- HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9:00pm.
- SH at P8 n Lido or other high-end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.
- HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9:00pm.
- SH at P8 n Lido or other high-end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.
- HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9:00pm.
- SH at P8 n Lido or other high-end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.
Originally Posted by
Very interesting thread and article below.
Bro WB,
Thank you for a great thread.
I was smiling and reading the article below with great interest.
I think will not watch porn and tried to find more gfs/mistresses.
Thank you once again
Happy ending.
Bro, tks.
Waching too much porn may shrink the brain and cause ED.
Believe me, when you hv so many girls of your type wanting to fuck you, you won’t hv time for porn.
Originally Posted by
Great article below.
yes, I hope to have more gals fall in love with me.
Hope have more happy ending.
You don’t hope, you know they will. Yes, we want girls/women of our type to fall for us. Getting their pussies is merely the first step.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
can you elaborate more how to give her both positive and negative emotions?
thank you once again and hope to have happy ending.
Use push-pull and connect-disconnect.
Be brutally honest w/ her. Say EXACTLY what is in your mind. She will hate you, but she can’t live w/o you.
You must behave like the PRIZE and believe you hv higher social n sexual value to do this successfully. Be a man of your word and be caring, but never be afraid to lose her.
I wrote in msg #3817:
“Arousing or evoking negative emotions in a girl, whenever appropriate, will greatly increase her attraction for u.
Girls r repulsed by men who r too nice, too agreeable, too predictable n who try to suck up to them.
Another thing. Be very relaxed n comfortable when you say NO. Be playful, even jovial hahaha.
No to a gift which is too expensive, No to request to drive her to the airport, No to a loan…”
Yup. Make her cry, make her come hard. Say no to sex sometimes…
Originally Posted by
Indeed a very interesting article, was smiling when reading too.
Thanks Bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Originally Posted by
Same, want to have more gals fall in love with me too.
Bro WB, thank you for a great thread.
Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by
Very nice sharing of Bro WB’s experience in this awesome thread.
Hope to read more!!
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Thank goodness I came across your good thread.
Only mother love to child will be unconditional. All other loves will be some returns.
Very glad to read your esteemed forum and glad I learned many things.
Will hope to contribute in future.
Cheers to TGIF.
Bro, tks. You hv made my day!
Originally Posted by
Good morning to Bro WB and all.
I love to give PVOs and fully agreed woman who received PVOs will exuberant with beauty.
Hope to achieve more by reading this thread thoroughly.
Yes, you’re right. Make them come hard, again n again…
Originally Posted by
Another classic GURU forum.
Love to read more.
Originally Posted by
Thank goodness I came across this thread too, thanks very much Bro WB.
Have a good weekend.
Originally Posted by
Hope to achieve more too.
Thank you bro WB for this great thread.
Originally Posted by
Fantastic thread here by bro WB, thanks and have an enjoyable weekend.
Bros, thank you all.
Originally Posted by
Good morning
Absent makes the heart grow stronger.
Agreed that if any woman can miss you dearly when you are not around even for a day, week or month then think guy is very successful.
A relationship requires strong bonding and passion to keep the flames growing. Life is short and flames shorter. Whatever it is just keep the flame strong.
Another thing guy should really fall in love and if any guy fell in love then he LOST.
Contradicting concept but a reality in life.
Have a fine day,
Bro, tks.
You’re right.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Is great to state terms clearly and written if possible.
I agreed that take it or leave it. always note if gal refused then is her loss and not yours.
Play mind games and gal too. If the gal has a better offer then you are nowhere in place.
Keep the mind games ging and sure a winning fomula.
Have a fine day,
Bro, yes.
It’s all in a man’s mindset and mental frame. He keeps the power in the rs and she is submissive…
He is the chooser. He must qualify her and make sure she meets his criteria. In a LT rs, her character, intelligence and personality are vital. In addition to her looks, youthfulness and figure.
If he has a long term exclusive romantic and sexual rs w/ a girl, it’s because he likes her n wants to help her to become a better and healthier person. NOT because he needs her. And the rs is EXCLUSIVE for her, but NOT for him.
