo chap.

    Bro, tks.

    You’re right.


    Originally Posted by


    yup watched yanxi palace, so true


    Originally Posted by


    You just watch and do nothing?

    Bros, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Nice thread.

    Have been a silent reader since the early 400-pages days and was inspired.

    Recently picked up a girl, with the most unconventional method ever.

    Old lady fell, no one bothered, went to help old lady.

    No tissues cause old lady was bleeding slightly, so decided to ask the prettiest girl (7/10) that was around; had to act fast and scan fast too.

    Guess who was my wingman?

    Old lady was.

    Guess that could be a bit of luck, and also timing.

    Fun encounter.

    Bro, tks.

    You just exhibited very masculine and compassionate behaviour. Very attractive to all girls/women.


    Originally Posted by


    But bros, when a guy decides to woo a girl and if the girl is those hard to catch type, guys will even do more things to get the girl ma, aren’t the guy is losing his power thru this process? When come to such situation, how would fellow bros advise? Play hard to tackle as well when the girl start to develop feeling? Thanks.

    Bro, as long as you behave like the grand prize, the gal will start chasing you.

    Your words and actions must be congruent w/ your subconacious beliefs though.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #7740
    Chapter #2117


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    Nice forum here.

    The above forum makes plenty of cow sense. Every points taken.

    Hope to read more.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Tks, bro.

    When a man has a relationship with a girl, he must ask himself one vital question to find out if she is the right person for him.

    “When I’m with that person, do I genuinely, in

    my heart, feel inspired to become the best man

    I can ever be?”

    It’s one thing to be in love and have passion, but

    in my (humble) opinion, it’s the mutual desire for

    growth that glues a couple together for decades.

    A Lido mummy asked me this question in 2017. How do you talk to girls who are 18-19 yo. What do u talk abt?

    She was wondering why a lao chee ko pek like me wanted such young women. My answer: 知无不言, 言无不尽

    TY has been w/ me just over a yr. We hv both truly grown wiser, healthier, happier, more confident and better in so many other ways, together. Her English has improved by leaps n bounds.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    I also felt many sarcasm.

    The most powerful determinant of a man’s success w/ women is his attitude n his subconscious beliefs. If he believes he is the prize, everything else is of secondary importance. If he believes she is the prize, he will hv a very hard time.


    Bro, you’re right!!

    That male must be tnuc. He wrote that:

    A person with superior genes for example doesn’t type long paragraphs like u do.

    That would be a very simple and quick gene test!


    Originally Posted by


    I sense sarcasm too.

    Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.

    Have a good Sunday.


    Originally Posted by


    Fantastic thread, hope to learn more from Bro WB


    Originally Posted by


    Yes, a very nice forum by bro WB.

    Hope to learn more.

    Have a nice week ahead.

    Tks, bros


    Originally Posted by


    Never lose the power.. a very strong message to all guys.

    This brings me to the recent yan xi palace where yin nuo said, first to say out have lost the battle. Believe these 2 mean the same thing.

    But guys being guys, a bit diff to act bo chap.

    Bro, tks.

    You’re right.


    Originally Posted by


    yup watched yanxi palace, so true


    Originally Posted by


    You just watch and do nothing?

    Bros, tks.


    Originally Posted by


    Nice thread.

    Have been a silent reader since the early 400-pages days and was inspired.

    Recently picked up a girl, with the most unconventional method ever.

    Old lady fell, no one bothered, went to help old lady.

    No tissues cause old lady was bleeding slightly, so decided to ask the prettiest girl (7/10) that was around; had to act fast and scan fast too.

    Guess who was my wingman?

    Old lady was.

    Guess that could be a bit of luck, and also timing.

    Fun encounter.

    Bro, tks.

    You just exhibited very masculine and compassionate behaviour. Very attractive to all girls/women.


    Originally Posted by


    But bros, when a guy decides to woo a girl and if the girl is those hard to catch type, guys will even do more things to get the girl ma, aren’t the guy is losing his power thru this process? When come to such situation, how would fellow bros advise? Play hard to tackle as well when the girl start to develop feeling? Thanks.

    Bro, as long as you behave like the grand prize, the gal will start chasing you.

    Your words and actions must be congruent w/ your subconacious beliefs though.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Bro WB

    Post #7741
    Chapter #2118


    Originally Posted by


    Reading is not enough, agreed with this.

    Learn many things from this fantastic thread too, thanks bro WB.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Bro, tks.

    Read it 15-20 times. Then practice daily.


    Originally Posted by


    Sometimes it is good to have brutal honesty.

    Thanks bro WB for a nice forum.

    Enjoy your weekend


    Originally Posted by


    Great thread from Bro WB, thanks for sharing so much with us!

    Bros, thanks.