He will always leave her better, in many ways, than when he first found her.
Originally Posted by
Fully agreed and very said.
Thanks Bro WB for this incredible thread.
Bro, tks.
Have a great weekend to all samsters.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Hi new to this thread. Recently been watching a lot of you tube videos about game. I would recomend alpha male strategies as a good channel. Also rollo tomassi the author of the rational male, has very good insights into womens behavior when it comes to relationships. Comes from an evolutionary psyc perspective. Just sharing info.
Originally Posted by
Now is 2019. No more simping. We gona take the game back bros.
Hi bro, tks.
You’re right!
Could you give a brief summary of what you hv learned from watching these videos and reading Tomassi’s articles and books? Any insights?
BTW, simping is a term mostly used by African Americans.
Originally Posted by
Below is a past forum that I re-quote just for comments.
All women will mind how they look and cannot accept criticism. Women had been trying to imrove their look since day 1. No wonder women businesses thrived and all booming.
Women had been a largest consumers and love to shop. In any place, any time, any events they want to look the best. They will spent money just to look good, feel good and compete good.
Thank bro WB for posting such a great forum
Hope to be able to comment more in future.
Bro, tks so much.
The re-quote is worth reading a few times.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
You make my day.
Yes, most girls will like handsome men but like is not love. The girls only want to have handsome men but r/s dun ends there and life goes on.
If the handsome man dun know how to keep the r/s going by giving PVOs or playing around then everything can end.
Hope my comment is correct?
Thank you so much.
Bro, tks.
You’re right!
BTW, the singer TH returned to SG as a singer again, over 3 1/2 yrs ago. At a bigger joint. She texted me saying that she would be happy to accept X$ a month for BY and I could fuck her as many times as I wanted. I didn’t say yes or no.
A few wks later, TH wanted to move to a new place. I asked a good kaki to drive her n give me an assessment of her looks n figure. He said not bad n sent a few photos which he took. I did nothing.
TH then kept inviting me to go for lunch/dinner n she would pay for it. I said if I could find the time. I never accepted her offer. She was seeking approval and validation. I was always noncommittal. Must hv driven her crazy…
She was 19 in 2012, must be around 22-23 when she came back. Her value had declined.
I hv learned a lot from my encounters w/ TH. I had spent a grand total of perhaps $400 plus a dinner n a movie ticket for her when she was first here in 2012. I turned the tables on her and she was chasing me on her second tour here.
Her quote is insightful: “而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你 结果她却动了心.” She was right!! She used to ridicule my diminutive height and my parsimony. Oh, I forgot, in 2014 she said she would never, ever want to hv me as her BF after I refused to give her loan. But I remained totally relaxed and non-reactive. She must be shocked because most men would become angry and defensive. From then onwards she knew she had made a grave error for not accepting my reasonable offer of X$ a month the first time. I didn’t give her a penny. I know she couldn’t wait to fuck me when she returned a yr later.
Every encounter is a learning experience.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB, noted with thanks.
Originally Posted by
Great thread by bro WB, hope to comment more too.
Have a good week ahead.
Originally Posted by
Made my day too.
Thanks Bro WB for an excellent thread, really learnt a lot here.
Bros, thanks.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Awesome good thread, thanks bro WB.
Have a good day!
Tks, bro.
Good morning!
I’ll hv more time for outings in the next 10-12 days because my two full-time LPs are leaving for CNY tmr.
I’m inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints (mostly PRC girls/women):
First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a very light drinker, and 2) willing to smoke outside the room.
Second-hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty girls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.
The two types of joints I go most often:
Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.
I do go to SH at these joints occasionally. SH booking at Dynasty is now $300, BUT you could always negotiate and many gals will accept $200. Still $200 at China Doll and Jade.
There is a cheap alternative for HH and SH too. Just go and sit in the hall at these joints. I can book a gal or get gals to butterfly or get a singer to sit w/ you. How could you lose?
Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking starting at $300. Some gals may want $500! But biz is bad n you can always negotiate. If I hv balance, the expense per pax is as low as $70!