    Originally Posted by


    Oh my goodness Sir warbird, not only are you good with ladies, you are also very humorous !

    Bro, tks.

    However, air pollution is no laughing matter.

    I’m baffled by the inaction of most people. Knowing and doing are very different. Here is just one article:

    I try to avoid places w/ high air pollutants.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    What a nice forum below. Good that you shared your nice exposures in the past with us.

    If any gal that dun bbbj for his master or bf hen the gal treat him like client. Just a transaction.

    Hope to read more.

    Thank you .

    Bro, tks.

    SP returned to PRC in May 2016. She is married w/ a kid now. We still keep in touch.


    Originally Posted by


    NIce words from Bro WB.

    I better keep my sentences short.


    Bro, you do have a sense of humor. I’ll keep my sentences short too.

    The shortest sentences = The most superior genes

    Greatest scientific discovery since Einstein’s E = mc2. Thank you bro tnuc.


    Originally Posted by


    FUlly agreed, very nice words.

    Thanks bro WB for a beautiful thread.

    Have a nice day.


    Originally Posted by


    A very nice forum indeed!

    Wish to learn more from bro WB and this wonderful thread.


    Thank you, bros.

    ………………………………………….. ……

    Good morning to all samsters,

    What an auspicious day!!

    A bro sent me a very long PM in which he summarized what he had learned from my thread. I urged him to post it on this thread. He replied:

    “Hi bro,

    On the practical aspect, yes I am still working on it. Yes you may post it for me without my nick. Reason for me not posting is as per below:

    For this account, previously some of the stuff I just post for fun and some is not true. As you mentioned that your word is your bond, that is what I am working towards too. To be a man of integrity. As some past postings are not true, I do not wish to carry on this, and thus unlikely will do anymore posting with this account.”

    I like to salute this bro for his brutal honesty about his past “transgressions.” His courage and determination to become a better person n a man of integrity is inspiring. I wish him the very best. I like to say this to him: It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish that counts.

    I may hv written most of the following sentences in his PM, but my own mindset and self-mastery are far from “awesome” and I’m still not living it. I hv to work and practice much harder. I also like to thank him for synopsizing what I hv written. I’m not living what I preach…

    “Hi bro, have gone through over 400 pages of your thread now and just would like to thank again on all the pointers learned. Will seek to apply them in my daily life. Below is the list of stuff I learned from your thread and mainly from your advice. Pardon if its too long.

    1.Use Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Self-Hypnosis to reprogram my subconscious and improve Emotional Control/Self Mastery to become THE MAN

    1. Self-Mastery – Supreme control of your thoughts, feelings and actions

    2. One should strive for excellence, not perfection

    3. Strive to obtain “Absolute Dominant Self Mastery/Emotional Control”

    4. Your perceived ranking on the Dominant Male Scale is the sole determinant of your attractiveness. “Perceived” is the key word here, and you ranking is manifested by your attitude, voice tone, eye contact, facial expressions, body language, etc.

    5. The secret ingredient of your perceived dominant status is as follows:

    a. The caliber and depth of your Dominant Self Mastery and Emotional Control.

    b. Everything else is secondary

    1. If a man is perceived to have a high ranking on the Male Dominance Scale, maintains excellent self-mastery/emotional control throughout the relationship with the girl, and regularly gives her multiple CVOs, she will be addicted emotionally and sexually. Period.

    2. Wealth is defined by how long we can survive if we choose not to work – and still afford paying expenses at the same time, including offering

    3. Strive to improve myself every day in every way (spiritually, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, physically, financially, etc.)

    4. Woman are primarily attracted to a man’s behavior, whereas men are primarily attracted to a woman’s looks and figure. We shouldn’t worry about what the woman or media say they want. Its more important to know what their subconscious minds want. There are biological and evolutionary reasons for this divergence of attraction. Everything is adapted and evolved to ensure the survival of the human species.

    5. In terms of getting and maintaining pussies, money is only a part of the equation. A very large and dominant part at first, but a man’s behaviour becomes more important over time. His emotional mastery becomes a very significant part of the equation in later stages. His ability to give CVOs is another factor.

    6. Owning a pussy’s heart and soul will require a very different second equation, where money plays a very small part and sometimes no part at all. In this second equation, emotional mastery is an important part, the other parts you need to figure out yourselves. Some of the parts may differ depending on the women and the men. For most couples, CVOs, emotional bonding and factors/triggers which may be specific to the individuals involved. There will be exceptions. Some mentally sick women or women with very low self-esteem may fall for a man who is physically abusive and has an explosive temper

    7. I believe that I am THE prize to ALL females on earth. I don’t care if there are 1,000 very famous, rich, tall, handsome and badass men right here in this room. But I’m 100% certain that I can walk into the room and walk out with the sexiest and most kawaii woman of my type who is unattached

    8. Behave as if you have 100 beautiful and high-quality women of your type, who are non-WLs, calling you and wanting to fuck you every day, and they are all emotionally and sexually addicted to you

    9. If you love or like a woman very much, let her go. If she comes back to you, she may be yours forever. if she doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.