I do go to other joints infrequently. I’m open to suggestions.
There is a plan B which is FOC. Just touring the PC joints and looking at every gal. Get ctc of the gals you like for follow up. Bros are welcomed to join me.
For SH, I usually leave early n I don’t drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?
For high-end joints, I like to keep a new bottle for as long as possible. Sometimes many months! I tip the mummy generously, n in return, she will get the room charge reduced to a token. It’s a win-win-win-win situation. Obviously good for us, the mummies n the gals. It’s also good for the joints. Why? More customers beget more attractive gals which in turn beget more customers…
Peace Centre joints hv the most number of women for viewing at HH. Whereas better-looking ones may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though. The quality of girls/women at PC and Lido/P8 has been quite atrocious. But rare surprises do happen if you go often enough.
There is a plan C now: HFJs. Sitting in the hall is very cheap. And you’re not obligated to hang a penny. I usually go to a specific joint when I hv info about a particular SYT who may be my type of pussy. But photos and videos can be deceiving and I’ve been greatly disappointed. In that case, I’ll just get up n leave after 10 min. BTW, I hv a unique approach to singers for ST. I never pay and hope, unlike many patrons. No BY of singers for me. It has been a very long time since I met a singer who is my type of chio SYT. I may hv to adapt to the new reality n accept one w/ minor plastic surgery and who is not exactly an SYT.
PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your preference, option 1, 2, plan B or C or all four.
There is a plan D: Import girls of your type directly from the source. Maybe the only option left. That is another story.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Very interesting thread and article below.
Bro WB,
Thank you for a great thread.
I was smiling and reading the article below with great interest.
I think will not watch porn and tried to find more gfs/mistresses.
Thank you once again
Happy ending.
Bro, tks.
Waching too much porn may shrink the brain and cause ED.
Believe me, when you hv so many girls of your type wanting to fuck you, you won’t hv time for porn.
Originally Posted by
Great article below.
yes, I hope to have more gals fall in love with me.
Hope have more happy ending.
You don’t hope, you know they will. Yes, we want girls/women of our type to fall for us. Getting their pussies is merely the first step.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
can you elaborate more how to give her both positive and negative emotions?
thank you once again and hope to have happy ending.
Use push-pull and connect-disconnect.
Be brutally honest w/ her. Say EXACTLY what is in your mind. She will hate you, but she can’t live w/o you.
You must behave like the PRIZE and believe you hv higher social n sexual value to do this successfully. Be a man of your word and be caring, but never be afraid to lose her.
I wrote in msg #3817:
“Arousing or evoking negative emotions in a girl, whenever appropriate, will greatly increase her attraction for u.
Girls r repulsed by men who r too nice, too agreeable, too predictable n who try to suck up to them.
Another thing. Be very relaxed n comfortable when you say NO. Be playful, even jovial hahaha.
No to a gift which is too expensive, No to request to drive her to the airport, No to a loan…”
Yup. Make her cry, make her come hard. Say no to sex sometimes…
Originally Posted by
Indeed a very interesting article, was smiling when reading too.
Thanks Bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Originally Posted by
Same, want to have more gals fall in love with me too.
Bro WB, thank you for a great thread.
Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by
Very nice sharing of Bro WB’s experience in this awesome thread.
Hope to read more!!
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Thank goodness I came across your good thread.
Only mother love to child will be unconditional. All other loves will be some returns.
Very glad to read your esteemed forum and glad I learned many things.
Will hope to contribute in future.
Cheers to TGIF.
Bro, tks. You hv made my day!
Originally Posted by
Good morning to Bro WB and all.
I love to give PVOs and fully agreed woman who received PVOs will exuberant with beauty.
Hope to achieve more by reading this thread thoroughly.
Yes, you’re right. Make them come hard, again n again…
Originally Posted by
Another classic GURU forum.
Love to read more.
Originally Posted by
Thank goodness I came across this thread too, thanks very much Bro WB.
Have a good weekend.
Originally Posted by
Hope to achieve more too.
Thank you bro WB for this great thread.