    If you become jealous, needy, clingy and desperate, you will lose her forever

    1. It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish that counts.

    Study hard, work hard and invest wisely. Reprogram your subconscious mind to achieve awesome emotional mastery.

    How do I want to finish? At 90, I want to pass on, after giving my very pretty 18-year-old SYT mistress CVOs that she has never experienced and will never ever experience for the rest of her life.

    1. The ONLY real challenge is achieving ABSOLUTE emotional mastery (and self-mastery) or AEM. A man must know his true self and true nature to achieve AEM. A man has AEM when he is completely detached/non-reactive and he remains cool, calm and relaxed, even when facing the most horrific adversities or imminent/painful death.

    2. 看到陌生人不要眨眼睛,动作慢点,要挺身肢正,说话慢点,吃饭慢下来,不要狂傲要很笃定,很冷 静很放松。

    3. 一个人,如果能完全控制自己的情绪,即便现在一无所有,终究会拥有一切!

    Post #7749
    Chapter #2119


    Originally Posted by


    Warbird, if you really got the PUA skills. Why not pick up girls from the street in Singapore?

    Bro, thanks for your post.

    I’m not a PUA. I used “pick up” when I started this thread 10 years ago. I was a newbie. In fact, bro DYBJ aka Mr Chairman referred to me as an infant!

    I hv come a long way since June 2009. I don’t “pick up” a gal/woman anymore. Instead, I like to make a deep connection, emotionally, physically, sexually and spiritually w/ a female, preferably a very chio, very healthy, very intelligent and very fertile SYT or woman of my type.

    However, my type of gal is very difficult to find. It would take me a long time just to see one on the street or in a shopping mall. I can’t spend many hours there as the air quality is bad in crowded places.

    BTW, I now often carry a very small personal air quality sensor wherever I go. It’s a Flow from Plume Labs. $179 USD plus shipping from Amazon. It monitors PM2.5, PM10, NO2 n VOG in real time. Get one.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    First of all thank you for nice thread.

    I learned many secrets in your beautiful thread here. Also learned secrest to bed gals.

    There is no perfect 10 gals in my humble opinion. I rather choose a gal that loves me no matter if she is 6 or 7.

    Hope all well for all readers here. Please enjoy your gals this coming weekend.

    Bro, tks. You’re absolutely right.

    As they say, one man’s meat is another man’s poison.


    Originally Posted by


    Is the continuation of the earlier forum.


    Yes, bro.

    No gal is “out of your league” or too good for you.


    Originally Posted by


    Somehow I agreed with this bro.

    Bro, I only agree w/ this sentence “Ktv girls are here to work, not pak tor. "

    I disagree w/ the rest.

    There is nothing more ridiculous than the following statement:

    “A person with superior genes for example doesn’t type long paragraphs like u do.”


    Originally Posted by


    Would like to thank bro WB for this nice thread too.

    I also learned a lot from this thread.


    Tks, bro.


    Originally Posted by


    Pick up any Alicia, Bella or Chantel?

    Bro, don’t ever do that. Connect w/ gals you like.


    Originally Posted by


    Nice continuation.

    Thanks bro WB for this excellent thread, cheers!

    Thanks, bro.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    I love your brutal honesty.

    Agreed that best do not treat woman as goddess. Let her know you keen but not must have attitude. Must have take it or leave it attitude.

    Is her LOSS if she dun take it and your gain.


    Bro, you hv made my day!

    Thank u so much for quoting my old post.

    “The problem w/ bro tnuc is that he believes he has no social n sexual value and the only way he can get an attractive pussy of his type is to pay SGD. The prettier the pussy (to him only) the more he has to pay. Such a negative n hideous mindset is repulsive to ALL women. It’s a vicious cycle which must hv begun in his teens.

    He projects his beliefs n reality to everything n everyone. That was why he could sense lots of sarcasm in others. But I know that he has the most sarcasm because of his failed n miserable RS.

    He doesn’t know that a girl feels what he feels. If he feels that he has no value, the gal will treat him as if he has zero value.

    He doesn’t know that treating a girl like a goddess is extremely unattractive. He doesn’t know that girls like to chase men. He doesn’t know that his dream gal may be homely to another man. He doesn’t know that girls/women love to be fxxked and their orgasms are 100X more intense n 1,000X more prolonged…

    I want to be brutally honest here, I had the exact same mindset like bro tnuc’s until 6-7 yrs ago. I hv improved since. It has been a slow but steady progress…”


    Originally Posted by


    OK ok Bro WB

    Reading is not enough and I agreed. Must have this positive self-mastery.