Originally Posted by
Fantastic thread here by bro WB, thanks and have an enjoyable weekend.
Bros, thank you all.
Originally Posted by
Good morning
Absent makes the heart grow stronger.
Agreed that if any woman can miss you dearly when you are not around even for a day, week or month then think guy is very successful.
A relationship requires strong bonding and passion to keep the flames growing. Life is short and flames shorter. Whatever it is just keep the flame strong.
Another thing guy should really fall in love and if any guy fell in love then he LOST.
Contradicting concept but a reality in life.
Have a fine day,
Bro, tks.
You’re right.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Is great to state terms clearly and written if possible.
I agreed that take it or leave it. always note if gal refused then is her loss and not yours.
Play mind games and gal too. If the gal has a better offer then you are nowhere in place.
Keep the mind games ging and sure a winning fomula.
Have a fine day,
Bro, yes.
It’s all in a man’s mindset and mental frame. He keeps the power in the rs and she is submissive…
He is the chooser. He must qualify her and make sure she meets his criteria. In a LT rs, her character, intelligence and personality are vital. In addition to her looks, youthfulness and figure.
If he has a long term exclusive romantic and sexual rs w/ a girl, it’s because he likes her n wants to help her to become a better and healthier person. NOT because he needs her. And the rs is EXCLUSIVE for her, but NOT for him.
He will always leave her better, in many ways, than when he first found her.
Originally Posted by
Fully agreed and very said.
Thanks Bro WB for this incredible thread.
Bro, tks.
Have a great weekend to all samsters.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Very interesting thread and article below.
Bro WB,
Thank you for a great thread.
I was smiling and reading the article below with great interest.
I think will not watch porn and tried to find more gfs/mistresses.
Thank you once again
Happy ending.
Bro, tks.
Waching too much porn may shrink the brain and cause ED.
Believe me, when you hv so many girls of your type wanting to fuck you, you won’t hv time for porn.
Originally Posted by
Great article below.
yes, I hope to have more gals fall in love with me.
Hope have more happy ending.
You don’t hope, you know they will. Yes, we want girls/women of our type to fall for us. Getting their pussies is merely the first step.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
can you elaborate more how to give her both positive and negative emotions?
thank you once again and hope to have happy ending.
Use push-pull and connect-disconnect.
Be brutally honest w/ her. Say EXACTLY what is in your mind. She will hate you, but she can’t live w/o you.
You must behave like the PRIZE and believe you hv higher social n sexual value to do this successfully. Be a man of your word and be caring, but never be afraid to lose her.
I wrote in msg #3817:
“Arousing or evoking negative emotions in a girl, whenever appropriate, will greatly increase her attraction for u.
Girls r repulsed by men who r too nice, too agreeable, too predictable n who try to suck up to them.
Another thing. Be very relaxed n comfortable when you say NO. Be playful, even jovial hahaha.
No to a gift which is too expensive, No to request to drive her to the airport, No to a loan…”
Yup. Make her cry, make her come hard. Say no to sex sometimes…
Originally Posted by
Indeed a very interesting article, was smiling when reading too.
Thanks Bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Originally Posted by
Same, want to have more gals fall in love with me too.
Bro WB, thank you for a great thread.
Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by
Very nice sharing of Bro WB’s experience in this awesome thread.
Hope to read more!!
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Thank goodness I came across your good thread.
Only mother love to child will be unconditional. All other loves will be some returns.
Very glad to read your esteemed forum and glad I learned many things.
Will hope to contribute in future.
Cheers to TGIF.
Bro, tks. You hv made my day!
Originally Posted by
Good morning to Bro WB and all.
I love to give PVOs and fully agreed woman who received PVOs will exuberant with beauty.
Hope to achieve more by reading this thread thoroughly.
Yes, you’re right. Make them come hard, again n again…
Originally Posted by
Another classic GURU forum.
Love to read more.
Originally Posted by
Thank goodness I came across this thread too, thanks very much Bro WB.
Have a good weekend.
Originally Posted by
Hope to achieve more too.
Thank you bro WB for this great thread.
Originally Posted by
Fantastic thread here by bro WB, thanks and have an enjoyable weekend.
Bros, thank you all.
Originally Posted by
Good morning
Absent makes the heart grow stronger.
Agreed that if any woman can miss you dearly when you are not around even for a day, week or month then think guy is very successful.
A relationship requires strong bonding and passion to keep the flames growing. Life is short and flames shorter. Whatever it is just keep the flame strong.
Another thing guy should really fall in love and if any guy fell in love then he LOST.
Contradicting concept but a reality in life.
Have a fine day,
Bro, tks.
You’re right.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Is great to state terms clearly and written if possible.
I agreed that take it or leave it. always note if gal refused then is her loss and not yours.
Play mind games and gal too. If the gal has a better offer then you are nowhere in place.
Keep the mind games ging and sure a winning fomula.
Have a fine day,
Bro, yes.
It’s all in a man’s mindset and mental frame. He keeps the power in the rs and she is submissive…
He is the chooser. He must qualify her and make sure she meets his criteria. In a LT rs, her character, intelligence and personality are vital. In addition to her looks, youthfulness and figure.
If he has a long term exclusive romantic and sexual rs w/ a girl, it’s because he likes her n wants to help her to become a better and healthier person. NOT because he needs her. And the rs is EXCLUSIVE for her, but NOT for him.
He will always leave her better, in many ways, than when he first found her.
Originally Posted by
Fully agreed and very said.
Thanks Bro WB for this incredible thread.
Bro, tks.
Have a great weekend to all samsters.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Hi new to this thread. Recently been watching a lot of you tube videos about game. I would recomend alpha male strategies as a good channel. Also rollo tomassi the author of the rational male, has very good insights into womens behavior when it comes to relationships. Comes from an evolutionary psyc perspective. Just sharing info.
Originally Posted by
Now is 2019. No more simping. We gona take the game back bros.
Hi bro, tks.
You’re right!
Could you give a brief summary of what you hv learned from watching these videos and reading Tomassi’s articles and books? Any insights?
BTW, simping is a term mostly used by African Americans.
Originally Posted by
Below is a past forum that I re-quote just for comments.
All women will mind how they look and cannot accept criticism. Women had been trying to imrove their look since day 1. No wonder women businesses thrived and all booming.
Women had been a largest consumers and love to shop. In any place, any time, any events they want to look the best. They will spent money just to look good, feel good and compete good.
Thank bro WB for posting such a great forum
Hope to be able to comment more in future.
Bro, tks so much.
The re-quote is worth reading a few times.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
You make my day.
Yes, most girls will like handsome men but like is not love. The girls only want to have handsome men but r/s dun ends there and life goes on.
If the handsome man dun know how to keep the r/s going by giving PVOs or playing around then everything can end.
Hope my comment is correct?
Thank you so much.
Bro, tks.
You’re right!
BTW, the singer TH returned to SG as a singer again, over 3 1/2 yrs ago. At a bigger joint. She texted me saying that she would be happy to accept X$ a month for BY and I could fuck her as many times as I wanted. I didn’t say yes or no.
A few wks later, TH wanted to move to a new place. I asked a good kaki to drive her n give me an assessment of her looks n figure. He said not bad n sent a few photos which he took. I did nothing.
TH then kept inviting me to go for lunch/dinner n she would pay for it. I said if I could find the time. I never accepted her offer. She was seeking approval and validation. I was always noncommittal. Must hv driven her crazy…
She was 19 in 2012, must be around 22-23 when she came back. Her value had declined.
I hv learned a lot from my encounters w/ TH. I had spent a grand total of perhaps $400 plus a dinner n a movie ticket for her when she was first here in 2012. I turned the tables on her and she was chasing me on her second tour here.
Her quote is insightful: “而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你 结果她却动了心.” She was right!! She used to ridicule my diminutive height and my parsimony. Oh, I forgot, in 2014 she said she would never, ever want to hv me as her BF after I refused to give her loan. But I remained totally relaxed and non-reactive. She must be shocked because most men would become angry and defensive. From then onwards she knew she had made a grave error for not accepting my reasonable offer of X$ a month the first time. I didn’t give her a penny. I know she couldn’t wait to fuck me when she returned a yr later.