    WOW, so much to learn in this lovely thread.


    Tks again, bro.

    Reading books and watching videos a few times won’t change anything. We need daily repetition. Read a good book 15-20 times…and go out and practice every day. And do meditation.

    A man’s level of “success” w/ girls/women of his type is a function of the level of his emotional/self mastery and his own estimate of his social and sexual value, in his subconscious mind.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Have a great wekend!

    Post #7751
    Chapter #2120


    Originally Posted by


    Warbird, if you really got the PUA skills. Why not pick up girls from the street in Singapore?

    Bro, thanks for your post.

    I’m not a PUA. I used “pick up” when I started this thread 10 years ago. I was a newbie. In fact, bro DYBJ aka Mr Chairman referred to me as an infant!

    I hv come a long way since June 2009. I don’t “pick up” a gal/woman anymore. Instead, I like to make a deep connection, emotionally, physically, sexually and spiritually w/ a female, preferably a very chio, very healthy, very intelligent and very fertile SYT or woman of my type.

    However, my type of gal is very difficult to find. It would take me a long time just to see one on the street or in a shopping mall. I can’t spend many hours there as the air quality is bad in crowded places.

    BTW, I now often carry a very small personal air quality sensor wherever I go. It’s a Flow from Plume Labs. $179 USD plus shipping from Amazon. It monitors PM2.5, PM10, NO2 n VOG in real time. Get one.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    First of all thank you for nice thread.

    I learned many secrets in your beautiful thread here. Also learned secrest to bed gals.

    There is no perfect 10 gals in my humble opinion. I rather choose a gal that loves me no matter if she is 6 or 7.

    Hope all well for all readers here. Please enjoy your gals this coming weekend.

    Bro, tks. You’re absolutely right.

    As they say, one man’s meat is another man’s poison.


    Originally Posted by


    Is the continuation of the earlier forum.


    Yes, bro.

    No gal is “out of your league” or too good for you.


    Originally Posted by


    Somehow I agreed with this bro.

    Bro, I only agree w/ this sentence “Ktv girls are here to work, not pak tor. "

    I disagree w/ the rest.

    There is nothing more ridiculous than the following statement:

    “A person with superior genes for example doesn’t type long paragraphs like u do.”


    Originally Posted by


    Would like to thank bro WB for this nice thread too.

    I also learned a lot from this thread.


    Tks, bro.


    Originally Posted by


    Pick up any Alicia, Bella or Chantel?

    Bro, don’t ever do that. Connect w/ gals you like.


    Originally Posted by


    Nice continuation.

    Thanks bro WB for this excellent thread, cheers!

    Thanks, bro.


    Originally Posted by


    Bro WB

    I love your brutal honesty.

    Agreed that best do not treat woman as goddess. Let her know you keen but not must have attitude. Must have take it or leave it attitude.

    Is her LOSS if she dun take it and your gain.


    Bro, you hv made my day!

    Thank u so much for quoting my old post.

    “The problem w/ bro tnuc is that he believes he has no social n sexual value and the only way he can get an attractive pussy of his type is to pay SGD. The prettier the pussy (to him only) the more he has to pay. Such a negative n hideous mindset is repulsive to ALL women. It’s a vicious cycle which must hv begun in his teens.

    He projects his beliefs n reality to everything n everyone. That was why he could sense lots of sarcasm in others. But I know that he has the most sarcasm because of his failed n miserable RS.

    He doesn’t know that a girl feels what he feels. If he feels that he has no value, the gal will treat him as if he has zero value.

    He doesn’t know that treating a girl like a goddess is extremely unattractive. He doesn’t know that girls like to chase men. He doesn’t know that his dream gal may be homely to another man. He doesn’t know that girls/women love to be fxxked and their orgasms are 100X more intense n 1,000X more prolonged…

    I want to be brutally honest here, I had the exact same mindset like bro tnuc’s until 6-7 yrs ago. I hv improved since. It has been a slow but steady progress…”


    Originally Posted by


    OK ok Bro WB

    Reading is not enough and I agreed. Must have this positive self-mastery.

    WOW, so much to learn in this lovely thread.


    Tks again, bro.

    Reading books and watching videos a few times won’t change anything. We need daily repetition. Read a good book 15-20 times…and go out and practice every day. And do meditation.

    A man’s level of “success” w/ girls/women of his type is a function of the level of his emotional/self mastery and his own estimate of his social and sexual value, in his subconscious mind.

    Cheers to all samsters,

    Have a great wekend!

    Post #7752