Every encounter is a learning experience.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB, noted with thanks.
Originally Posted by
Great thread by bro WB, hope to comment more too.
Have a good week ahead.
Originally Posted by
Made my day too.
Thanks Bro WB for an excellent thread, really learnt a lot here.
Bros, thanks.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Hi new to this thread. Recently been watching a lot of you tube videos about game. I would recomend alpha male strategies as a good channel. Also rollo tomassi the author of the rational male, has very good insights into womens behavior when it comes to relationships. Comes from an evolutionary psyc perspective. Just sharing info.
Originally Posted by
Now is 2019. No more simping. We gona take the game back bros.
Hi bro, tks.
You’re right!
Could you give a brief summary of what you hv learned from watching these videos and reading Tomassi’s articles and books? Any insights?
BTW, simping is a term mostly used by African Americans.
Originally Posted by
Below is a past forum that I re-quote just for comments.
All women will mind how they look and cannot accept criticism. Women had been trying to imrove their look since day 1. No wonder women businesses thrived and all booming.
Women had been a largest consumers and love to shop. In any place, any time, any events they want to look the best. They will spent money just to look good, feel good and compete good.
Thank bro WB for posting such a great forum
Hope to be able to comment more in future.
Bro, tks so much.
The re-quote is worth reading a few times.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
You make my day.
Yes, most girls will like handsome men but like is not love. The girls only want to have handsome men but r/s dun ends there and life goes on.
If the handsome man dun know how to keep the r/s going by giving PVOs or playing around then everything can end.
Hope my comment is correct?
Thank you so much.
Bro, tks.
You’re right!
BTW, the singer TH returned to SG as a singer again, over 3 1/2 yrs ago. At a bigger joint. She texted me saying that she would be happy to accept X$ a month for BY and I could fuck her as many times as I wanted. I didn’t say yes or no.
A few wks later, TH wanted to move to a new place. I asked a good kaki to drive her n give me an assessment of her looks n figure. He said not bad n sent a few photos which he took. I did nothing.
TH then kept inviting me to go for lunch/dinner n she would pay for it. I said if I could find the time. I never accepted her offer. She was seeking approval and validation. I was always noncommittal. Must hv driven her crazy…
She was 19 in 2012, must be around 22-23 when she came back. Her value had declined.
I hv learned a lot from my encounters w/ TH. I had spent a grand total of perhaps $400 plus a dinner n a movie ticket for her when she was first here in 2012. I turned the tables on her and she was chasing me on her second tour here.
Her quote is insightful: “而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你 结果她却动了心.” She was right!! She used to ridicule my diminutive height and my parsimony. Oh, I forgot, in 2014 she said she would never, ever want to hv me as her BF after I refused to give her loan. But I remained totally relaxed and non-reactive. She must be shocked because most men would become angry and defensive. From then onwards she knew she had made a grave error for not accepting my reasonable offer of X$ a month the first time. I didn’t give her a penny. I know she couldn’t wait to fuck me when she returned a yr later.
Every encounter is a learning experience.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB, noted with thanks.
Originally Posted by
Great thread by bro WB, hope to comment more too.
Have a good week ahead.
Originally Posted by
Made my day too.
Thanks Bro WB for an excellent thread, really learnt a lot here.
Bros, thanks.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Awesome good thread, thanks bro WB.
Have a good day!
Tks, bro.
Good morning!
I’ll hv more time for outings in the next 10-12 days because my two full-time LPs are leaving for CNY tmr.
I’m inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints (mostly PRC girls/women):
First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a very light drinker, and 2) willing to smoke outside the room.
Second-hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty girls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.
The two types of joints I go most often:
Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.
I do go to SH at these joints occasionally. SH booking at Dynasty is now $300, BUT you could always negotiate and many gals will accept $200. Still $200 at China Doll and Jade.
There is a cheap alternative for HH and SH too. Just go and sit in the hall at these joints. I can book a gal or get gals to butterfly or get a singer to sit w/ you. How could you lose?
Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking starting at $300. Some gals may want $500! But biz is bad n you can always negotiate. If I hv balance, the expense per pax is as low as $70!
I do go to other joints infrequently. I’m open to suggestions.
There is a plan B which is FOC. Just touring the PC joints and looking at every gal. Get ctc of the gals you like for follow up. Bros are welcomed to join me.
For SH, I usually leave early n I don’t drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?
For high-end joints, I like to keep a new bottle for as long as possible. Sometimes many months! I tip the mummy generously, n in return, she will get the room charge reduced to a token. It’s a win-win-win-win situation. Obviously good for us, the mummies n the gals. It’s also good for the joints. Why? More customers beget more attractive gals which in turn beget more customers…
Peace Centre joints hv the most number of women for viewing at HH. Whereas better-looking ones may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though. The quality of girls/women at PC and Lido/P8 has been quite atrocious. But rare surprises do happen if you go often enough.
There is a plan C now: HFJs. Sitting in the hall is very cheap. And you’re not obligated to hang a penny. I usually go to a specific joint when I hv info about a particular SYT who may be my type of pussy. But photos and videos can be deceiving and I’ve been greatly disappointed. In that case, I’ll just get up n leave after 10 min. BTW, I hv a unique approach to singers for ST. I never pay and hope, unlike many patrons. No BY of singers for me. It has been a very long time since I met a singer who is my type of chio SYT. I may hv to adapt to the new reality n accept one w/ minor plastic surgery and who is not exactly an SYT.
PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your preference, option 1, 2, plan B or C or all four.
There is a plan D: Import girls of your type directly from the source. Maybe the only option left. That is another story.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Awesome good thread, thanks bro WB.
Have a good day!
Tks, bro.
Good morning!
I’ll hv more time for outings in the next 10-12 days because my two full-time LPs are leaving for CNY tmr.
I’m inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints (mostly PRC girls/women):
First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a very light drinker, and 2) willing to smoke outside the room.
Second-hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty girls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.
The two types of joints I go most often:
Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.
I do go to SH at these joints occasionally. SH booking at Dynasty is now $300, BUT you could always negotiate and many gals will accept $200. Still $200 at China Doll and Jade.
There is a cheap alternative for HH and SH too. Just go and sit in the hall at these joints. I can book a gal or get gals to butterfly or get a singer to sit w/ you. How could you lose?
Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking starting at $300. Some gals may want $500! But biz is bad n you can always negotiate. If I hv balance, the expense per pax is as low as $70!
I do go to other joints infrequently. I’m open to suggestions.
There is a plan B which is FOC. Just touring the PC joints and looking at every gal. Get ctc of the gals you like for follow up. Bros are welcomed to join me.
For SH, I usually leave early n I don’t drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?
For high-end joints, I like to keep a new bottle for as long as possible. Sometimes many months! I tip the mummy generously, n in return, she will get the room charge reduced to a token. It’s a win-win-win-win situation. Obviously good for us, the mummies n the gals. It’s also good for the joints. Why? More customers beget more attractive gals which in turn beget more customers…
Peace Centre joints hv the most number of women for viewing at HH. Whereas better-looking ones may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though. The quality of girls/women at PC and Lido/P8 has been quite atrocious. But rare surprises do happen if you go often enough.
There is a plan C now: HFJs. Sitting in the hall is very cheap. And you’re not obligated to hang a penny. I usually go to a specific joint when I hv info about a particular SYT who may be my type of pussy. But photos and videos can be deceiving and I’ve been greatly disappointed. In that case, I’ll just get up n leave after 10 min. BTW, I hv a unique approach to singers for ST. I never pay and hope, unlike many patrons. No BY of singers for me. It has been a very long time since I met a singer who is my type of chio SYT. I may hv to adapt to the new reality n accept one w/ minor plastic surgery and who is not exactly an SYT.
PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your preference, option 1, 2, plan B or C or all four.
There is a plan D: Import girls of your type directly from the source. Maybe the only option left. That is another story.
Bro WB
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Very well researched an written forum below.
Nothing more intense than PVOs although clitorial orgasms are also important.
Like the way you wrote the sentence
“In other words, clitoral O n vaginal O using fingers/vibrator is only an appetizer, NOT the main course. Giving other types of O for a full hour is not satisfying. Only PVO is truly continuous n 10-15 minutes is enough. The reason is the optimal mix of dopamine, oxytocin n endorphins…and they don’t get moody due to dopamine withdrawal, unlike after other types of O.”
Hope I can do more myself and learn to give my gf more PVOs.
Have a great day.
Bro, tks.
Of course, you can. Mutual sexual satisfaction is the glue which keeps a man and a woman together.
Originally Posted by
Bro WB,
In 2014 you booked 3 gals and how much you paid per gal? In 2019 yesterday you mentioned HH booking was $150.
Very detailed and you definitely had enjoyed yourself since 2014 or earlier till today.
Hope I can master a bit of your lifestyle.
Bro, tks.
The joint in 2014 was Las Legas 5th floor. Booking a girl for HH at that time was $150. So I paid each girl $150. Some girls might want $200.
In 2014, HH booking for a girl at Dynasty and PC joints was $100. It’s now $150.
Originally Posted by
Bro, agreed that as woman aged their market value decline!
Yes, bro.
Men age like fine wine and women age like beer.
Originally Posted by
Hi bro wb in thailand now. So sorry for the late reply. Rollo tomassi looks at things from an evolutionary perspective. So he says that gals will go for the high status alpha for sex because of good genetics. But very often they will settle for the beta provisioner type to be in a relationship. As they know that the provider type is a more stable and wont desert them. So basically aloha fucks and beta bucks. Alpha seed and beta need. He also says that women love opportunistically while men love idealistically. Hence, a woman will never be able to love a man like how we want to be loved. As for ams he teaches mostly on flings not relationships. He says never validate a women. Never give them your non sexual attention. That way she will chase your validation. Simps is a term a see around you tube means weak men who do shit for women.
Bro, tks for your insights. You must be enjoying yourself a lot in Thailand.
I like to modify Tomassi’s assertion a bit. I believe that most women love opportunistically and most men love idealistically. But there are many exceptions.
Never validate a girl/woman completely. Whether you hv been with her 30 minutes or 30 years.
Originally Posted by
Wish to master a bit of bro WB’s lifestyle too.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by
Very well researched indeed.
Thanks Bro WB for this awesome thread, many things to learn here.
Originally Posted by
Fully agreed with the statement!
Happy weekend.
Bros, thanks!
Originally Posted by
Bro WB
Yes totally agree with this observation..
it is probably subconscious..once you habour those negative thoughts - less sexual value and not deserved..
So ..you need to have personal mastery and be in control..and feel and show that she need you for her sexual pleasure….and she is sexually and emotionally addicted to you..
Bro, tks.
Yes, a man must always believe that he has higher social n sexual value than his girl for his relationship to succeed.
You may like or love your dream girl, but you don’t need her. If you need her, you will become needy and insecure. That is the kiss of death for the RS.
Originally Posted by
nice post, bro warbird. I am definitely not in the league to BY so seldom read this thread. But the PVO stuff is definitely interesting. I have a Thai fling who I think is addicted. She cums quite easily with rough play but I noticed everytime she cums, she would want to push me down and start riding me again. Not that kind of fast paced riding that started our sex but slow grinding on the hard cock. I think she just needs it to fulfil her next orgasm. So I have to make sure to keep it hard and don’t release b4 she gets her sexual high
Bro, tks.
A series of flings is great!
Originally Posted by
Enjoy yourself bro!
Originally Posted by
Totally agree with the observation too.
Thanks Bro WB for a fantastic thread, best in SBF!
Originally Posted by
I have a Thai FB who is the same too, want to cum a few times per session.
Originally Posted by
Happened to chance upon this great thread, thanks bro WB!!
Bros, thanks.
Have a great weekend to everyone!
Bro WB